245. Extra Chapter 2: The Wedding (2)

Translator: Tracycbj


Although they had been together for a long time, Qi Le’an was stunned by Wei Changfeng’s handsome face when he saw him.

When the children saw Wei Changfeng, they all ran over to him. Wei Changfeng took out some sweets from his pocket and gave them to the children.

Qi Le’an got to his feet and said with a smile, “You’ve bribed our flower girls.”

Wei Changfeng smiled and took out a sweet. He peeled it and put it in Qi Le’an’s mouth, “I’ll bribe you too.”

Qi Le’an ate the sweet and felt sweet.

Tong cheered and recorded the moment with the camera, pretending to be a reporter and asking, “Mr. Wei, you will be married soon. Are you excited? Are you happy?”

Wei Changfeng looked at the camera and smoothed his hair, saying with a smile, “I’m so excited that I can’t talk.”

Tong laughed.

Chen Shan hurried over to urge them. When he saw that the two of them were still standing at the backstage, he said, “Why are you still here? Where’s the groom? The groom has to come with me to receive the guests!”

Both Qi Le’an and Wei Changfeng took a step forward, and Chen Shan asked helplessly, “Have a fight, and the winner goes with me.”

The couple exchanged a glance, and Qi Le’an stepped back. “I’ll leave the hard job to Wei Sama.”

Wei Changfeng smiled and said, “My honor.”

Chen Shan didn’t care so much and dragged Wei Changfeng away. Tong stayed behind and looked around. “That’s not right. We can’t leave the bride alone.”

Qi Le’an was speechless.

Tong wanted to laugh. Li Che, who was wearing the same suit as Chen Shan, came in.

Qi Le’an looked at him and said, “Hey.”

Li Che didn’t know what to say.

Tong blinked. She didn’t see Li Che yesterday, so she didn’t know who he was. Qi Le’an said, “This is the bridesmaid.”

Li Che was lost for words.

He snorted coldly, and Tong shivered and quickly found an excuse for herself. “I’ll go out and see my dad!”

Director Chen had been nagging recently. Everyone stayed away at the sight of him. Tong had been hiding for half a morning.

It could be seen how intimidating Li Che was.

Qi Le’an was left alone with Li Che in the room.  Li Che was the first to say, “It’s not in the place.”

Qi Le’an looked down at himself and found that his tie was not in the place.

He adjusted his tie in the mirror. Li Che suddenly said, “Do you think Chen Shan’s mom likes me?”

Qi Le’an didn’t know what to say. No matter what he said, it was wrong.

He played his trump card and smiled apologetically, “Bro, I’m getting married today.”

Li Che stopped talking.

The two of them played games on their cellphones in the room, but Wei Changfeng was busy outside. He received the guests and confirmed the final procedure. He was overwhelmed by the workload. However, he felt happy. He would only experience this kind of sweet trouble once in his life.

At 11:50, the priest took his place, and all the guests were seated. The buffet tables in the distance were laid with a sumptuous meal, the band began to play music, and photographers had already taken countless pictures of the wedding place. Qi Le’an was looking at his cellphone in the room.

He didn’t do anything in particular. His mind was in a whirl. He couldn’t help taking out his cellphone and distracting himself.

At 11:55, Li Che put his cellphone in his pocket and got to his feet, straightening his clothes. “Let’s go, I’ll accompany you out.”

When it was time to get married, Qi Le’an felt nervous. He tried to straighten his clothes, but he accidentally dropped the flower on his lapel. When he squatted to pick up the flower, he dropped his cellphone. It was a mess.

Li Che frowned and said, “Don’t move.”

Qi Le’an froze.

Li Che walked over and stooped to pick up the phone and the flower. He put the phone in his pocket and pin the flower on Qi Le’an’s lapel.

“Relax.” Li Che smiled and said, “This is your first wedding. You might have a few in the future.”

Qi Le’an was lost for words. He didn’t feel nervous anymore.

Chen Mama pushed open the door and said anxiously, “What are you doing? Why don’t you come out?”

Li Che was taken aback. He quickly stepped back. Qi Le’an said, “It’s a bit messy. I’m coming.”

“Hurry up!” Chen Mama looked at her watch and urged, “There are two minutes left!”

The two of them quickly walked out.

There was no bride at the wedding, so the procedure was simple. Qi Le’an didn’t want to be led to Wei Changfeng, so he only had four children beside him. Every child held a bunch of flowers and walked with him.

At 12 o’clock, Qi Le’an and Wei Changfeng stood together in front of the priest.

No one had ever thought that the two men would look like a perfect match when they stood together before today.

When Qi Le’an and Wei Changfeng wore white suits and stood in front of guests, everyone was dazed, thinking the couple came from a fairy tale. The children beside them were just like angles without wings.

The noisy crowd fell silent as they stared at the perfect couple.

Priest Jack said smilingly with a bible in his hand, “Mr. Wei, will you marry Qi Le’an and love him and be loyal to him until you die even if he is poor, sick or disabled?”

Priest Jack learned Chinese to host the wedding because the couple was Chinese, and some of their friends were Chinese.

The Priest looked at the couple with gentle eyes.

“Yes, I do.” Wei Changfeng looked at Qi Le’an and uttered the holy words under the witness of his good friends.

Jack turned to Qi Le’an and asked, “Qi Le’an, will you marry Wei Changfeng and love him and be loyal to him until you die even if he is poor, sick or disabled?”

Qi Le’an’s heart beat against his chest. He saw Wei Changfeng gazing at him with tender eyes, in which there was no one else.

“Yes, I do.”

Qi Le’an said with misty eyes.

The guests witnessed the oath and cheered, applauding. The eyes of the elders at the first reddened. Wei Changfeng’s sister smiled with gratification.

The two best men smiled and looked at each other. Li Che raised his eyebrow at Chen Shan, who made a face.

Priest Jack said with a smile, “I announce now, in the name of God, that you are officially married. You can exchange rings now.”

Wei Changfeng took out the ring he had prepared. It was not the ring that he proposed the marriage but a sapphire ring.

Blue was Qi Le’an’s favourite color.

The sapphire was surrounded by several small diamonds, which were as beautiful as stars. It was showy, but it indicated Wei Changfeng’s love for Qi Le’an.

When they exchanged rings, their hands trembled. Qi Le’an almost missed Wei Changfeng’s ring finger. Wei Changfeng helped him to put it on smoothly.

Priest Jack blinked and said teasingly, “Alright, you can kiss now.”

This was probably the most popular part of the wedding. The friends were cheering, and the elders were smiling. The children didn’t know what was going on. An Cheng knew about it and looked at the couple with anticipation.

Qi Le’an felt shy, kissing in front of everyone. He recalled the kiss on the film awards ceremony. He vaguely felt that it was not proper, but he couldn’t resist Wei Changfeng.

He was drowned in the kiss, allowing all the audience to witness it.

Everyone said, “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” Wei Changfeng held Qi Le’an’s waist and smiled. “Since everyone is looking forward to it, don’t let them down.”

Qi Le’an blushed, blaming himself for being shy even after he filmed bedroom scenes.

He plucked his courage and kissed Wei Changfeng unexpectedly.

Everyone was shocked. Wei Changfeng quickly reacted and kissed Qi Le’an back. Neither of them would stop kissing. Finally, Qi Le’an was out of breath and broke away from Wei Changfeng.

Everyone laughed. An Cheng covered Chengzi’s eyes. Chen Shan’s sister saw the kissing and suddenly kissed Bob on the cheek.

Chen Shan froze, and the grownups smiled at the children. The little girl smiled foolishly, and Chen Shan went up to her and took her away with a dark face.

Bob paused. He looked shy. He forgot that the grownups asked him to stand straight. He held the flowers and staggered to his Grandpa, hiding in the director’s arms.

Everything seemed so beautiful.

Qi Le’an and Wei Changfeng held each other’s hands.

Their rings glowed in the sun. Their lives were destined to be extraordinary. They stayed together in love and career.

Someone said that companionship was the most affectionate confession of love. Deep in Qi Le’an’s heart, he thought so.

Looking back at his first half of life, it was full of adversities. He complained bitterly about the unfairness, he gritted his teeth at the people who hurt him, and he even begged for a small chance.

Now he felt peaceful. Looking back, he found he didn’t hate anyone.

Because someone taught him how to love.

The man always stayed with him whether he was crying or laughing, whether he was obscure or famous.

He believed that everyone would meet someone like that.

One day, when you look out of the window, you will see him in the crowd. He might not be tall or handsome, different from the prince you once imagined.

Before you meet him, you know nothing about him. But after meeting each other, you will tell yourself that he is the one.

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