Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 191: Mr. Elf and the Fall of Reading

Upon rising from the bath, Marie was quietly reading the book.

I'm sitting in a chair in a pyjama and the TV is already off to see if the sound is in the way. Seeing how it goes, my path turns to the fridge.

After a little worrying, I decided to make coffee milk. The mug she's been using a lot lately is a drawing of a dog's eyes and nose, a cute one that is peeking at the pelt and tongue.

I poured coffee milk in the hot air and sat down next to the girl.

Then the girl raised her face and I was surprised to receive a thank-you note to her cheek. What surprises me is that I noticed a kiss after about ten seconds of plenty. That's how natural it is between us.

Marie leaned over to me touching her cheek with her fingertips.

"Hey, I really like your recommended book, the flow here. She's finally going to peel her fangs off."

"Yeah, it's time for the thoughts I've accumulated in my stockpile to finally take shape. From there on forward, I probably can't stop reading until the end"

It's the last jet coaster to accelerate, if I may say so.

Break long pages to depict the characteristic nature of the protagonists, the surrounding environment, and the difficulty of darkening the world like a dark cloud.

The combination of princess, and demon, has a fantasy feel, which I think is particularly enjoyable for women. However, it is a world where desire swirls, and the target age is slightly higher.

To a situation where even the reader seems to "this is no longer possible," but a solution that only the protagonist can do punctuates the core like a sharp knife.

Guru, guru. Cut over and over again instead of once, the dark clouds are paid off... while now hidden challenges strip the fangs of backlash.

I think such a sweat-gripping development is fresh for the elves. Pour hot eyes still, then repeat only the task of carefully turning the page ahead. Likewise, when I take the book, I slowly step into a different world.

The room has a page-turning sound, the occasional sound of drinking coffee milk, and then a sleepy black cat stretch.

It's such a monotonous space, but the inside of the girl is separate like a dish that simmers. Touching the main character's energy, she finally finished watching him smash his core petitely, and the girl finally leaked her sigh inadvertently.

"Oh... that was awesome. I'm going to admire you for being the same woman."

"It's amazing. I'm still hoping there won't be a serial issue."

When I told her that, the girl said, "Uh!" and he looks surprised, teasing it with his sledges and lips. I guess I can't help but want to read more about the enthusiasm the protagonist has.

"It's sloppy. I can't believe you didn't do all that and show me what you've accomplished. If they did that, they'd imagine a lot."

"That's good. Imagine what happened after that and enjoy it as much as you like. Of course, as far as we're concerned, I can't help but worry about the right answer."

Heh, Marie laughs. Then he took my hand and whispered, "Let's go to sleep now."

If you notice, it's too late. Of course, it's early bedtime for the public, but it's late for us.

I said why... when I thought about it that much, I remembered something much more important.

"Oh, speaking of which, I was wondering if you said pre-opening the second tier today"

"I was! I'm sorry, Uridora, that's what you were ringing so many times earlier!

That, I wonder if there was such an exchange. Speaking of which, when I was reading a book, I also felt like it was ringing......

The black cat, which was round to the bed, exhales like a fuzz. Then he slapped the futon with his tail and invited me to "Come on, I'm already starting".

As the demon calls it, we can play in the dream world, not just in Japan.

Each other's world is just inverted in time, and the ten o'clock at night switches to the ten o'clock in the morning. That's where swords and magic are commonplace, and it's like a different world than this one. But either way, it doesn't make any difference what we enjoy.

Elf girls can accompany me by cuddling and sleeping, opening doors to different worlds, not just dreams. Rather than that, she is a resident of the fantasy world, so is it correct to say that she is inviting her to Japan?

Lift the futon and let it slip into a comfortable sheet.

The girl I was waiting for lifted her head, so I put my arm in that gap. Then, as usual, it turned into just the right pillow.

Only downlight lights are left in the room to remember the unique and cozy air of autumn. Marie has spoken as she adjusts the position of her head with the thighs.

"Yeah, this is the autumn of reading, I enjoyed it. It's as if you're in a library, and the letters get to your head."

"Then what shall we do tonight? Do you want to take a break from the book?

The elf lowers his mouth and then whispers to his ear to tell a secret story. It tickles, and the requests I hear are adorable and come.

"... then let the Diamond Squad play for a while longer"

"Yeah, let's do that. This is a waste of time not enjoying the autumn of reading. Uh, here goes."

The girl stretches out her arms and grabs the picture book under her pillow borrowed from the library.

Then my vision darkens, and the pretentious and soft touch my nose tip. All this makes me blush on the boulder, but in my dewy vision, Marie blushed her cheeks, "I'm sorry," and she had a small peek at her tongue.

The scent of a sweet drifting girl, along with her soft cheeks and body that brings her to her shoulders.

As far as I'm concerned, he wants to enjoy the autumn of reading, but that's not quite the case. However, I think you liked this time of year, which is easy for you as an elf.

At the same time as he began to read the picture book, the black cat, which was rounded to be pinched by us, sighed a sigh of fussy and giving up.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

That was days ago.

The Black Rose Hall once had a horrible night like horror. Here live those with the finest strength known as the Diamond Squad.

They are members gathered by the brave candidate Zarish, their grainy beauty, their eyes as colorful as a jewellery box, but the sights are a little rare now. Because Puselli, the master, and Eve, the dark elf, were sitting on the floor, shrinking uncomfortably.

It is those who once called the Jewellery Box (collection) that surround it. Now we are freeing ourselves from a slave-like life and reclaiming the original colour of individuality. For that I am Jen-royal and may be slightly lacking in colour.

They Diamond Squad are still shallow in the sun after they regroup, and the relationship between them up and down is still thin. Because of that, I'm in the process of disputing yesterday's suspicions. The suspicion was that the two of them stayed overnight without any say, and from the way you seem to be in the mood, you said, "No way. You've come to play with me in confidence?" Suspicion, suspicion, and jealousy swirl into the room.

Exposed to such emotions, Pseli lifted her face as she rocked her evening dark hair.

"Oh, you guys, aren't you misunderstanding something? With the important role of crusading monsters..."

One hand raised to whisper the word.

She has unique Barbarian powers and is the longest in the squad. He covers his entire body with thick muscles and supports only the fortifications from above with a cow patterned fabric.

The crease in the waist is thin, and the thighs are thick a few steps for everyone. The people around them find it strange because their breasts are swelling the fabric so soft again.

"So, what's that nagging sunburn? If you look closely, it's a small area to expose to the sun. Were you walking around the desert in your underwear?

"No, I'm not. This is called a clean swimsuit, to play in the sea...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Eve the Dark Elf, who was also in the right seat, hurriedly blocks its mouth.

Pseli immediately denied that she suspected her taste in clothes, but in this case, it would be the worst category. Eve opens her blue eyes and then slowly looks at everyone's face - but it's already late. More than the words "sea" and "play" appear, falsehood goes to the truth.

"Whoa, what's the ocean, that ocean? Is that a sea full of blue, salty water? If we get that far, instead of playing, it's a vacation, right?

To the words of the barbarian woman, loosely approached were blue hair, and a woman with curly horns. She leaves behind the blood of the devil clan and calls her name Iska.

Even in the recent battle, he tore the front line as a demon swordsman, and his calm and settled sword judgment is also gaining fame on the cooperative front (Reid).

With a calm less discouraging voice, she opens her makeup free lips.

"I mean, you left us at sea, huh? I don't want you to say it because I'm not angry. Hmm? What delicious food did you eat?

Really? Don't you get mad? and many times Dark Elf asks, and Iska nods each time.

I have to apologize to everyone because it's true that I was going to play in the first place. Yes, Eve thought it would be a good opportunity if she didn't get angry. Then I thought it was time to open up.

"There's a dish called Curry, and it's so delicious I can't forget it. It's spicy, but it's sweet on the bottom flavor, and when it gets tangled with rice... hehe, Cho is excellent and about three glasses of pepperoni"

As promised, the demons certainly weren't angry.

To be able to point the piece sign at me, he just snorts and answers "well." But the others said... wrinkled between the brows and looked down on the power. Dark Elves changed his blood phase.

In terms of the type of grudge, it goes without saying that things about food can be mentioned at the top. It is common sense in all worlds. That's why the grudging-mixed voices leak from the surroundings, heh, heh, heh, heh, it was excellent - sloppy and the two sweat.

Pseli peeled off his hand to hold his mouth belly, and hastily clarified. You can't stay on a ship trying to sink forever.

"Wow, I've only had one drink! It was only when I thought of everyone that they pulled my hair back but left me!

"Hey, hey Puceri, you swimmed in a floating wheel with me!? Plus, Hola, you said that alcohol was delicious, and she's beautiful. What are you talking about?

I couldn't do it anymore. All the information I kept secret was revealed, and on the contrary, the beginning and end of alternating confessions. The Diamonds are just in the middle of attacking the ancient labyrinth with their lives, so the two and everyone's anger springs up.

Due to the horror, Pseli and Eve accidentally hugged each other and sweated sloppily and unpleasantly.

Now, there was a history (a whisperer) of what could not be done, and we were to hold a vacation to comfort everyone abruptly.

It is also the time of completion of the second level hall. Uridora, the Magic Dragon who listened, reached out to me and said, "Then it would be a good opportunity to try out how comfortable it is."

I don't know if this is going to be a boat across the street, or if I eat poison again, it's going to be up to a plate. Somehow it was an invitation from an unidentified brunette, but everyone in the squad said, "I want to go!" and I waste my time.

Apparently, rumors have it that the Second Hierarchy Hall has been reborn to a great extent. While some were anxious about the word beautiful as paradise, others were to visit full of dreams.

As such, the second level hall, so to speak, has begun to be pre-opened.

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