Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 203: Invitation to the World of Dreams ③

Doula, who noticed this one, shakes her red hair and looks back.

I thought I had just finished training, and she grinned into her eyes as she sweated like a ball.

"Is that your brother, sleepyhead?

"Oh, I wonder if it looks the same because I have dark hair. He said Mr. Tool and just got here today... er, I guess it's like my brother"

It's troublesome to explain who you are, even if you just tell them you know each other. He seemed a little surprised, but he senses the air and nods.

That's easy to do in a way, this guy. Though I thought so, it actually meant something different.

"You know, Kitase. Because I don't understand a word at all."

"... Oh, you did! I was accidental, but a lot of common language is used here. I'll introduce you appropriately, so you'll be fine today."

I totally forgot, but is Marie and Uridora the only ones who can speak Japanese? Somehow, around Shirley, he seems to understand without bitterness.

Doola, and Cartina look at me in surprise. I decided to make an introduction for them for now.

It is only natural for society to keep a clear greeting to those on the horizon.

"He's just come here, and the words don't make so much sense. I'm not a combat officer, but I'm glad you're doing better when you see me."

"Oh, and the diner? Hi, dark-haired kids like you make me feel like I'm a good cook."

I can tell you, Cartina also blows out.

They seem reliable because they are successful as samurai and have back lengths. Of course he has a different face than the Japanese, so it may feel like he is surrounded by foreigners for him.

But one step further, he bowed his head politely.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Tool"

To a pissy and polite bow, now they face each other. The movement as a sophisticated society, even if the words do not make sense, is somewhat childish.

They rushed to correct themselves, too, and unwittingly lowered their heads.

"... I wonder if she's a little unusual. Well, that sounds like you were watching the training earlier, and you can let me know if you have any concerns?

"Uh, right. I still want some more ranged attacks. The rare magicians are blessed with two, including Marie, but if they hit with a demon who prefers distance, it looks spicy."

When they answered that, they looked at each other and were grabbed by Munz and the collar as they were. Dragging me to a place with a table may have been expected to have interesting opinions as the subject of the debate.

It's bad for Marie and Tool, who left me, but it's true that I skipped training, and let's just say I give an opinion for a while.

There are many different types of demons, but I play in labyrinths around the world like no other. From the fact that there is no danger to life, to an area where people will never be able to step foot would be quite a stranger.

There was someone approaching Mr. Tool when he was telling him how to be effective as a queue, such as the person who lays the plant-type trap, the presence that creates the ice world, etc.

When she hugged from behind in her usual condition, she put her jaw on her head and turned her eyes to Mariabel.

"Oops, both of you. Um, why are you wearing Cuz-kun yukata? Isn't it a little early for a hot spring at this hour?

Hihi, it is Eve the Dark Elf who laughs.

Brown arms, and stiffness and heavy breasts, often freeze him. I don't know what happened, and I don't understand the meaning of the word. But a good scent as a woman, and plenty of attractive softness, is powerful enough not to shoot a heart if you are a man.

And he froze and said, "What's this, dude, dude..." and so on.

I'm a little sorry. I put in a no and then ran over and Eve opened her eyes properly.

"Oh!? You finally remember the phantom with the entity? Fine, I want to split up like a ninja, too."

"No, no, you're someone else. Eve, let him go because he's pathetic."

No, is it pathetic to let go?

Anyway, she panicked and let herself go, blushing her face in a concealed position.

That, you were embarrassing me for once, etc., makes me wonder with Marie.

But when it comes to Mr. Tool at heart, he flaunts his feet with too much stimulus and crouches straight to the ground. It's like after you get screwed.

"Ahhh, sorry! Because they had similar back lengths and hair! I'm so sorry!

"Yes, no, quite in front of you. It's up to me to come to this world and think I was really good. Well, is that why you're immersed in the world of dreams, uh... Nice."

Hey, what are you talking about, Mr. Tool!? Did you hit your head somewhere?

Apparently, back to back with a serious look, he was a healthy boy. But Marie's eyes like seeing dirty things... forgive her because she's pathetic.

I thought it would get in the way of my training anyway, so I decided to move to a table for a break away.

"And well, skills (skills) in that way are greatly enhanced in this world. You're free to wear proximity, remoteness, witchcraft and spirituality, but it's more effective to specialize."

Explaining it that way, he also seemed to understand the status.

By building up skills, you acquire first skills that should also be described as your personality. It will be fundamental that skills are deepened and further enhancements are repeated depending on the level.

Depending on compatibility, enemies can be overwhelmed or, conversely, level differences can be turned upside down. In spite of the doubling of the level difference before, there have also been victories.

"Ha, I see. Can you fly in the sky?

Um, what do you think? I didn't get too close to people, so I don't know enough about skills.

Marie answered the query instead.

"I wonder if that's structurally impossible for the human body. Look, you can't fly without always getting lift, can you? It's magic that can change the impossible."

"Nice, magic! Can you remember me for a second?

We don't know that.

A magician is so capable that he is also said to be a flower type on the battlefield, and perhaps precious. First we need talent, such as having magic, and the ability to remember knowledge, otherwise we are asked for a long life span.

Probably a year of training and you'll know if you're talented. When I told him that, he dropped his shoulder disappointingly.

"I knew I couldn't do it right away. It's tough though a dream..."

"No, you can fly normally. I'm getting demon stones, and I don't mind flying in this hall."

"Wow, a dream!

Apparently he's interested in level up and skill. Then you might as well actually experience it.

I thought so and made a suggestion to him.

"Then shall we go to the nearby hunting grounds and level up? I've tried it with Marie before, but if it goes well, it could go up to about twenty levels."

It would be awesome if it did. I've never heard the story of twenty levels up in just half a day, of course. First skills will undoubtedly come into being, and I'm very curious about what traits the same Japanese as me will have.

Though it was a suggestion as he shouted his chest that way and rose out of his chair... sadly, he was pulling a little.

"It's okay, your boyfriend? It's suddenly sparkling my eyes."

"I'm sorry, that's not the only place he can do that. Oh, did you already hear we were dating?

He nodded to Eagle Deep and narrowed his eyes to see the dazzling.

"Yeah, when I went to the drinker earlier. You seem to care so much that you want to talk to that part of me. I thought it was a crime."

"That's a misunderstanding. Because I'm much older and I'm over a hundred years old!

"You're lying," he moaned to Mariabelle, who stood up.

The half fairy elves are old enough not to be compared to humans, and they don't look very helpful. According to one theory, it's not age that determines the appearance, it depends on the mental aspect. So he says those who leave the elves grow fast.

"That's why you're so much older than me. We met more than ten years ago."

"Eh, that surprises me. Damn, elves, half fairies, hundreds of years old...... Oh, I see, I understand a lot. You mean you're a healthy friend and you're not playing?"

Of course, we all spoke up, and for some reason we blushed. It made me sound just as serious and embarrassed.

They twisted my thighs around my cunt, but I couldn't help but tickle them.

When he finally saw us settled down, he spoke up.

"Seems fulfilling and above all. Then I won't have to worry about supporting you. Not only do you know where to travel and where to cook in the hole, but you can also live in Japan."

He is a man of the bureau, but the laugh was felt very reliable. Understanders in Japan are the second to follow their grandfather and are invaluable.

But some adults don't understand anything.

That's Gaston, the old man walking grumpy with his crab crotch.

"Oh, you little brat! You skipped my training, huh? I'm in the middle of teaching you how to smell bad shit!

"Whoa! It's not, Mr. Gaston! An important customer is here today..."

Whoa, excuses or cancer, Temee, you fucking kid! I just gave up because I was stuck in the wind.

I had no choice. I got naked in my upper body, and I said, "Whoa! Ha!" Shall I make a mysterious odd noise or start training you to stand on one leg with a pot at your fingertips?

You don't like that training because you still don't understand what it means, and you constantly torture muscles all over your body. It's full of men and smells like sweat.

That's why he and Marie went back to the mansion and behaved like hot springs overlooking the lake, plus delicious fish dishes. Surrounded by them like Marie, Uridora, and the beautiful three sisters named Shirley, they were so very satisfied that they could not be expressed in words.

On the other hand, I say, stick my hand in the burnt sand and say, "Bo, Bo! I got framed for punching the sound out of my mouth and being trained to cry if I lost my mind.

I always wonder who would have thought of mastery like this. If I could meet that person, I'd have trouble saying "die" out of my mouth.

It was completely dark around, and there was a chirping bug in the bedroom. It is a wind currents thing and seems to be perceived as a piece of noise or something overseas.

Curiously, you don't see many examples of the culture of hearing bugs?

Marie is already asleep, and she's getting a happy sleep. The sound reassures me, and invites me to drowsiness.

Thinking of it that way, he was called out from behind.

"I didn't know there was such a nice place. This inn is as tidy as I've ever seen in Japan, and I'd like to disturb you during the occasional holidays."

Does that mean you can't visit frequently?

I have work to do, and I'm late to go home. Naturally, he thought he couldn't fall asleep with us.

"Right, because work is important. If the time is right, let's go play."

"Ma'am, please do it then. Wow... but you're still out there, aren't you? Sleepy and sleepy when I'm around... still, insomnia..."

That's what I left out, and eventually he fell asleep.

Even if they say something is out there, I sink my head into the pillow wondering what the hell is out there, etc.

The futon smells well dried and the muddy marie holding it warms me up. I think she's the one putting something out that makes me sleepy. Hey.

Thoughts slowly dull, some of which I recall in the midst of.

It'll be morning over there, and the place he wakes up must be in the alley. I'll pick you up as soon as I wake up, and I'll give you a ride home.

It's a neighborhood anyway, and can I have my pajamas in the early morning?

With that in mind, he sank into his dreams.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Well, then it was very hard.

Maybe I just had a weekend to save you. Saturday night, we were summoned to a coffee shop in the immediate neighborhood.

There was Kaoruko, who looked more grumpy than I had ever seen before, and Toru, who looked sorry to bow his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Kitase. Explain the situation…"

"Shut up for a while, Tetsu. Because I'll hear everything!

Me and Marie were breathtaking by the force, and at the same time realized what it meant to be called out.

Yes, I did, although I went to the world of dreams, and all that time she was the only one who kept waiting for me to return.

It was about 7: 00 at night when we headed for Chinese food. I came home at 7: 00 in the morning. There's no way I'm angry because no one's contacted me.

We sat across the street, swallowing gubbies and spit.

I was served iced coffee right away, but I don't remember anything about the taste.

"Uh, I mean, right. Tetsu drank with me until morning..."

Bang! and was slapped on the desk, the coffee shop quietly returns for just a moment.

Apparently, it means "shut up until I hear". We sat in a chair in a crisp and beautiful position.

Nevertheless, the problems are numerous.

I can't say I was going to the world of dreams, and I'm sure that's why I pissed her off. I mean, Toru can only answer vaguely, and that's what got in her way.

That's what happened. Kitase, I was sent an eye contact... I wonder what the problem is.

You may be right that Mariabelle told me last night that she was "indifferent to others". I completely forgot to contact Kaoruko, so I won't be able to argue with you.

With her eyes triangled, she kept her face much closer.

"So, where were you really? There aren't so many drinkers around here that we do till morning, and he wasn't drunk at all when he got home. Besides, when we sent him home, Mr. Kitase looked like a pyjama, right?

Whoa, you're not in a state where you lie anymore. There is only a suspicious situation left, and this just seems like he has been sleeping alone.

But as it turns out, this is a coffee shop. I was called to a place I could never speak to, and I just had to sweat sloppily, too.

Toru uncovered the situation without hesitation.

But using the worst word I can think of.

"Kaoruko, I need to ask you a favor - will you sleep with him?

I looked like I was shot by an electric shock.

No, it fits. The meaning of the word fits, and then everything will be resolved. I can be taught about the world of dreams and tell them what happened last night.

But the coffee shop is overflowing with deliberate voices, and at the same time, I see so much angry emotion that her hair rises.

"That way I can understand everything. What did I find out? What he taught me."

Stop it, Tetsu, stop it already! Just that serious face, please don't!

The aunts around them are whispering something to Hisohiso, and their gaze comes and goes between me and Toru.

Yeah, at least I won't be able to use this coffee shop again.

But they still had a long way to go in this worst case, incredibly. Mariabelle lay her hands on her to comfort her and spoke in a gentle voice.

"Okay, Kaoruko. Let's go to the same world as us, shall we? You should enjoy yourself as well as Tetsu."

Hey mr. Marie!? And I have white eyes.

No, it fits, what the word means.

But in this case, if you push in the direction of the day after tomorrow, please, will you notice? I don't know how. Oh.

Marie and Toru are the only ones who don't realize it, and unfortunately Kaoruko has a firm misunderstanding. Of course that goes a long way against morality as a human being.

"Absolutely not! Ugh, wow!

Kaoruko-san burst into tears, and her fondness for me sank to the bottom of the earth.

Oh, I don't know such a training ground. I sincerely hoped it would be a dream.

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