Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1993: 8 floors

Zhou Fan tried to avoid the eight gray-white rays of light, but the speed of the rays of light was even faster than his, and quickly submerged into his body.

The gloomy cold spread in his body, and the gray-white light first spewed out from his mouth and nose, followed by his whole body.

His thoughts seemed to freeze, and the gray light was eroding his life.

This is completely different from the dream. In the dream, he was not attacked, and the eight groups of gray-white light just hovered quietly.

On the sixth floor, there was still a moving emotional scripture, but at this moment Zhou Fan didn't have the time to take a closer look.

The gray-white light continued to erode, but the Pluto chakra body also continued to regain its vitality.

The two maintained a brief balance, Zhou Fan regained control of his body, and his mouth and nose spit out gray light. He knew that he couldn't do anything now, and he could only continue to move up. This was the thought that came to him.

He didn't think much about it and ran to the seventh floor.

The seventh layer was filled with skins as thin as cicada wings, but the skins as thin as cicada wings did not sit still like in a dream. It was so strange and indistinguishable, like a transparent ghost floating in the sky.

Zhou Fan didn't stop, he continued to run to the eighth floor, the feeling that he kept going up became stronger and stronger.

In the dream, the eighth floor was a swollen and pus-filled corpse, which looked exactly like him.

He went up to the eighth floor and saw it. It oozes yellow-black pus all over its body, and its face and arms are covered with bright green corpse hair. But it is different from the dream in that it is not lying on the ground, but sitting on the ground. , those white eyes were staring at Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan looked at it, his breathing almost stopped, he had a fever and dizziness, something faintly stretched out its claws and slid across his neck, and the feeling of scratching spread down from the neck to the back, and the claw edge seemed to be at any moment. can cut his body.

His forehead was heating up rapidly, and he stared at it.

It grinned, and there were countless black corpses squirming in its mouth.

It is alive and alive.

"You're here," it said hoarsely. "You're entangled in corpse light."

"Who are you?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Don't be afraid, you are not me, I am not you." It said slowly, "This corpse is just an illusion, I am a ship."

"Are you a boat?" Zhou Fan was startled, he didn't expect the corpse to be a boat.

It laughed loudly, like a night owl, "This is a bit ugly, but there is no way, I can only appear by your side like this."

"Why did you appear at this time?" Zhou Fan calmed himself down and asked.

"Actually, in the last dream, I had a faint feeling that you would come back here again. As clever as I was at that time, I was very secretive and left a consciousness in this corpse, otherwise I would not be able to see you at this time." The boat explained .

Zhou Fan was silent for a while. The ship was proficient in the laws of time and could see into the future. Even the future of a lifeless person like him was not surprising.

"Did you appear to stop me from going up?" Zhou Fan asked.

"That's not it." The boat scratched its head, and it peeled off a layer of rotting scalp. "If I said it was dangerous and told you not to go up, would you insist on going up?"

"No." Zhou Fan immediately shook his head and said, "I want to practice life and death, but if going up is the result of death, of course I won't go up."

It's a big deal, and if you think about it slowly, you can't really die, right?

"I left this consciousness originally because I was worried that such a thing would happen." The boat sighed, "But now I can't see the result clearly. I won't interfere with your decision, you can choose."

"What will be on it?" Zhou Fan couldn't help asking.

"I don't know." The boat shook his head and said, "It's like Schrödinger's cat in your world. Before opening the container, the cat is in a superposition of dead cats and living cats. Only when the container is opened can you know that the cat is Dead or alive, this last layer is the same."

"The thing was still on you before, and it will definitely die if you see it, but I confirm that it has left, but I don't know what it will leave behind."

"It should know you'll be here again, so it must be arranged."

"Who is it?" Zhou Fan asked with a heavy heart.

"This..." The boat's eyeballs turned, and when it turned like this, the two eyeballs fell off, and yellow-green pus flowed down from the eye sockets, "It's hard for me to explain to you, you can treat it as It is an existence beyond the unknowable level."

Transcendence, do you not know the existence of supernatural beings?

"What about you?" Zhou Fan said angrily, "What kind of existence are you? Why can't you tell me anything?"

The boat was silent for a while and said with a dry smile: "Don't be angry, some things you know in advance are not good for you, and it is not easy to explain. As compensation, you can ask some other related questions."

"I asked what I couldn't say, and you won't tell me." Zhou Fan said helplessly, his body temperature was getting higher and higher, if it wasn't for this tyrannical body, he might have burned his brain long ago, and he can no longer Too much trouble with the ship, "If it knew I would come, and wanted to kill me, why didn't it stay?"

"Because it knows that it can't kill you if it stays." The ship said: "It's about me, so it just Then what's going on with this tower? Why can I see it in my dream, Can you see it here too?" Zhou Fan asked again, the boat is here, but he is not too worried about his safety, and can ask his doubts.

"It's because of it that this tower can appear in dreams as well as in the real world." Chuan said: "This is the big dream law that can shuttle between dreams and reality. It is Meng Chunqiu who has this ability in Weird. , This tower is here to wait for you because it knows you will be here."

Dream Spring and Autumn!

Of course Zhou Fan knew, because Insect Niang's slanderous talent, Big Dream Qian Chunqiu, came from the unknowable Meng Chunqiu. He wanted to ask about the relationship between this thing and Meng Chunqiu, but he knew that the boat would not tell him, so he turned to ask. : "Where's the corpse light on me?"

"The corpse light is transformed from the corpse that has not changed in ten thousand years. They will devour the breath of life." The ship simply explained: "Do you want me to get rid of it for you? But you are now at a very critical time. , I won't do you any good to get rid of it for you."

Zhou Fan felt that his body temperature might be as high as one hundred degrees. This was not the influence of the corpse light, but the influence of the eighth floor. He glanced at the darkness, and his pale face emerged, staring at him.

"The high fever and that human face won't kill you for the time being." Said the boat, "The danger is on the ninth floor. I really can't tell what is on the ninth floor. Even if I go up to see it for you, it may be another thing if you go up yourself. A scene, if I take you up, there is definitely no danger, but it is better not to go up."

After all, Zhou Fan went up to pursue the temper between life and death. If there was no danger, it would be meaningless. The most ideal is a state where his life is hanging by a thread and he cannot die.

Zhou Fan looked at the gray-white stairs leading to the ninth floor, "You said I might die, what do you do when I die?"

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