Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 147: Shirley Joins the Battle

Chit, chit, chit...

Blurred open vision has something unusual about it.

My consciousness slowly returns to the way I have adorable eyes and my little beak pointed this way.

The sky is already bright and it's like a different green world from Japan.

Nevertheless, it is difficult because it is sandwiched from Marie and Uridora in an attempt to move the body. He slowly unbuttoned his chest and tried to take out the punks for bait, but he couldn't seem to wait.


Tsubori and his little head dive into the pocket, and he opens up and doesn't hesitate to follow the breakfast there. I'm fine, you are. And so on and so on and so on, came the other one.

The bird is small and can only feel as heavy as its fingertips. But it's something that sticks well, so I can't help but tickle.

The elf has also opened his eyes to the noise and turned to a pompous look.

"Oh, you're loved by birds."

"Morning, Marie. It's not me they like, it's these punks."

And the other arm that was hugging me in the chest, it shakes perfectly, too. The dragons woke up, and the birds fled as they leaked their sleepy breath.

The razor blanket falls off and diverts attention from the healthy nudity that stretches heavily.

"Hmm, I ran away when I thought it looked delicious. Good luck."

Oh, you wanted to eat? Speaking of which, I think he said he woke up to the taste of chicken in Japan.

With that in mind, release the rest of the punks that were in the pocket nearby. The birds will be right back to eat as they stare from the top of the tree.

There was another one who woke up.

At the same time, someone is getting out of my body. [M] It's Shirley, a ghost and second tier lord. She floats like in the water and touches the ground properly with her toes. It's called a fluffy hair or dress, a woman who doesn't make you feel weighty at all.

"Hey, good morning, Shirley. This is how we wake up in the dream world."

Titty and she blink her blue sky eyes and look around.

Time is running out when I'm awake in Japan, so this passing time is roughly 14 hours. You perceived the matter in an empty colour, and you looked back here and nodded in the sense of "OK".

So, when we sprinkle pumpkin seeds, shall we go tell them about our participation in the attack on the third tier?

Reaching for the girl, she was grabbed with a smile.

Pick up the branches that were falling to the ground.

It's similar to a crust tree and looks good for use on firewood. What we are is just a slice of the forest, and the light of the sun is pouring down in the pompous meadows.

"Oh, you're such a jealous privileged seat. The river is close, and it's perfect for making fields."

"Yes, Marie was experienced in the field. Hey, this is reassuring."

Honestly, I don't have any experience building fields, so let's just say I can use her help. When I thought about it and lowered my back, the girl also sat right next to me.

I asked Shirley earlier and she says the land is good for use as she pleases. They don't even care about logging if you don't open it for nothing.

"Speaking of which, you said this place was circulating the souls of the dead. Are you sure you want to cut it?

"Uridora says it doesn't matter if it's circulating. Because if it decays, it returns to the earth, and sprouts come out of it. Instead, they tell me to watch out for fire."

If there's a fire, there's no fire truck in this world. However, if I had a girlfriend who is a spiritual user, there would be no problem first.

"So, if I were to field this place, what preparations would I have to make?

"We'll see if it sprouts from the seeds first. The soil is fluffy too, let's get the weed out of the way and plant it."

I see. Then I'd like you to leave the work to me. It's just grass that's so long up to my waist, but if you're in this dream, I'm fit. That's what I thought, and when I wrapped my sleeve around it, the girl put a hand on me.

"What are you doing? We'll just get the weed out of the way, won't we?

"Huh? Isn't that why you're grasshopping?

Hatena, and leaned their necks against each other.

Oh, well, I see. My perception was wrong. [M] That's how I noticed, because a little bit and the girl saw herself protrude the weed and summon the plant spirits.

The weeds that cover the ground in amazement gather to a point. Slow hands and feet, glued together into a cylindrical torso, and the ground of the weeds disappeared with soil in sight.

Yeah, I've seen a lot of spirits, too, but I don't know if I've ever seen anything human.... It's like a fat wheel.

Crouching Marie looked and spoke with the same gaze as him.

"Hey, Plant Spirit (Druardes), I need a favor. Can some of you move to a sunny place over there?

When asked so, he strokes the grass around his jaw in the first place and gives it a conceived bare gesture. Pong, Pong, and sprouting from his head he walks out with his sleigh. Likewise, as several bodies were born and walked away, a pompous, weed-free space was created.

"Wow, it's over now. Does elf always make it so much easier?

"Naturally. I don't want to sweat and weed like a human being."

And naturally, that's what they said.

Anyway, now we're done making fields, and all we have to do is sprinkle pumpkin seeds on the soil. There were about twenty seeds in the pocket. I will sprinkle it, and soil it gently.

All you have to do is water the water in the water bottle, and if the soil and climate fit, you'll sprout in a few weeks.

"By the way, what do you do with fertilizers?

"Of course I'll ask the earth spirits. You look tired, so you can take turns."

Oh, what a reasonably easy life you have.

When I exhale one breath with the impressive ones, I get a "hey" voice from behind. Looking back, Uridra, and Shirley were waving from the trail.

The density of the forest deepens and the sky is already completely covered by branches and looks like a tunnel.

Nevertheless, the trails are well managed, bumpy at the root but not incapable of walking. The naturally created tunnel continues all the way ahead, with a strange sight that cannot be foreseen due to the bending.

Uridora, walking forward to give the guide, looked back at her as she rocked her dark hair.

"Looks like the seeding is done. That pumpkin is sweet and delicious, so I wish I could sprout it."

"I still don't know if it suits the dirt. I can talk to the Spirit and make him sprout, but I'd like to leave it to the seeds from here on out. Something that would otherwise be a weak pumpkin."

Yeah, is that what it is?

Shirley, walking next door, nodded to the word, so it didn't seem a mistake.

But I'm a little concerned about her outfit.

Even though we usually choose dresses, today it's a combination of a perfect blue vest, a long-sleeved shirt with a butterfly tie and a skirt to the knee with a wide hem.

Looks like a young lady who picked out some easy to move clothes.

"What's wrong, Shirley? You look different than usual."

When I asked, she grinned and smiled from a translucent girlfriend. The grin is also elegant somewhere because it puts a blue headdress on it and wraps the bundled hair around the left and right.

To that mysterious grin, the girl in the elf and I will stare. Walking ahead Uridora has equally enjoyable eyes, so it seems like she will be telling us soon.

Well, there was a fantastic sight waiting, just like this tunnel. That's so big a tree that it's hundreds of years old - no, it's not weird to be over a thousand years old.

Slow trees have a presence as if multiple trees had assembled, and they appear in our eyes as somewhere sacred.

If I looked up, I could see blue leaves, and small green fruits.

"This is......, that's a lot of fine tree. So, how did you get me here?

"Hmm, don't you remember what happened here once?

Yeah? Have I been here before?

Close to the great tree and touch the tree by accident. I often listened to the rough feeling and the sound of the wind coming out of my ears.

- What would have happened here?

I think of the second level hall, which was a tease.

It wasn't too dark then, but I think I was pulled from Shirley. And I was led to the center of the hall...

"Ah, the stone... the throne?

Uridora grinned at him for associating him with something similar but not similar to this great tree. Then he walks over and touches the tree's skin in the same way.

"This isn't Shirley's body. And if that way changes, so does being itself. This is what the sealed throne used to look like."

Well, that surprises me.

I didn't know it was hard and cold when I saw it before, but now I'm turning it into a mysterious figure. I just think I have somewhere to go with her.

The sound of the ringing periphery echoed nearby.

"And I made adjustments to the seal. Because she didn't allow me to solve it. Shirley gained a little power."

"Yeah? I mean, what does that mean?

See, and the jaw shows the other side.

When I turned my gaze ahead, I saw Shirley sitting quietly there in my eyes.

Because of her mind, her appearance reinforces the color somewhere. Lighted by the sun, the bundled hair turns to bright golden, and the eyes to a clear blue sky everywhere.

Hilarious fallen leaves.

When she offered her hand, the leaves rode on top of it.

"Oh, I can't believe I touched the leaves... Did you finally get the flesh?

But to the inquiry, she shook her head left and right.

What tells me instead is the Magic Dragon Uridra. He pushes my back and whispers as he walks over to Shirley.

"A phantom is nothing but a phantom. It's because you're not raw. But if you darken the phantom, you are also allowed to make the same bare gestures as people"

Slowly her figure grows larger.

Shirley corrected her posture and kept waiting with her big eyes poured still.

"Now, Hiroshi Kazuhiro, we're going to see what Shirley wants us to do with him, right? What does the leader of a squad say when this happens?

Oh, you know what?

You won't be able to accompany a third tier attack in a translucent way. So I talked to Uridora, and she was secretly loosening the seal.

That's apparently why Uridora was there last night when I visited her at the elf with me. I see, that's why you were dressed up in public that wasn't weird.

Then as far as I'm concerned, I have to speak up.

"Shirley, our adventure journey is long and painful... rather than just having fun"

Spread your hands and walk over.

When did Marie line up next door and Uridra on the other side? Both have pleasant emotions in their eyes, and perhaps I have a similar look.

"It's something that eats delicious, reads ancient literature, and occasionally exercises moderately. Look, you think you've been fooled, why don't you travel with me?

Buuuuu, Marie blew it out. He laughs with a crease on his stomach, and then he turns his face over here.

"Really, what a terrible invitation. It's like he's trying to trick me into taking him away."

"That, in my perception, is where the ancient labyrinth is. Was Marie the one who said that not wanting to quickly go to the labyrinth and do a diet?

To Marie with a dodgy look, now Shirley blew it out.

Her voice doesn't seem to answer anyway, but she laughs in the bright sun, and she shows up in my eyes as a very beautiful woman.

And the cute gutsy pose with both hands, does that mean I'm gonna fool you?

That would have been nice. From now on, even in my dreams, I can be with you.

There have been days since she was possessed, but the fear she had - the feeling of being lost and lonely as she had been left behind, was no longer felt.

I wanted to give her some peace somehow, but I didn't know it would be such an easy thing. I can't believe you just have to say, "Let's go play, Mr. Shirley".

Well, I'm curious about her abilities... but let's just say I ask her on the trip.

After completing our journey, we finally decided to return to Alirai.

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