Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 124: The Half Fairy Mariabelle

Oh, the wind from the east feels good.

The wind feels like the remnants of the rainy season and contains plenty of moisture. Paying for the heat, thanks to which my tired body can finally move.

Jumping down to the cratered sand dunes awaits a feeling of dust and thick sand. At the heart of that burning explosion I saw a blonde man buried in half the sand...... a brave candidate Zarish.

Absolute defensive barriers.

The first time I saw it was when you were playing horror in his hall. It would be fortunate for me, unfortunate for him, to be able to take a closer look and analyze it with Uridora.

It smells the existence that has invaded the defined realm and releases a force field to offset it against physics and against witchcraft.

Offset means playing the attack while also hurting the barrier. But with his level, none of the damage will ever go through.

Perhaps if it were the Magic Dragon Uridra, it would have penetrated easily. But in my case, it's troublesome.

Make a cross shaped wound for a point breakthrough. This required speeds beyond sound speed to avoid automatic interception.

And by squeezing your energy just before you die, the Starscrap Blade (Astro) explodes energy beyond the absolute defense tolerance.

It was taught by the half fairy elves that the confined space due to the barrier, thereby causing damage to the inside to jump. I think maybe this was the only way to defeat him with enormous vitality and a brave candidate with absolute defense.

"Hey, but... you're amazingly sturdy, you are"

Burning his half black, he looked up at this one with his lost eye.

You look frightened and begging for your life, but I wonder if that's for me.

"What, I won't kill you because you promised Eve. Instead, I'll get you something you care about."

"~ ~... Huh?... Huh? Hih!"

Guru, and stepped on his right hand, and when he touched the ring, he screamed. I tip my little neck on my finger trying to squeeze it hard.

"Oh, I wonder if you want me to chop off every finger. Now open your hands."

"Huh..., huh..., huh... Huh!

Shivering fingers open as you can tell.

The four rings on there - eight if you include the other side - have already decided what to do.

I'm going to take each one off.

I think this is the worst skill (skill) he has ever created and a horrible thing that just keeps women bound.

Rather than that, this is my goal.

I could also take it away when I was losing my mind. But if I did, he would have followed me in bloody blood.

That's why I couldn't have broken his heart and held the peace in this way if I hadn't defeated him in complete condition.

You're thinking too much, he gave you a squeezing voice.

"Stop it... without it I'll... ugh!

"I want you to feel safe. I'll hand this to your men. [M] It's up to them to do what they do, but if they were treating you right, would they give it back to you?

"... ugh!?

Well, maybe break it or throw it away. No, speaking of which, I think Uridora wanted it too...

Take everything, and stand up.

There were no more clouds in the sky, and he said the rainy season in this world was over.

The blue sky, which I haven't seen in a long time, was eyeless, and despite the scratches, I was fascinated by it.

When I return to Kawahara to pick up my bag, I stop there.

Three people were waiting right next to their luggage.

I was surprised. And at the same time, I had a hunch.

You tricked me, and when I look at Uridora, her eyes tell the story, "We're not each other". Sure it is. I was fooling the girls. [M]

I made a promise.

Always consult when doing something.

But I couldn't talk to him this time.

I almost chose the most certain way to end Zarish, the man who passed out. That would have fooled everyone at the same time.

In hindsight, I can only stand still. [M]

Half fairy elves glow longer hair with sunlight, clear skin, and eyes similar to purple crystals (amethysts)...... were still showing tiredness of sleep deprivation.

Rainy skies are clean and windy with lots of moisture. Back to back with what I'm feeling right now, it's very clear air.

Poisoned and sandy, the elf girl slowly approached me. Did those eyes cry over and over again, my chest hurts dull from how swollen I am.

"Welcome back"

"I'm home."

Just a little distance, about a meter away.

But I can feel it endlessly far compared to when I was always holding hands.


Zarish is the one who keeps beating the weak forever. Unless I break my heart alone and take the ring away, I will continue to do the same thing forever.

No, is that just an excuse...

I simply hated Zarish. [M]

Touched Mariabelle and reached out to the man.

But the girl finally shows her cheeks to me. It looks slightly red... but what's the point in that?

When I was surprised, the tinted lips opened pompously.

"You don't have to apologize. I was watching footage on the river plain, too, but what I told you to cut off Zarish's fingers I lost my mind. After that, Eve and I got into a real fight."

"... Huh?

When I looked at Eve in a hurry, I didn't know because of her brown skin, but only one eyelid looked swollen. The bumpy face may have been the trigger for the pain.

No, you said little Marie pulled it off?

To me, Marie has turned her pale purple eyes straight. Because of his noisy remarks, he's only letting his eyebrows appear in the letter (c) a little.

"Because you won't have such a good chance. The lady in the hall was badly treated... and if she didn't, what would have been going on forever"

"That's right... oh, that's why Uridora stopped me"

Turning her eyes, the brunette shrugs her shoulders and tries to pinch her.

He showed me a better way to stop fighting with my friend Eve.

So, see, there's nothing to apologize for, and the elf girl smiles at me.

And I was amazed at how quickly what I was grabbing on my chest disappeared. He said he was feeling so backwards, these two wipe away lightly.

The wind from the east is still comfortable, staring at the girl with the grey hair that makes her stir. She had her big, light purple eyes pointed this way, and her white eyelashes, decorating the outline, were flashing with pussy.

She is very important.

But there's only one thing I've been noticed about this one.

Even if the brave candidate was my opponent, I couldn't stop. I thrust into a grump, and now I don't even have the obstacle I thought I could.

Maybe Mariabelle has always been more important than I thought.

I might like it.

No, maybe I've always liked Marie. From the day we held hands in Japan and walked out together.

If I noticed, I'd leaked my honest emotions out of my mouth like never before.

"Mariabelle, I keep thinking of you. I want you to go out with me, if you can."

"Hmm, what does that mean? 'Cause we're not always together."

Bounced back in a straight ball, often I freeze.

Yeah-... is it hard to understand the expression "dating"? Or should I have said socialize?

I can't believe you said you shook up the courage and now you're going to explain the meaning of the word... it's too difficult. Even though my face says it's releasing heat.

Against the backdrop of everyone looking up to heaven saying, "Ah, I can't watch," Marie leans back a little.

"It's hard to tell because I don't have a subject. Speaking of which, I thought you said you were going to the sea. Of course I want to go there with you. Swimsuit is also... Oh, no? I wonder what that means?

To the women behind the face named Aha, I'm also pointing my face at you for a moment... I guess this is almost torture.

The dragon he saw whispered into the girl's ear. But that voice, which has leaked slightly, sounds like "I mean courtship".

"Kyu...... ai...... What!?"

He looks a little surprised, and he stares at me with his eyes all round. I dye my cheeks bright red because I have white skin from the beginning... Ugh, this is embarrassing.

For the first time, I confessed to a woman when I was 25... and I never thought they'd be elves.

I feel like I can't see it directly, and something touches me when I'm stiff.

Pretty soft, and gazing back at the girl's sweet smell, the girl stared right around the corner.

Reach out and you'll be able to hug the girl right away. It is also permissible to adhere more closely.

He touched his nose properly, and the girl came whispering.

"Oh, my God, did you courtship me?

"Ugh, I did... well, it's been a long time, but I like you"

The more I think I lifted the smoke with Bohun, the more the girl opens her eyes and mouth.

It's warm enough to push my little forehead against my shoulder and make noises all the time.

Remaining in that position, the girl talks to Boso.

"I, too, like you, Ichiro. The first time we saw cherry blossoms together, and you supported me nagging on the bench, I thought," Maybe it's good. "

Ooh, this isn't going to work!

I'm not about to get a fire out of my face, we're both getting too warm and starting to sweat sloppily. If you want romanticism, it's where you should hug, but it can be a snuggly embrace.

Because we know each other, we're turning our eyes glued as we hug each other.

Fingertips touch each other.

We happen to touch each other's fingertips, but we learn something from each other and pick it small.

Fingers with plenty of heat are soft and rub together with a rub. A little more intertwined, the girl's shoulders trembled tingly, and "Phew," she exhaled hot.

"Um, come on..."


"Yes, what is it, Mr. Eve!

He lets himself go like he was bounced off and turns to Eve, who opened his mouth for the first time. Dark Elf's girlfriend pointed a little toward the King's Capital.

"I already figured it out, so I've been awfully edgy for the night away yesterday...... lah!?

She screamed, eating head-buds from Sessu and Uridra.

Um, the horse kicked me... but I didn't know it was going to be a matter of being poked in the head by a dragon.

To an unexpected radical remark - looking back at the girl softly... there was Mariabelle who turned brighter red from face to long ears and spattered her mouth than earlier.

I'm in trouble. This is troublesome. Maybe this one is bright red, and if you can hold your finger properly, you're going to fall for cuteness.

Seeing each other in the direction of the day after tomorrow, and taking the time to relieve tension.

After a few deep breaths, the redness faded somewhat.

When we finally took the girl's hand, a memorable moment came for us.

"So shall I stay with you today, Marie?"

"Yes, Ichiro. From now on, you're my lover."

Tickle and laugh at each other.

Thus began the socialization with the half fairy elf, Mariabelle.

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