Waste Wood Will Start Counterattack Today

Chapter 193: There's a high-level mutant coming

   Chapter 193 High-level mutants are coming

   Gao Ba, who had been brainwashed, looked at Ling Zi with a straight face,

   "No, we don't call it brainwashing, we just understand a lot of things that we didn't understand before."

   When he said this, Ling Zi was a little interested. She looked at Gao Ba in a relaxed manner and asked:

   "Okay, tell me what you don't understand?"

   Gaoba couldn't say it either. If he could say it, he wouldn't be assigned to the combat garrison.

   That's right, Jian Shuisu wanted to organize the Xiangcheng garrison system, and the 90% of the civilian team behind Ling Zi symbolically sent some people into this garrison system.

   But Jian Shuisu asked other people to come to class, even if they were not stationed, they had to come to class.

   So these folk teams had no choice but to sell face to Jian Shuisu and Ling Zi, and pulled the whole group to the camp to teach.

   This class was on, and people's originally narrow thinking suddenly became clear.

   They had a lot of things that they didn't understand, but now they want to understand. They don't know the reason why they want to do this, and they have also figured it out.

  The most important thing is that they know what is black, what is white, what is under the nest, and understand what is called the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

   It seems that being a person who knows how to use his abilities to protect Xiangcheng and maintain the security of the city is more joyful than being a strongman who burns, kills and loots.

   From this point of view, being a garrison seems to be good, but there are too many requirements for garrisoning in Xiangcheng.

   And it is troublesome for all the garrison to eat, sleep, and exercise together.

   Although some people's minds have been transformed, they are hesitant to join the garrison because of the rule that they must be detained in a camp.

   Jian Shuisu never forced anyone, he just told the people in Xiangcheng what kind of garrison he wanted.

   It was Gao Bazheng who was talking to Ling Zi when suddenly, a siren sounded over the camp.

  The guards who were reading aloud in the classroom immediately dropped the books in their hands and ran out as fast as they could.

   They all wore uniform garrison uniforms, the specifications were similar to those of other cities, but with some minor changes, the character "Xiang" was printed on everyone's garrison hat.

  Ling Zi turned around and saw a little commotion from the administrators behind her, Gaoba stepped forward and said urgently:

   "There are high-level mutants coming."

The news of    came from the front. It will actually take a while to reach Xiangcheng.

  The garrison here is well-trained and jumped into the car, the door of the camp opened wide, and a few cars swooped out of the gate to fight high-level mutants.

  Ling Zi tilted her head as if she was watching a quick movie, and was about to ask Gao Ba, but Gao Ba had already run away, and he also got into the car to fight the mutants.

   "I heard that after Boss Jian recruited the garrison, he didn't teach any combat skills. In addition to giving them lessons every day, he trained them on how to walk, how to stand, how to get on, and how to get off."

   An administrator whispered,

   "Training these movements all day long, of course, the reaction is quicker. When you hear the alarm sound and jump into the car, it's like a conditioned reflex."

   "No wonder people disappeared all of a sudden."

   And the administrator seemed to understand, he was a little worried,

   "Our city management system has invested a lot of money in this garrison system, so it won't be messed up, right?"

   (end of this chapter)

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