The other side,

Bai Yan’er and Su Yao just came out of the ‘Kamen Rider Specialty Store’

Because it was time for dinner, the two planned to find a restaurant to eat first.

“Boss Su, let me tell you, I’ve been around Hangzhou University for so long,”

“I know exactly where it’s delicious.”

Bai Yaner’s happiness was overflowing with words: “Go, take you to a place today to ensure that you will never return.” ”

After speaking, Bai Yaner directly pulled Su Yao forward.

Su Yao was helpless, and could only let him hold his hand

But before he took a few steps, the communication device that Bai Yaner carried with him suddenly sounded

Connected, I saw Bai Yaner’s face suddenly become solemn

After hanging it up,

Bai Yaner looked at Su Yao apologetically.

“I’m sorry, Boss Su, I have a task.”

“Two Orpheenos appeared, but they appeared not far from here.”

“Or will you wait for me?”


Su Yao thought of the lion Aoife Enoch he met before

If Bai Yan’er and others meet a strength similar to that of the lion Ofe Enoch

That Bai Yaner is very likely to not be able to fight.

Thinking that I was going out to eat anyway, I just went over there to have a look.

So he asked, “Is there a restaurant over there?” ”

“Huh?” Bai Yan’er was stunned for a moment and said, “The place I just said is not far from there. ”

“Well, let’s go, I’ll go with you, let’s go to dinner when it’s settled.”

Hearing this, Bai Yan’er was delighted

With Su Yao on the side, isn’t that sense of security bursting?

Orpheenoch, what’s so scary?

When he took Su Yao and rushed towards the place where Orphie Enoch appeared.



With a burst of sound effects, the chameleon Offe Enoch completes the transformation by plugging the Kaixa phone into the Kaixa drive.

A knight with black body, yellow lines (photon blood), and purple eyes appeared.

Kamen Rider Kaixa!

“So you hit the Kaixa drive!”

Wang Nanchen’s heart was extremely heavy

His current state is not good, and he and Yuan Mo can only play one five-five at most

If you add a Kamen Rider Kaixa…

The chameleon Aoife Enochon didn’t care what Wang Nanchen was thinking,

Remove the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’ from his waist and aim it at Wang Nanchen.

“Whoosh! Sou! Sou! ”

Several glowing bullets were fired from the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’ in an instant

The target is Wang Nanchen,

And Wang Nanchen also discovered the chameleon Aoife Enoch’s attack and wanted to dodge

But he was hugged by Yuan Mo on the side from behind.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

The light bullet accurately hit the armor on Wang Nanchen’s chest

Splash countless tiny sparks.

Wang Nanchen, who was already feeling uncomfortable because of hunger, suddenly only felt weak all over

At the same time, the urge to eat is getting stronger.

Yuan Mo and the chameleon Aofei Enoch on the side didn’t know how Wang Nanchen felt at this time

Yuan Mo behind Wang Nanchen smiled cruelly

Summon his club weapon and smash it on Wang Nanchen’s back.

‘Boom! ’

Wang Nanchen was directly collapsed to the ground by this blow

“It looks like this Kamen Rider is weak!”

Yuan Mo wiped the club weapon in his hand with a smile on his face.


You can defeat Kamen Rider yourself!

Just as he was about to continue his attack,

Suddenly I felt a strong wind behind me

Yuan Mo subconsciously dodged to the side

The sneak attacker did not mean to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but quickly picked up Wang Nanchen, who was slumped to the ground

Then distance yourself from Yuan Mo and the chameleon Orphie Enoch.

“Oh? Another Kamen Rider? ”

The chameleon Offe Enoch looked at the green Kamen Rider who suddenly appeared, and the interest in his eyes was even greater.

This green Kamen Rider is naturally the Kamen Rider Kick Locust that Kim Hee Yu transformed into.

After separating from Wang Nanchen,

Jin Xiyu always felt that something was wrong with Wang Nanchen

Relieved, he chased after him

So I saw the scene where Yuan Mo and the chameleon Aoife Enoch were beating Wang Nanchen.

“Wang Nanchen, are you alright?”

Jin Xiyu ignored the chameleon Ofe Enoch, but looked at Wang Nanchen with concern.

Wang Nanchen’s body flashed, and he actually withdrew from the transformation state

I saw a mixture of saliva and blood at the corner of Wang Nanchen’s mouth

Still confused muttering:

“I’m so hungry… I’m so hungry. ”

So hungry?

Jin Xiyu was stunned for a moment, but didn’t wait for her to figure out what was going on

Then I heard a sound sound.

“Ready! (Ready!) )”

It turned out that the chameleon Ofhienoch removed the ‘Kaixa energy chip’ from Kaixa’s phone

And filled on top of the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’.

As the sound sounded, the blade containing yellow photon blood extended from the bottom of the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’.

The previous gun mode has been changed to the sword mode.

“Just now, kill you first, I don’t believe Kamen Rider Faiz won’t appear!”

The chameleon Offe Enoch turned the ‘Kaixa Blade Gun’ in his hand slightly.

Then he rushed towards Jin Xiyu and Wang Nanchen.

Seeing this, Jin Xiyu could only put Wang Nanchen down first

Then meet the chameleon Offe Enoch.

But Kim Hee-woo itself is not a good match with Kamen Rider Kicking Locust,

Plus the chameleon Ofe Enoch itself is powerful,

The gap between the two came out in an instant

However, in two hours, Jin Xiyu was hit to the ground by the chameleon Ofe Enoch.

Withdrew from the human form.

“Tsk, are you humans actually so weak as Kamen Riders?”

The chameleon mockingly looked at Jin Xiyu, who was a little frightened, and said.

“Oh no, that Kamen Rider Kuuga wasn’t bad yesterday, but unfortunately…”

“She’s not here now, she can’t save you!”

The chameleon Ofe Enoch looked down at Jin Xiyu and was about to kill him


A roar came.

The next second,

The chameleon Offe Enoch felt like he was being knocked away by an unknown figure

The impact of this figure did little damage to the chameleon Offe Enoch

Soon stabilized his body and fixed his eyes

I saw a strange man with ant characteristics taking the place of the original chameleon Offe Enoch

His eyes were red as he looked at Jin Xiyu

“That Kamen Rider turned into a weirdo?”

Yuan Mo looked at everything on the side

In the perspective of Yuan Mo just now, Wang Anshi roared in a low voice

With a heat wave, it became an ant Amazon,

Then he knocked off the chameleon Offe Enoch.


Jin Xiyu stared blankly at the ant Amazon in front of him

This ant is very similar to the one they encountered in the dormitory of Hangzhou University


But the difference is that there are still a little fragments of clothing left on this ant Amazon.

This dress is very familiar to Jin Xiyu, it is the uniform of the ‘special team’

Among the scenes, the only ones with the uniforms of the ‘special team’ were herself and Wang Nanchen

At this time, Jin Xiyu finally knew why Wang Nanchen asked her to ask Su Yao if there was a way to treat the infection of lysogenic cells.

Originally! Wang Nanchen is infected!

“I’m good… No, I…”

Looking at Jin Xiyu below him, Wang Nanchen’s eyes were still a little sober

I wanted to stop myself, but my mouth opened unconsciously

And bite to Jin Xiyu.


PS: Thank you for the monthly pass.

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