Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 155: It's a thin-baked pizza, Mr. Elf (2)


I heard such a voice, and when I turned around, a translucent skeleton was about to peek through the door into my face. He stared at Shirley and then disappeared.

What was that? and asks with her eyes, she tilts her neck, "Come on," too.

Well, look, I was just busy.

Well, that's why it's a pizza tasting.

When I didn't have time to make lunch, I recently realized that I just had to bring in the ingredients in this way.

Somewhat - no, I care a lot about my eyes from around me, but I can't help but say, "I'll never eat military food," the women say.

It is wrapped in strong powder with salt, water and olive oil to bring the dough to the world of dreams with it resting. All you have to do is shape it locally and put your favorite ingredients on it.

If you want to taste the crisp texture and flavor, thin fabrics would be better.

Sprinkle with cheese, bacon and vanilla from the second tier hall similar to basil and cook in a stone cauldron at once.

Still, it feels weird to have as many as three fires (salamanders) in the kettle. They fall asleep all the time and turn their eyes like bean grains on the pizza dough they came from.

Somehow, I'm worried you're bringing food to the sauna room.

The elf girl who serves it pulled Qui and my sleeve.

"Is this a good idea? You can make me work a little more with my fire, right?

"Yeah, I guess it's okay now. But on the third level, the air is cold, and it might be nice to get warm."

Warm air, and people get together attracted by the smell.

They are curious people, such as Zella, Doula and Eve the Dark Elf, who are engaged. I don't hesitate to stare at the stone cauldron, and for some reason Eve is holding the wood dish tightly.

Until before, she was supposed to be a portable food too... but did you bring in a plate with your mind? No, no way......

"Well, you know unusual dishes in that country. Give us a taste, too."

"Ah, Mr. Zella. Of course, that's fine."

Ingredients are limited, and there is not enough food and cooking time to distribute to everyone. I'm sorry, but let me give you as much as a taste.

Well, I'll take a look around and take the pizza out of the stone cauldron.

Let your eyes shine together at the sight of the cheese melting, puffy and good baking colors.

If I cut it roughly, it smelled like a well cooked pizza dough.

Um, I knew it was different to be able to stand. Besides the high temperatures you'll never be able to do at home, so just make it fun.

One at a time to Marie, Uridra and Shirley plates. Then I decide to put the cut into three pieces on Eve's plate.

The material is also on the next fabric, so throw it into the stone cauldron with a replacement. Then the elf girl stared me sorry.

"It's kind of bad. Let you cook, I can't believe we ate first."

Marie frowned cuddly, and behind it Uridora opened her mouth gently. She seems to have stopped on the brink of panic, but at some point she can read the air too.

"No, no, as far as I'm concerned, it's the only thing I want you to eat. The more time passes, the less flavor will fall."

Go ahead and show yourself, the girl will snort even as she gets lost.

Eating while hot is a pizza routine without a knife. When held, the freshly baked heat is transmitted, and when placed in the mouth, the tongue is alert to the heat.

But you'll be happy to scream soon.

The jacquard and pizza dough are lightly crushed, and the thick cheese of my beloved Parmigiano Reggiano is coming. It blends with bacon fat, and sour tomato sauce tightens the flavor.

If chewed, the aroma of the pizza dough, its intense flavour and the flavour of the cheese strike the palate. Then the burning heat and other tongues will soon be forgotten and you will continue to chew me on to send me more flavor.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Ooh, no... Huh!

"Mmmm! The crisp texture again...... Huh! Ugh, cheese is delicious!

You'll be happy to stretch your cheese and eat it with a smile on your face. From what I can see, Shirley also seems to shine her eyes and brace her contours... but be careful, I decide to tell her with my eyes open to calm down.

Yeah, I guess that cute two-handed guts pose makes me a little nervous.

"Ugh, cheese grows - eh. Mmm-hmm, mm-hmm, pizza's delicious. Huh!

"Guuuuu! The aroma of cheese stands out because of the thin fabric! Crisp, crisp teeth are irresistible!

But the look on the face of a lovely woman when she eats something delicious somehow soothes her heart. I look really happy with my eyes, mogmog and chewing expression.

And he offers me a "replacement" and a wooden dish if I finish eating to the ear of a solid pizza.

But it was Dark Elf's Eve that drove me to the pizza more than anyone else.

I let my eyes melt and said that I am almost finished eating, but it seems that I am half-opening my lips to taste the aftertaste......

Somehow I thought on my own that he looked like a good fit for junk food, but somewhere it's dangerous to see him breathing hot with his eyebrows in the letter "ha".

With my anticipating eyes, when they stare at me... I want to spoil them.

"Eve, you want another one?

"Yikes!? Oh, thank you, Cuz!

I was held from the side more and more, and the momentum made my eyes black and white.

Somehow I feel like I'm her brother. Now it's a dream world, though of course my back length is lower than mine.

Yeah, well, it's only close to that when you have something you want.

However, showing interest in "heh" and "ho" and how the stone cauldron looks with a hug from behind...... I was wondering if I'd have a little trouble.

When I bake two or three of them like that, everyone's belly swells. Of course Uridora has plenty of room.

By the time I was resting for tea, Pompous and Zella muttered.

"No, Grandpa said you'd deliver if you had the supplies you needed. Wouldn't you deliver this ingredient if you ordered it?

"You're a total idiot, Zella. I can't deliver it to the third level entrance just for cooking."

With that said, Doula deserves to be offered pizza to his mouth. Baking care with a cool look and cursing feels strange.

But ordering ingredients... Alirai country tastes good in spices, plus tea and cereals. If you can deliver what you need, I'd appreciate it as my wallet. [M]

In order to do this, do we have to shrink the path from the entrance of the labyrinth to headquarters? Common dungeon stuff produces shortcuts if I clear them.

I sighed as to whether it would be difficult to ask a boulder for it. [M]

Well, I didn't realize at this time, but the satisfied belly elf was bragging down the incredible key to his hips.

Though that sparkled...... it would still be a long way off the road.

As such, today's offense closed the curtain relatively peacefully.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Silence enough to make my ears hurt.

The interfering units gathering in the dim room were in an unprecedented crisis.

"The previous layer fought better..."

"Ah, don't say it, you! I've been patient, too!

To that voice, the commander of the squad shivers between his eyebrows with tingling.

No, if you look around together, you'll see that maybe everyone will have the same idea. That's how anxious you look.

Unconsciously corrected the collar, the man quietly decided to sort out the situation.

At the third level, the defense equipment has improved dramatically, and the demons placed in it are at different levels of digits. But why does it seem like the flow has changed when you come here?

Nevertheless, this overflowing sense of powerlessness is one thing.

Move on, move on, move on, move on. Instead, only the pawn disappears on its own. The man leading the squad stares at the screen as he bites his teeth too hard.

- No. It's not supposed to be like this.

I should have assumed all things, but why are we being shown extended footage of the tasting? It's hard to understand anymore from there. I should have enjoyed the battlefield, which was originally turned into a hell of a painting, in a special seat.

Just go to a quiet, dim room and say, "Hahaha! Just stop making me laugh." I don't know why, but I miss you so much.

"This time, they didn't even notice..."

"Idiot, you! The captain is a fine man, he must have a strike plan!

I just got a little distracted. Why are you hunting down even your men?

I have been educated not to expose my emotions, and I have never been more grateful. Otherwise, he could have covered his head and screamed something.

But we must give hope to the leaders, the lost soldiers. That would be my role as head.

"- Of course, this is the third tier. There's no way I don't have a hand."


In one word, the crew gives a relief look.

to the light of hope, and they want to know the way forward.

Everyone would be relieved. He grinned and opened his mouth to incompetent men.

"I always have something called a trump card. Yes, a last resort."

"What, is it the last time!?

When he glanced sharply at him, he held his mouth still and turned his gaze in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

I see, sometimes they need it.

Even when you expose your emotions and punch them in the face.

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