Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 217: Third tier offense resumes!

Overhead is covered in branches, sometimes in the early morning, and the surroundings are dim.

Just walking down a forest trail for a while, the more water droplets float in my coat, the more moisture the air contains.

This forest is sheltered by Shirley and rests badly during the night. People and animals alike can benefit from it, and I watch the glossy feathered mountain birds walk.

He removed the cover of his mouth and looked back and had light purple elf eyes. He was disturbing his breath a little bit because he wasn't used to walking down the undulating path, and he reached out to help but he shook his neck to the side.

"It's okay, never mind. Join us sooner than that."

The girl in her usual robe replies that way with her cane in both hands. She is an expert in witchcraft, magic, and spirits, and she lacks strength. But I nod back small because I have a personality that never says what I can't do.

"Shall I? Is Shirley okay, too?

Behind the elves is a woman covering the area of her eyes with an embroidered cloth. But he doesn't seem to have any trouble with his sight, and he nods silently when he turns this way. He is not disturbed by breath so much and walks in a way that doesn't make him feel weighty. Is it correct that you are pretending to be walking because you are a spiritual body by nature, though?

She usually prefers bright colored dresses, but she has a combination of a blue vest, a long-sleeved shirt, and a skirt to her extended hem knee, which seems to emphasize ease of movement.

Mariabelle catches up, so I walk out, too.

Boots smoke grassy nocturnal dew and are soaking wet. Moving on for a while, regardless, I heard someone talking. It belongs to some hard woman, and it sounds a lot farther away because it's a treble.

In this way, the speech may have already begun. As he hurried, he pointed his finger behind him and proceeded to the place where he had opened it.

A square is prepared so that it is surrounded by trees, close to the entrance to the third tier. Many were still fully armed and aligned on the grass shining in the morning sun.

Different pieces of equipment than before would be long spears that would fill the sky, and daggers and crossbows on the hips. After long collaborative training, they chose this kind of equipment.

Turn around and join him from the rear, but he was immediately turned away from a few.

He seems to be from Sandy Country and has a strong body that is often burned to the sun. They are the same Labyrinth Attack Squad and have lived together for over six months now.

And, they've been pointing forward with a mean laugh.

Oh, no. Doula and I have eyes on each other.

Standing at the roots of the Ogi, the Holy Knight - no, had been ranked (ranked up) by the Advanced Saint Knight - she speaks in a often resounding voice. But his face turned into something a little grumpy, and he invited us with his fingertips.

Wow, you mean come forward. I wonder if I'll get a little angry.

The big man next door, Zella, was nibbling at the end of his mouth for laughter. One glance at it, and with a good voice, the new offensive squad commander speaks out.

"... the fate of the Alirai nation will depend on our lives. Let's get rid of the Demon Army and push it over to the land. But now is the time. Open the Third Hierarchy and strip the Demon Army with ancient secrets left deep underground!

The three of us rush forward as we ask the people around us to clear the way. There are more than a hundred troops in the square, and upright immobilisation is never disrupted. But only a slight laugh resonates.

To break the sagging air, Doula breathes and fills the square with voices.

"Listen, warriors! This is a battle between demons and people, a jihad!

Is it also a temporary enhancement (buff) effect? The exhilarating voice had power, and it sounded like it shook my spine.

How oh! and the stone bump of an incalculable spear strikes the ground. It sounds like those who have completed a long period of collaborative training. It has trembling power from the bottom of the belly and feels the energy to be regarded.

"We fight, warriors! It's called a labyrinth that no one can attack, but I'm sure. If it's not us, we can't attack!

How much! And again, the ground trembles.

The temper of the warriors echoes in the woods and the wild birds fly in haste.

To be honest, we want to run away somewhere, too, which is where we are going forward - and so on, but it is difficult to be invited with our fingers by Doula, the commander.

Soon Marie was grabbing my sleeve, looking around like a little animal.

When we finally lined up in the front row, right next door were the diamond squad faces aligned. Unlike when I was engaged in the mansion, I wear expensive armor and stretch my spine beautifully. I was accidentally viewed as "cool" by the glowing sheath decoration.

And the woman with the brown skin, she turns her eyes here. On his face he wrote, "I'm late, Puppy," and in a nasty sense, he was butted by the Patriarch Puppy.

It's sloppy, I can't believe you had a good breakfast, but you won't wait for Marie and the bath guys.

Soon the square was filled with silence. Doula, who stabbed his sword in the ground and placed his hands on the pattern, shut his mouth. I look around and shake my flaming red hair in the slightest wind.

The voice I have spoken to was a quiet, and sounding good far away.

"... etc., the Church says. This is a jihad. But things are simpler. Whether you want to protect our country, Alirai."

To the word, the spear in their hands can be powered. If you fail in your offense, it's because of her telling you that you might lose your country.

Confirming her will to be regarded, she turns and releases her voice as a hard soldier.

"Gentlemen! Do you like Alirai Country!


Oh, and my voice returns like a tsunami.

I am amazed by the struggle to feel something called life force (energy) in a person's skin and overflow it on its own.

"Gentlemen! Do you love the land of sand and oasis!


To a truly ambitious hanging voice, Mr. Elf seems to be turning his eyes a little. I guess I'm not used to this kind of place because I'm a girl who loves gentle stories. It slightly sounds from my lips like "I like you too......" etc but it scrapes away without reaching around me.

Satisfied with the voices of the soldiers, Doula rarely spills a grin. Smile across, like you pulled out a steel sword.

"Then let's fight, warriors who love Alirai! Cut your destiny open with a sword in your hand! Paradise (Eden) is waiting for you by opening the door!

When she laid her sword, their presence swelled up, as the flames were lit.

I burned my soul as a warrior no more that you were born to fight here now that this is the place to fight.

It was as united as it felt, and as pure as steel.

Um, when did Doula even learn populist techniques? After a long offensive assignment, she's probably the one who's grown the most. Knock in tactics and strategies, learn in action, and repeat successes and failures. That's like Japanese knife training, perhaps giving birth to one hero.

Ooh, and to their uplifting temper, Doula grinned contentedly.

To the door that leads to the third tier, they are sucked in one after the other.

The walls assembled in stone are mossy and have changed from before. I guess he changed his appearance due to the constant humidity of the forest.

The stone wall is high enough to look up, and it's going to push through to the blue sky.

The sky itself is Shirley's crop, but I don't know what logic makes it that way.

Kuku pulled his sleeve, and when he returned his gaze, he overlapped with the elf's eyes. I think the only reason it looks slightly subtle is because the Magic Dragon Uridra is not nearby. Because she was constantly protecting the elves as a shield and treating them as good friends.

Unusual would be a woman standing in the rear.

He is wrapped around his whole body in metal armor, with a large shield and a spear in his hand. Leaving behind the scabbard, she shakes her mowed hair and turns her eyes to this side.

"So I wish I could protect Mariabelle. I won't be a substitute for Lord Uridora, but I will definitely try to straighten things out."

"Well, don't put that on your shoulder, Cartina. Not so much because you're the strongest at our party. That's why Kaoruko. I'm sorry I couldn't accompany you today."

Speaking so, the little girl looks surprised. It was a regular outfit and I guess I wasn't willing to accompany him.

She waves once more, panicking and answers.

"Yes, no! I'm still a little scared of the labyrinth, so I'm here tonight to learn ancient languages. I will study with the book that Mr. Shirley has prepared for me."

"Right, a little easier would be nice at first. Yes, there's always a rainbow lake in the morning, and the fish we can catch there again... hey, that's why I'm away, Shirley."

You mean leave it to me, or you'll show me a force that won't swell. It's something the world doesn't know because it has the strongest seat on the second tier when it comes to looking so soft.

Soldiers who move on also wave at her because they are usually in the care of the Inn.

I can't wait for someone to wave back a small hand from her as she nags at the embarrassment. Unexpectedly, Dosun and I were being hit on the back from behind.

and that's when they talk to Bosoli about something.

"Hey, Loki. If you join the SS, can you come near me?

"Don't be stupid. Our only role is to protect Master Shirley. Seeking more than that will result in punishment. I'm just happy to breathe the same air."

... Ha ha, wasn't this conversation a little strange? What's SS? Shirley doesn't breathe air, does she?

But he didn't hear anything but me, and Marie and I were having a meeting about standing around today.

I pointed my fingertips at them, but no one would look at them, and I would put them down for a short while.

"Well, okay. Then it's time for us to leave. I don't have Uridora, so I thought we might stay a few nights."

Ha, the elf replied fine, and Cartina nodded small as well.

Shall we then enjoy the attraction called the underground labyrinth?

Shake your hands and break up with them, and your surroundings will soon calm down. If you knock on the door, a labyrinth full of silence will spread, somewhere moldy, somewhere in the cold world.

To the cold air flowing at his feet, the elf walking next door shrugged.

"I feel like I'm in a Grimland attraction somehow."

"Oh, I was just thinking the same thing. The more authentic you are, the more you know how I feel about having fun?

Hmm, and the girl tilts her little neck, and she turns her disgusting face this way.

"Too bad, I get it. I thought you were a freak a long time ago. You won't regret it."

"Eh, I wonder if I'll regret it. Well, welcome to the world of freaks, Mr. Elf."

When you welcome yourself with a lofty gesture like a butler, you're even trampled with an unpleasant face. The elf, who continued to kick the dust and the floor, sighed toward the ceiling.

"Someone really stupid already. Because of you visiting the woods, you thought humans were unscrupulous creatures?

Marie complains as she hips from side to side with Boosen.

"Oh yeah...... I guess I was saying that weird. But Marie used to come here every day for lunch."

With that said, she hips back, her eyebrow butt lifts. I saw this one with my swollen cheeks, and I've laid my hips down in the same way.

"It's sloppy! Your rice smells so good that no elves are ever attracted to you. Because I know that I'm still making it smell sweet, and that I'm prepared for you."

Confess, and hold him under his armpit, scratching his back and stomach like he was dealing with a cat. That tickles me, and I accidentally leak a laugh.

And they were watching that from around them, and Marie, who noticed, also blushes and releases herself all the time.

They had also been observed from Shiatsu Kartina, and they accidentally left each other about another step. She turns her hand to stop it.

"No, I don't mind as usual. I am very comfortable with the situation. [M] Because I've been on the battlefield for so long... so you two are socializing?

What do you think? And when you can look at me a lot - you're in a bit of trouble.

There are numerous hidden fans in Mariabel, a half fairy elf tribe, as the soldiers around him seem to be flat and ears pointed. It may be my fault, but I'm often seen with the eyes of "that bastard"...

"Well, is that why your collaboration was brilliant? He always seemed to sleep in the same room - and, um, you think about the future?

Whoa, if you were mouthing me, they'd be asking me one thing after another.

Because I was thinking about the future properly, I feel even more comfortable with Aww. Without denial or affirmation, Softly Elf's eyes turn this way.

What do you think? and her light purple eyes are asking, and my cheeks start to have fever of their own accord. Was it contagious, her cheeks stained red as she looked at them with clear white skin.


I follow her as she hips at the end of the day and walks. Marie stayed out of her face for a while, and it was hard for her to talk to me.

Because of my mind, my horrible signs as a labyrinth fade, and I think Doola's temporarily improved abilities (buffs) through hot valves have just disappeared around us.

It's your fault, it's your fault.

I think so, but the only reason Doula is staring from afar... yeah, this is also my fault.

That's how our labyrinth attack resumed.

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