Warm Marriage In the Prosperous Age

Chapter 778: until twenty-five

As for myself, although I miss my family in the bottom of my heart, but with a feeling of letting it flow, I didn't worry too much about it.

As soon as she thought about it, Nuan decided secretly that when she went to Jiang's house after the work in the store was over, she would have a good chat with Mrs. Jiang, and don't act too straight, so as not to hurt her heart.

At this age, she is still so worried about her own affairs. She is really naive, because compared to the enthusiasm of the Jiang family, her reaction is a bit cold.

Sometimes, if you think about it in a different position, you will have a different feeling. She believes that the old lady really loves her granddaughter, so how can she force herself?

Thinking of this, the warm heart of Mrs. Jiang's behavior that night was relieved.

There is always a compromise, but the premise is that the two sides must communicate well.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, but you, Yueyue, how is your affair with Wei Yuntian?"

Ye Qingyue choked for a moment, but she didn't expect that Nuan suddenly turned the topic to herself.

Thinking of the scene of going to Wei's house two days ago, Ye Qingyue sighed helplessly.

"What else can I do, keep consuming it!"

Tangtang has no face.

"The Wei family doesn't agree?" asked Wen Nuan.

Ye Qingyue looked helpless, "At the beginning, the two grandfathers had an agreement on a deadline. Grandpa Wei said that if I still insist on breaking the marriage contract when I turn twenty-five years old, then their Wei family will agree."

This meant that it was obvious that the marriage was still valid until she turned twenty-five.

Ye Qingyue's birthday is in July. This year's birthday is only two months away. When she turns twenty-five, there is almost a year left.

Her parents didn't know about the dissolution of the marriage. Originally, she wanted to wait for the Wei family's approval before telling her parents, but she didn't think so, but Grandpa Wei said so.

Helpless, she had to agree!

Because Grandpa Wei is an elder she respects, he has spoken like this. She can't say more. There is one more important point. If the Wei family agrees to dissolve the marriage when she is twenty-five years old, it will be up to the Wei family to tell her. Her parents didn't take her too seriously.

In just one year, she can wait!

He smiled and said nothing, but he felt that the old man of the Wei family was quite thoughtful. After fighting for an extra year, maybe there would be a chance. After all, no one can tell what will change during this period.

Nuan didn't plan to say anything more. From her point of view, Yueyue and Wei Yuntian had been 'grieving' for a long time, and the two had never really opened their hearts to each other.

I hope they have good luck!

On the first day of the opening of 'Hua Yan', the response was unanimous. Everyone was busy from early morning to 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and then all the guests were entertained.

Although the store has prepared a gift box for each person, after learning about some beauty products, everyone has selected several beauty and skin care products more or less in their pockets.

Although there are not many guests invited by Warmth, everyone came with someone, so on the first day of opening, it was full of people.

After choosing the products, how can you not experience the essential oil aromatherapy a? After all, this is one of the main features of 'Flower Yan'.

Therefore, after lunch, everyone stayed in line on the second floor to experience the whole afternoon, and the customers on the first floor did not stop, because many friends who were brought in shouted after learning about 'Huayan' some friends around them.

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