Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

[Outside] Elves, Dragons and Plastic Models ②

At a time when it's getting a lot warmer, the two of them walk out as soon as they close the room keys.

It's a funny combination of elves and dragons, but it's like normal for us. Like sisters or something, just pushing the elevator button made the dragon look a little... no, it looked a lot more fun.

"Ku, when you're a cat, you can't push the button. That's a lot more refreshing."

"If you're a TV remote, you're pushing it. I think it's a little weird to watch a black cat all the time."

"Um, that's really good. I know how to combine a kill squad with a kill squad and my skills as a director... whoa, here I come"

Take the elevator and slowly head downstairs. Uridora talks unilaterally about the virtues of the epoch, but she didn't seem to be able to attract Elf's interest.

And when the door opened, the autumn sky was waiting.

The sun is slightly chilly because of the high wind. Inside the blue sky, the smoky clouds that pound and spit out spread, and they look up together unexpectedly.

Ha, and the exhaling technique was the same perfectly.

"The sky feels high because of the clear air. Hey, this will be harvest time. How about a Thanksgiving or something in the hall?

"Hmm, only the Lizardmans can easily imagine a big shave."

But Thanksgiving is fascinating. Uridra thinks it sounds fun to drink and dance, surrounded by stalls that smell delicious.

"It is also good that there is some change. I also know that events celebrating milestones will enrich our days."

Though it was a mundane suggestion, she's apparently into riding, too.

Events (events) that open every year take place in every world. Celebrate that we have reached a milestone safely, and thank you in times of abundance. You could have a chance to look back on the previous year, the two nod.

They enjoy just a few meaningful conversations while walking along the less crowded path.

"I wonder what would be good. Common are harvest festivals and New Years...... oh so are the days that spawned our second tier hall. It's no surprise we're all celebrating."

"Sure, that's going to be the closest thing for us. Hmm. Hmm. Speaking of which, I just noticed something missing from our mansion."

The light purple eyes opened.

Soon my feet will be heading to the mall, and I will see a shop that starts to open the shutters to see if I'm relaxing.

This shopping district leaves behind some downtown fun, and the cats will show their faces if it gets a little warmer. Caution should be exercised when the dough is in your hand, as it will be enclosed.

"I wonder what's at stake for the Mansion. Uh, the building is ready, and the lake is in the process of tidying up. Even the Japanese-style garden is almost ready, but I wonder what's missing."

"It's something easier. Hmm, just the right place. I don't see many things in this mall."

Mm-hmm? and the elf puts on his little neck.

What the hell will there be? There are clothing stores, coffee shops, and children's shops all around. I thought you were talking about sweet spots, but when you say "there's a lot," it means different things.

"Hmm, are you still seeing it?

"Of course there is. There are too many of them to count. It's not strange to say I value it the most. Well, we don't have ten seconds."

Then the elf panicked, desperately worried like an honorable student.

The image of the mansion and the shopping district doesn't match, and the eyes become cloudy because of it.

That's why Marie focuses on the "important stuff" tip. And as I stared up at the old store, something caught my eye.

"The sign… the name of the store… Okay, the answer is the name of our mansion!

"Heh, heh, hit it. If the name of the mansion is not determined, we will celebrate an unnamed milestone. Whether Shirley or Kitase are present or not, we have to make a decision."

With that said, Uridora pointed to one store.

If you look up, the yellow vinyl says "Tajima Model Store," and Marie also opens her mouth and looks up.

"Speaking of which, the Diamonds' mansion was named 'Black Rose Hall'. It's easy to remember a name with that trait."

I thought words like "not exactly" would return, but Uridora never responds. Turning her gaze in wonder, she was not peering into anything.

Sounds like a vending machine but oddly small. If you look at it, there is a place to put a hundred yen balls, with a handle that turns it forward. Even more transparent balls are packed tightly inside - it's called a capsule toy, and this seems to have caught the interest of the Magic Dragon.

They gesture a willingness to "do it only once" or "no," and Uridora ruins her beautiful face.

In this Japan, the administrator of money is Marie, and no matter how magical the dragon is, it cannot be overridden... but it is Uridora who does not wholesale the inquirer.

"Phew, phew, this is also called social studies..."

"If I buy a toy, I'll probably lose some of your treats, but don't you mind?


Apparently, there are times when you can't wholesale an inquirer. I'm sorry, but I don't even have to compare it to sweet treats or capsule toys that I don't really understand.

"Um, you should still take the sweets. So, what does this store deal with? You got a bunch of paper boxes lined up, huh?

"I don't know, Mr. Ichiro is not interested or has never been in it."

Peeping in with that answer, the somewhat dim store did stack square boxes up to near the ceiling.

I've been living there for six months now, and I know what kind of stuff the general store deals with. But this store doesn't really know how many stares it takes.

It's like Lower Town. It has an old smell. But the colorful boxes drive some interest between the two of us.

Dragons and elves were sucked in as they opened the glass door to be invited.

"I'm sorry...... wow, wow. Boxes everywhere!"

A variety of boxes, large and small, were filling walls and shelves. Smells like a mixture of plastic and dust somewhere. Ships, fighters, sloppy robots, etc. that you've never even seen are depicted in boxes, and often the two take a breath.

"There you are... I"

I am greeted immediately by an old man with gray hair. But when he opens his eyes, he pulls into the back of the store to see if he forgot anything.

Waiting face-to-face, he put on his presbyopia and came back with an old book.

"Uh, Eye and Spike..."

"Hi, what kind of products are you dealing with here?

The old man blinked, then put the used book on the edge. The cover says "Anyone can have an English conversation" but I don't think it helps from the earlier conversation.

"That surprised me. Your daughter is fluent in Japanese. Can you talk to me, too?

"Of course not. I've been living in Japan for about six months now."

Yeah, and he widened his wrinkled eyes, and then he took out the pipe chair that was nearby and recommended it. Perhaps there was a pompous space in the back of the store where we often chatted. Sitting back as prompted, Marie and the others felt the calm atmosphere as if it were a wellside meeting.

Rejoice in the rare guests, or the old man laughs softly with a cuddly voice.

"Oh, speaking of which, I overheard you. Said there was a pretty kid walking around here like a fairy. I'm sure it's yours…"

"My name is Mariabelle, my uncle. This is my friend Uridra."

Uridra smiles the same way, distracted by an unreliable pipe chair. The atmosphere of the old man was very calm and felt warm for his first visit to the store.

"Excuse me, Mariabelle Chan and Uridora. You have a special vibe like looking at a picture book. I'm glad you're visiting such an old shop."

Uridora laughed as she tickled at the old man's words. I'm sure it was funny that they put "Chan" on it. Though she is an old girlfriend, she has no choice. Nobody thinks you're living a thousand years.

As I recall, the old man's eyes were directed to the ceiling.

"Whoa, that was about the product we're dealing with."

The old man groans, wondering if the foreigner would know, and hands the box that was nearby.

And the pale purple eyes and obsidian eyes peeked. Slowly opened it contained an incredible object that still didn't know what it was.

"What, this? Plates full of gaps?

"Much finer. Besides regularity. It's like a part or something... it's connected."

Is it funny to peek in with a shiver, the old man exhales all the time? Then he narrowed his eyes full of wrinkles and stood up.

"I'll make tea, so why don't you imagine what it's like. I'm sure that's more fun than hearing the answer right away"

He wants to deepen his grin as he puts his hand on the door and says, "I'm in the middle of a quiz."

I was unexpectedly quizzed by an old man. Uridora, who seemed to enjoy herself earlier, but this time has turned into the role of respondent. As a magic dragon, I can scratch my pride if I can't answer a mystery from a human being.

"Hmm, six boards full of gaps in total. Each color is different."

Warp one eyebrow with the muzzle and pinch the plastic plate.

Human beings produce things that are not well understood, and sometimes exceed her expectations. Until now, its epitome has been "cooking," but this has no smell or flavor.

That old man has an unusual vibe somewhere, and he's been turned into a human, I think, etc., Uridora said.

And Marie has looked back with her eyes round.

With a look like I've discovered something big, I'm turning the box this way. There was an old picture that looked like a vehicle.

"Maybe this isn't it, who it is!

Hmm? and Uridora distorts the eyebrows on the other side too and looks at the plastic plates again. But she couldn't convince herself of an object that didn't resemble the picture.

Marie points to each part as she teaches students who don't remember things.

"Look, this whole place looks just like the picture. Why don't you join us here and here?

"Hmm! Sure if you ask me that!

Where I found the big tip, the old man returned earlier. He opens the door and hands the tea from the basin in his hand to the two of us.

"You're still smart ladies. Say this is a plastic model and it's still pre-assembled. Take the time to make it right...... this is how it will be"

And the last thing that was placed on the table was what could be described as a finished shape. Is it a large two-wheeler made overseas? It was also what I saw when I was in the car, with rubber tires, precision wheels, and some attractive body that tickled the child's mind in front of them.

Wow, the elves and dragons cheered unexpectedly.

It's surprising to both of us that we should call it a 3D puzzle or that assembling parts can make such an elaborate toy.

The breath is breathed in by paint and sharpening when it comes to being merely plastic, and it has a texture that looks like it's real.

"Ooh, that's just great! I've always thought that a big bike is really full of shaping beauty!

"Hehe, an Italian motorcycle has some object in its masculinity. It's getting obsolete yesterday, but I think it's good to have dreams."

Contains tea, says the old man.

People are starting to let go of having fun with motorcycles, cars, and even hobbies. Not only is transportation better than it used to be, but I'm sure he enjoys other entertainment.

Without even mourning it, the old man puts the plate down with a smile and a laugh. There's something like a burnt nut there. I've reached out and said, "Come up."

Ginkgo is a fall poem.

It smells so unique, like Mariabelle looked weird. They don't even eat rats because of the smell similar to sulfur or monkeys.

But I think I've been fooled, and when I try something like green stuffed beans, unexpectedly the deep taste awaits me.

Oh, delicious, staring at the elves and dragons with their eyes round. The old man laughed happily again, wondering how that was going.

"I wonder if you remember there was a ginkgo (today) tree line right there. All this fun won't be left behind in time."

I might have gotten another hint.

which shall not be weathered. That depends on whether you are close to people.

I'm sure his advice will be helpful when you think about the name of the mansion and what it will hold from now on.

From the laughing old man, there was a unique sense of security somewhere like North Se.

When he came out of the door, the elf had something he hadn't had until earlier. The square box depicts a large tank-like picture, and the girl holding it up with both hands looks like she found a treasure.

"Wow, I bought something amazing! Wouldn't it be a waste?"

"No way, you discounted me that much. I borrow some tools, and I'm really conscientious."

"Yeah, yeah, then we'll build a tank together!

Saying so, the elf dyeing his cheeks red shows up in the eyes of an old man who is truly adorable.

An old-fashioned plastic model has also been left behind since time immemorial. But the old man looked at the two like that and narrowed his eyes full of wrinkles.

However, my success as a merchant, fishing for sea bream with shrimp, was alive and well.

"I'm home... that?

There's nobody around the room for a while. No, I'm sure we're having fun together because we hear bright voices coming from the bathroom.

When I spoke up, I immediately said, "Welcome back!" and a cheerful voice returned. We had a great day, and if you hear that voice, you'll see.

When I loosened my tie and took off my jacket, I realized that I was unfamiliar with something.

Lots of ginkgo on the table. And a plastic model of strength and thoughtful tanks.

"... hmm? Ginkgo and tanks?

Hold each one in your hand, and often my thoughts stop. Souvenirs that I hadn't expected were brilliantly opposite substitutes for things.

Hehe, you enjoyed another unusual walk.

When I get out of the bath, let me take my time to talk to you.

With that in mind, I took the ginkgo and enjoyed the fragrance of autumn.

Tonight might be a good time to cook rice with yam vegetables and ginkgo. Of course beer is essential. That would be courtesy to the two people living in the fantasy world.

Looking forward to it, I hungered my suit.

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