We Live in Dragon's Peak

Another Prohibition

"What, you were aware"

The Titan's Demon King squeaks with fantastic views, not surprisingly.

The embodied spirits drift along the wavy, polar-colored earth.

Tired of dancing to the dragon sword dance, the spirits had left themselves to flutter and air flow.

But Spirit, too close to the Titan's Demon King, rushes away.

I see. The spirits, too, are afraid of the Demon King.

I'm scared too!

"So, when did you realize?

"To the play between the Demon King and Charlotte?

"Does that mean you'll be asking from the beginning?"


We weren't fooled! and chest confidently.

"In the first place, you felt uncomfortable from the start, didn't you? I can't believe Charlotte worked under the Demon King for thousands of years swallowing, even though she knew in detail where her powers were sealed and how to unseal them. That's definitely not demonic!

It was Charlotte herself who told me the location of the Nine Tails Temple, and she also knew that a mirror was being served there that would be the key to sealing.

Why didn't you ever try to regain your strength while you also know that heavenly thunder feathers are sealed deep beneath the demon king's castle?

"You said my move was hanging up, but it was a little impossible, wasn't it? If Charlotte cared about it, it would have been easy for other demons, not me."

"Hehe, Ernea, you've become more sensitive to wickedness."

Charlotte's pulling in nine tails lightens the air.

Nevertheless, because of the outrageous existence of the Demon King and the Great Demon Nation, I might graduate as someone I'm unfamiliar with.

"Extremely, is it Charlotte's tone?

"And you say?

Charlotte looks intrigued and turns her thin eyes to me.

I just bragged about Charlotte's failure here. [M]

"Because. You betrayed the Demon King, but you always said 'Your Majesty'. Demons don't like being called names, do they? Then, as the first blow to the conspiracy, you should be able to summon the Demon King. And yet you couldn't hide your heart from being 'Your Majesty'!

"What, me and Charlotte were both committing preliminary failures"

"Heh heh. I've called you 'Your Majesty' for thousands of years, so it didn't seem like your cliché had slipped out"

"Me too, I didn't realize it was too normal. Oh, boy, I didn't expect to be spotted by a chick dragon king."

Demon King and Charlotte laugh delightfully at me for breaking through two monkey plays representing the Demon Nation, whether the intention was to deceive me was being danced the other way around.

Me too, I can usually reward an arrow where I just get stuck in the palm of my hand, and my previous hoarding drops.

"But for what you've noticed, you seem to have seriously put Mr. Mist on me?

I answer Charlotte's next question.

"'Cause if you'd stayed away from Charlotte like that, you'd have definitely gotten in the way, wouldn't you?

"... Yes, you are"

"I knew it!

As I was aware of the two plays, so did everyone in my body. I mean, I told everyone.

So, when I was about to go punch the Baltic Noirs in their stronghold.

"Leave the matter of Charlotte to me. So you all work together to bring down the Baltic Noirs?

That said, it was Mistral who pulled the poor lottery himself.

It's also our greatest power, Mistral. Her falling out is a big pain in the ass.

But instead of Charlotte intervening, we entrusted everything to Mistral.

"Hehe. I was stuck with you, Ernea, from start to finish, wasn't I?

"It's my usual payback!

Everyone who ran away from Charlotte just now nodded, agreeing with me.

"As for this one, I would have liked to see them go right and left against Charlotte. Well, this was interesting, let's just say."

"I knew you were watching it from somewhere, right?

Well, I knew.

Yeah, yeah, one more thing.

No matter how much you used the magic of the treasure balls embedded in the white sword, the Demon King didn't fly, did he? From around there, too, I knew the relationship between the two of us.

Charlotte was just trying to humiliate us, she didn't mean to kill us.... Nevertheless, if Mistral had been clueless or if we had been cheaply sweet to Charlotte and the Demon King, we would not have tolerated it.

Whatever it was, I was convinced that Charlotte would never kill us if this one was serious.

And if there's a Charlotte on this occasion, the two of you were reading about the war situation, saying that even if the Demon King doesn't get his hands on it immediately, he can stop Bartonoir's ambitions whenever he wants to, right?

"Could it have been insurance when we were in crisis?

"No, that's not it. If you're going to die to this extent, to that extent."

"... and the Demon King says, Charlotte?

"hehe, hehe"

It was Charlotte, wasn't it, who saved Ufiria, Nina and Mr. Sefina from the crisis of absolute desperation?

That didn't just happen to move there, I'm sure.

"We fought as hard as we could against the prohibition of Bartonoir. Like always, someone watched you, didn't they?

This could have been a different part of us and Bartonoir.

When we challenge strong enemies. I must say, we were put under someone's shelter.

Sleighsta old or Mr. Ashel. Being a demon king or a witch.

But Bartonoir was alone no matter how far he went.

Yeah, maybe it's really different.

Maybe someone cared about Bartonoir.

But I didn't notice Bartonoir. I didn't try to notice. I plugged in that I was alone, and I couldn't take the hand that was being reached out from around me, could I?

If you think about it, we're happy.

Many are protected and guided.

Lying on the bright ground, he stared at the remains of the Bartonoir, where all black stood out.

As the predecessor, he practically gave us nothing to teach our young servants.

But maybe he taught me the most important thing, risking his life.

"Hey, just a question. I've noticed from the beginning that the Demon King and Charlotte hit one play. In the first place, why would you do that?

To my doubt, the Demon King moves his gaze silently. They catch me and move the gaze of everyone hiding behind me and Revaria.


There. Soon, there were two red shadows, falling.

Titty, and lovingly clapping her hands at the toddler.

A young girl with bright red hair and brightly colored red red costumes was smiling at this one.

When the demon king Kushalillah invaded the kingdom of Armuad, he saw it for the first time.

Not only Kushalilla and the giant demon king, but that toddler girl, who instantly sealed the movements of serious old Sleighsta and Mr. Ashel.

Nearest to the true ruler of the Demon Nation, even more superior to the Demon King.

But our gaze was nailed by the presence that floated behind it, not by the bright red toddler.

Darker than a toddler, with deep red hair. Luxury costumes are also red.

Beauty alone is such an endless beauty that it can kill the beholder.

Um, aside from the young girl, the side of the true ruler of the demonic tribe, a beautiful woman who singles out all her gaze, floated loosely, as if lying on a bench and forgiving.

Titty, and a toddler girl clapping.

"It was a wonderful spectacle. The Lord is very pleased to be here."

I'm not supposed to be chained to a toddler girl, but I can't take one physical move.

"I'm surprised that the boy has grown so much then. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the fantastic sword dance."

The toddler takes the liberty of talking about us who can't react.

"By the way, boy. Is this what you know is forbidden?"



Not Bartonoir's, but me...?

I don't know what that means.

I just danced a dragon sword dance...

My head is disturbed by confusion over unexpected inquiries from young girls.

It was Charlotte who, unlike me, who couldn't move into the presence of the two red men, who at some point gave me a helping boat.

"I'm afraid, Ernea, you just activated the ban without your knowledge."

"Oh well, without realizing all this banning?

hey, what the fuck!?

Am I forbidden?

What the hell are you talking about?!?

"It was he who had the Spirit Tree who touched one scale of truth in the world. Ernea, I can't help but notice that you're stuck in a feather block."

"You and Rosa's favorites are apparently lovely kids."

"Hehe, yes"

"But the fact that you've got your hands on a ban..."


I only have a bad feeling about it.

I apparently used the ban without my knowledge.

Extremely colorful world as far as I can see. A fusion of the world that was visible and the world of the Spirit. Yeah, that's not all. Other spellworlds and all sorts of other worlds have become reality.

This heavenly mutation is caused by my dragon sword dance.

My consciousness blended into the world and dived deeper.

But I can't believe this was forbidden!

I sweat from all over my body. [M]

Never get your hands on a ban. That's the advice that Old Sleighsta told me to sour my mouth.

If I offend this contraindication, to the scared witch...

"Well, I'll leave that aside."

Yeah, eh!

You're leaving it?

Leave me alone!?

"Well, let me give you a report."

A toddler girl who can't hide her upset and laughs just a little.

Not only was the Demon King of the Titans as he stood, and Charlotte to prostrate, but the extinct beauty floating behind the toddler was also smiling.

Yet the demons ignore me and enter another topic.


"After all, it seems that the Baltic Noir tribe was developing a new ban."

Oh well, and a toddler who shows a playful surprise, not unlike her young appearance.

"It's great. So did you decide that it was the only way?"

"Yes, without delay"

"Now, let's get the witch out of here, and we'll have a no-go."

The witch's signs are nowhere to be found so far.

Even witches don't know where and when a ban will be activated in the world.

So, it flies right in because it's activated, no way.

Not to mention, if you kept it as secret as Bartonoir, you wouldn't even know who's gaining knowledge of the ban.

So finally, we know the real purpose of the previous moves Charlotte has shown us.

What the giant Demon King and Charlotte were trying to hold until they halved Demon King Castle in the play was Bartonoir's banning technique.

But why are you banning me?

"That's for fun."

You read my thoughts, hehe, and a young girl with an adorable smile.

But all I could see was a devil's smile.

I mean...

These people are willing to abuse the forbidden arts that they have obtained from the witches' strangers!

The Demon King, Charlotte, the Toddler Girl, and the Beauty Behind, are demons among the Demons.

And the truth given to the devil tribe is destruction and freedom.

Teach the forbidden to those who are seeking strength and lead the world to destruction. But for the Demons, the act is affirmative. Because no matter what you do, you're free.

"No, you can't. I can't believe you abused the prohibition of Baltic Noir...!

Forget my situation, I appeal to the demons. [M]

The voice squeezed out desperately by instinct to show rejection at all costs was shaking pitifully.

But I wonder if Demon King and Charlotte expected me to say that. I'll stare at this one so I can see how it goes.

The toddler tilted her neck with her index finger against her chin, as she thought.

"Very, very troubled. People are trying to stop the banning technique that was obtained at great expense."

What shall I do, young lady looking back behind her back?

The questioned deep-red beauty threw her gaze straight back at the demon king.

"... man, I can't help it. Okay, one from me"

The demon king leaked his sigh, but he gave me a helping boat.

"This dragon king, Ernea, defeated those who discredited the Demons in chaos, on behalf of the Demons. You'll have to reward me for that. If you show consideration to those who have merit, do you want to be involved in the glory of both of you?

"Hehe, that sounds like Rosa's consideration. But to those who calm the disturbances in the land, where is the need to reward them directly?

"You're the one who moved Kushalillah from the land. If you say so, this is your direct jurisdiction. I mean, it's forbidden. Is it natural for the rulers to reward those who quell the problems that have arisen in the embargo?

If you ask me, it sure is, isn't it? Not only me, but the young girl snorts as convinced.


The young lady swallows the speech of the demon king and walks over to the extinct beauty that floats behind her.

The extinct beauty remains in a relaxed and lenient posture, summoning something long black on hand.

When the young lady received it, she walked along and came to me.

"Yes, I don't want to!

I see a pitch-black object in the hand of a young girl and show her unwavering willingness to refuse.

Yes, I know.

This is a demon sword called the Soul Spirit Seat, isn't it?

And receiving this demon sword means...

"Hehe, I hope you don't make me so evil. This is a token of the Lord's gratitude."

"So, but..."

"I'm fine. You won't be cursed to receive this, and you won't have to be the Demon King."

If you say that, you never want it!

The demons who read my will laugh.

Especially when the Demon King laughed delightfully.

"Kuck. I didn't expect you two to reject me in front of you. But take it honestly this time."


"Nothing, I'm not always talking about keeping a knife around. He says he'll give it up as a reward. And then you can decorate the house, or you can have it stored in the Spirit of the Spirit Tree. You just have to keep it as long as you want. Besides, from now on, it would be useful if we were to operate in the land of the devil."

"Your Majesty is right, Herneau. If you show them off, the Demons will flee in fear."

"Ki, I think it's my fault, on the contrary, I feel like I'm going to bring in disaster...?

"It's my fault"

It was the demon king who said another thing that seemed important.

"If you have the seat of the soul spirit, it will be a restraint on the witch"

"But that means I'm going into Devil's shelter, right?

You don't have to be the Demon King, you don't think it makes sense if you're in the shelter of the ruler. What do you think?

Reading my anxiety, I drop my shoulders like the Demon King was frightened.

"Oh man, he's selfish everywhere. Those of you will already be under Sleighsta's asylum. If this one takes it, he'll be stubborn. I don't care if he's asylum-seeked as always."

The Demon King assures the ruler without obtaining confirmation. But the fact that you don't get a statement of denial means you can take the Demon King's word as it is, right?

Besides, I probably can't say no to this.

Like last time, I'm not being given the Soul Spirit throne via the Demon King. This is a situation that has been ceded directly from the ruler.

And given the disrespect that I would have said no twice along with the last time, I conclude that it's going to be more horrible there.

I reluctantly received the seat of the soul spirit.

"I did give you a reward. Now let's hear one thing you want."


I point my eyes at the unexpected offer of a toddler.

How chubby. But get what you can!

I did not hesitate to say anything that immediately occurred to me. [M]

My voice was trembling with tension and fear, though!

"Well then... Do not abuse the prohibition of Bartonoir!

Now it was the toddler's turn to open her eyes.

Though, that's probably what I expected?

This time he nodded at me without getting confirmation from the beauty behind him.

"I told you from here when I heard your wish, so you can't be unfulfilled"

I stroke my breasts relieved that the young girl had promised me comfort.

Bartonoir turned his fangs against the rulers of the demonic tribe. I mean, that back hand was forbidden, but if I was abused by a quote that was taken away from me, I'm sure I'd be grieving under the goddess' knees.

So even though it's a promise, I'm relieved that the rulers swore they wouldn't abuse it.

The young lady, who has completed her reward and favor for me, now turns to the Demon King and Charlotte.

"Then I have to reward you both. It's a reward for preparing a fun spectacle and getting through the witch."

Then, and here finally the eyes of the Demon King shine.

Could it be that the Demon King was after this?

"I will take control of this land."

The young girl switched from smiling to bitter smiling at the words of the Demon King, which she uttered as she had waited.

"Didn't you say back in the day that it would be troublesome to have more territory to rule"

"Things have changed since before. If the land bordering the border is desolate, you can't leave Charlotte to visit."

"Hehe, I'm going to be even busier"

Charlotte laughs down her thread eyeballs at the relentless remarks of her serving husband.

"Now, give control to Rosa. But I won't be bothered by any interference from other demon kings."

"I don't mind."

As demanded, the Demon King is satisfied.

And give a quick order to Charlotte to refrain from sidestepping.

"Nearby, the army is coming. Give instructions to the Right Army, the Middle Army, and let the final point be set for the Dragon King's Capital to go east as it is. The Left Army returns to their home country to prepare for unforeseen events. I gave instructions to the army, and then they picked me up west. Hold the other demon kings in."

"Early on my return to work, I am busy"

What a blur Charlotte left instantly in a thunderbolt.

The Demon King's army is marching on.

I'd like to see it.

And if Charlotte stares at me, no other demon king can interfere cheaply, right?

I look up at the golden sky left by Charlotte as the finish.

The Demon King looked satisfied and was dropping off his belly back at hand.

This time, I thought I was up against the devil's conspiracy to spot the monkey play between the Demon King and Charlotte.

But the truth is, was it all on the Demon King's palm?

Because Charlotte was nostalgic and dark about Bartonoir. We fought desperately.

And yet, the Demon King made a spectacle of us and gave Charlotte the forbidden information he had, so he didn't have to work hard to get what he wanted.

In the end, we seem to be bewitched by the Demon King. And, I'm tired and drop my shoulder.

... Speaking of which!

I wonder what will happen to the ban I used!?

I remembered my predicament after the bright red toddler and the deep red beauty disappeared.

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