Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1793: wordless words

"After Fengshen dies for the fourth time, there is no time limit for resurrection. It can be resurrected immediately."

When the priest of Chakimura said such words, a similar memory also appeared in his heart. It seems that there has always been such a narrative in the legend of Fengshen, but he had forgotten it before.

Is it really the reason you forgot?

Chakimura priest's face showed a blank look, and he was a little unsure.

Above the sandy ground with thousands of ravines, the wind whistled and gathered, and the eyeballs condensed out.


It blew itself up again, and immediately reborn on the spot. This time, its size is no longer huge, but there are signs of shrinkage, but the tiny eyeballs are more than ten times larger than before, and the number of eyeballs is getting smaller and smaller. .

"I feel...know...don't...get."

Another vague and cold voice, it exploded again, the wind blew, and it was instantly reborn.

This time it was no longer an eyeball gathering, but a huge eyeball with pitch-black pupils and wind patterns on the whites of the eyes.

The pitch-black pupils slowly turned, "No... dharma... sense... knowledge."

The huge eyeballs burst open, spilling countless jet-black liquids.

The whirlwind rolled up, and it was reborn into a translucent human figure, the human figure was a foot tall, and the body was surrounded by translucent wind.

The wind blows away.

It hovered quietly in the air, and said in a blunt voice, "I can perceive."

It looked towards the south, and the whole person turned into a whirlwind and scattered.

The wind drifted across thousands of miles in an instant... 100,000 miles... 1 million miles...

Gently flapping like a butterfly wing, when it reached the ancient giant forest in the extreme south from north to south, it turned into a huge hurricane and swept over.

The giant tree was first blown into pieces, and then all shredded in the hurricane, turned into wood dust, and fell into the ocean.

All creatures and monsters living in the woods were also killed.

The frantic hurricane spread its teeth and claws like a madman. It slowly stopped, and it converged into a cyclone figure. It swept around indifferently. It tilted its head slightly, looking a little confused. It lost its perception of that creature again.

It blew itself up again with a bang, and countless winds scattered and gathered again. This time it was reborn in a human shape, but it was much smaller than before, becoming the same height as people, but the wind on its body was no longer transparent. but become colorful.

It looked in the northeast direction, disappeared with a swish, and appeared above the mountains thousands of miles away.

Zhou Fan, who was covered in thick dark green scales, just came out of the old days. He looked at the wind **** above, and his face showed fear.

From the terrifying hurricane that swept through the giant forest just now, he could clearly perceive the terrifyingness of this monstrosity. He knew that this monstrosity would have been resurrected many times during this period, before its strength became so terrifying.

But what he didn't understand was that each resurrection would take a stick of incense?

Fengshen raised his right arm, it pointed at Zhou Fan, and a huge tornado formed, sweeping the ground.

The sky and the earth seemed to be swallowed by the tornado, faintly changing color, and the endless huge mountains were swept away by the tornado and completely turned into flat ground.

It waved its arm lightly, the tornado dissipated, and its figure also disappeared in the air.

When Zhou Fan, thousands of miles away, came out of the old days again, the wind **** also arrived in an instant, and the storm was blowing again, roaring and sweeping the ground.

After Zhou Fan came out of the old days for the third time, he released the old chaotic demon body, because every time Fengshen could track it, the old chaotic demon body could not function.

The wind **** came in an instant, it looked at Zhou Fan indifferently, pointed out, and the spiral colorful wind column shot towards Zhou Fan.

Too fast... Zhou Fan's pupils shrank, syllables spit out from his mouth, and golden ripples spread.

But this only made the spiral wind column pause for a moment, and then penetrated the time imprisonment of the Dragon God's language, penetrated Zhou Fan's body, and was dispersed like a bubble by the penetrated Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's body appeared on Fengshen's back, and the Star Frost Rusted Knife slashed, and dusk fell.

Primordial Divine Skill: Trick the Old!

The colorful wind on Fengshen's body emits colorful light to resist the erosion of the dusk. It does not look at Zhou Fan behind him, but punches forward.


Zhou Fanzhen in front was hit by a punch, and his whole body fell to the ground like a meteorite, creating a deep pit.

The left half of Zhou Fan's body was completely shattered. He coughed out a mouthful of blood, and his pupils kept shrinking. The other party was really too strong, beyond his imagination. The strange thinking that these abilities have been broken.

The left half of his body, which was destroyed by a punch, was quickly reborn.

However, Fengshen didn't make another move, and an indifferent and stiff voice came from its body, "You, no, should, should, in, here, in."

"This, yes, fate, destiny."

"Turn, back."

Zhou Fan was stunned, this Fengshen can still speak, but what does it mean?

Why shouldn't he be here? What is the reincarnation of fate?

Fengshen looked at the ghost burial coffin that had just arrived.

The gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children in the ghost burial coffin no longer looked at Zhou Fan, but at Fengshen.

The two sides looked at each other, and the air seemed to freeze.

Zhou Fan's ruined body is being reborn He was thinking about a fight between the ghost burial coffin and Fengshen, so he would run away first and try not to be swept in. He had already planned to call the emperor of all kingdoms for help. .

"Go, go." Fengshen's voice was still cold and stiff, but it became a little lower.

The gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children in the ghost burial coffin were still as sluggish as the puppets before, and they didn't seem to have any intention of making a move.


Zhou Fan thought silently, what does this mean? This is obviously just a strange legend created by Wuyan, why is it suddenly able to speak like Zhijing?

He guessed that this was not a slander, but a speechless one. He took a deep breath. This was not the first unknowable slander who wanted to kill him.

Speaking of the past, but the ghost burial coffin has no meaning of the past, but stopped in place.

At this moment, the dark crack suddenly tore apart, and the little girl stepped out of it. She scanned everything, and finally her eyes fell on Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was stunned. Generally speaking, only with him can Xiaomei travel through the realm. Why is Xiaomei now traveling alone in the realm?

An astonishing thought appeared in Zhou Fan's mind: Could it be that it was revived in the little sister's body?

The broken bones on the little sister's body converged and disappeared, her fat body was constantly getting bigger, her body became stronger, her khaki hair turned blood blue, her azure blue right eye was like ice, and her blood red left eye was like fire.

With its claws, a hundred-zhang-high crack appeared between the sky and the earth, and countless gray-blue illusory shadows crawled out of it.

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