Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 234: Fighting the Third Hierarchy Lord ⑥

Well, on my walkaway battlefield, there's been a slight change.

That's what Diamond Squad ruler (Master) Pselli has done to regain his sanity.

The riding demon who woke himself up from the ground, Azaghul, has about half his double eyed crushed by arrows. The arrows still remained stabbed, and three women were visible at the end of their obnoxious sight.

A winged healer (healer), horseback riding with a slightly curved spear, and a dark-elf-like long-eared daughter.

"So come on - I think Pselli should be allowed some more accommodation. I know what it's like to worry about us, and I'm a good master."

Yes, walking ahead, says Dark Elf's daughter.

What would be the reason to settle down so far before the demons of level 119 as well? The demon turns his right arm into a spear while repairing a crack in his body.

Until now, they were targeting the highest level, Pseli, but the more numbers they have, the more troublesome they feel. There are about two people who come running down the meadow from afar, and the sniping from the tower that has been going on since earlier is troublesome.

Azacul, who looked around and understood the situation, ran a black horse with no immediate neck.

He protrudes the spear of his right arm, splitting his left hand into five swords, the highest speed in the first few steps. The sound of doodoo and hooves approached the dark elves who stood on the spot without escaping.

"Stay with me, courage (Valkyrie)......!

Spirit of Courage, Valkyrie.

It raises white smoke from brown skin and increases body temperature to such an extent that it is likely to set fire to it. The muscles of the forged body increased even more density, but the devil struck to crush it.

Hiru, there is one sound.

Noticing that his brown hand touched his horse's body, he flashed his sword immediately. Despite five slashes, he was surprised that a dark elf had landed right in front of him. He made his body and ideally showed it with his sword in the air.

".................. ugh!!

In a moment of surprise, shudder! and was slashed with a short knife, and another double-eyed cut in a cross shape.

Wave the sword. He gets pushed and slaps his knee in the face.

Swing the spear. He swung through his armpit and circled around behind his back.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!"

Not only is it quick, but it's terribly good. Looks like he's wielding a big sword against a little squirrel.

Run the meadow at a fierce rate to shake off the dark elves without a choice, slashing behind the bullshit. Originally, there are no blind spots due to double eyesight, but the arrows crushed it earlier and it is troublesome.

But I slashed him without a gap, so he's probably already off the horse.

When I was thinking about it, I noticed things flying through the cucumbers. Ha, looking up at you, there was an axe approaching from the night sky at a fierce rate.

Dozn 't go to the wrong place! and pierce the meadow at your feet and notice an arm with that pattern. I rode a spinning axe, and there was a barbarian woman who came.

"Ha-ha-ha! Come on, big tsunami (Big Wave)!

He has muscularly swelled up his barbarian-style armor, opening up his skills (skills) with a masculine grin. Shockwave to the side of the horse body and the orbit is shifted to a large extent to the side.

But the stiffness is something else.

"Oh no, you were the toko that hit me!

Right behind my back, that's what I heard.

Not while I was stunned that you were still on it. On the march of the horse stands a woman who shines her sword.

The hair is blue, and there is a large curly angle peeking into it that can be seen as a demon tribe. Is it also a magic boost effect on the gems you put on your body, through which Bacilli and Thunderlight ran the blade tip?

"So why don't you be there soon, Eve?

Sounds similar to chirping chirping, all of the blade, and the eyes glow.

Being an assistant captain, she is an extremely pure demon swordsman. Concentrate your magic on your sword and defeat your enemies. It's all about skill (skill).

Earlier tsunamis (Big Wave) were meant to re-orbit her. I realized that, to the looming sight of it - the devil barked.

"Oooh...... ugh! Industry flame nari demon no punishment (avis decimate)!!

Stepping on the ground with his hooves more and more, the power of destruction blew all around him.

The demonic realm that exists at the bottom of the far earth. Its power, called through the gate (gate), becomes a black ripple, it does not rise, and it fills the hole with a ten meter radius. The darkness of nothingness devoured existence itself.

As Ooh and the atmosphere tremble, the runaway demon slows down loosely. Then I flipped the horse body around to confirm the body.

Then there's, "Oops, you're late," "Darsha's legs are fat," and "Thick doesn't matter! There was a conversation where I interacted with," etc.

On the forehead with the blood vessels floating, zasu! and an arrow pierces me once in a while.

This one pisses me off, too. Using narrow vision, if you're caught off guard, you'll get a few punches in.

It seems to have a demonic stone on the tip, but there is no damage due to anti-magic (anti-magic).

Yes, we haven't taken much damage yet.

They are powerless and have no effective offensive power.

That's why the demon Azaghul began walking the disease to regain his composure and sweep it away.

Let's split Merrimeri and the spear, wave the five swords that made him do it, and kill him with more aggression than he just did. And then the next thing I know, he runs up that intrusive tower and destroys it all from the inside out.

Interfering humans (Uld)! and so on and cursed, but that is a half mistake. Because nearly half of them are demons and some of them are descendants of the Divine family.

What you can call a human race is about the people of Ascendant on the other tower, the Axeman barbarians, and then the lady approaching from her left hand at a fierce rate.


Stand back, put up your spear, and Pseli pushes forward like an arrow.

Because he is taking off his helmet, his long hair is twisting backwards. Is it the eyes that are unusual? It's tempering, but it's holding the madness back brilliantly.

But why? Why are you attacking me at this time?

I thought she understood herself that she couldn't do more damage than this armor.

And that's when Dark Elf's daughter screamed.

"Psely!! The antimagic technique was behind my neck!

"I get it! My gorgeous spear judgment, let me show you."

Smile with dust and grace, accelerating the horse even further with temper.

But as a demon, I do even more confusion. Did that dark elf take a risk just to find out where the procedure was? No, no one among them specializes in witchcraft in the first place.

What the hell are you going to do, screaming in my heart but intercepting the knight of the black rose approaching from the side.

There are five swords released from the tentacles in total.

All its slaughter is powerful enough to cut it off, whether it be iron or not. I am also confident that when people are in line, I will cut each armor in a circle.

But the Lord (Master) Pseli is also a strong man.

Twist each body of the horse, let it slide on the shield and scatter a spark, not a single blink even if it cleaves cheeks and hair.

He exhaled a koo and a freezing breath - a blow that wore everything (Traverse Lance), and told him the name of the move.

What, and the spear penetrated by involving the cervical spine.

The tip pierces hard armor, twists and bends, and bright black blood overflows.

Indeed, as they aimed, the anti-sorcery scheme died. But the enormous regenerative power would make it almost fully healed in seconds of things.

What did they want to do?

The question I felt as I rushed through was also soon to be taught.

Behind my head, I hear an unpleasant noise.

It sounds terribly hard, like crushed diamonds. A few things sounded like oysters, oysters, and there the devil Azacul finally hacked.

No way, there's an arrow with a demon stone...!

- - Ki-doo ooh!!

An arrow with several piercings in his head burst in unison.

It was for this purpose that I solved the anti-magic (anti-magic). It's a simultaneous operation to detonate a demon arrow sealed with activation.

That was a brilliant blow, and the blue and white blast blew from chest to top, all cheering in unison.

"Hi-ha-ha! It feels good. Huh!

At last, the music of the leveling also rang, and even the always calm assistant captain rushed out toward the chief (master).

Watching it from afar, I blew it out in the middle of battle.

The end of the fight is as good as that flashy explosion.

The Hollywood movie explosion has long been ridiculed, but there's still a reason we're using that footage.

I guess the only thing that can produce a clear "end" without post-rot is a big bang.

Above all, it feels good to watch the girls make a scene, raise their hands and rejoice.

With that in mind, I waited for the flying hierarchy owner.

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