Welcome to Japan, Mr. Elf.

Episode 107: Let's Go to the Land of Dreams and Magic ①

I couldn't get up.

I remember the weight on my chest, and when I look down I have slightly tired golden hair. The wavy hair had brown complexion and long, elf-like ears.

Slowly recall what happened in your dreams as you watched her sleep with Suyasuya.

Earlier Uridora and Marie were blinded by Zarish, a brave candidate. And he offered to add them to his crew, and he put his sword to us shortly afterward.

If it's a level 60 difference, you can't have a good fight, and it's honestly pissing me off that you were killed for seconds. But that didn't end there, and Zarish even killed Eve, who was one of them.

Fusu, exhale in difficulty.

Should I think I got something wrong, or should I mourn being blinded by a troublesome man?

I can travel back and forth to Japan with the world of my dreams. Sleep, or death, awakens me, but the Eve woman also sprinkled her life at the same time, and happened to be in my arms, which led me to invite her to Japan.

I mean, right now I'm just after I was killed and woke up, and naturally, neither Marie nor Uridra have come back here yet. It's Saturday and a day to visit a big theme park. I think looking at the beautiful blue sky, which can be described as the sunshine of the rainy season, etc.

"Are you lucky you're safe? For her, though I don't know which was better."

Did you get that voice, tingly she rocks her long ears, followed by the sound of smelling it? And as I slowly lifted my face, the Eve woman put her chin on my chest.

The eyebrows and eyes, still sleepy but pinned and bouncing, look mighty, with blue and beautiful eyes. The brown skin is healthy and tight, shifting your gaze away from the puffy distortion that was being pressed in the plenty of valleys to conflict.

... I knew it, but you're an adult, this guy. No, can't you say such a long thing?

"I'm telling you, this isn't my fault."

Gori! And he held his throat down with his elbow, and I said, "Whoa!" and screamed without a voice.

I knew it, I knew it. She's originally close to her enemies, and this would happen if she was in a futon naked.

He was cut from his chin to his throat in a tight military motion, Gish! and the bed shrugs heavily.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~!

"I thought you captured him?! It's good to see something good at the end... why am I alive..."

Just a little help, pumping puffy fresh oxygen into my lungs. He was still horseback ridden and could not breathe, but suffocated to death for a moment. I would love to bare my breath, and try not to look at her naked and speak up.

"... you're dead, Mr. Eve. He died with me and woke up with me."

Telling her that in fluent elf, she jumped one eyebrow wide. Apparently, it's gone a long way beyond comprehension. Otherwise... if you weren't interested in my words, you might have been killed just like this.

When I opened my hands to her saying nothing, no resistance, he just loosened his weight a little more.

"I'm an adult and I don't know, but I'm Kazhiho."

"What? What are you talking about, you said you bugged me to the sleepy face. Dark hair, dark eyes, same hairstyle, same voice... you're in person!

Butti Butti Billy! And he tore his bedclothes to the left and right, and I flashed. Hey, this is a little... the type I've never met before.

"No scratches... Huh!

Oh, you wanted to see my wounds. I was confused because I thought I'd be naked this way.

Hi this guy is hard to predict what he will do... No, on the contrary, I am quite troubled because I don't even hide my breasts.

I'd like to pick up Marie as soon as I've left her in my dreams. Uridora's with me, so it won't be weird...

"Mr. Eve...... it's time for you to hide your body"

"Ha? Ah, what are you looking at? Huh!?

Boosh, he slapped me on the pillow, but I haven't seen it, I'm trying harder not to see it.

Oh, I wonder if she looks like some recent young man. The same goes for unexpected, but I have brown skin, albeit elves, so the image overlaps a lot with that.

"Well, I'll explain it right. I'll get you a drink, so I was wondering if you could pick the clothes in the closet in the meantime. Is Eve okay with being sweet?

"I'm fine, but... why did you change it to a call?

I guess because the only correct answer is now that I see it as a girl.

Finally she listened to my wish and was horrified that she covered her body with a futon. There are no caught eyebrows or eyes, but there's nothing compared to Marie.

I wake up a sleigh in my billowed bedding and head to the kitchen with no strength. I have no boundaries because it is 1DK, and from behind I heard Eve moving.


Unexpectedly freaked out.

Surprised by the sounds that were likely to annoy the neighborhood, she looked back in a panic and spread her right hand, gazing around her pharmacopoeia.

"No, no! Mine, the ring. Ah!

"What ring... oh Zarish's... Speaking of which, it looks like it was covered, but either way, you can't bring stuff into this world."

She stayed put for a while and I exhale one too before heading to the fridge. As I took out the milk, poured it into the mug and started moving the range, a sobbing voice echoed with Gusu Gusu.

"Ugh, they dumped me... I've been with you the longest, but no..."

I can't find a word to speak to her that slowly collapses and pushes her face against the futon. No, I'm sure it's not the time to speak up. I'm still an outsider who knows nothing about her. [M]

Place a pottery mug on the table, then open the closet and look for some that might fit the size. I don't think Marie's will fit the boulder, so I'll look at the hoodie I used.

Put them in front of her as Gusgus continued to cry, and with her sobbing eyes she looked up. He drips up to his nostrils like a child and is amazed at how weak he looks very different from earlier.

I'm going to know what it's like to be abandoned. I am very vulnerable to people who have suffered from my childhood. [M]

Because of that, a different kind voice came out earlier.

"Get dressed for this, then come to the table over there"

".................. Huh!

Before I hear back, I turn my back and head back to the table. Sitting in a chair, looking out blurry, the sound of clothes rubbing began to sound as I dressed for a while.

Whimpering bitter breathing tightens my chest somewhere. It's a quiet cry not to speak up, so you know what kind of situation she was in.

Now, let's just say Eve's lady finishes dressing and thinks about what happened earlier.

Why did Uridora hurt him in the first place? Maybe she could have avoided the path of strife, beaten him up, or given him advice.

But there she chose one of the divides of destiny. This led to an attack from Zarish. After Uridora figured out that I wouldn't die, of course.

And Uridora wanted me to fight him?

Estimated level 140 monsters?

With as many as 60 level differences, it would be more of a power relationship than an adult and a child. But she won't want to lose.

I know because I am a teacher, a friend, and a supportive relationship. Her chosen path of destiny is probably the right one. Even if we don't know now, the time may soon come to know.

"Hmm. You're not going to tell me when you ask."

"... why are you talking to me alone?

Looking back, there was Eve stuffing her face with her hem. Invite them with your fingers for a moment to keep the front of the hoodie open, then attach the fastener, then zip it up just a little bit.

"Because when you pull it up like that, it tightens. The point is, it's like a button."

"... Huh? What's this, usually amazing?"

I blink and the tears pull in just a little because of my surprise. Oh, hey, can you stop letting Jeezy and I out and pull in the valley?

Offering hot milk that stood calmly hot, she sat across the street from Soho.

"... here, in paradise (Eden)?

"Yeah, this is a country called Japan that's not on the map. I don't think I've ever heard of it."

Paradise (Eden) is the world that goes after death in the other world. We don't know if it exists, but we all believe it.

Nevertheless, if it were Paradise (Eden), she might have quickly convinced me too. Even one window glass is something she doesn't know, and she rarely seems to touch a tricolor sprinkle on a tabletop, etc.

Well, thanks to you, I think it's salvation that's stopping me crying, etc.

"If you feel like it, you can go back. As far as I'm concerned, I'd recommend staying for a while and calm your mind."

"What!? But when I go home, there's no place."

Stand up with cancer, then remember reality before Eve sits down again.

Peek into the mug and sip a tiny bite, if you've been invited by the sweet scent. The honeyed hot milk was surprisingly delicious, the little one and she kept drinking as she let her blue eyes grow wide and repeatedly said "ahh" and "yummy".

"Well, you don't have to decide right away. We have time, and especially elves like you, they live long enough for us to be jealous."

"... why did you learn Elf? I don't see a lot of people remembering you."

Well, I guess that's simple.

I traveled to the world of my dreams, only to say that the first time I knew it was in Elf. Probably if I'd woken up by the crowd, I'd have learned the common language first.

"Well, even people like me can work hard to live... I can't believe I remember enjoying and learning quite a bit. What about Eve? Didn't like to remember people's words?

"... I don't like it. He taught me then, and I enjoyed studying."

He drops his eyebrow butt looking down, and his eyes accumulate large tears again.

I'm sure you remember the old days. I have memories. It's a little pathetic to suffer.

"For one thing, can I do you a favor?

Speaking so, Eve looks up as she plucks her eyes with Gusgus.

"I'm going to pick up Marie and Uridora, so I was wondering if you could wait here. I don't want to restrain you to your room, but I think you still need time."

"Pick me up... what do you do?

"I don't know much about it either, and it's hard to explain. You should sit there and actually watch."

Often she troubled, then snorted cocklessly.

Hopefully, to her, who was connected to Zarish, I didn't want to look like this, but I couldn't help it. That's why I'm secretly determined. We need to get her back over there until we finish this case with Zarish.

Oh, my God, you look like a little bad guy.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

Muri, I couldn't get up.

Looking at you to the weight on his chest, he had bright white hair and a girl who seemed to sleep comfortably. Nevertheless, today is also the day of the long awaited outing.


Blurring and one morning stretch, then the girl opened her light purple eyes. Wow, and I open my little lips for a flexion, and at the same time, my flexion voice leaks from behind.

"Mm-hmm. It's still clear. I don't know. I didn't throw it away."

She is whispered that way by a brunette beauty as she stumbles on her cheeks. I could only see that face laughing more for a moment, and Marie's sight was covered in her hands.

"Oh, I thought I said Eve. I'm glad you're okay, too."

"Hey, hey......!!

Um, my vision is dark, but I can imagine what you look like. Eve must be holding her finger and pounding her mouth at us when she slipped out of the futon.

Well, it's a hassle to explain, so let's just enjoy our Saturday.

"So, guys, it's your day to go visit Grimland. Wash your face and get dressed."

"I've been waiting - Huh! Oh, I don't love this moment anymore."

"Ugh, I get it, I get it, there is certainly something out of this!

Pam, is that a one-handed high touch? As far as I'm concerned, you can get dressed quickly and I just want to make sure you have my vision.

Naturally, I speak to Eve.

"You can wait here, but if it's all right, why don't we hang out together? I can assure you that a pleasant place awaits you."

"Heh? Play... where?


Oh, I didn't know two women would answer in my place.

It's a huge theme park that Kanto is proud of, and the excitement may be natural.

Anyway, Eve needs time.

You must probably get the same healing in Grimland, as you could have seen the tricolor sprinkles and pulled in the tears. Never want to miss the precious opportunity of rainy sunshine. You like that?

Eve glanced straight at them as they headed to the washroom.

I laugh at such a brown woman.

"For now, it's a promise, so shall I say this? Welcome to Eve, Japan full of entertainment and play, food and culture"

When I told her that, she blinked her pussy and blue eyes.

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