Weird Calendar

Chapter 135 The fateful night of April 27th

Chapter 135 April 27·Fateful Night

After formulating the battle plan, Qin Ze asked Lawyer Hu and Yu Sheng to stay together.

As important figures, the two continued to stay in the eastern suburbs of Linxiang City. So Hu Dongfeng chose to return to the farmhouse where he was once a client.

Qin Ze drove Hu Dongfeng back to the previous farmhouse.

The female owner of the farmhouse still welcomed Hu Dongfeng.

After Qin Ze exchanged a few words with Hu Dongfeng, he left.

It is not difficult for Qin Ze to convince Gu Anxun, but it will take some time to convince Gong Ping.

We must hurry up and let everyone enter Jingquan College from different directions before tonight.

Explore this real-world "Old Calendar Zone."

Qin Ze also specially contacted Luo Shu, Yu Ji, Huo Qiao, and Lin An, these non-combatant members, to pay as much attention to Hu Dongfeng's safety as possible.

The eastern suburbs are safe.

At least the campus forces controlled by strange forces have not found Hu Dongfeng so far, and their exploration scope is still focused on Linxiang City.

However, this does not mean that Lawyer Hu is absolutely safe.

Even though Qin Ze warned him afterwards and arranged extra care for non-combatants, he did not expect that because he was too involved with the Old Ones...

Hu Dongfeng's life has ushered in a little change.

After Qin Ze left, in the dim basement with the lights on, Hu Dongfeng scrolled through his phone and followed the news.

He was excited inside.

Because justice will be done.

Hu Dongfeng was surprised to find that it seemed that some kind of force had intervened. About four hours after leaving Qin Ze——

Posts on the Internet discussing the case of porcelain scandal at Jingquan College quickly disappeared.

Instead, the big star Lan Yu broke up with his girlfriend, and the actress who had just become his ex-girlfriend attended an indecent party.

It is said that there are also videos leaked of idols collapsing, which will always be the current traffic password.

Hu Dongfeng felt that these things happened too much by coincidence.

He then speculated that the forces behind Qin Ze were trying to eliminate the impact of this incident.

He felt warm inside.

In any case, this can be regarded as resisting the online violence against him and the client.

When he was most frightened, Hu Dongfeng was afraid of supernatural things that he couldn't understand, and he was also afraid of reality.

Because in reality, he has almost become what netizens call an unscrupulous lawyer.

After meeting Qin Ze in the afternoon, everything got better.

The weird campus will be solved by powerful old calendarers.

And reality is about to return his innocence.

But as midnight approaches...

No one noticed that in the basement of a farmhouse in the eastern suburbs of Linxiang City, a white calendar appeared in a corner that was not visible in the dim light.

In Hu Dongfeng's satchel, he lay quietly, as if his destiny had come quietly.

No one knows whether this means a strong man is about to be born, or an unlucky man is about to end.

The first appearance of the calendar will always be on some inevitable event.

On April 27th, in the center of the city, there was a specially-ringed bell.

It means a new day has arrived.

Countless people are already asleep, and countless people are excited.

Hu Dongfeng did not fall asleep.

Although a large number of discussions about Jingquan Academy have been deleted, because it was so popular a while ago, the popularity is still there.

Hu Dongfeng also discovered that there would be people who would smear Yui Gu Meimen, smear himself and his client.

They were obviously passers-by who didn't know anything about the incident, but in a very confident tone, they mocked Hu Dongfeng and Gu Meimen Yui for doing whatever they could to get money.

Those who ridicule such people are not worthy of being lawyers.

He also ridiculed He Kuan's mother for teaching her children to behave badly since childhood.

Every day, Hu Dongfeng would argue for himself, Yui, He Kuan and his mother.

He would not scold these people, but would reply in a very sensible and friendly manner:

"I think that when we don't understand the truth of a matter, we still shouldn't make rash judgments. What if there are injustices and hidden secrets in this matter?"

He is a lawyer, and he knows very well that a debate must have a referee, just like in a court, a judge must make a decision.

Otherwise, no one can convince anyone.

Especially on the Internet, Hu Dongfeng rarely quarrels with others because it is meaningless and the other party will not be convinced.

Even if a person is speechless, he will not admit that he has been persuaded.

This is the network.

But Hu Dongfeng was still willing to leave a few words, hoping to be friendly and eliminate one person's hostility towards another person. He did not persuade anyone, but just hoped to arouse some rational thinking.

Of course, most of the answers Hu Dongfeng received were like this:

"You're pretending to be your mother's rightful client, and you're talking to the porcelain maker. What are your views?"

"I guess you must be a Genshin Impact player, right?"

"Navy, stop washing."

Of course, Hu Dongfeng just smiled helplessly and would not continue to argue.

He rarely gets angry about these things.

He would take great risks for Yui and his client, but he also knew that there was no need to forcefully change the opinions of some passers-by.

It was the same this time, and the answer Hu Dongfeng received was still the same.

He smiled when he looked at these hateful comments and did not delete his comments in the end.

How can a lawyer be afraid of the sword of words?

However, Hu Dongfeng still committed a taboo.

A taboo in the truest sense.

April 27th, Wuwu month and Guimao day, is suitable for cleaning, farming, reading, and fishing.

Avoid arguing. Taboo level, despair.

An important night for Hu Dongfeng has arrived.

Linxiang City, midnight, 00:25.

At this midnight, someone is smiling with hope for the new life that is about to come.

There are also people who are sleeping deeply, waiting for the arrival of a new day when they open their eyes.

There are also people who enter the school regardless of the danger and seek the truth from the weirdness.

There are also people who are very interested and ready to hunt.

Chen You put on familiar clothes, a black double-breasted suit, trousers, and leather shoes.

As well as a loaded Desert Eagle and a smiley face mask.

At this moment, he changed from Xiao Chen, an employee of Xindaan Life Insurance who loved comics, to Prell, a well-known strong man in the killer world.

April 27th, for some people with old calendars, this day will not refresh the taboos, but for Prell, today is the day for hunting.

He soon found his prey.

Prior looked in the mirror and was satisfied with the smile on the mask. God is about to start his fearful sanctions again.

Since the last sanction failed, he has been very depressed. It turns out that there are really people who can play games with their feet, and they can play better than him with his hands.

This time, he didn't want to miss again.

Although the killer organization did not send any mission to Prell.

But he never abides by the fourth rule of the killer's restrictions - not killing people when it is not necessary.

The first three are – never say it’s the last time.

Once you say these words, there is a high probability that your career as a killer will be over.

Never fall in love with your goals.

Also, never steal business from others, but when a target has been targeted by other killers, please do not kill the target unless the killer responsible for the target is dead.

Killing someone is not something worth teasing or having fun with.

As for killer Prell and killer Medni, they are actually people who don't abide by the killer code very much.

For example, there is Article 5 - unless required by the employer, do not kill or torture living creatures.

Medni never followed this rule, and neither did Prell.

Both men enjoyed tormenting their opponents.

However, Prell will give non-mission targets a way to survive.

If the target is not a task assigned by a killer organization, but someone he wants to kill temporarily, Prell will not kill his opponent like Medni did.

Instead, it will give the other party a chance to play the game. As long as the other party can win the game, he will give the target a way out.

Today, Prell has a new goal.

Before twelve o'clock, Prell noticed that the posts about Jingquan College were being deleted continuously.

A certain force is intervening in this porcelain incident.

Prell, who prides himself on being righteous, suddenly found joy.

He saw a post like this——

"Have you noticed that all the posts on major forums about shrews touching Ci Jingquan Academy have been deleted!"

The reply in the post is——

"If you want others to know, you have to do nothing unless you do it yourself!"

"Haha, this stupid woman must have regretted it and started spending money to delete the post."

"The Internet has no memory, but I have memory, and I will never give up posting! The most disgusting people are these treacherous people!"

"And that Lawyer Hu, for the sake of money, he takes on any case, and the children are about to take the entrance exam! How many children has he delayed!"

"Sanctimonious complainer!"

Being sanctimonious, engaging in the legal profession, and speaking out for evildoers, what a suitable candidate for playing games!

He began to investigate Lawyer Hu, and the gears of fate began to turn.

Prell liked the word justice very much. He once thought that he was the justice hiding behind the scenes.

Now, he wants to judge a guy who can do justice on the stage.

Hu Dongfeng's mobile phone number is easy to find, after all, the signboard of Zhengyi Law Firm is very loud.

Having a mobile phone number and then tracking it is something that Prell is familiar with.

Later, he uncovered a lot of things, such as the comments Hu Dongfeng left not long ago.

"How peaceful, how pertinent, just like justice in people's eyes~ The right people on the Internet always think they are righteous. They always think they are the ones who are sane."

"Then let me see if you are really as righteous as you say. I hope you can become another person who leaves alive in my hands - that's weird!"

Prell laughed strangely.

In his opinion, although he would give his prey the possibility of escaping, in his heart, he never wanted his prey to actually escape.

When I violate taboos, he will do what is appropriate.

Hu Dongfeng's despair tonight has arrived.

Linxiang City, April 261:50.

When Xiao Qiao sat on Gong Ping's shoulder, Gong Ping was finally able to listen carefully to Qin Ze's reasoning.

Qin Ze smiled and said:

"Mr. Detective, don't be nervous. I'm easy to talk to. I talk about campus ghosts and all that. To put it bluntly, people are exploring unknown rules, and your ability is very useful."

"So please come with me and cooperate with my investigation. Of course, I will give you a generous reward."

The first thing that came to Gong Ping's mind was - what if I refuse?

But he had already said this once before, so the puppet on Qin Ze's shoulder appeared on his shoulder.

This scared Gong Ping to death.

After all, the last time he dealt with Qin Ze, he was scared to death by Xiao Qiao.

And as Qin Ze has experienced several major crises, Xiao Qiao has now become very lifelike.

That kind of weird and weird aura is also extremely strong.

"Hehe. I want to dig out your eyes."

Xiao Qiao cooperated with Qin Ze and put considerable pressure on Gong Ping.

Gong Ping almost fell to his knees with a plop.

"I'm not kidding, I will really give you a very generous reward, and I will do my best to protect you. Our team leader has spent a lot of money on you."

"Of course, if you refuse to go, I won't force you. I'll talk about the reward first."

"You should have heard the name of my team leader, the great detective. His name is Jian Yiyi."

Of course Gong Ping knew Jian Yiyi's name.

After all, this is the ace member of the official organization.

"If you are in trouble, we will help you. This is an equal exchange. And the team leader will also give you an extra painting."

"The value of this painting is equivalent to giving you several more lives. You are not good at fighting, right?"

Gong Ping nodded.

If he was good at fighting, he wouldn't be so afraid of Xiao Qiao.

Of course, the most important thing is that his detective ability occasionally allows him to talk to Xiao Qiao.

This taboo-violating product was too evil for Gong Ping.

"Some of the team leader's paintings can be reused. Believe me, they can save lives at critical moments. They are definitely no less valuable than an item from the past."

Gong Ping was really moved.

"Can you guarantee that I will survive?"

"I can only promise that if you are really in danger, I will die in front of you." Qin Ze responded seriously.

Gong Ping thought for a while, this deal... can actually be done.

First, you can gain the favor of the official organization. If you encounter trouble, you can ask the official organization for help to help you get through the stage of losing combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

If a detective reaches the stage of ghosts and gods, some kind of qualitative change may occur.

Secondly, it is not an exaggeration to say that Jian Yiyi's paintings are priceless.

Moreover, Qin Ze's feeling for Gong Ping was different from last time.

Although they hadn't seen each other for a few days, Gong Ping felt that Qin Ze seemed to be stronger now.

Qin Ze's direct leap from an outstanding person to an alien person gave Gong Ping a sense of oppression.

Gong Ping gritted his teeth and said:

"Okay, let's go with you. Let me declare first that before I delineate the scene of the crime, my ability to communicate with objects sometimes works well. If it doesn't work, you can't rely on me."

"Don't worry, I may not necessarily need your ability."

Qin Ze successfully persuaded Gong Ping.

As for Gu Anxun, Qin Ze met Gu Anxun earlier in the Youke New City Community.

Gu Anxun also felt that Qin Ze had entered the realm of a stranger, and the sense of oppression was completely different.

This gave Gu Anxun a sense of crisis.

It’s only been three weeks…

Qin Ze's progress is too fast.

Gu Anxun, who was committed to surpassing Qin Ze, agreed without hesitation after learning the whole story:

"It means that there are many regular areas on campus. Whoever passes these areas first, whoever kills the old creatures first, will win?"

Qin Zeke didn't feel that there was any competition between the two of them, but since Gu Anxun said so, he followed suit:

"Yes, I'll give you a chance to win against me."

In a head-on battle, I look after someone, a conductor with incredible combat effectiveness. Would I be afraid of you?

There was no suspense, Qin Ze convinced Gu Anxun.

At this point, eight people gathered.

Alice, Jian Yiyi, Lan Yu, Cheng Wan, Duke, Gu Anxun, Qin Ze, Gong Ping.

After April 27th arrives, everyone determines the taboos in their respective calendars, which will not affect this operation...

Lan Yu entered the school through the gate at the west gate of the campus.

Gu Anxun entered the school through the playground on the north side of the campus.

The rest of the people also entered Jingquan College from different directions under Jian Yiyi's order.

The fully enclosed teaching college exuding a cold atmosphere... At this moment, eight uninvited guests were welcomed.

Operation Purification of Jingquan Academy begins.

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