Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 238: Mr. Elf and Cinema Weekend ①

I feel the fall deepen day by day.

When I wake up in the morning, the air is soaking up. Morning tranquillity has increased, and I can tell that the winter visit is near.

It's late October, and in another two weeks, we're going into winter. There were also forecasts that it would be colder than usual.

I'm not very good at cold. I lived in the Tohoku region for about a few years, but ended up returning to Tokyo without getting used to it.

Although it's a bad season, but things are apparently different this year. There's another cohabitant in the futon, and his temperature comes from the skin he touches. So warm that this is going to be another habit.

When the morning sun over the curtain plugs in, its straight, white hair adds radiance. The lashes are long and the lips are vibrant for the cracking of the face that leaves you young.

My skin seems so clear that I can see it, and I feel that even my hair, which has fallen from scratch, is beautiful. She's a woman who somehow just touches her sleep and feels like she's gaining.

And as long ears peeking from the futon show, she's not human. He is a half fairy elf tribe and his name is Mariabel.

It's just hard to explain why we live together like this. It is good to say that we have circled with some miracles and each other's favors have created the present relationship.

And what I find interesting about living with her is that she's living days away from things like money, status, fame, etc. That's probably overflowing with everyday fun stuff, and I can't afford to make money.

I think so, fingering my long ears.

Hairy ears tremble slightly when touched. Then he exhales one breath from his colored lips, and his eyes slowly open as if they were purple crystals (amethysts).

When I bathe in the morning sun and my eyes open with a glow, I am set and delighted. It looks like bright flowers have blossomed, and whoever sees it can know it's a half fairy.

Such fun is probably already known to her. So look at me with your transparent eyes and smile at me more.

He detaches his jaw and gently protrudes his lips. I can't believe it's a wake-up kiss. He said he used to blush, but now it's no different than saying hello.

As she brings her face closer as she is invited, Mariabelle puts her little finger on her shoulder. Wrapped in her girly scent, she can soon touch it from her moist, wet lips. She may be fine, but this one makes my chest pound. We need to make sure that all this is not understood.

However, her expression changes dramatically when the chirping "Nya-ya-yay" sounds from just around the corner. Mariabelle opens her eyes properly as she sucks from her lips. And his panicked emotion-transmitting eyes were directed toward the black cat who rounded his tail to the bedside. She is still a kitten and has a small body, but a matte hairy face, and a beautiful face.

Go over there, the girl complains with her eyes.

Please don't hesitate. The black cat rings one, and walks over with a hinge.

Their offense never runs out every day, and I think it's strange as far as I'm concerned. Actually, this black cat, who he is, is the demon of the Magic Dragon. And there was no such thing as being unfriendly, but also being close to each other like friends, sisters, or parents and children.

Apparently, the Magic Dragon lived thousands of years. But the dragon is full of pranks and tea. He dived in between me and her, and looked up with a glue and a trembling throat.

Come on, go on, please. As I said, the kitten rang.

"Ugh! That morning wasn't ruined! I'll do this for you, you son of a bitch!

Slightly, her cheeks were reddened and Mariabel raised her roots. He immediately lifted up the black cat and began to stroke his stomach. And the user demon narrows his eyes to laugh again, slapping the elf's hand with his front leg.

What a busy morning not to fall. But it is the morning when I smile, and I get out of bed remembering how good I feel.

The hustle and bustle as usual, I'm actually probably glad. It can actually be since I met them that I liked something called home. So I guess I don't really feel like I've been disturbed.

"Which do you prefer for breakfast, western or Japanese?

"Oh, I'll help, too. Something you made me good at cooking even though I'm a spiritual sorcerer because of you. And don't forget the hemming from the world of dreams."

Whoa, yeah.

Returns a curly heel to the voice from the girl. Then on the table near the bed, for some reason, a small pot is placed properly. When I opened the lid, I saw two fish, and a large leaf laid on the bottom.

It looks like this, and I'm just a little bit different.

You are allowed to visit different worlds while you sleep. Thanks to the women who meet so many people there and even the ancient labyrinth will be remodeled and transformed into a playground, it will thus be on the hem this morning.

Getting to and from each other's worlds can be done by feeling comfortable sleeping, as we did earlier, or by dying. I don't really want to taste the latter.

And then there's the rule that we can only carry food and beverages, and we enjoy living with those little constraints.

He was supposed to be chasing a black cat, Mr. Elf, but he seemed to be on his head at some point. If I blow it out, I'm sure they'll stare at me, so as far as I'm concerned, I can only ask you if you want to reach out and cook with me.

Shall we cook the green vegetables? Fish is baked in salt. Let the tea leaves from Alirai come out of the water and enjoy a refreshing taste.

Mariabelle's mood also rises when she consults the dedication maneuver. We had a warm, pleasant morning in the fall.

A black cat sticks her face in a tea bowl and eats once and heartlessly.

Fish that can be taken in the second tier hall is well fattened and has a low odor because it only eats algae. Above all, the freshness cannot be compared to that of the supermarket because of the freshness obtained. Simply sprinkle the salt and cook, and the fragrance, crispness and feeling of the skin is going to become a habit.

It's just an ancient labyrinth in the fantasy world, and eating it normally in a condo might be a little uncomfortable.

Instead, cooked rice with green vegetables, kelp and semi-ripe eggs, miso soup, etc. are from Japan without any sesame, and even the tongue fattening half fairy elves eat "yummy and delicious".

"I feel energized when I eat white rice. It's good on the teeth, it's sweet if you chew it, and if you uncle it, you'll change the quality of the flavor, right? I think Japanese people are really changing in their quest for both flavor and nutrition."

Even though they are half fairy elves like this, they still have a very high reputation for Japan. While enjoying things like eating, traveling, and entertainment, it is becoming biased towards the Japanese snoring side.

I think the fantasy world is great. [M] I always look forward to it though, so I keep thinking, "I want to entertain you more," etc.

"But good for you, the third tier offense ended early. Thanks to you, I feel like I got a whole Sunday."

"I was originally planning to stay. I couldn't even go back to the hall without Uridora."

I shook my ears perfectly, but he wants to concentrate on his meal. She keeps eating without even showing her face. I don't really have a good meal like this for a cat, but in her case, I'm a user demon, so it's fine.

It was not only the hierarchical main offense that ended well with that, but also the war. I originally assumed a long battle, but unexpectedly or unexpectedly, they Demon Army stopped invading in about half a day and just moved south.

Although we were too busy with this, we wanted to go back to Japan right away, so we'll keep it until tonight to hear more about the situation.

Another battle between the Magic Dragon and the Tenryu was also fought in the back. Actually, I'm pretty sure this was the biggest fight ever. Whatever it takes, it's a one-horse fight between the legendary dragons.

They'll tell me that at launch again, too, but I'm really looking forward to it. Film lover Uridora is beginning to elaborate on something called video magic these days. So you can admire the battle of legends with immersion. Um, I can't wait.

"Now, what shall we do in the meantime? Marie, is there somewhere you'd like to go?

"Uh, yeah. I think you can borrow a library book and enjoy reading. Prepare some tea and sweets, and when you're tired, take a bath full of bath detergent."

I see, I worked a lot in the dream world yesterday, and do you have a hand in taking your time?

"I thought I'd invite you to the cinema, but that sounds good too. Then take your time in your room today..."

While talking, my arm was still gripped. [M] When I see it, there's a girl's fingertips grabbed, and she's staring at me from her light purple eyes.

Soft looking lips opened as he was beaten from his tongue and fingertips.

"Wait, I wonder what a cinema is. 'Cause the movie must be something to watch slowly at home, right?

"Yeah, a lot of households like that nowadays, but there were times when movies were normal to see in cinemas. Because it's a dedicated facility, the screen is huge, and the sound is solid, so I think I can enjoy the movie."

I don't really recommend this one, although it can be seen in 3D, chairs move, wind and water droplets. It's not a noisy environment where you can enjoy movies much.

Both Mr. Elf and Mr. Black Cat have sparkled their eyes, even though I explained so.

"Ri, I wonder what it looks like in 3D. No way. Do you have a sense of proximity, or do you really look like you're there?

"Nah, nah, nah?

"Yeah, Uridora doesn't know what she's talking about. And I'm still developing, so I don't know how satisfied I am. Oh, by the way, cats aren't allowed in the cinema."

The moment I told you so, Hushah! And I'm surprised when it rings.

Surprised, I've never heard such a voice before.

"Uh, of course, you don't mind picking up Uridora to your dreams, but you're busy today, right?

He showed an attitude of "I'm perfectly fine" with a firm face.

That's crazy. I heard you would prepare ingredients to treat the injured over there or to do the launch. I wonder if he also said he would educate you about setting up the venue and the new employees coming to it. I haven't heard the details, but who the hell are they?

They spend an entire day or so treating the injured, and then they celebrate. So I guess I'll be busy working tomorrow Monday. [M] In dreams.

With that in mind, Marie's finger was placed on the kitten's head.

"Uridra, don't lie to me. We're going to the cinema, so leave a proper message."

To that one word, the black cat looks back with tremendous momentum. It's like "You betrayed me!? I said," Maybe that's what he was actually saying. Running around the Nyanaguru chair, but Mr. Elf has a strange face without me involved.

"You won't have a choice. You're a cat. It's also important to learn the rules of human society...... oh, this tickles me! Please don't break out on your knees!

Already, he swells his cheeks and Mr. Elf lifts the black cat. Nah, it rang from the front, and the look blew out small to see if it was funny. Then the light purple eyes pointed this way.

The girl is a lot of a cat lover, so she's probably weaker than the usual Uridora would ask.

"Shall I pick you up then? Is Marie waiting here?

"Yeah, I'll try to have a nap with you once in a while"

That's what they answered from across the kitten in Banzai's outfit.

As a way to spend the weekend, I don't even feel wrong to enjoy sleeping with her twice. I just don't think it would be bad for me to shut the curtains together and laugh at you in a good mood.

Lifting the freshly prepared futon, Mariabel slips herself into it. Then he turned his big eyes this way and reached for them.

She is very well held and conveys her silky skin deliberately and kitten-like weight. I put my head on my arm, which I offered, and in the futon, my legs got tangled.

Then when I get hugged around my neck, I get the same sense of distance as usual.

"I wonder if you know. Eat, sleep, and you'll be a cow."

"I guess Marie's closer to sheep than a cow."

While answering that, I also touch the pajamas I rubbed. He wandered around tickling, shaking his body when he stopped stroking his back.

"Rumors could be true, right? Your face looks just like a cow."

"I think Marie's face is asleep."

After eating, albeit sleeping twice. The blood travels heavily to digest, and in the meantime the body begs to relax.

In a muddy futon, even if you whisper like this, the blink in your eyes slows down.

Word count decreases, and Marie's body gradually loses power.

And the closed eyes did not open, but instead sounded a pleasant sleep.

Maybe I expected a match around the time.

Uridra, the black cat, dived into the futon. He goes around and puts his weight at my feet. [M]

If I get caught in drowsiness from two people like this, I don't like people who don't get sleepy. If he is, he must be losing his life.

What, lunch is the time to enjoy your rest.

I breathed softly, wrapped in a warm and comfortable sleep, and I decided to enjoy my sleep too.

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