Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 149: My Home of Dreams?

Jean, Jean, and among the instruments struck by the priest, the offensive team passes through the gate.

The people of the town wait for another triumph and send them words of support. But some of them sent a different gaze.

The person standing on the balcony of the royal castle is in an important position in this Alirai country. In the eyes of a young man still young, he had seeped the colour of giving up and slight contempt, humming his nose.

"Do you have any idea how much of that you can come back?

"Well, to me..."

"Everyone dies. My father put me in Hakam's truck and allowed a third tier attack, but I wondered if they would soon be wrecked."

Still today, the citizens are throwing words of blessing.

The flowers danced, and the traveling soldiers said they had a bright look, but the royals had eyes that looked at the dead.

Citizens are still talking about this small attack. Everyone wants to know why it's more than 80% less than the last number of soldiers. A powerful line would be to examine enemy trends, as in the previous one, and set up the system before leaving the second formation.

But some know.

That we have to attack the third tier just because of this small number of troops. That's why there's no one alive to go back to.

The royals who dropped them off quickly disappeared from the balcony.

And as we waved our heads toward each other, we gathered to the map on the tabletop.

One battle had begun and another was about to begin again.

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Well, our preparations are slow.

You just have to wait in this second level hall until everyone arrives. I heard it was night, so we'd be asleep by now.

Well, do you mind if the actual offensive starts tomorrow morning?

Even so, it is not here to set up the main unit, but in front of the door leading to the third tier. There will be no noise because it is in a remote location and there are routes that bypass the hall again.

Nevertheless, I can't even relax that much. I want to confirm the tools I just purchased in town, and assemble them such as a simple tent.

I bought something for a few adults if I could get Uridora to carry me.

"So why did you buy the tent?

"Yeah, if you think about it, isn't it easier to get back here than sleep in the labyrinth? Shirley can manage the forest, and we can sleep comfortably."

Marie, crouching and watching the installation, opens her eyes to admire.

With Uridora, our trusted companion, we can always come back here. Then make sure you're comfortable, and the oncoming offense will be easier.

"Oh, that way I won't have to carry you to the pot. Yeah, well, then I'll help too."

"No, no, it won't take that long. Because the struts and roof are over..."

I don't know what to say, but I know how hard it is to build a tent.

Stand up the strut, secure the foundation, and then cover it with a large cloth. The reason for installing it in large numbers is now well understood.

Tighten and secure the perimeter and place a thick cloth and fur on the ground, which is almost complete. The bright milky tent is raised and the entrance is judged open to see if there is a problem.

"Is this what it is? Marie, it's okay to come in now."

Marie, who came in dreaded, looks slowly into the circular room. And he gave a satisfying look at the plenty of space.

"Wow, I can do it. Breathable and surprisingly comfortable inside."

"I bought a little higher. It would be nice to have money at times like this."

High-touching with Mr. Elf properly coincided with being able to turn the curtain and speak up.

"What are you doing? Look, I need to talk to you, so come here."


In high touch, we raised such a dumb voice.

Well, it was a vacant lot across the river that Uridora showed me.

But the weeds are not very grown, and the soil is tidied up like ground.

There are tables and chairs under the pompous tree, which also makes me uncomfortable with the sight.

"Wasn't there a forest here before that?

"Of course I put it away from Shirley. I have to think about intervals now. Hey, Shirley."

Yeah? What's the interval?

Sit back at the guided circular table, surprised. It is made of iron but has holes in a plaid shape, which seems to fit in a western-style garden.

I couldn't help thinking about it, so I decided to take my lunch out of my bag. Thanks for not being able to get time to make it these days, so it's an easy sandwich today though.

During the leaking days, bright white bread brightly shows delicious ingredients such as eggs, tomatoes and bacon.

When we handed out tea to everyone, we were supposed to have a meeting while we had a late lunch.

"Mm, mmm, yummy...... Hmm, I don't like this, this tuna sandwich. If you don't feel troubled in your mouth, you'll feel smudged."

"You're always the same, Uridora. When I was a rice balls man, I thought I was a snail mayo."

"I don't know what else to do, delicious things are delicious. In the meantime, let's talk about making all the tuna mine."

Yeah, you've screwed Wagamama very naturally.

When Mr. Elf takes the tuna sandwich with a light disregard, he pinches his mouth with the tea in one hand.

"I wonder what the interval you were just talking about is? You're not building a house, are you?

"Mm, is something wrong? See, the reference gardens and Japanese compromise buildings are well documented by me as video magic. Look, look."

Pompung and the footage of Yamamoto Pavilion in the air is born, and we open our mouths to the flat Shirley expression.

If you look closely, this vacant lot has as much grounds as that mansion... He finally returned to me in the wind he was about to blow.

"Because we have a lot of building materials we need, and we need manpower, don't we?

"What are you saying? With me and Shirley, there's basically nothing you can't make. Then you would have actually gone to see the garden."

Yeah, that's a startling first ear.

I finally find out that I'm really trying to make a home with Shirley snorting. I didn't panic, didn't make a scene, drank my tea, and took a breath.

I turn back to Uridora as I sprinkle the pieces of bread on the birds who came down to dawn. With just a scratchy chest sometimes.

"Then are you sure you want to make a home? By the way, how long is this gonna take?

"We have to decide on the interval first. If it's an uncomplicated bungalow, you might be able to do it in a few days."

Face to face, she responds in the same way.

Looks like Marie finally got a sense of reality. Looks like some kind of secret meeting is fun when she brings her face closer.

Shirley, who missed the opportunity to enter the circle, was drawn to me and Marie. One of us seems happy, Nico, but our secret meeting has begun.

"It looks like this. I've always admired the whole house. I'll do it. I'll show you my obsession, but you don't mind?

"Wow, sometimes. I prefer rustic warm vibes to flashy ones. I'd love to have a place to read more books."

Gufu and Uridora laugh inclusively and point their palms at the table. Then the interstitial footage of the house is generated as shown in the drawing.

Surprise starts here. When black particles are released from her fingertips, columns, furniture, etc. are created on the drawings, turning them into three-dimensional building miniatures. It's like a well-made 3D printer.

Oh, and we leaked a voice of admiration.

"Heh, heh, this is the reference interval. Let's incorporate your ideas here. Any objections?

"No, there isn't, there isn't. And baths matter, beautiful baths!

"Of course I don't either. No, I'm looking forward to it. Hey, it's Uridora's specialty to produce something, but I can't believe you're showing me something so massive so far."

She laughs reliably.

No, it's a friend of the Magic Dragon you should have. I've been staying and walking in other houses before, and I can't believe I'm setting up a house on this second level.

Then the earlier tent is going to need a sleepover until it's finished.

"Well, let's do it. Let's do it for real. Not too big for nothing, not too narrow of course, and creating an easy-to-spend home with views."

Everyone's hands are layered, and at the end Shirley's hands are put on modest. Whoa! and the loud voice echoed into the woods, and the little birds who were eating punks looked back at what was going on.

Well, it was a very difficult thing to decide between.

I put things of high importance in order, and when I put the halls, private rooms, etc., it becomes more and more inappropriate. Freaky hallways, freaky spaces are growing, and every time they do, they're going to reassemble.

Marie, who was peeking into the 3D drawings, squeaks wrinkled between her brows.

"Hmm, I know exactly how clever the intervals were when I looked at them like this."

"The more I make it, the more impressive it will be. The Japanese have a good idea of how to keep the premises alive. But that's not the right place to live, because we're turning it into something that will welcome a lot of guests."

I didn't think you'd be roaring at Japanese architecture.

How many times will it be before we return to the starting point? Since when is Shirley starting to snooze and nag? On his head stood a little bird, sleeping in the same way.

Although you can actually go check out the model house, I don't think there's a harmonious house in this forest. In that sense, Yamamoto Pavilion was ideal.

Garrigari and Uridora scratched their heads because they were getting stuck.

It will be difficult for us amateurs to think about intervals.

But can't we do something about it? There's an easy way for us amateurs to think about intervals.

"Oh, yeah. With Marie's usual stone spirits, I wonder if I could actually make an intermission. If you want to change anything, change it on the spot and it might be easy to understand."

"Oh, that's good. Skill levels can be raised, complex workmanship and structural enhancement techniques (structures) can be remembered, so there's no problem."

"Then let me help you. Marie's spiritual witchcraft is not suitable for fine construction."

That would be convenient to think about. I can't believe I can actually see the interval before I decide.

Just right for sleepiness awakening. Seeing the stone spirits change their appearance and form an intermission with Gungu makes it seem more like a picture book than a fantasy world.

When I touched the stone wall to try it, it felt strong.

The walls are too thick, for weight or no ceiling. But it was much easier to understand than the earlier drawings.

"That's Marie, isn't there a magician who can make all this according to the drawings?

"Well, actually, I hope you know I'm competent."

No, no, Marie's been competent since we met.

Now that the columns and walls have been made, slowly creep through the front door with everyone. It's dark, so it's convenient to change the intervals on the spot, such as adding some window holes.

"The guest room right through the front door stays like this. It's sunny and perfect for reading."

"No objection. You can stick it in the back and spread the word."

The waste walls disappear, and the six tatami are reborn into twelve tatami double.

Now we have a visitor's room on our right from the front door and plenty of 26 tatami space on our left. The front and rear are sandwiched from the garden and we plan to build a pond on the back.

If the halls and hallways are divided by obstacles or something, you will have a relaxing view of the garden from the long hallway.

"Yeah, nice. It's just a dream sight. I think you'll enjoy the bathroom and the rest area at the garden end."

"Yes, you said there was an open-air bath at Izu's destination. You may want to set the interval until you see it."

To the girl's words, Uridora nodded loudly in the sense of yes.

Perhaps this house will be completed while we travel and sightseeing in Japan.

I was roaring at an inappropriate drawing earlier, but I don't think I have to worry about it anymore. Combine whatever intervals you like, so it's natural to be unfit. That seems to create a personalized sense of fun like ours.

That's why we've got rooms and halls by the end of the day, plus rough intervals.

We all sit on the edge of the shape alone and watch the lonely garden where there is nothing yet. But the gardens ahead, visited by sightseeing, are sure to burn to the heads of everyone.

I don't see it, but I see it, that's such a strange sight.

When you actually spend it, though tentatively, the sense of reality is much higher than it was earlier. If the vegetable garden goes well, it will be more lively.

"Um, have fun. Bye!

Joron and Uridora fell asleep to the cobblestone with a full grin. Everyone falls asleep so that they can get to that look, and the sun sets. One day, at this hour, I will prepare the futon and I will cook in the cooking area.

Marie, with a big stretch, narrowed her eyes to make her feel comfortable thinking about it.

"Really, it's good to know that the world isn't money. I thought this time was very nice."

I want to teach you that word to me who works in Japan.

Nevertheless, it was a day that ended with a homemade, but I'm pretty sure the girl was right and I found it odd satisfying. I chuckled and laughed, and then decided to head to the tent I had just built with everyone. Anyway, tomorrow's a weekday, and when you're done with your work, it's a third tier offense.

Hey, you're getting busier and busier before the basin break.

As for me, I'm sorry that I'm just enjoying this dream, because it's becoming a playground to Japan.

By the way, I'm comfortable sleeping in my first tent, but when I thought about it, I totally forgot I had a stunt I could sleep in anywhere.

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