Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1550: leakage of strength


"I heard this in a very accidental situation. No one knew that I knew about it, otherwise I would have died." Chen Xiongzhi swallowed, "Actually, I don't think you should know either. Well, it's useless if you know it."

"You want to lie to me?" Lao Yan stared at Chen Xiongzhi sharply.

"I can make a ghost oath to guarantee that what I tell you is true." Chen Xiongzhi said quickly, "But it's really useless if you know..."

"Don't worry about whether it's useful or not..." Lao Yan interrupted: "You just need to know that this news can save your life."

Chen Xiongzhi closed his mouth. Lao Yan was right. He wanted to survive, and he had to rely on this news. Of course, he really didn't want to talk about it. He was afraid to tell anyone the news.

He knew this news by accident, and it didn't involve the scope of the ghost oath he made to the Qianzhen League, and he wasn't afraid to trigger the oath.

"You swear, I will tell you, and you will let me go." Chen Xiongzhi said, "I also swear that I will not lie."

"Okay." Lao Yan agreed.

Being able to know who the real owner of the Qianjing League is, even if Chen Xiongzhi is released, it is nothing.

The two carefully proposed the content of the oath to each other, and after thinking it over to confirm that there was no problem, Lao Yan took out two ghost oaths, and let Chen Xiongzhi swear with the ghost oath first. He watched Chen Xiongzhi finish the oath, and he also started vow.

After the two of them swore an oath, Lao Yan untied Chen Xiongzhi's rope. He was not afraid of Chen Xiongzhi's escape, but Chen Xiongzhi swore that he had to tell him.

Chen Xiongzhi glanced at the avenger with pitiful eyes, and said in a low voice.

The oil lamp flickered, and Lao Yan's face showed shock. If Chen Xiongzhi hadn't made a ghost oath, he would never have believed it...

"It's useless as I said." Chen Xiongzhi sighed after finishing speaking.

Lao Yan didn't speak. He pulled out a human skin mask from the house and threw it to Chen Xiongzhi, "Let's go."

This is what they agreed on in their oath. Otherwise, Chen Xiongzhi might have been caught before he went out. Correspondingly, after Chen Xiongzhi went out, whether he was caught by the official family or returned to the Thousand Deception Alliance, You can't mention him, and you can't get revenge.

Chen Xiongzhi put on a human skin mask, and after disguising it, he took a deep look at Lao Yan, opened the door to make sure there was no one in the alley, and then walked out cautiously.

Lao Yan still sat silently, digesting what Chen Xiongzhi told him.

He sighed. He originally thought that as long as he knew who the real owner of the Qianjing League was, he would seek help, but now he doesn't need it. Asking for help won't work, and maybe it will drag those people down.

It's just that he didn't despair, his face quickly regained his calm, and those falcon-like eyes were frighteningly bright in the darkness.

"I must seek justice for them!"

Jingdu's purge of the officialdom and the underground world is still going on. Emperor Wei rarely says what he wants to do, but once he does, no one dares to go against his wishes.

Against this background, a piece of news about Zhou Fan spread.

"During this attack on the academy, Master Zhou Fanzhou, the master of Hanbei Daoist who lived in the academy temporarily, beheaded one of the attackers, a Jindan cultivator, and killed a dangerous monstrosity of the academy. It took a lot of effort to clear the siege." In an inn, a warrior said vividly to his companions.

"What is the realm of Jindan cultivator?" His companion was obviously a little ignorant.

"It is a very powerful realm of Dao Realm. It is said that the Seven Great Dao Masters of Great Wei are all in this realm, but Master Zhou is only the new Dao Master Hanbei, so he has such strength..." The warrior said in surprise.

Such discussions are not uncommon in the Underworld of Great Wei.

It was very late when Zhou Fan found out. He didn't leave the academy and the news was blocked. He only learned about it from Duanmu Xiaohong.

He was stunned. He didn't expect the news to spread throughout the entire Jingdu martial artist world.

"I haven't mentioned this to anyone." Duanmu Xiaohong said solemnly.

"Of course I believe in Mr. Da." Zhou Fan believed that Mr. Da would not do such a thing, and he quickly affirmed: "It was spread by the Thousand Delusion League."

When he killed the Jindan cultivator, his six senses were always on, and he confirmed that there was no one nearby at that time, and he just told Mr. Da about it. Except for Mr. Da, there was only Qianxingmeng.

A Jindan cultivator from the Qianjing League did not go back. The people in the Qianjing League must have known that he was murdered, and they could also guess that he, the master of Hanbei, killed him.

It's just that why did the Qianjing League spread this news?

What good can this do to the Qianqi League?

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he couldn't figure it out, and there was something very strange, how did Qian Jingmeng know that he killed the Jindan cultivator in one move?

Even Mr. Da only knew that he killed the cultivator Jindan quickly, but he didn't tell Mr. Da that he killed the cultivator Jindan with one move.

He couldn't figure out this question, so he asked Mr. Da for advice.

"It may be that the Jindan cultivator used some special technique to make those pictures pass back after his death."

"It's not ruled out that it was confirmed through deduction techniques." Duanmu Xiaohong has rich experience, and after thinking about it, he came up with two guesses.

Zhou Fan nodded slightly, that is to say, it is not impossible to know the details of the but still can't explain it, what is the benefit of spreading this matter out to the Thousand Delusion League?

He felt annoyed when he didn't understand, because in this way, everyone knew that he had the ability to kill Jindan cultivator instantly. Such strength would make many people guess that he had entered the realm of immortality.

His cultivation realm has been exposed!

The prince's invitations, which had been stopped long ago, flew over the sky again, even if Zhou Fan declined, it didn't matter, they continued to send them until Zhou Fan agreed to the banquet.

The princes have the intention to win over Zhou Fan, this is an immortal cultivator!

Originally, these princes thought that Zhou Fan was only lucky to become the Dao Master Hanbei, and his strength was definitely not comparable to the other six Dao Masters.

But now they know that Zhou Fan is completely comparable to the other six Taoist masters, not only that, they must know that Zhou Fan is only seventeen years old.

A genius who entered the realm of immortality at the age of only seventeen. In the three thousand years of the Great Wei, there are very few who can achieve this level at such an age.

If you win over such an infinitely growing cultivation genius, the princes all understand what it means.

Not only the princes sent invitations, but those aristocratic clansmen also sent invitations to try to curry favor with him.

Zhou Fan was very annoyed by this. He didn't want to go to the banquet, but when he looked at the invitations, he suddenly thought of something that he ignored.

What if this is the purpose of the Thousand Deception Alliance?

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