Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 194: Hey, Diamond Team ①

Now, for Pselli, who lives in the Black Rose Hall, I'm not very used to what this co-dressing room will be.

The Black Rose clan is naturally a famous family, but in her case it is difficult to call her a lady. That's because I've been working as a servant with everyone in the squad ever since the brave candidate took over my body.

Nevertheless, I am not used to dew my skin in public in this way. Puseli unbuttoned one of the buttons on her neck and turned her gaze around with that posture.

"This just doesn't calm me down."

Mm-hmm. Disgruntled lips, slightly staring at a plaid shelf of wood.

The shelves, which are about that height as high as their breasts, line up sloppily, perhaps a system of putting clothes and the like down and heading to the bathroom.

But I suspect it won't be stolen.

Today, of course, it is a rental to the Diamond Squad, and there is no need to worry about that at all. You just built a new one and can't get around to it, or do you trust your guests again?

When I was thinking that, I was slapped on the shoulder with a pound. There were female barbarians Darsha and Dark Elves, both sparingly exposing their untrained bodies.

"What, are you shy? It's between women, don't you have to worry about it?

"So-so, you better worry about losing. We're guests, so we just need to be grand."

Dorn and I were told off the chest, but when told by two of the diamond squads with one of the finest abundances, I feel like I lost in a different way.

The strange thing is, how the hell do you grow to be a woman when you have a vampire body?

A single line floats up from the navel, gazing slightly upwards, awaiting an irregular meatloaf depicting a sleigh and a curve.

"... I'm not ashamed of anything else. I'm just not used to it."

While answering like an excuse while blushing, I unwittingly stare at it because it's a rare opportunity. It also appears to be firmly supported by the pectoralis major or pectoralis minor, but I wonder if this is the reason.

The two people, who were being observed, waved bare and headed outside with the look of Hatena on their face and said, "Well, no, later.

Even the way you shake that ass and walk away is troubling to Pselli.

Heading naked outside the downpour of the yang. That's so high a hurdle that even the Hundred Wars Smelter himself can accidentally pull his hips off. I didn't expect you to walk outside without touching everyone's eyes.

Nevertheless, I can worry about my people if I were to hold them for long. No, I was already worried, since when was my daughters pinching me from left to right?

Seeing those brown and watery familiar eyes, Puseli finally calmed down.

"Oh, you were on your way to get dressed, too. It's a corner, so let's go together."

Speaking so, the girls smile as the flowers bloom all the time. I saw that, and Pseli also said, "Cute!" and I remember a mild chest pain.

This Haqua and Miriasha never leave by Pseli, that is, after they have become lords (masters). Originally they were unaccompanied daughters, and because of this, on lonely nights, they also sleep together.

Like the real sisters...... no, only Pseli can't realize that it's becoming a closer relationship than that. Originally, she was blunt in battle and in love, making it difficult to notice the pale feelings of love from the girls.

"Now let's not be shy to take it off. It's important to reopen a place like this."

Remove the example and the dress stopper as much as possible.

Dew from the back side, I feel embarrassed to be exposed to the outside air to the clavicle. Thanks to having previously enjoyed what would be a swimsuit, it may have been somewhat resistant.

I felt a strange gaze when I left the sound of clothes rubbing and only my upper body in my underwear. My daughters were staring at me from both sides.

Hakua, who leaves the blood of Hoshi, has the ability to predict the future. What does it mean to shake your brown offering hair and keep your eyes off your chest when you do...

"Master Puselli, you are beautiful..."

I get whispered in a dream voice and feel somewhat tickled. And Miriasha gently touched my spine from the other side, and it crept.

"Your skin is beautiful and clear. Um, could I have a look around a little bit more?

Even now, I think Puceri is close enough, but she stares at me from the two people who dropped the cucumber and the eyebrow butt and nods unsure.

As the Lord (Master), I am very vulnerable to these eyes. When she snubbed tears and blinked with her big eyes like a puppy she had been dazzled, she wanted to hug her to protect her, etc., and Pceli thought as she warmed her cheeks.

"You take the back side off. Excuse me, sir."

"Oh, hey, that's about all I do myself..."

"I'll take care of everything around you, Puselli. Thank you for always protecting me."

The refusal is gently rejected, and the knot of the underwear is unknotted as it is made. But this, slowly dew like a lot... I can't wait to be embarrassed.

"Master Puselli, I can't see it properly from behind. Give me your arm if you don't mind."

I don't know why I have to do that. but lift his arms as required and expose his plump armpits to the girls.

Even that makes my face even hotter when I gather my gaze from two young people.

I can't see it properly anymore and I close my eyes with my cheeks blushing. Because of that, Pseli didn't notice. Even such a shy appearance is a treat for both of us, to the fact that the girls' eyes shine every time they twitch their breasts dew.

"Don't move as you are. If the fabric rubs, it scratches."

"Yes, because Puseli's skin is delicate. Oh, wow, it's beautiful..."

Finally, I was exposed, and Ugh, their breath touched my chest and spine and tickled.

My skin is sharp because I'm closing my sight, and I have gin and heat just by touching my feverish exhale.

I opened my eyes slightly and then immediately closed them again. The sight I could only see for a moment was something I was so fascinated by from two very red-faced people that I was so close to touching them.

I'm just a little pussy poisoned when I look at the skin of the girls about to take it off and say, "Cute!" Do you repeat it in your head? "

She is also of the same kind as the girls, and only herself does not realize it.

Breathing eventually gets quicker, starting to heat up even the breath of nature and psoriasis. But there, a voice was thrown that allowed him to bathe in cold water.

"... what are you doing?

"Mm-hmm! So, uh, Doula!

Doula, a woman with shiny eyes, stood there in a towel.

She is also working out her body as a holy knight, releasing a frightened sigh at Pseli trying to turn away her body.

"Didn't you tell him I was staying one foot away, too, Cartina?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought we'd meet face to face sometime. As I said earlier, Mr. Puselli, the hot spot is spectacular. How would you like to join us?

Finally, Puceri exhaled in relief, then decided to just take off her clothes and head outside. Only for a moment did the two pure looking daughters look "spared," but that didn't show up in anyone's eyes.

Well, it's just called a spectacular view, and the lake was shining beyond the hot smoke that was about to go up. It leaves a minimal hedge to keep it out of sight, but otherwise it's a lake on one side. Unexpectedly, the dynamic sight makes Pseli stand up.

When the water surface ripples due to the wind, the wind reaches one's skin from a long distance. Hot smoke rises, and silence returns again. No, I could hear birds chirping from around me, and in the distance I could see deer eating grass.

I shudder when I punch a towel in one hand to something called harmony that I also felt when I saw the garden. touching, the word is closest.

I see that Pseli, who continues to live in the sand country, finally understood what a privileged land is like.

"No way, this... it's just supposed to be a hot tub..."

I think I can hear myself from somewhere far away.

It can't be very, very predictable, such as waiting for so many sights.

Washing the body is mostly the use of barrels, and there is no such thing as using large quantities of water in sandy countries.

And the fellows who were savoring the luxurious water look back. They all have a full smile, and I can tell they're going through what seems like a paradise (Eden).

Ha, and exhale a sigh I don't know how many times.

The same goes for my daughters as they cling from both sides, enough to keep their mouths open.

"Ooh, how long have you been standing bare, Pseley?

He finally returned to me after being laughed at from all around him.

I see, I think Pselli thinks that this is comfortable, etc. Everyone smiles at the openness that cannot be expressed in words, and the daily depression and stress are blown away by the wind.

Washing her body as taught by Cartina, and slowly putting it on the water from her ankles, she shudders unexpectedly. Slightly lukewarm water, and a troll, doesn't seem to be just boiling water.

Strangely enough, I can tell it's the water my body wants.

Slowly to the chest and as he sank to his shoulders, his breath leaked "ho" from his flower-tinted lips.

It felt so good that I couldn't get my hands off him anymore.

"I don't know, the war's started, and I'm so non-billed"

Eve, with brown skin, stretches out her hands and feet and leaks such words. In her case, her expression is loose on the back of her back with words, as she is also free from what is the cause of her stiffness.

Eight of the diamond squads, plus up to Cartina and Doula, added up to a total of ten, but there was still room for soaking in the water so as to draw a circle. Still sticking your shoulders together, is it what you look like as a team, or is it for another purpose?

To the voice of the dark elf, Pseli opened her mouth as she tied her evening dark hair over her head. Of course the girls arraying left and right don't even look away like that.

"Oh, I'm getting ready for a labyrinth attack, even if I seem relaxed. Hakam and Aja are using this place to take over and train because they are in charge of protecting the ancient labyrinth... right, Doula?

"Yeah, that's right. Our team is particularly well placed to command the rear. Sleep tight... Kazhiho, you and Mariabel look harder, but Master Aja was happy. Finally, there's a disciple who can tell you secrets."

Oh, and Eve rounded her eyes.

When it comes to Aja's secret technique, it's the structural record of the labyrinth through the artifact, plus the intelligence control of everyone in the squad. It surprises me because I want to entrust it to a young elf, a magician.

"That kid was smart after all. Then I wonder if the Doula squad is trained by Master Hakam and Mariabel by Master Aja. So, Cuz, what are you doing?

"Zella, and Gaston are working out. Minute morning to evening."

To Doula's words, Cartina turns to her face as she relaxes her body.

"I'm teaching you, too, body surgery with a sword. Instead, they teach demonic tales and other classes."

Ugh, and Eve looked bitter.

If those three got it all together, the training would be hard to imagine. If you ask, they also teach you the art of manipulation, and you don't want to participate in such suspicious skill training.

Now, when you enjoy the water, your body and mouth are lighter than usual.

Perhaps that's not the only reason, but the demonic blood-drawing woman squeaks her shoulder tightly, then opens her mouth.

"I just heard from the Gedover State. He wants you to work for him."

"Ahhh...... you had that to say, that's what we need to talk about. It was when I was being manipulated, too, so I only remember groaning."

There was, I forgot, and everyone laughed and spoke, but the reaction varied slightly from one person to another. Needless to say, he is a doula who commands the Cooperation Front (Reid), blinks with his pussy and says, "What now?" and had a strange look on his face.

Eve, a dark elf with her elbows on and dazed, lifted her head all the way up.

"So, what wack? No way. Iska betrays us?

"Hmm? I can't help but betray you. I just told them the facts."

Is the devil tribe vulnerable to water, or stands up separated from the crumpled water and sits on a slippery rock? This place just has a pleasant breeze, so she indulged in the temptation to fall asleep.

Distressingly, there is a bench at the edge of the sight that is perfect for lying down. Diamond Squad, and even as we were talking about both sides of the country, the daughter of the demon tribe continued to look at the bench with a flicker.

For her now, betraying her country and falling asleep on the bench is more troubling for the latter.

and Cartina opens her mouth to interrupt in between.

"Did you still hear from her? I'm too busy to respond, but what were you saying?

"Hmm? Oh, he didn't reply because he looked like a general or something great. Casse, Miriam, how about you?

That's right. When I throw the question, they both tilt their necks properly.

I finally realized that I had not responded to the general as one of them, and often the water was filled with silence.

I thought I'd laugh it off, but it's important for the Lord (Master) Pselli to be involved in the future. I often worried and then opened my lips.

"As far as I'm concerned, you want to avoid reckless behavior. As we all know, my family training as a family of black roses is' Without Our Lord '. You can't follow Gedover while hiding in Alirai."

"I know. And I want to spend as much time with everyone as I do. I don't have any family over there. But I don't blame anyone who wants to go back to the country."

Everyone looks around at the words.

Who the hell wants to go back to Gedover country, I wonder.

Now that we've freed ourselves from the brave candidate, the Diamond Squad is now the most enjoyable time. This is how we enjoy vacations and show a different kind of collaboration in combat.

For this reason, without anyone talking for about a minute plenty, his gaze gathered again at the daughter of the devil tribe.

"... no? I don't mind, but if you want to betray me, you tell me. It's better to keep this kind of thing together."

Yes, and only one person, Doula, clared to the way everyone replied. I didn't even feel the slightest dust that I was really willing to betray you.

I know what it feels like to be her. Depending on the future war, I guess I don't see the advantage of betraying you in the first place in the present situation.

Nevertheless, as Doula, the ruler of the cooperative front, said, "Keep your secrets right where I am!" and so on screams in my heart.

And when everything seemed to be fine, I felt weak enough to sink into the water to my mouth.

Well, everyone then enjoyed something called vacation.

Oil massage in different hot spots, saunas and even by Lizardman. I drank a reasonably cold cup of tea, then took a nap, then discovered a good scented rock bath, another massage, coffee milk. I had to make a scene... so much satisfaction that I couldn't describe it in words.

But only Kitase, Mariabel, and Uridra know that there is actually a back to this invitation.

What do you need most in this hall… I might have noticed if I knew what it was about.

But they are so entertained, playful and loose that they are boned out. It's like dancing on a trap, if you like.

Just when that happens, the boy and the elf finally wake up.

Okay, mission start.

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