Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1126: whereabouts

"He did so many things, of course not to kill himself. He should still be alive, but his body is not fake, so I suspected that his soul and body were separated before." Zhou Fan then slowly stated his conclusions.

"But even if he is a short-lived species, even if his lifespan is exhausted, what's the use of separating his soul and body..." Chen Yushi suddenly realized this, and he said in amazement: "Could it be that all this is to prolong his lifespan, That evil magic ritual can prolong life?"

"This should be the most reasonable reason." Zhou Fan said, that's what he thought.

"It's still not right." Chen Yushi frowned and said, "If he wants to use the evil magic ritual of separation of soul and body to increase his lifespan, he can do it a bit more concealed, why should he leave his body in Qingmei Town, let's go Find out?"

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said: "The place where the corpse was found is naturally not the place where he used the evil magic ritual, otherwise the talisman masters would definitely find the traces of the arrangement of the magic, I guess he only took the corpse after completing the ceremony. Throw it on the alley of Qingmei Town."

"As for why he did it? He did it so that we all thought he was dead, and we would focus on tracking down the murderer, not the fact that he didn't die."

"If the murderer is not found, then this matter will be slowly put down, and there will be no more Bai Mingcheng in the world."

Chen Yushi also wanted to understand, and he sighed: "If it were me, I would do the same, after all, if he didn't die, but just disappeared suddenly, then we would definitely do everything possible to find out about him and find him, but suspended animation would be the opposite. It's a hundred."

"Just why didn't he just come back and continue to be the envoy to the North after the magic ceremony was completed? Are we afraid we will find out that he has increased his lifespan?"

Faced with Chen Yushi's question, Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "Sir, this is to increase your lifespan by sacrificing your own limbs and eleven green ghosts, maybe there are other things that can be put together, but no matter what, this is a An evil magic ritual, I don't think he is still the former Bai Mingcheng, his body must have undergone unimaginable changes."

Chen Yushi shuddered, he felt that Zhou Fan was right, Bai Mingcheng may have become a monster that cannot be tolerated in the human world.

Sometimes people who are near the end of their lives can do anything in order to survive, so it is not strange that they choose to become monsters.

"You said that there is no problem with this, at least I can't find the problem, but there is still a lack of sufficient evidence to prove that what you said is true." Chen Yushi pondered for a while.

In addition to the evidence that Bai Mingcheng concealed his lifespan, the remaining eleven green ghosts and the limbs that Bai Mingcheng was cut off cannot support Zhou Fan's statement.

"Sir, do you need to confirm that what I said is true?" Zhou Fan sighed and said, "At least what I said is likely to be true."

"But these don't matter anymore, because if my inference is correct, Bai Mingcheng has already fled far away, and he will not stay..." Zhou Fan was stunned when he said this, and he quickly whispered. Said: "No, there is a high possibility that he is still in the state capital. He has to make sure that no one sees through his layout before he can decide what to do next?"

"Does anyone see through his layout? This will affect his future choices. If he just wanted to escape far away at first, he wouldn't bother to arrange such a suicide plan."

This is what Zhou Fan just thought of, it is impossible for him to think without any omissions.

"Yes, if your inference is correct, Bai Mingcheng will definitely stay in the state capital!" Chen Yushi also said repeatedly: "It is impossible for him to leave the state capital without a definite result, but the question is where is he hiding? "

Zhou Fan thought quickly in his heart, if Bai Mingcheng was still in the prefecture, where would he be hiding?

The prefecture is not small, and it is not easy to find a person in the twelve outer towns, outer cities, inner cities, and central cities.

"He's in Qingmei Town." Zhou Fan suddenly said.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Yushi asked. Qingmei Town didn't know how many times he was searched by the Yiluan Secretary. He didn't think Bai Mingcheng was still hiding in Qingmei Town.

"Because after his suspended animation, he will never contact anyone he is familiar with. Where do you think he will go to learn about the progress of the case?"

"There are only two places, the first is the Yiluan Sifu, and the second is Qingmei Town." Zhou Fan said lightly: "Do you think it is possible for him to sneak in at the Yiluan Sifu?"

This is of course impossible. The Yiluan government office is heavily guarded, especially in terms of the confidentiality of information. Even if Bai Mingcheng is the envoy to the north of the Yiluan government office, it is impossible for him to be silent because of his familiarity with this place. The voice sneaks in here.

On the contrary, because he was very familiar with the Yiluan Sifu, he knew that this was impossible, and he would not even try.

Qingmei Town is the place where the body was found. Of course, the Yiluan Sifu will not give up on such a place, and will come and go to check. If Bai Mingcheng is hiding in Qingmei Town, he will definitely be aware of the staff who come and go. Make observation and guess wiretapping, so as to predict the development of the case.

Chen Yushi felt that Zhou Fan was right, and Bai Mingcheng might still stay in Qingmei Town.

"Even if Bai Mingcheng is in Qingmei Town, Qingmei Town is not small, how can we find him?" Chen Yushi looked at Zhou Fan and asked.

"I don't know that for the time being." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "And we not only have such a There is also a problem with those three contenders staring at me, what if we do , they will immediately guess that Bai Mingcheng may be hiding in Qingmei Town."

Speaking of this, Zhou Fan fell silent. He had to come up with a strategy that could safely avoid the three contenders and successfully catch Bai Mingcheng.

Chen Yushi is also helping to find a way.

Half a column of incense time passed, Zhou Fan and the two couldn't think of a good way.

"Actually, I think we think too much." Chen Yushi said with a wry smile: "We may not be able to find Bai Mingcheng. The people from the Yiluan Division have searched back and forth so many times, but they have not found anything abnormal in Qingmei Town. characters."

"If you can't find Bai Mingcheng, even trying to avoid those three contenders is useless."

"Don't worry, we still have a few days to figure out a way." Zhou Fan calmly said: "But we can't ignore the three of them, otherwise we can find a way to find Bai Mingcheng, but we can't get rid of that. Three contenders, that's trouble."

"It can only take it slow." Chen Yushi smiled: "But your three opponents probably won't know this case will be like this if they want to break their heads."

"My lord, if all this is as I deduced, and we catch Bai Mingcheng again, what will happen to Bai Mingcheng?" Zhou Fan asked.

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