Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Elves, Dragons and Valentines ①

A shopping district that leaves the atmosphere of Lower Town.

The view that flows out the window is where I've walked without it more than once.

Even though it's winter already, the bus air is warm. The girl with the very good seats, the window in the back seat, and the brunette women, looked at each other to tell a secret story.

"Look, you'll see heart-shaped ornaments everywhere. It's Valentine's Day, Uridra."

"Hmm, not another new event. So why are you on the bus today so rarely?"

Hmm, and the girl smiles with pleasure.

From the red beret on his head, he drips three knitted white hairs. When the light purple eyes are narrowed with their unadorned purity, they create so much charm for those around them that they are perceived.

The girl explains in a beautiful voice as the housewives who were chatting also lost their words.

"I want to give it to whoever I want. I'm sure Ichiro will forget, so he'll be surprised when he gets home from the office."

To the word, Uridora often turns her eyes round.

For some reason I grew up with an elf who used the word "likes" without being shy. If it had been before, I would have blushed.

If you say that without a coward, the poison will be drained. He exhaled a similar breath to a rash, then tipped his forehead.

"Heh, heh, I always thought you were like a child. I'm wondering when you got that extra time. Hmm, someone you like. It sounds good."

"Hey, don't say it out loud, please! I was whispering because I wanted to keep it to myself."

Uridora laughed when she suddenly had a rushed look on her face, after all.

Solid and not serious, and equipped with more than enough of the qualities of magic guidance. But this kind of erotic shakedown is only less than a year away for a girl who's lived a hundred years.

Uridora tickles at the adorability that makes her cheeks red and turns her face away.

The bus slowly entered the station front rotary and told me that it was the end point.

Departments at the station have many assortments ranging from luxury to general. The groceries and appliances are originally available here, as are the clothes and confectionery.

Valentine's Day seems to be a gift of chocolate.

It came with that degree of knowledge, but the two of them who reached the venue often freeze. There were sloppy, brand-by-brand boxes there, decorated with pink paper, balloons, etc.

Its lively glamour was not anticipated when I left the house.

"Wow! Surprised, is this all chocolate!?

Uridora, who had her elbow pulled, is also surprised and can't respond immediately. Colorful wrapping paper, plus even adorable characters. It's hard to believe that all of these products are the same chocolate.

"Hmm, but don't get me started on the luxury stuff at a glance. What's in that glass over there must be better than anything else."

Pointing fingers, the girl's eyes become a little more round.

Every store in the world is beginning to convey the rank of gifts. The front is lined up busily, and the more you head back, the fewer products you have. Use that space to create a sense of luxury.

They were interested in each other, and went from elves to luxury brands as they pulled elbows.

The two of us believe that chocolate is a common treat. They handle it in supermarkets and everywhere, and they say it's something you can buy for about two hundred yen at most.

But what is contained in the glass case is as if it were different. The boxes made of black and gold are full of luxury and contain only a few grains.

"Look, look, this price......!

"Ugh! Incredible, I didn't know you could have dinner with one of these grains!

With so little, you'll be done eating in no time. But that's why they're so concerned about the flavor, coming from the fantasy world.

I want to try it...... but it is very painful for Marie to manage the pennies. It's not an amount you can't buy, but you don't even know if it's a waste.

"Ugh, I care, I care. I wonder what it tastes like."

"You're in trouble, I can't help but want to eat too. The chocolate in this world is sweet and delicious and I think it's sloppy because it suits both tea and coffee."

Kokuri and Uridora nodded as well.

Pull each other's lips straight to the side and look very regrettable. I knew from the beginning that I couldn't afford this amount.

"Um, can I help you?

To the silent two, the clerk has spoken, somewhat bewildered. He used Japanese, so he must have spoken up thoughtfully.

But Mariabelle, looking up, exhales small. We have basically not negotiated prices in this country. If there is, it's about a late grocery store.

If you think so, the female clerk who seems to have guessed something shows you a small wrap.

"If you are worried, how about this test piece? It's just Valentine's Day."

My eyes get bigger. The woman, who saw the light purple color and obsidian smudged eyes in the immediate vicinity, dyed her cheeks red as she had been. It's a beautiful color that's same-sex and exciting.

I'm sure you won't be able to forget a long time, such as the look on your face when you hand over the sample wrapping paper. I remember how pleased you were, and many times the clerk leaked his sigh.

Okay, move the place. It's a coffee shop.

Departments also have such stores, which can be enjoyed relatively inexpensively. It's usually fun after I finish shopping, but things are different just today.

There was a cup of warm tea and coffee on the round table, next to which was an example wrapper, fine chocolate.

It is decorated with gold stripes and engraved to represent Valentine's Day in a special way.

"Mmm, I got some fancy stuff unexpectedly."

"That clerk has good people, too. I didn't know you were going to hand it out for free without offering money."

Of course, the two of them don't know much about something called commerce. It's an elf who went all the way to study and a magic dragon who spent time not knowing people. You will learn the old-fashioned way of doing business: fishing for sea bream with shrimp.

Carefully opened not to break the paper, and it was still chocolate with a cork brown that showed up. The slightly fragrant scent is sweet and I can feel more upscale than usual because of my mind.

Mm-hmm, each mouth, and then he exchanges his gaze upwards. Even without words, "I'll eat you." "Ugh, uhm! I was communicating with him."

And the dragon eats with a single thought, and the elf twirls about half.

It will soon be known the intensity of the flavor. There are many cocoa ingredients, and the amount of cocoa butter that produces flavors is unusual.

Biting is a little wasteful.

While licking, twitching tastes thicker.

When you include tea in your mouth as I recall, it melts thickly over your tongue. In the aromatic tea, the taste of elegant sweetness and cocoa melted, and the women narrowed their eyes to its intensity.

It's slightly cold today, though during the day.

But not only the warm air in the store was felt, but also the sweetness that stained the gin and body. Maybe chocolate is something you can enjoy only in winter.

"Mmm, yummy! Perfect for a cup of tea!

"Um! The elegant sweetness is just right! But even though the amount is low in boulders, it melts in just one bite."

Uridora drinks coffee again, but is far from having the same taste as earlier. They learn to resist the intensity of cocoa by people. But for both of us it was perceived as superb sweetness.

- I just want some more.

I can't help but feel that way.

It was an operation to catch sea bream with shrimp, and the two unfamiliar people were put on board.

But you're lucky or unhappy, because you're over your penny ceiling...... very nasty.

After this, I was asked to buy from Uridora every once in a while, but Mr. Elf kept refusing stubbornly with his eyebrows in the letter (c).

At the end of the day, he said, "Don't say it again!" She looked like she was about to cry, and finally Uridora broke too. It broke my heart perfectly.

Neither the merchant could at last loosen Mr. Elf's purse strings.

But I didn't come back without buying anything.

In the hand of the elf back home is a shopping bag, which in turn lines up to the slab.

There was a slightly inappropriate plank-shaped thing in front of the uridra peeking in with a shiver.

"Hmm, brown, board...? What is this, Marie?"

"It's chocolate for cooking. I can't make luxury products, so I'm going to make cheap, delicious chocolates."

He makes such a good face, Uridora is horrified in her heart. I made him look like he was going to cry earlier, and he was just a little distressed.

I thought I gave up Valentine's Day exactly, but the girl seems to have a secret plan.

"I figured out how to make it before I went out. Let me give you a special taste of whether it was delicious or not."

"Um, let's go over that. I don't know if I can eat before Kitase, but it's useful."

When I answered that to the elf wearing the apron, I was laughed at not expecting it.

Soon they will look good in cooking and become more feminine every day. The room is warm, albeit in winter, and Uridora, who places a chair near the cooking area, watches the cooking as she remembers sleepiness.

Finely chop the plate chocolate, warm the raw cream until just before boiling, and dissolve well. Guru stirred, and I think Uridora smelled it somewhere.

"Um, it smells the same as North Se. The sweet smell is unusual, but you can smell the same."

Is it a compliment or what? I just figured it out and put it into words. But the elves didn't seem all right, they answered nothing and only gave me back a grin.

Similar to that grin, perhaps only they haven't noticed.

The melted chocolate is cooled in ice water and divided into pieces of reasonable size. It's not the first time I've cooked sweets, but the size and shape are pretty good.

When this is cooled in the fridge and rounded, it seems to be a reasonably soft chocolate.

"They say truffles. It's easy and cheap, so it seems like a lot of people make it at home."

The elf gave me an explanation as I went to the fridge. Uridra closes the book as she listens to it. I also enjoyed the novels and doings I don't read very much, when I was by the girl like this.

"But I usually stay close as a black cat, but it doesn't make much difference if you come alive"

"No, 'cause Uridra is Uridra, right? I like both, I do."

Distance and conversation with the elves are always the same. I told her that in that sense, but Uridora had the thought of warming her breasts to the beautiful grin she saw here.

Valentine's Day is a pretty good event. Hiddenly Uridora thought so.

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