Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 243: The Amethyst Team's Celebration Victory (2)

That, out the window... dark?

I woke up in bed. I was just a little confused, blurry and looking out at the view. Normally the room was dark and downlights dyed even though I was awake at dawn.

While floating the question mark, I notice another strange thing. My head was on the soft one, and someone stroked my forehead.

Who the hell is this?

Looking up at him with that in mind, his blue sky eyes and gaze matched and he blinked. Lightly pigmented skin and brightly colored blonde hair. Eyes that remind me of a well sunny sky repeatedly blink as I gaze at them.

"Mmm... Shirley?

Were you knee pillows at some point? Her face, which turned upside down, grinned and her lips moved to say good morning.

I returned my greetings in the same way, although not at all "good morning" time.

From behind, the sound of stretching clothes rubbing and the sound of a loud stretch called kuuuuuuuuuuu. Apparently, your other companion, Uridra the Magic Dragon, is awake as well.

Yes, I picked them up tonight, even at times like this, to invite them as a celebration.

But when you're getting your head on your soft thighs and you're stroking your hair... depression and your head make you feel drowsy. Slippery skin is touching her cheeks and her face is calm like a restful night.

Both the gentle slap on the chest with the pong, and that look that peeks in with joy, carries the thought into the world of dreams...... whoa, why not.

"Kuah...... Huh! Well, that was very dangerous. Only when it comes to sleep, this strong man was taken by the balls."

When I told her like I surrendered, she showed me her pearlescent teeth and laughed at me if that was ridiculous. The giggle of dullness is like a little bird, sounding comfortable to my ears.

"... eh, laughter?

When I come up with the question mark again, I'm like, "What?" Her eyes will be round, as I say. The look is also darker than usual - it doesn't look very clear.

The Magic Dragon, waking himself out of bed in his sleep, called out as he now remembered.

"It's not my fault. Shirley gained the power of the Third Hierarchy Lord."

A woman's voice was thrown from behind, in a mixture of kuah and tenacity. She is the Magic Dragon Ulidra, and tonight she is not the black cat, but the main body - and she is just one of the dragon nuclei, apparently - but it was.

"Let's have no choice. I thought you said you couldn't go into the store looking like a cat. Enjoy cooking with these eyes and tongues."

"That's not what I decided. Speaking of which, Adom, the Third Hierarchy Lord, was the last one to hand you something."

Particles of light sucked into Shirley's palm. Is that the "power of the Third Hierarchy Lord"? I don't know what kind of power it is, but I'm pretty sure she's clearer.

"Um, Shirley was allowed to get a little closer to people"

The sound of clothes rubbing that can be heard will be the sound of clothes tucked together. Listen to Uridora as she is stroked through her forehead from her quiet fingertips.

"It's funny with the world of God. If it's a small wish, it'll come true. Shirley there takes two steps and steps into God's world. Fu, fu, I don't know if I can make my wish come true on my own, but my friends are strangers."

The drowsiness blew up beautifully in the words.

No, no, of course, it's been decided among us that the weirdest one is Uridora, but he's becoming a god. Because?

Looking up again, Shirley tilted her little neck like she was in trouble, and then she nodded small. I'm sure she'd be happy with the look on her cheeks slightly reddened and with a small grin.

If you do say that, I think if you reach out, you can also touch it.

Shirley, coming close to me with a forehead, might have thought the same thing. A thin pigmented fingertip pinched my cheek. Instead, being picked cheeks from the left and right, and the fact that the opponent is a newcomer, even though he is a god - feels so strange.

Yeah, maybe just a little different from people if you look closely. When you touch glossy hair, the little phosphorescent light shakes like a Shizukuishi.

Hmm, this is interesting. I really wonder if this is the Gangdong District. It's like a fantasy world just came to my room.

If I touched my hair and played with it, at some point my blue sky eyes would shake to the left and right like I was in trouble, and my pop and cheeks would stain red.

Shit, I think I'm just getting a little on track. Looking up as she reflected, she glanced at herself only slightly.

"Uh... congrats, should I say? It's been a long time, but no one will ever call you Reaper."

The redness on her cheeks increased even further, and she softened her nostrils as she was troubled. He wants to hide his face in the Reaper mask, as usual, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to exist in this world.

Covering both hands with a quiet hand, it turned red to its fingertips.

"So, can we have normal cooking tonight?

She nodded as she hid her face.

If it had been before, it would have possessed me and absorbed my nutrition. I'm glad that conveys her emotions, but I can't see the look on her face when she eats something delicious.

"You were making me laugh earlier. Can we even talk for a second?

I can't - she shakes her face to the left and right like I said.

I feel that the current reaction is close to "embarrassing and impossible," but should I not worry too much about it?

"Then again... welcome to Japan full of entertainment, peace, food and culture, Mr. Shirley"

Peeping into the blue sky eyes from the gap in his fingers, Second Hierarchy Lord Shirley smiled at me on his lips. No, no way, I can't believe this cute lady was killing bangers.

Now, look at Shirley, who arranges his clothes by the Magic Dragon, and think about his upcoming plans.

I'm meeting Tetsu in front of the station, so I'm going to be traveling with Marie, Uridora, Shirley, Kaoruko, and my total of five.

Given the parking lot, a taxi would be cheaper than leaving the car. But in terms of number of people, it doesn't fit alone.

Troubled, for example, Uridora, who finished making clothes, spoke to me. Whoa, making a dress modern is a big deal. You can walk outside with this... No, you look like a flower, so will you get attention from everyone?

"North Se, where is Marie?

"Yeah, I'm going to Kaoruko-san's house to pick up the tablet you were asking for. I just contacted you on SNS, so I think it's about time you came back."

"Oh, yeah, that's it. That's it. Without that one, it would be lacking in excitement."

They'll tell me later why I need a tablet. More than that, I noticed how I could get a cab done, and I spoke to the woman who was checking her dress in front of the mirror.

"Shirley, I wonder if I could be possessed like before"

Leave it to me, and the two Shirleys pointed me in a cute gutsy pose to go with the mirror.

Yeah, that's going to be the number of people that can fit in a single cab.

"Shall I ask you, then? I wonder if it feels like possession from the back side like before...... is that different?

Guru pulled his hips and leaned over to the side of the bed.

Yeah, well, they used to fly in because they looked more ghostly, but now they're looking closer to people.

Unlike the rest of the world, I have about half the length of my head. I guess it's the impact that changes your impression. Cuteness and endangerment live together, and I get worried about them.

Apparently, burying that back length was what the bed did. Shirley kept her body from behind, picking my shoulder.

We blushed our cheeks in alignment with the lumpy weight and the feeling of clinging to our arms and being pushed against our backs.

That's it, isn't this a regular mange?

What do you mean? Looking back, her face, which was really right around the corner, turned into a screaming look. It's not! I dyed my cheeks red when I said so, and I feel her body temperature creeping up on my back.

For some reason, he caught a single frown and Uridra, with a weird face, exhaled in a frightened breath.

"Hmm, is that what this is all about? Really bruised."

It's not -! As I will illustrate, Shirley's arm stretches from left to right of my head and starts to shake left to right at tremendous speed.

Hey, hey! I'm even shaking what's touching my back! Wait, wait, once you calm down! Wow, Shirley is hot! Thermal runoff!?

The panicked former hierarchy lord grunted his eyes and screamed voiceless.

No, really, no one's going to think you're a reaper looking at this. I thought it was really noisy.

Shall we hire two taxis to head to Jinye Town at night, then?

Apparently, tonight's celebration is going to be busy. With that in mind, we left the room behind.

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