Weird Calendar

Chapter 252 The Mystery of Immortality

Qin Ze temporarily accepted the half-time break.

It's just the enemy in the second half, if it is the worthy god...

According to No. 4, Qin Ze didn’t think he could win. So this half is critical.

The country of machines seems to have the secrets that Qin Ze is most interested in.

He wanted to know what the real history was like.

Go through hidden doors one after another without paying a price...

Qin Ze has passed through many worlds.

In a world as small as a pool house...he also met a man eating potato chips and watching TV.

It's very interesting to say that the mechanical tribe seems to have some special authority, and has made many bugs in the maze of the Maze King that only their mechanical tribe knows about.

Under the influence of the bug, Qin Ze discovered that entering through the hidden door would not be seen by anyone in the scene.

But the interesting part is also here. While walking through this scene, Qin Ze discovered that the man sitting on the sofa eating potato chips... seemed to see himself and No. 4.

That expression was definitely seen.

But No. 4 didn’t stop.

As a result, Qin Ze and Yuan Fen just missed it.

Yuan Fen's potato chips are in his hand...

"There are still a few minutes until the monster appears, right? Was that a monster just now?"

"No...why do they look so familiar? They both seem a bit familiar."

Yuan Fen suddenly remembered that before setting off, before he carried out that damn mission that would plunge him into an endless loop...

I have seen the information of the person who wants to steal it.

Not long ago, when passing by a certain door, he also saw the face of another person in the room under the huge mechanical sphere.

But the two...have disappeared.

"It's really strange. That person seemed to be looking at me just now, didn't he?"


Yuan Fen seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face suddenly became wonderful.

"I can't. Did I miss something?"

"That person just now seems to have seen us?"

Qin Ze asked while walking on a certain street in the world inside the door.

Number 4 replied:

"Yes, it seems that a new bug has appeared in the maze recently. There is a locksmith who can enter the maze without paying the price. He can open the door at will..."

"We may have just seen that bug. Don't worry, there are always strange things in the maze."

"All forces are infiltrating the labyrinth. Outer gods, old calendar ones, and even gods. Occasionally, you can see some strange sights, but there is nothing to make a fuss about."

Qin Ze suddenly realized.

But immediately Qin Ze paused.

Locksmith? Wait, locksmith? ?

He suddenly remembered that on the day when he was in trouble, a locksmith broke into his home in Qiyihou.

The Commander's Locksmith!

Qin Ze suddenly turned around, No. 4 frowned:

"What's wrong?"

"Is there any way to go back and find the locksmith?" Qin Ze asked.

No. 4 shook his head: "I'm afraid not."

"What can I do to find a locksmith?" Qin Ze asked.

"That person is important to you?"

"It's not that important... But now that I have encountered him, I still want to rescue him. Damn it... I really should think more about it."

Qin Ze felt a little regretful. The locksmith was probably the commander's man.

This man came to the maze because of himself.

Although in essence, he did not harm anyone and it was the commander who maliciously offended him first, but since he and the commander have reconciled, he must sell his favor if he can.

Besides, this is a human life.

Number 4 shook his head:

"It's not like there's no way to find this person."

Qin Ze became interested:

"how should I do?"

Number 4 said:

"Kill the Lord of the Labyrinth."

"What's the difference between this and asking Benbo'erba to catch Tang Monk?" Qin Ze complained.

Number 4 shook his head and said:

"Since you have chosen to go to the Country of Machinery, I don't believe you have any plans in this regard."

Qin Ze said nothing.

Number 4 continued:

"Fuxi, actually don't you think that winning a championship in a competitive country is as difficult as getting out of a maze?"

"You can do something a little harder. And you seem to be prepared."

Only by defeating the Maze King can the locksmith be saved?

This is as uneconomical as killing a king for an insignificant person.

But it is true that Qin Ze has this kind of ambition in his heart.

Because he has a super trump card.

"It's almost here, Fuxi. Thank you very much for preserving my memory until now."

No. 4 suddenly stopped.

Qin Ze looked at No. 4 in confusion, wondering what No. 4 was going to do.

Number 4 said at this time:

"I already know some truths about the world my sister lives in..."

Does it mean that the world was actually created by the ancestor of the old calendar?

Qin Ze didn't speak, he was just guessing in his heart.

Number 4 said:

"I have humanity again, Fuxi, thank you very much. The machine race is an absolutely neutral existence...but I, I will try to help you."

Qin Ze was stunned.

Number 4 said seriously:

"This meeting with Machine King Zero will strengthen your chances of winning the next big challenge."

"But this is probably the only time the Machine Tribe will take action."

"If I don't help you."

There is light in No. 4’s eyes:

"But I will help you. I will do my best to convince the Machine Tribe to no longer remain neutral in the upcoming battle."

"It might take some work, but I'll do it."

Number Four took another step.

Qin Ze followed in the footsteps of No. 4, but at this time he still didn't fully understand the meaning of No. 4's words.

It is also unclear what impact the arrival of the mechanical tribe will have on the future.

But he can still feel that this new machine race... the heat that only exists in the human soul.


Qin Ze only said these two words.

The two quickly passed through the last door and came to the scene where the Machine Kingdom was located.

The huge mechanical sphere in the sky, this suspended kingdom, made Qin Ze feel extremely spectacular.

"Welcome to the Machinery Country, Fuxi." No. 4 stretched out his hand, and a blue light fell from somewhere on the huge sphere to No. 4.

Old calendar world, mechanical empire.

The crisscrossing passages are distributed in space, and the terrain is several times more complex than an 8D magic city like Lianqing City, which makes Qin Ze feel dazzled.

But what surprised Qin Ze more than the route was that the machines looked completely indistinguishable from humans.

Along the way, Qin Ze saw many snack bars, gift shops, hotels, etc.

"Snacks include various flavors of motor oil, gift shops, various prosthetics, or some additional external organs. This world, as you say over there, is very cybernetic."

"By the way, you can also use some things, such as the black technology implanted in the corpus cavernosum, which can make you big and hard."

Number 4 looked at Qin Ze.

Qin Ze waved his hand:

"My specialty is my specialty, and standing out means standing out. I don't need it."

Number 4 nodded:

"This is called self-esteem among you humans. I understand. In words, everyone is eighteen. But I believe that if you take this thing to the real world, it will definitely be sold out."

Qin Ze coughed:

"Next topic, what does the hotel provide? You don't still need a hotel, do you?"

Number 4 shook his head:

"The hotel provides special charging piles, which can enter the hotel's unique dreamland while sleeping."

No. 4 knew that Qin Ze would be curious, so he would explain anything he encountered along the way that Qin Ze was interested in.

"Huh? What are you dreaming about? You can't choose on your own?" Qin Ze was amazed.

Number 4 explained:

"Of course, 'Mom' said that dreams are very dangerous for the machine race. The first king of the time, No. 0, got sick because of his dreams."

"Machines will have self-awareness, but their self-awareness cannot contain counter-logical things like dreams, otherwise it will cause serious damage to the brain."

"So, we are deprived of the ability to dream, but we can purchase some dreams that meet safety standards."

Qin Ze suddenly felt that... he didn't seem to envy the mechanical tribe much anymore.

Not even the freedom to dream.

But then, Number Zero's words changed Qin Ze's view:

"We can buy dreams in different theme stores. And related dream dlc."

"For example... if I long for family love, then I can buy dreams related to my relatives, or even find a dream maker to customize dreams with related themes."

Qin Ze, who originally didn't envy the mechanical clan, suddenly became a little envious...

If this dream maker comes to the real world, he will definitely...well, he will definitely receive a lot of dream orders from the Eighteen Forbiddens, right?

Having the freedom to dream is great, but being able to buy the dream you like seems to be no less good.

Next, No. 4 took Qin Ze through the complex terrain and told many things about the mechanical tribe along the way.

For example, the mechanical clan's outer body customization, the mechanical clan's painting level, the mechanical clan's humanities, customs, social rules, etc.

Qin Ze discovered that... even the highly productive machine race is as hierarchical as human society.

This is normal, but what's not normal is...the robot race falling in love is very similar to human society.

Number 4 said:

"Mecha girls whose paint suits the sexual quirks of most mechanical tribes are generally unwilling to engage in data integration with the underlying mechanical tribe."

"Machine girls will be proud of being fused with data from a machine race with a commercial paint job, and will therefore look down on those machine races with an economic paint job."

"If you want to carry out long-term data fusion and establish a binding contract, the robot girl will ask the other party to provide something called machine gold, which is roughly equivalent to the betrothal gift of you humans."

"And during the holidays, I will ask the other party to send some luxury prosthetics, such as LV tails, Chanel eyeballs, Prada charging interfaces, etc."

Qin Ze was stunned when he heard this.

All this has something to do with "Mother", the maker of the mechanical clan.

"Mother" will intentionally imitate human society when creating a mechanical race.

But Qin Ze has to admit that he even imitated a lot of bad things.

The mechanical tribe even has a wine table culture, which is called oil table culture here.

When an inferior machine is offering oil to a superior machine, the oil cup must be three points lower...

When he heard this, Qin Ze suddenly felt that he could be a teacher here.

The process of feeling the amazing "human culture" of the mechanical race did not last long.

The mechanical life around him quickly dwindled.

The building also looks more and more like some kind of weird lair. But instead of those weird tentacles, they were covered in mechanical cables.

Qin Ze suddenly asked:

"No. 4, what level do you think you are?"

Number 4 smiled and said:

"I'm one of the rare ones... It's no exaggeration to say that I can perform data fusion with any machine girl here."

"Besides, I didn't have a dream removal surgery."

Very special. The treatment of No. 4 and other mechanical tribes is obviously different.

Qin Ze asked:

"Why? You look special?"

Number 4 said:

"Because I have a high proportion of flesh and blood. In other words, as a machine race, my human race blood is very noble here."

Qin Ze became interested and asked:

"A flesh and blood body is more valuable than a mechanical body here?"

Number 4 said:

"The flesh and blood body is not valuable, but the original mechanical body and flesh and blood body are valuable."

"'Mom' feels that there is something atavistic about me."

"That's right, my structure is somewhat similar to the first King Zero."

"So I have a lot of privileges now. This statement has not been confirmed, but it is difficult for the machine race to have secrets."

"And if a secret is spread too much, it becomes a certain kind of statement. The more people believe this statement, the easier it is to be taken seriously."

Qin Ze understood:

"To put it simply, you have become a noble bloodline owner?"

Number 4 nodded:

"I'm afraid so."

After talking to this point, No. 4 had already brought Qin Ze to a gate.

Number 4 said:

"The king is inside, Fuxi, I won't go in. Next... please think clearly about what you want to ask."

"The king will answer your questions, and 'Mom' is here."

"The king and 'mother' will also provide you with some kind of help. Before I convince the king to withdraw his neutral attitude... this may be your only chance to get help from the mechanical tribe."

Qin Ze suddenly held No. 4's hand and showed a gentle smile like Jian Yiyi:

"Thank you, Four!"

No. 4 said no more, Qin Ze opened the door.

Warm yellow light illuminates the road ahead. But the road is not long.

Qin Ze walked on a road as smooth as a mirror. Every time he took a step, the mirror lights under his feet would light up.

Until the twenty-fourth step, a voice suddenly came.

"Hello, human. I am the king here. You can call me, Number Zero."

There was suddenly no road under Qin Ze's feet.

He did not see Zero, nor did he see "Mom".

But he could feel that he was already in the other party's domain.

Qin Ze was not curious about the appearance of the Mechanical King and the "Mother Goddess".

The other party must have made up his mind to remain neutral, so he thought there was no need to meet.

Qin Ze made a gesture of kindness and courtesy among humans, put his hand on his chest, and lowered his head slightly.

"I heard No. 4 say that you can answer some of my questions. I don't want to waste time, and I don't want to change your position."

"I just happen to be here for some questions. In order to get the answers to these questions, I can also help you accomplish some of the things you want to accomplish."

On the other side of the passage, where Qin Ze could not see, Zero smiled.

He somewhat likes Qin Ze's speaking style:

"What do you want to know?"

Qin Ze was extremely direct and said straight to the point:

"Please tell me the truth about history and why there is an Old Calendar world!"

"What is going on in the world we live in!"

When asking this question, Qin Ze was really worried that there would be some kind of obstacle.

For example, the other party said: I don’t know either. Or give some more Riddler answers. Or tell you what you need to collect to unlock the information.

At least, according to a gamer's intuition, this is the routine.

There is no game that directly tells the player the historical background of the entire story when the player is still very weak in the early and middle stages.

But what surprised Qin Ze was——

Number Zero answered decisively:

"That's it, no problem."

"As a witness to countless times, this is very easy to do. I can tell you what you want to know."

"Let me think about where to start."

Qin Ze's heart was pounding.

What you have been chasing so hard is suddenly about to be revealed? Is all this true?

He felt like he was in a trance.

Things that Mother Jane, Commander, Qiao Wei... and even the Five Gods may not know about, are now about to be solved by themselves.

It felt unreal to him.

After a few seconds, No. 0 slowly spoke:

"Then let's start from the earliest source of distortion. Countless eras have become distorted and weird, all because of it."

"In this era, it's called weird."

"In the past era, it was called corruption."

"In earlier times, it was called a lesion."

After a slight pause, No. 0 said:

"But no matter how they change, they are still the same thing causing chaos, and they are all the same thing, giving rise to corruption, disease, and weirdness."

"That thing is called immortality."

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