Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Welcome to Japan, Mr. Magic Dragon ①

A presence that manipulates numerous exorcisms and goes far beyond people. I think that's a woman named Uridra the Dragon Man.

I met her in an underground ruin... No, should I say I met her. Lost in the dragon's bunk, I was burned to the ground with no bones left by the fierce scorching exhalation (Dragon's Brace) of the Magic Dragon.

But it doesn't move whether it's during death or not.

- Is he dead again?

I can afford to think so. [M] Because this is a dream, no matter what you die or do, it's always something to wake up in Japan. Because I've been playing like that for about twenty years now, I've graduated from being scared to death.

However, when returning to the present (depressed) world, there was a feeling of being grasped by someone. Now I think that was Uridora's curiosity. He must have sniffed the strange world sharply and instinctively touched it.

As you wake up from your dreams, your feminine arms will be exposed so that you can pull them out of the swamp. Clear white skin, long, dark hair like night. The eyes that open slowly are like wet obsidian.

- No way, this looks like a magic dragon!?

Dreams when you wake up. Just a little to think so. Her appearance was too fantastic.

Eventually I woke up in bed and I snapped, "That was an unusual dream," etc. But I waited for much more surprise than I had dreamed earlier. From the swelling of the futon appeared a brunette beauty who leaked her flaws.

"Hey, this bright morning. Kuah, I can't stop."

She stretched out thoughtfully. Nature and futon slip off. Its exaggerated breasts...... no, the way it rocked its scaly tail was full of surprises that were too much to blow up drowsiness.

I gave him a bareback whilst blurring.

"Hey, hey, clothes, clothes!

"Clothes? Hmm, not only that, but also the skills and levels are disappearing."

I look down at my body and laugh at (...) and (...) and (...) without being shy. I turn away because I can't look directly at the panic again.

"If you think so, this is another big win! Hey, you did it. You did it!

Yeah, I got slapped in the back with a bang, but it hurts because of my dragon-like powers. I accidentally made my eyes black and white.

This was my meeting with Uridora.

It was a moment when dreams were no longer dreams, and there was also a feeling that this encounter would not be forgotten for the rest of my life.

There are ornamental horns on his forehead, besides growing to the tail of a dragon. It's like you're forgetting that this is Japan. But the problem is not that, I don't think she's ashamed of herself.

"Kufu, all those unusual things everywhere. Bye! This tall building has every house perpendicular!

"Wait, wait, don't stick to the window naked! Ah, don't walk around like that!

Oh, my God. A woman from the world of dreams is tense like a country boy who goes to the city. The language is close to what the reptiles use, but I felt it smelled old somewhere. Maybe it's a language that belongs to the top.

I'll go after him with a blanket, but I won't even hear a stop. Walk around in light footsteps, open refrigerators and shelves and peek in.

I've already surrendered when my shapely ass is turned. You have to turn right and try not to get into your sight, rather than when you start work.

No, I'm not at the office anymore. What the hell, what's going on, the question turns my head glued around.

I can't help but be confused. When I woke up, the woman I dreamed of showed up and she was still walking around naked. Shaking his tail looking in a good mood.

But I have a lot to ask. I managed to get my breath fixed before talking to the woman behind me.

"Well, maybe you're a magic dragon, aren't you? Why are you in my room?

"Hmm? On the contrary, I ask why you are in this world. Why is it in both worlds? What's happening to a world that should never get mixed up. Can you answer that?

I often lose words.

I feel my thoughts empty when I wake up and ask difficult questions. I don't have a clue or anything, I just feel like I'm being made to deduce with results.

Pong and I were slapped on the shoulder and when I looked back there was a woman showing off her beautiful clavicle. Slightly sliced large eyes are filled with the kind of radiance that has greatly discovered something.

"The same thing you asked me earlier. I can't give you an answer right now. But if I ask you a different question, I'll be able to answer you."

What is her "different question"?

When I looked so surprised, there was a milk pack in the hands of the Magic Dragon.

"What is this? There is white liquid in the paper box. If it's a good drink, I'd like to try it."

"Uh, there are areas in the other world that raise cattle, too, right? It's milk."

Spring, though, is still cold in the morning.

It would taste better after warming it up than drinking it as it is. I thought so. I tell her this as I receive the milk pack.

"Put your clothes on before you do. I'll lend it to you if you like."

"I know a lot about clothes prepared by humans. It's a worn out, itchy substitute for skin - whoa, this is it! No, wait, this is good! It fits your body and stretches out! What is this garment then?!?

Shirts and jerseys, Master Magic Dragon.

Stop, stretching your jersey hips to show off your elasticity. I can see the buttocks from here.

I'm surprised, but maybe he's a very childish person.

The height of curiosity is like a kitten, asking and touching everything. He also liked the hot milk with honey, so he won't let go of it with disappointment.

Sitting at the table, I exhaled small in the warm morning sun of spring. I learned a hunch that a peaceful, boring routine would turn this time into a frontier.

A magic dragon may have the character to grab what you like and not let go.

That's what I thought when I was walking around the neighborhood. It's something that gets the shirt hem gripped from her and pulled over that way, so it's always stretched out sloppy.

"Uridora, if you don't pull your hem much, you're in trouble."

"I don't have a choice. While you're looking around, you're going a long way. Then it's easier to do this."

They laughed at me like I was a dog or something, but I can't believe you said that. Of course, she's the one who's right to disappear somewhere into a gap she's turned away from.

The back lengths of each other are not so different, but we still lose at the length of our legs. I can't help it, it's like walking with a model.

Yeah, well, it's clothes I was having trouble with, but she had the stunt that she could manipulate magic and make clothes in this world as well. I weave black hot pants and long boots, plus a light jacket, and the word "cool" suits me well.

"Don't worry, I'll hide my horns and tail when I'm out."

"When you get drunk, you come out, so be careful. Because Uridora just looks just like her."

He lifted a shiny, well-shaped one-eyebrow, then held it on his shoulder. The same goes for the disappearing conversation of the salutation, but I think it's even filling in the sense of distance from her. But I want you to stop because it's embarrassing how you feel about your back and how well organized your face is right around the corner.

"Awful, not as intelligent as I am. The magic that exists in the world is not enough, enough to create its own magic - yeah, what is that?

Surprisingly, her black eyes flow sideways. When I followed it, I saw what it looked like to be my mother and son.

Apparently he wants a toy, and he's crouching and wasting it. But he doesn't want to buy it, and if it drifts, he gets caught in my mother's hands. Seeing that, Uridora seems to have thought of something.

"This world seems a lot lighter. Normally, you can whip a chicken or something."

"That's called corporal punishment. It's just that the people over there can do it, so maybe that's just about it."

What I just said is "over there" is about the world of dreams.

In a world of swords and magic, wars and labyrinth strategies, they are truly successful.

She also complained that she was unwilling to say anything about other people's education, such as "boring" or "raw education".

But Uridora's eyes grow larger to the fragrant smell of fluffiness. He cummed his well-groomed nose and then exhaled like he couldn't wait.

"N smells good. If you're going to enjoy the cheer of spring, you should probably walk in those sweets."

"You can't waste it. I'll cook dinner when I get home, so you can put up with it a little bit more, right?

At the end of her gaze is a shop of tyres, from which she receives a sweet smell of flour baking. She's right. She's surrounded by the unique cheer of spring, and it would certainly be fun to walk around eating something like that.

But I have a little hunch.

I'm not an earlier child, but I have a feeling that if I don't do it now, it will be a big deal.

Uridora looks at him like he's been beaten from cancer and something, and gives him a riddle look to fix it.

"Heh, heh, saving money is a virtue indeed. But enjoying the season is also a virtue as a person..."

"I'm going home, Uridra."

"Ya bye-yah! I want to eat that treat, then!

Whoa, whoa!

You expressed your nature, but you cling to your arms. In a frequent shopping district.

I tried to get away with the sleaze, but Uridra crouched in as I perceived it. Yes, Master Magic Dragon looked exactly like the child I saw earlier.

"All right, all right, one thing, just one thing. Let's be patient. That would be nice, wouldn't it? Become?

"That's definitely one sorry stream, isn't it?!? And you can't, because if you keep wasting it, you'll think you're a sloppy adult."

No, am I right about not being sloppy? It's hard to say if you're wrong, it's a behavioral correction.

But Uridora, transformed into a righteous appetite, bursts into tears of transparency to her surprise. I felt a little red in my eyes. [M]

"Here, Uridora, I can't believe I'm crying in public...!

"I am the magic dragon under heaven. Then there is no way to cry. Idiot, Idiot!

I got my teeth ripped off all the time, but I don't care what you think, it's a big cry?

Somehow I knew, but my emotions seemed too rich when I became a dragon man because I never dealt with people much before. But I can't believe we're showcasing that in the mall...

Should we do the right thing or not?

The answer is already decided. No man can beat a crying girl no matter when.

Mm-hmm, and exhale so well that Uridora opens the wrapping paper.

It was a sunny park around and we were just down on an empty bench.

Uridora's hands have two tyres. This is a heart-warming service from the clerk who was watching the noise. I mean, me and the clerk gave up and spoiled it.

"Oh, you have a subtle guilt..."

"What do you mean, you doubled it with my arm? This is modern alchemy."

It's not alchemy, it's people's passion.

But before complaining, Pan and Uridora eat sweets.

Spring fluffy sweetness and aroma. I can flaunt my cheeks with a crisp texture.

Eat it looking delicious and shake your long legs in a good mood. If they show up like that, my complaints will disappear in the wind.

"Mmm-hmm, crispy and delicious! It's also delicious like this black grain. It's really sweet."

"It's a filling (ako) commonly used in Japanese confectionery. And then there's green tea. Don't let it get stuck in your throat."

Pepper and Uridora eat Thai grill, then stir green tea.

Fairly sweet and refreshing tea flavor. There came a spring tree leak, and she smiled with a full face. Apparently, you made me feel very happy.

"Phew, this land is good. I know how to entertain people."

"Because it's a country that really likes customer service. If you liked it, I'd be happy to."

For a moment, Uridora pounded as she looked at this one.

I wonder what the look on your face was now. I think so, and when I stare back, she smiles small. I licked the filling on my thumb and then leaked the stretch like Haruhi had invited me.

"Heh, heh, you're not a weirdo. Which, in this world too peaceful, now enjoy a nap"

"Nap? Uridra, the house is right around the corner..."

Shut up, I put my head on my shoulder with a leak.

The sun is warm today and sleepiness finally comes just sitting around. I could have stopped it, but while I was enjoying the weight and temperature of leaning over, she was completely asleep.

I look up at the sky blurry, listening to the sound of a good sleep. [M]

Sometimes, you might want to put a dragon to sleep. The dragon man's skin is warm and soft, and he seems to be able to make good thoughts.

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