Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 231: Fighting the Third Hierarchy Lord ③

"I'll retrieve the dishes."

With everyone resting thoughtfully, Eve the Dark Elf retrieves the wood dish. Likewise, all of the diamond squads shared the cleanup in combat gear rather than in their usual maids.

It's called a large area of about a hundred people, it's called the fluffy fragrance characteristic of a meal, and I think it's a large dining room somewhere. If it were a jock, I wonder if it would turn into a liquor store, not a dining room.

But this is an ancient labyrinth that no one has ever broken before, and there are signs of demons from it. I enjoyed the rest and snacks while fighting the Hierarchist.

I think their values have changed again after spending a long time together, even though portable foods that tasted dry and terrible were available before.

"Oh, it was delicious -. I can't wait for a sweet meal for a tired body like you. You were right about your lunch."

Mr. Elf, sitting next to him with that said, stretches out his hands and legs a lot.

She is probably the one whose values have changed the most. What an emphasis on efficiency in the first place we met, I feel like we were saving ourselves the waste.

Now he floats the Light Spirit to the ceiling like a chandelier, and he builds everyone's chair with the Stone Spirit to make us have a good time. I looked into the hall, remembering the happy change.

"But Eve has strength. I fought so sweaty, I'm not tired."

Leaking so, Mr. Elf, sitting next to him, nodded in the sense of "agree". He drinks a tea to soak up his mouth, and then turns to eyes that resemble purple crystals (amethysts).

"If I were a dark elf, I'd have had the strength."

"Um, maybe it's my fault, but if you're a dark elf, if you just read a book, you won't get your strength?

If so, he tilts his little neck and nods back silently, perhaps so. Her big eyes blinked with her pussy, and she looked slightly uncomfortable.

I guess, but in Marie's case, you're gonna be a luxurious, adorable dark elf, aren't you? Like enjoying a picture book wholeheartedly.

"If my legs are tired, shall I give them a massage? It might sound like a battle to come."

"What, fine, no. Because I was much more rested..."

We both know the girl doesn't have the strength, though, and we're refraining from fighting hierarchical lords from this. Marie, the spiritual magician, would be a great lifeline for us.

Showing her knees with you, she gives a guilty mixed look and puts one foot on as she exhales in a grumpy sigh.

The devil's costume Cartina, who was chewing the last dude, had turned her eyes as she licked her thumb chappily.

"Mmm, you can lean against my shoulder. Some thanks for sharing lunch. It's important to take a good break."

"Alas, say such a spoil to you. We'll have to get strength sometime. Let me sweeten your words, Cartina."

After a cup of tea, she nodded to Eagle Deep Fried. Today he is in the role of escorting Marie in place of Uridora and has more than enough ability as a shield.

Well, because you're an unusual person to follow the demonic costumes left over from antiquity perfectly and come with Don until the air war.

Take off her leather boots, then her bare feet peek. I smelled the sweat that was on me, and the girl's cheeks were stained red.

"Ya, I knew it! I'm embarrassed!"

"Never mind. It's okay. Because I can't take off my shoes without wearing my feet."

When I just took off the other leather shoe as well, he felt open, cold air on it, and he was leaking his breath out of his lips more.

Take the hand plush that was nearby, dampen it to water, and then slowly start wiping your bare feet.

The girl's shoulders trembled, tickling as she wiped her fingers and fingers, and then the sweat all over her legs.

"Then I'll push the bump, if it hurts, tell me."

"Already, I get it. It's strange that you're only so forceful at times like this."

Um, I wonder if it's forceful. Maybe I just wanted to give you a foot massage.

I push it with my thumb, all the way around the ground. A little wrinkle was carved between the elves brows, and if I let it go slowly, I was about to exhale.

"Ugh, it hurts, it feels good...!

I think foot massage is a little different.

Relax the stiff muscles and feel the twitching heat when you release them all the way. When it hurts, it feels good. The middle continues, and when I do, my blood circulation improves and my tiredness fades.

I think I'll rub it loose this time, too, a calf with a saggy feel.

"Yah, tickle...... uhh, it feels good! Oh no, my legs are pounding and weird already!

I don't know, watching Marie get bored, her cheek muscles nibble on her own. It's hard to keep your expression down, too, this.

But it seems true that I'm tired, and I have tension all over my legs. Slowly rubbing it loose, someone approached me.

She looks at Marie with her sleepy eyes and shows her strange face.

"Oh, sleepyhead, you're doing something unusual again. Now you're gonna make me look like a sleeping elf?

"Damn, is that what keeps you looking like that......! I will never lose! Oh, no, it feels good there, so stop it! Hey, whoa!

Well, it could actually be fun to have a sleepy face - so why am I acting like a bad guy?

I looked up and there was Mr. Doula with red hair, and behind him I could see everyone starting to get ready to leave.

"Oh, it's time. Shall we get ready?"

"You can stay put a little longer. I came close to making sure I had my hand checked right now. Zella, come here, too."

She sits down next to us inviting her future husband.

They noticed that, not the maid...... but all the diamond squads come by as well. When a wooden dish was wrapped nearby, it was immediately surrounded by a circle.

In this situation, he was just embarrassed about the foot massage, and the shittiness and Marie's barefoot escaped. Um, too bad.

Mr. Doula's steel eyes were pointed at the girl.

"Marie, I'm sorry, but will you show me what's going on in the third level hall again?

Before taking a break, Mariabel set up a "Tower Monitor (Prison Keeper)" to the present in the hall. This is a skill (skill) for monitoring in the area, and I put things to the test and they were very correct. Previously, I was disturbed by something exorcistic, but this time a light source that seemed fine and hierarchical was shown.

- Adom Zweihender

Yes, only the name is written down. Even a "tower watchman" who is supposed to spot characteristics and levels doesn't know any more.

Doula tapped a ton of fingers at the indication shown through the magic fixture.

"I'm pretty sure there's more than one body from the light sources drifting around. But somehow, the demons around me don't even have a name, not just a level."

"That's suspicious. I get a name, I don't get it. The criteria are vague. I don't know, you're pretty strong, aren't you?

Yes. Zella, the big man, leaks his thoughts as he strokes his jaw with a lump. He has an animal conjecture, which is easy to talk about without reason in such a setting. But Mr. Doula seems to be counting on it.

Couldn't stand the tingling air, Dark Elf's daughter raised her hands with a humorous move saying yes.

"Well, how about me and Cuz scouting with you? You won't get caught first, and we can find out what's out there."

"I will not tolerate such an order. At the end of the day, there's no way we can send them out into the hall where the doors are closed."

"Eh, tough. Pseli..."

Yes, their ruler (master), Mr. Puselli, pinched his mouth tightly.

Um, I think it's a good idea if I'm the only one who can get ahead. and so on and look up at the ceiling in the motion with Marie. Look, if they do, I'll just wake up in Japan.

But it will not be possible until it is known that it will be resurrected again and again.

But don't you admire the fact that you're on your way to the boss alone? I'd like to have a big sword, buzz my cloak, and then say "You made me wait" or some kind of meaningful dialogue. No, he actually said it when he was on an adventure alone, and the other guy said, "What?" but they looked at me.

Remembering the old days, etc., Mr. Doula spoke again to Marie, who would sit next to him.

"Marie, the Tears of the Reaper (Tanatos) you have can certainly seal only one magic, right? Can't you use that to activate a base building like the one before you?

"Sorry, I can't do that. There's only one thing that can be sealed in this. That's why it's not a good place to build a base for many spirits."

I see, it seems impossible to enter and deploy the formation immediately. Considering that, Marie may not be able to take advantage of the performance of the item. If he was a user of extensive witchcraft, the advantage of being able to activate instantaneously was enormous.

The gems removed from the nostalgia are slightly green mixed to a clear water color. The women were naturally leaking their sighs to the appearance of fantastic light shining around them due to complicated cuts.

But because of my mind, I don't feel I have any more hidden abilities. Whatever it is, it's a gift (a gift) from Shirley, the second tier lord.

Staring at the gem as she thought so, Marie turns around. He then narrowed his light purple eyes and gently placed his index finger against his lips.

Is Mr. Elf aware of his ability to hide?

I wonder what the hell kind of power you have. Um, don't worry about it. What are some ways to make use of an item that allows you to save only one magic?

When I was worried, the sound of Mr. Zella slapping her thighs with bread sounded.

"Well, you can't even start thinking about it. Let's hit the Hierarchist hall."

To his words, Doula nodded as he was lost.

The look on your face that you wanted to sharpen the risk as much as possible, but you certainly wouldn't know about your opponent's abilities, that and the demons that exist around you if you didn't step in.

When she stood up, she turned behind her back and told her that she had begun to leave.

An army of hundreds and hundreds of men are proceeding through the dark stretch of the Labyrinth Passage. I guess the conversation keeps decreasing because they're reading the air.

Having overcome the first and second tiers and completed even longer skill training, they can be described as fierce enough. So I sniff out the tingling air and change my mind to combat mode.

And we had a conversation that had absolutely nothing to do with the mode of combat.

"Eh, you're almost done over there!?

"You're lying, you weren't dealing with an ancient dragon on a huge scale!?

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. No opponent can lose. Mm, I don't think you believe that voice yet. Come on, let's send some evidence. '

What, sending evidence?

From beyond the mountain, the communication of Uridora the Magic Dragon was delivered to us. The content is surprising because it is a declaration of victory over an ancient dragon that can be described as legendary.

And the other thing, me and Marie are amazed. In front of me, the video appeared like a smartphone screen all the time.

Even if you open your mouth gently and marvel, Cartina walking beside you says,? He has the expression. "Is this information addressed only to us?

No, but the most amazing thing is that footage.

Marie breathed in the unbelievable wind and put her hands on her mouth.

That was like video distribution.

I can hear the vibrating noise of Dororo, Dororo aboard an airplane like fuselage. And there was a giant dragon over there doing intensive fire, screaming at heaven. Between Guio and Bark, too, comes down from that heaven a missile that stings. What is this?

"This is the proof. Explaining it with your mouth may not convey awesomeness, but the troublesome world of madness (blackout) is nullified by his use of the god... whoa, he's waving out the window too '

The camera's point of view changes to a window, and a man with fluorescent red hair does raise one hand - no way, but he is... husband!?

"I don't know, what is Uridora fighting?

"But don't you see? Together with my husband, you will leave my husband in pain."

Yeah, yes, I have no idea. Marie also saw a cocky snort, and the Magic Dragon swelled her cheeks. No, 'cause nobody's probably gonna know that by now's explanation, okay?

"Tsum, it's better now. Whoa, you should get it over with. We're not going to celebrate or travel domestically."

I changed my muggled face, and yes Uridora has told me. This one waves back, and the footage breaks off puffy as it is. After a while we moved our mouths instead of communicating (chatting).

"... you surprised me"

"I kind of feel like I missed a monster movie and lost it."

I blink with my pussy, and then Marie responds that way. It's the biggest friend I've ever worried about, though. The end of my mouth is smiling, looking like it's going to be all right.

"Well, what can you do about losing money later?

"I wonder what that means? 'Cause you missed the battle of the ancient dragons, didn't you?

"There's no way that Uridora hasn't made the recording. I'm sure you'll enjoy it during the celebration. I can't stop bragging, with Uridora."

Pfft, and Marie blew it out. Probably because it was too easy to imagine in real life.

Then he shook my hand with his usual habit and whispered, "Enjoy it."

Although only the Japanese unintelligible Cartina is decent, you wouldn't actually know by boulders that we're in the midst of an SF battle between ancient dragons.

Waving at nothing, we set foot at the bottom of the third tier.

That's how we got the biggest.

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