Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 109: Let's Go to the Land of Dreams and Magic ③

Much noisier in the car than usual.

That, too, should be because it is occupied by Eve, the first brown elf to see cars and roads, Mariabel, who cheeks on Wye and Rice Balls without worrying about it, and Uridra, the Magic Dragon.

From the back mirror I can see Eve shaking her blonde hair left and right, with a surprise look on her face. I just saw her. I decided to talk to her.

"Eve, why don't you have some rice balls. The last tuna mayo is about to disappear."

"Holy shit, there's no way you can eat rice in this condition! Whatever, man! How many people can you ride?

If you look at it, a large tourist bus was running down the road in a relaxed giant. Well, we're going to be heading to a big theme park, so we're probably going to be together.

I can't bring meals into the park, though, and lunch is still much later. When I look at Mariabelle in the passenger seat, she snorts as she cheeks.

"Yes, this, rice balls. I'll leave the tea here. No matter how surprised you are, you'll be able to eat enough, right?

When forced to hold it in his hand, he moves his nose tingly to the fragrant scent of seaweed. Apparently, it's the same elf tribe as Mariabelle's. Maybe she has a sharp sense of smell.

For her just from different worlds, the sights around her would be no shock. But he lost the smell, and when he opened his mouth, he cheeked luxuriously.

"... Huh! Ugh, what the hell!

"Rice balls. It's a proud portable food in Japan. Among other things, tuna mayo is popular nationally, and it's in our hands and everyone else's hands."

etc and Mariabelle with a lower back length is better for her sister to teach her. Although the skin color is a lot different, I think she is a good looking after child when she looks at it like this.

By the way, it's always elf in the car because I can't speak Japanese or anything.

"How's that, delicious?

I can't even speak out because I'm eating, and Eve snorts back.

White rice, seaweed, and tuna mayo are intertwined in creamy, and the bites and chews overflow with flavor. Originally, rice comes out sweet enough to chew, so you can enjoy the deliciousness for a long time.

I had tea with Gui, then Eve raised her voice as she raised her blue eyes.

"Yummy! Come on, that's the one you were making just now. What, how did you make it?

"I'll let you know when I get home, if you like. But I'm glad the rice seems fine. It's the staple food in this country, so if you're not comfortable with it, you've been in trouble."

"Absolutely fine. I like it. It's moist and chewy, and I like the smell of this black one."

Oh, you look delighted.

It was Uridora sniffing at the words.

"The food culture of this country is yet to be seen by me either. If it's expressed on a level, I wonder if rice balls are something like 5. Either way, level 99 is the maximum."

"Ha ha!? That's impossible. You're trying to fool me because I'm from the country."

It bites, for example, but I do wonder if the rice balls exist at level 5 or so. and so on and Marie and I think face-to-face.

I wonder if there's a country or a city or something more where the elves come from.

"There are several kinds of Elves. Eve and Marie seem different just because of the color of their skin."

"Uh, yeah. I'm a forest tribe, Eve... sea tribe maybe? Yeah, I knew it, I thought so from the first time I saw it."

Apparently, according to the explanation, the color of the skin itself doesn't matter that much.

Forest tribes often stop by the intelligence side, and sea tribes in turn try to elevate their flesh. Nevertheless, the elves are slightly different from humans and should not undergo physical deterioration such as tanning.

"I'm a so-called dark elf. I'm using the Spirit the wrong way."

"Of the Spirit, did you use it? What do you mean?"

Marie looks troubled when she asks, "Hmm."

"I guess I don't feel so wrong, although that's generally what they say. You're just putting spirits in the flesh and fortifying them, right?

"... Speaking of which, you're not afraid to look at me. Hey, rice balls, you got another one?

That said, she shows up in my eyes like she unleashed one wall of mind in her current conversation. The way you answered "thank you" to the handed rice balls also seems to support that.

There's not much chance of seeing an absolute low number or a species called Dark Elves.

This is the first time I've talked to you even if I've been alone all my life. Still, rumors are heard, and they are accompanied by adjectives such as "clan cursed by God".

But Marie's commentary says she's only strengthening her flesh by taking spiritual power into her body. I see, was that where the ghostly leg strength I had seen before come from? and so on and I think looking at the back mirror.

And I just got eyes on that girlfriend.

"... you know, when are you going to ask me about Master Zarish? You do care, don't you?

"Well, I'm not particularly willing to ask."

"Well then, today is the day of play because of it. I forbid you to name him like that."

"Agreed. That disgusting thing I don't even want to remember."

"Not interested" was slapped from the three of us to convolute, and she just opened her eyes, too. Of course, we have to think about what he's going to do, but I don't mind that later.

Leisure-looking hotels and the like begin to show up when we are talking, for example. And with them floating, the car was sucked into the road dedicated to the giant theme park.

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Beyond the wide road that I think might be the square, I see a number of ticket offices.

The surroundings are lined with character-inspired statues and so on, and the realities slowly fade into a drifting fantastic atmosphere.

The same applies to music that rings lightly, with the effect of making even moving legs candle.

It should also be, this place is a land of dreams, a land of magic, that can forget this world.

I had the ticket I had just bought, and when I went back to them, they all kept their mouths open.

"Yes, keep this hanging from your neck."

"Oh, thanks..."

When I put it on Marie's neck, she seemed to be losing her temper to the size of the facility. He makes his big eyes even more rounded and looks around slightly.

"Whoa, that's a colorful admission ticket. Look, Eve, how long are you gonna be confused?"

"Oh, 'cause this... wasn't it a playground for kids? I thought you were kidding..."

No, there's no way.

You could say this is a different world where adults are serious and packed with dreams and hopes. As there is a saying that to deceive a child starts with an adult, even an adult here can enjoy it enough.

Now, if you take them through the gate, there's a shopping district waiting to swallow a lot of people. If I look up, there's a rainy ceiling, and even one of them makes me sound all surprised.

"I'm afraid the ceiling is full glass. It takes a lot of weight and strength."

"I have no idea. Why are you spending all this money?

The correct answer is that there is a return commensurate with the investment. Of course, my ticket bill is just one end of the spectrum.

and Marie had her eye on the building standing around her.

"Wow, that's cute, that's cute! Everyone around is adorable!

Etc. and Mr. Elf are smiling and hugely shabby.

Colorful colored buildings would really be her thing of choice. Even the hustle and bustle of people is somewhere fun, although people are overflowing around. Families, couples and varied, with a number of laughs echoing from around.

"Fuck, I was totally licking it. I'm tired of weird rides like cars, but it's good to see a city like this."

"Oh, no. Because this is just a souvenir shop."

Ha? and they open their eyes from Eve, but that's the same with Uridra next door.

"No way, you just built a glass ceiling for shopping?

"Yeah, but um... I'll stop by when you're interested, so let's go inside first"

Otherwise, the vehicle will be queued more and more.

Hold hands with Marie so she doesn't slip away and slowly move through the crowd. In the middle of the shopping district there was a large satin, showing off its fresh green colour.

"Hey, what could that be? Traditional Japanese events?

"Uh, maybe New Year's Eve. We're still ahead of us, but on July 7th, there's something called New Year's Eve, and there's an event called writing a wish in a short book and hanging it."

Well, even I am somewhat surprised by the explanation. I didn't know they incorporated Japanese culture into such a western-style place.

Marie is a child who loves stories, traditional culture, etc. Heh, heh, he looked back again and again with interest, staring at the stunning satin.

Now, straight through the shopping area, again, the girl leaks a surprise. He grabs my hand, and he gets limp. [M]

"Wow, look, look, the castle! The roof is blue!

I wanted to show you this. As far as I'm concerned, you're gonna loosen your cheeks about shagging.

Before that, in the movie we saw together, there was a beautiful castle, and the girl answered, "I want to see it." Then there's no way I won't show you the real thing.

"Much prettier than I saw in the cartoon! Hey, is there a bad guy living over there?

"I don't know, maybe I'll take a little elf. Let's take a peek."

When I ask her that, she says, "Oh, I'm scared," and she laughs like she's tickled.

The curiosity of wanting to see it nearby, though, seems to be strong, and he will move on with his legs pulled from Gyghui and Marie.

Girl turns to me more than once, like when she goes right underneath me... so, she's cute and troublesome.

"Wow, wow, the shape is elegant and nice! I'd love to live in a castle like this."

"What do you say we manipulate the Stone Spirit to make it? It could be fun."

Unlike the rest of us, Uridora and Eve looked up with a strange face.

"Hmm, the windows are small, and I didn't know you'd hold the tower to a considerable height"

"You definitely have a remote magic user over there. If you're going to take advantage of heights... then it's the material system."

There is no such thing as noise.

Why try to kill those who have come to visit?

Hmm, let's tell those two what this theme park looks like.

That's why I decided to take everyone to an establishment for young and old, a blistering attraction.

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