Weird Calendar

Chapter 232 I know everything

The commander's story is actually not a very twisty story.

There is no complicated plot, no amazing suspense.

There used to be a group of comrades, but then they disappeared.

Back then, among the first group of board members, there were a few people who were very fond of the commander.

At that time, the training was very heavy, but very happy.

I look forward to breaking taboos every day, and I wait for improvement every day.

Everyone is eager to make the company stronger and contribute to the world.

The commander's character is a very annoying one, arrogant and rude.

But once accepted by him, this person will become extremely reliable.

Needless to say, Lu Hu, Lao Zhao, and Alice.

Although everyone has their own thoughts, they all know deep down that the Commander is a trustworthy person.

In fact, there were more than just these people on the board of directors at that time.

Next to the commander, there are six powerful board members with different abilities.

It was also at that time that the Commander showed his ability to lead the company.

Jealousy and arrogance do not sound like qualities a good leader should have.

But the Commander's strengths can outweigh these shortcomings.

The Commander shines brightly when he talks about the board of directors at that time. The light in his eyes flickered, but after drinking a glass of wine...

Suddenly dim.

Because those people died.

Died by an advent, no one knows why that advent is so terrifying.

Countless powerful monsters suddenly appeared in this world.

It is completely different from the advent Qin Ze faced before...

The coming that the commander and the board members experienced - was a real catastrophe.

The strength of those monsters seems to be comparable to that of heavenly beings.

If it hadn't been for the thick fog that day, if the battlefield hadn't been on the outskirts of Yanjing...

Maybe the news of monsters coming and destroying human cities will spread to all countries.

The battle was brutal.

The commander raised his glass. He was not actually drunk, but he still shed tears:

"Liu Wenzhao took my hand and dragged me behind."

"I wanted to rush forward because Wen Zhao was seriously injured and she was about to die. I couldn't let her die."

"Wen Zhao used her last strength to pull me back. She said..."

"Commander, you are the keeper of the tomb. How can you stand in front of the corpse?"

"The monster's claws just pierced Wen Zhao's chest. Wen Zhao's last smile was as ugly as it could be... This was the last word Wen Zhao said."

"She got a very bad head, very bad..."

"Because of that battle, each of us thought we could not go back."

"We're all going to die."

"But these damn guys, even in the order of death, refused to let me."

"Because I am the tomb keeper, and because they die in front of me, they can accomplish more meritorious deeds."

"Use my corpse to fight. The words Wen Zhao didn't say were understood by the other living board members."

"They all rushed in front of me."

Qin Ze didn't ask what happened in the end.

The battle was apparently resolved in the thick fog, and the commander now had a few more powerful corpses at his disposal.

Qin Ze raised his glass and took in this scene.

If one day, the big star, Jane's mother, stands in front of him...

His mood swings finally became violent.

At this moment, the two men really felt like drinking.

Qin Ze finally realized that the company was great.

The commander is very arrogant, looks down on ordinary people, and has a certain degree of "old-school discrimination."

But this man, and his friends, once risked their lives to kill the monsters that came to the world in the thick fog.

The people of Yanjing did not even realize what was happening outside.

A hero only needs to be a hero, he does not need to be a saint.

There are not many people like Mother Jane in the world.

At this moment, the emotions of both the talker and the listener began to fluctuate.

The Commander recounted the past events of each of the six powerful corpses while they were still alive.

What moved Qin Ze the most was the girl named Liu Wenzhao on the board of directors.

This girl has always liked the commander.

Later, when cleaning up the relics, the commander read Liu Wenzhao's diary, and finally understood some of his thoughts, but was unable to respond.

Qin Ze felt uncomfortable hearing this, and drank the wine faster and faster.

[Behind every tragic story, there is a huge cause and effect. Of course you can't change what has already happened, but maybe now, you can prevent what hasn't happened yet. 】

[One is willing to listen and the other is willing to speak. This time of talking and listening was a complete success. 】

【Get buff——Listen to the sound of all things. 】

When Qin Ze fell into a sad mood, Qi Yi succeeded.

At this moment, Qin Ze didn't pay attention to the prompts in his mind, but... listened.

[Actually, I'm not drunk at all, but Qin Ze seems to be drunk after drinking... Oh, damn, why should I tell him this. 】

[Damn it, what’s wrong with me? Why am I saying this? Why did I tell him about Wen Zhao! 】

While Qin Ze was still moved, the commander suddenly came to his senses.

[But I really want to find someone to tell this to. I miss them so much... I have always wanted to investigate the truth. 】

[Who caused that super advent? 】

[But I don’t know why, but I just said it to Qin Ze. Maybe it's because he... gave me too much shock yesterday. I actually started to look forward to him? 】

[Impossible, absolutely impossible, who am I? The second in command of my dignified company! How could I put my hope in a subordinate! 】

[Even if the chairman favors him, even if he is involved in so many big events! 】

[But it has been so long since that incident, and there are no clues during the investigation. 】

Contradictory human beings, the Commander’s inner drama is so rich. Qin Ze complained in his heart.

[Contradictory human beings, the Commander’s inner drama is so rich. 】

Qin Ze was stunned. If I go, can I even hear my own voice?

[Here I go, can I even hear my own voice? 】

Qin Ze was delighted. He really didn't expect that the ability to listen to the voices of all things was more powerful than Gong Ping's. He could actually hear the voices of living beings directly.

[This ability must be of great use in the maze. After all... there must be people in the maze who interfere with my mind. 】

[In this case, I must commit a taboo today. 】

[But at least let’s end the drinking party with the commander first. As for the commander's inner thoughts, it seems that the coming of that huge event is very doubtful in the commander's view. But it's been a long time since the incident happened. Even if I wanted to investigate, I wouldn't be able to find out, right? 】

[I am no smarter than Mama Jane and the Commander. Forget it, let’s end the party first. 】

Qin Ze was going to tell the commander that he was too drunk and wanted to rest.

But the commander's inner voice told Qin Ze that the problem was not that simple.

[He is not a ghost yet. Logically speaking, his physique is not that strong. I have to get him drunk so that he cannot remember. 】

The commander's eyes had a fighting spirit!

Qin Ze raised his eyebrows, this guy actually planned to forcefully get him drunk?

With this kind of wine that costs more than eight thousand a bottle? Getting a peak stranger drunk?

It's nice to have money. Qin Ze could only sigh.

But now that we know the commander's strategy, we can just pretend to be drunk.

May 14th, four o'clock in the morning.

The commander left with satisfaction. Because Qin Ze fell asleep.

Vomiting, talking nonsense, revealing embarrassing things, and then falling asleep after these things, Qin Ze felt that he was a qualified actor.

After the commander left, Qin Ze raised his head and looked at the copper money grass.

[This cunning human being is pretending to be drunk! Don't believe him! Don't believe him! Every time he tells a story, he never finishes it! 】

The resentment of Copper Money Grass made Qin Ze want to laugh a little.

Qin Ze suddenly thought of something and his attention fell on Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao squatted on Qin Ze's shoulders as usual.

At this moment, Qin Ze heard something.

[Today is also a day with an extremely strong atmosphere of danger, hee hee. 】

[I will be truly resurrected soon. By then, I will be able to get rid of the puppet state, right? 】

[I never want to send a message to that woman again. 】

[After resurrection, you can compete fairly with her! 】

[Qin Ze is so good-looking, I really want to make him into a puppet and let him squat on my shoulders every day. I want him to be only one-seventh of my size...]

[Would that make some places too small? 】

[What a contradiction, I really hope he experiences great danger...]

[But I’m afraid he won’t survive. 】

ah? Rebel against Tiangang? You actually want to make me a puppet?

Qin Ze didn't expect Xiao Qiao to have so many inner dramas.

That she Qiao Wei? So Xiao Qiao is actually so dangerous?

Qin Ze looked at Xiao Qiao.

Xiao Qiao obviously doesn't know yet, but Qin Ze can hear his heart.

"Forget it, there's no need to argue with a puppet, just be prepared in your heart."

"I have to let Xiao Qiao do things for me regularly to consume her energy." Qin Ze made up his mind.

The ability to listen to everyone's heart is really abnormal.

Qin Ze decided to experience this ability more before breaking the taboo.

May 14th, early morning.

Qin Ze came to Xiaoshi's residence.

Along the way, Qin Ze discovered that he could not only hear the sounds of living creatures, such as puppies and kittens on the roadside.

The sounds of kittens and puppies are those of fear of humans.

There are also some passers-by wandering around in the early morning. Most of the thoughts of passers-by are related to food and clothing.

Just like the little girl in the fairy tale, in this early morning, people will be immersed in fantasy.

This is a signal sent by the brain to remind a person that it is time to eat and put on more clothes.

The commander's thoughts are interesting, but most people's thoughts... are actually quite boring.

The richer a person's inner drama is, the more comfortable he is in life.

The busier a person is, the more blank space he has in his heart.

Qin Ze did not stop and listen to a certain person.

Because things like this happen every day, but today I have mastered this ability.

But for others, life remains the same.

Qin Ze could also hear the sounds of some dead things.

For example, Xiaoshi's door will say: "Oh, new man, it's been a long time since a man other than that boy has knocked on the door."

However, the frequency was unstable, and Qin Ze discovered that not all objects could make sounds.

To put it simply, the ability to listen to the sounds of all things can steadily hear the voices of living beings.

But unlike Gong Ping's detective ability, it is not stable for some objects.

No other man has knocked on Xiaoshi's door for a long time, which is a good thing.

Qin Ze knocked on the door, and then heard a rustling sound.

[It can’t be Brother Ze, right? Oops, it’s so annoying. Why is it coming at this time? I’ve just started the third round. 】

This is Li Shiyu’s voice.

[Great, it’s Brother Ze. Brother Ze is here to save my life. This third round is really killing me. The succubus is too scary and Sister Xiaoshi is too cruel. 】

This is the sound of Fu Jie.

Human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same, Qin Ze just felt like laughing.

After the door opens, the talisman steps appear together with the little poem.

Xiaoshi's face was flushed and her skin was very good. Fu Jie had dark circles under his eyes and his eye sockets were a little sunken, looking like he was overindulging in lust.

There is obviously no such thing as harvesting yin and replenishing yang.

The little demon girl of Hehuan Sect is so terrifying.

Qin Ze came to look for Fu Jie, naturally to get what Fu Jie brought.

That's a light.

When Fu Jie handed the lamp to Qin Ze, he said:

"Same as in the story, if you rub the lamp surface three times and silently say that the djinn will come out, you can make a wish."

"It can tell you the correct answer. But it will pay a price, but what the price is is not clear."

"Another point is that once you summon the djinn, you must make a wish. You cannot say that you summoned the djinn but don't make a wish."

"Also, my abilities are limited, Brother Ze, and the Djinn God will also have questions that they can't answer..."

It is once again confirmed that the upper limit of the abilities of the props brought back by travelers is related to the travelers themselves.

Qin Ze nodded and expressed his gratitude to Fu Jie and Xiao Shi.

At the same time, he left a sum of money for Fu Jie, and suggested that Fu Jie make up for it.

The battle between the cow and the earth could have no other outcome.

As only a virgin would say, she couldn't handle my fire.

When Qin Ze left, Fu Jie's thoughts were like this.

[Don’t go, Brother Ze, stay a little longer. We can talk more! 】

And Xiaoshi’s inner voice is:

[Hehe, hehehe, hahahahaha, oh yeah! 】

What a miserable man.

Qin Ze suddenly felt that Qiao Wei's starting strength, which was at the heavenly level... and she was still panting and lying on his chest in the end, really gave him face.

The showdown between the Old Calendarers turned out to be full of performance elements.

Qin Ze still has something to do and cannot save Fu Jie.

Next, he had to go to where Hu Dongfeng was.

The things that Killer Emperor Cole said made Qin Ze a little worried.

If possible, Qin Ze hopes to confirm his ability before entering the recruitment.

For Qin Ze, listening to the voice of the number one killer of our time is not a waste of ability.

On the way to the law firm, Qin Ze met someone.

This is a boy with curly hair.

Wandering around in the early hours of the morning is normal for Old Calendar people.

After all, I have met many homeless people before.

It's just that he is different from the homeless man. Qin Ze found that this curly-haired boy was very exquisitely dressed.

The boy's destination was not the law firm, but the suburbs.

There is a toy factory in the suburbs. Of course, there are many other things in the suburbs.

And at this moment, the two of them were in the city center, and it was impossible for Qin Ze to directly know where the other party would eventually go through the direction of the other party's travel.

But he...heard the voice of his heart.

[Shiva came to Linxiang City, but judging from the official response, it seemed that they knew that the two sides could not fight. 】

[Then there is only one reason for Shiva to come to Linxiang City. 】

[Santa Claus Ou Yezi, he stopped in front of everyone yesterday and also stopped Shiva. 】

[There must be a good show today, but should I prepare other clones to watch this good show? 】

Qin Ze's footsteps did not stop, and the expression on his face did not change.

Because at this time, he and the curly-haired boy walked face to face and passed each other.

When I catch Palu, I'll let him code it!

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