Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1534: borrow


Zhou Fan returned to his residence, and he soon discovered that during the time he was away, there were three more invitations from the princes.

This invitation was accepted by Xiaobai and the others for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan flipped through it at will, all of them invited him to the banquet for various reasons, but he reluctantly threw it aside.

It didn't take long for Chen Zheng to send one of his domestic servants for Zhou Fan's dispatch.

Zhou Fan quickly wrote six posts and asked Chen Zheng, a servant, to politely reject the six princes.

But this is just the beginning.

The invitations from the princes still flew towards him like snowflakes in just three days.

Zhou Fan wrote that he wanted to vomit. He didn't know how many invitations he had rejected from the princes.

Even the two hundred and three princes, who were only two years old at the bottom of the ranking, sent him an invitation.

"You're only two years old. Send me an invitation. Will you be able to say everything when I go?" Zhou Fan couldn't think of whether to laugh or cry.

But he thought so, and knew that the little prince who was only two years old would definitely send invitations without evildoers, and it was estimated that the invitations were sent by the imperial concubine behind him.

In addition to the little prince who impressed him, the sixth prince, seventeen prince, forty-five prince, seventy-one prince, and eighty-six prince mentioned by Chen Zheng all sent invitations.

Most of the princes didn't bother after he declined an invitation once, but there were a few princes who seemed to want to express their importance.

Zhou Fan was very annoyed by this. Among the princes who never tire of it, there was the sixth prince.

"Sixth prince, sixth prince, even if I go to anyone's banquet, I wouldn't dare to go to you." Zhou Fan twitched in thought.

In the end, he simply handed over the invitations that the princes repeatedly sent to the servants sent by Chen Zheng, and asked him to copy the reasons for his previous replies, and then went to do other things by himself.

As for that sage, I don't know what he's thinking. He should have known that he, the Hanbei Daoist, was right to come to the mirror. Why didn't he summon him all the time?

In fact, Zhou Fan was still looking forward to this meeting, but he had never seen a living emperor.

I have heard a lot of things about this sage. It should not be that kind of cruel emperor. The most evaluation is the word 'benevolence'.

But Zhou Fan knew in his heart that sometimes the word generosity might be a mediocre and inactive king.

But no matter what, you have to see it before you know it.

But the emperor didn't summon him, so he, a foreign minister, could only wait patiently. In order to avoid unknowable dangers waiting for him, he didn't go there.

Mr. Da is really good, and the Jingdu Academy library allows him to browse and read, but Zhou Fan also understands that the academy must have hidden the too precious books such as exercises and secrets, but he doesn't care, he is more It is to supplement the lack of spiritual knowledge.

In the blink of an eye, it took him ten days to come to Jingdu. During these ten days, under his concentrated cultivation, his later stage of the Golden Core Realm became more and more stable and complete.

The sage never summoned him, and he took advantage of this free time to think about the immortality in the next Jindan realm.

The achievement of a golden pill can quench the physical body with the pill fire, making the physical body a step further. Not only does the physical body become stronger than the golden body, but even if it is traumatized, it can be healed quickly, and the broken limb can be returned immediately, so this state is called for immortality.

This state is the state where the physical body has undergone qualitative changes after the golden body state, and even the lifespan will increase by one hundred again.

Zhou Fan scratched his head, apart from the tyranny of the physical body and the increase in the lifespan of the true essence, for him, the healing of the physical body and the ability of his Pluto chakra anti-chakra body somewhat overlapped.

But even if the healing abilities overlap, it is very important to him to be able to enter another realm.

These are his introductions to the realm of immortality from the academy.

In this realm, apart from being careful about the danger of refining the pill fire, there doesn't seem to be much danger, just to find a new and suitable undead realm cultivation technique.

The Undying Realm Cultivation Technique is mainly to control the tempering of the Pill Fire, and after entering the Undying Realm, run the real essence to warm the body.

But as usual, he had to ask Yingjiu this guy first to see if there was something he didn't know about in this situation and to see if she had any suitable exercises.

Late at night, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat after falling asleep as he always did.

The moment he appeared, the three Xiaobai brothers also appeared on the boat.

"You guys are here." Yingjiu said with a smile, "I've been waiting impatiently for you."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan originally wanted to ask about the Immortal Realm, but he didn't expect Yingjiu to say this, which made him startled and asked.

"I'm going to challenge the boat." Yingjiu said with a wicked smile on her face, "The rules of your three sons will be lent to me now as agreed."

"You want to challenge the ship now?" Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly.

"Yeah, if you don't challenge again, you won't have a chance." Yingjiu said with a smile: "I'm not an idiot, I can feel something strange coming from beyond the river."

"If I wait for it to arrive, I will go to sleep if I kill it. It's not worth it for me. It's better to do it in advance, go to sleep in advance, and leave that strange thing to the ship itself."

Zhou Fan still wanted to speak, but Yingjiu had already waved at the three Xiaobai, who turned into pale mist, dark blue water, and pitch-black light.

The fog, water, and light flew towards Ying Jiu and were swallowed by her.

Her body transformed into a dark blue water armor, and her left hand and right hand transformed into a pale fog blade and a dark blade of light respectively.

The two short blades are the illusion of the law.

The aura in Yingjiu's body became stronger and stronger.

Zhou Fan hurriedly ran to the stern of the boat. The boat was big enough, but he still felt uneasy. Will this Yingjiu exert all his strength, will it affect him?

"You let me out first, and then you fight it." Zhou Fan shouted loudly, as for the three brothers Xiaobai, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gray mist wrapped him, but he did not leave. The gray mist turned into a transparent foam, and he rose toward the huge blood globule in the sky.

"I knew that the boat was reluctant to let you die." Yingjiu raised her head and glanced at Zhou Fan and smiled, "I originally wanted to use you to increase my chances of winning, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work anymore."

She stomped lightly, and with a click, the indestructible deck suddenly cracked.

The boat split in two.

All the gray mist on the ship came, turning into a mist giant. The mist giant stretched out ten chains with ten fingers on his hands, and the sound of the law buzzed on the chains, creating a circle of ripples.

Yingjiu snorted coldly, she rushed up, and cut out with two blades.


The boat that was split in half vertically was cut horizontally, and the Grey River was also cut in But the moment the two blades touched the chain of law, they could not cut the ten chains that the law condensed. The ten-law divine chain is like a sensitive poisonous snake entwining towards Yingjiu.

It's just that her body shattered like a foam.

She appeared behind the mist giant, and with a double-edged swipe, the power of the law surged out and cut the mist giant into pieces.

The mist giant dissipated, and the mist in the air kept coming, turning into hundreds of mist giants.

"I'm more than you." Yingjiu opened her mouth, and her words were the law, the law of the heart.

There are thousands of baby nines in her body.

Thousands of Yingjiu fought with hundreds of mist giants. The collision of laws and laws was like the explosion of a golden sun, and huge energy fluctuations erupted, annihilating the broken ships below, and thousands of waves rushed up, accompanied by Countless monster soul fish.

The soul fish was killed by the bursting law ripple, and only the gray river water fell.

Only the huge blood cell in the air and Zhou Fan, who was watching the battle in the bubble, were not affected.

But Zhou Fan couldn't see clearly the battle between the two sides. The energy fluctuations of the battle seemed to shatter the sun, moon, galaxy, and penetrate the space.

He felt that his human soul couldn't support it, so he didn't dare to look any further, and closed his eyes.

It wasn't until everything quieted down that he opened his eyes and saw another undamaged ship appearing below.

And there was only one head left on the deck of the ship.

Yingjiu's head.

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