Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 954: cut down

Needle drop can be heard in the Supreme Palace.


"Who is this person? Why is it the Archmage, not the Holy Soul Wizard?"

The expressions of the holy soul wizards on both sides of the long bronze table were very exciting, and the members of the Modu faction got the wind beforehand, so they were all calm.

And the seven of the Netzer faction and the balance faction were very shocked.

Caseles, Yoof Ma, and the others immediately looked at the Duke of Gray Eagle who was sitting in the first place, and the smile on Tim Kenan's face gradually disappeared.

He stared at Anse Waldos, and said in a deep voice, "Anxi, you're not kidding, are you?"

Anse Waldos laughed, then waved his hand, a tall figure appeared beside him, the projection gradually became clear, the eyes of the Holy Soul wizards lit up, this is a beautiful witch, but the temperament is slightly cold , as if to reject people thousands of miles away.

"Oxilia has seen you all." Iridescent Dragon stopped talking after saluting.

Her performance was much calmer than the previous Yoof Ma.

The holy soul wizards couldn't help but look at this outstanding new member, their eyes were full of surprise, she deliberately exuded powerful magic fluctuations, and she was indeed a holy rank.

"Archmage?" asked the great sage Congerald.

"Yes, great sage." Anse Waldos replied for Oxilia, "Oxilia is not a human, her real body is a dragon. When I accepted her as a student, I deliberately concealed it for her, Only Ren and I know this secret, please keep it secret in the future."

The difference between the Holy Soul Wizard and the Archmage may be hidden from others, but the Supreme Council will know sooner or later.

Therefore, after discussion with the teacher, Ren and the teacher decided to expose themselves.

However, only the identity of the giant dragon is revealed, and the secret that Oxilia is a rainbow dragon must be kept.

Hearing that she was a giant dragon, the Holy Soul Wizards became even more curious. Tim Kennan snorted, "Isn't it wrong for the dragon to join the Supreme Council?"

"The elves can join, why can't the dragons?" Anse Verdas immediately asked back.

Tim Kennan said solemnly: "This is different."

"Where is the difference?"

Anse Waldos said quickly: "In terms of origin, dragons and elves are both intelligent races; in terms of inheritance, more than 30 years ago, when Oxilia was a young dragon, I took her as a student and became a A member of Wezeland, the Supreme Council can send people to Wezeland to investigate; in terms of faith, Oxilia is a faithful believer of the goddess of magic, and has gone a long way in the pursuit of truth."

"Youfu Ma is an archmage, and Oxilia is also an archmage."

"Grey Eagle..." Anse Waldos stared at Tim Kenan and said loudly, "Since Yofu Ma can join the Supreme Council, then Oxilia can too!"

Tim Kennan opened his mouth, but in the end there was no objection.

He was speechless.

The other two members of the balance group, Master Huo Huai and Youfu Ma, couldn't refute either, especially Youfu Ma, who agreed with Anse Verdas's point of view.

The four of the Nesser faction, the Duke of Ziyan and the Duke of Heipao said nothing, and the great sage shook his head helplessly. He also didn't want the Modus faction to dominate, but Anseworth's words were impeccable.

Only Kelston was not reconciled.

He couldn't help saying: "I have never heard the name of Ms. Oxilia before, nor did I hear that she has reached the pinnacle of legend, and was suddenly promoted to the archmage. If she is not confirmed, let her join the Supreme Council. Wouldn't it be too hasty?"

After a pause, he explained again: "I'm not doubting Ms. Oxilia's strength, I just hope to be more cautious, after all, this is just a projection..."

Projection can disguise breath.

"I'm in Wezeland, you can send someone to confirm, or, I also want to personally experience the strength of the Holy Religion wizard." Oxilia immediately responded to doubts.

There was no fear on her face, but a faint expectation.

Even when she spoke, she looked directly at Kelston, with a bit of provocation in her bright eyes.

When the Holy Soul Wizards saw Oxilia's warlike appearance, they knew that it couldn't be faked. There is no need for Anse Waldos to let the students pretend to be the archmage. This kind of lie will be broken as soon as it is poked, and it will be revealed later.

Kelston just tried it out, and now that he has the answer in his heart, some can't step down.

"Confirmation is unnecessary."

It was the great sage who came forward, who had the intention to help Kelston, and said gently: "The real archmage can't be faked, I believe Oxilia has been promoted. The empire has added two archmage in one day. Good thing. Congratulations, Ms. Oxilia!"

"Thank you for the great sage." Oxilia expressed her respect to the great sage of high moral character.

"Okay." Anse Verdas clapped his palms and said solemnly: "I propose here that Oxilia join the Supreme Council. Please raise your hand if you object."

The Holy Spirit wizards looked at each other, focusing on the two giants, Tim Kennan and Kelston, but they didn't raise their hands in the end.

After half a minute, Anse Verdas immediately announced that the proposal was approved, and Oxilia became the fifteenth member of the Supreme Council.

"Welcome Ms. Oxilia."


The holy soul wizards of the Modu faction also congratulated them one after another.

The other two factions were silent. Tim Kennan's face was very ugly, and the bald head that was originally shining was a little dim. He tried his best to get Yofu Ma to be promoted to the archmage and enter the Supreme Council, and as a result, the Modu faction immediately added an archmage.

Originally it was six to seven, but now it is seven to eight.

Nothing has changed!

The Modus still firmly control the Supreme Council.

This has made the efforts of the past few years in vain, and Tim Kennan feels like he has been slapped hard, his face is hot, and he is like a joke.

The statue of the Magic Maiden radiated silver light again, and Oxilia's name was etched on the long bronze table, which happened to be the vacant seat on Ren's left.

Oxilia sat down calmly.

She looked calm on the surface, but as a soul mate, Ren felt that she was actually excited inside, so she turned her head and threw a subtle smile to show her congratulations, and Oxilia also returned an imperceptible smile. .

Both of them were at the end of the long table, and only Yofu Ma on the opposite side could see Ren's expression, and suddenly had some associations.

Seeing that Oxilia received the approval of the Goddess of Magic and had already taken her seat, regretting it was useless, Tim Kenan quickly calmed down.

The most urgent task is to determine the title and territory of the dukedom for Ma Youfu, to expand the control of the Floating City of Flanes, and to increase economic benefits.

And it must be in front of Oxilia, there are not many good territories in the empire.

"It's time to talk about..."

Tim Kennan just opened his mouth, only to be interrupted again.

"Master Kenan, please wait a moment."

The one who interrupted this time was Ren. He clasped twice on the long bronze table, then stood up directly, bowed slightly to Tim Kenan, apologized, and said solemnly: "As the consul, I hereby propose to the Supreme Council. A proposal that concerns the future development of the empire."

Tim Kennan was almost mad, suppressed his anger and said: "What is so important, can't wait for the two new members to decide on the duke title and territory?"

"Sorry, Master Kenan." Ren turned a blind eye to his anger, "What I want to say is related to the title of the duke and the territory."

As soon as these words came out, the holy soul wizards who didn't know the insider looked at each other in dismay.

Ren said loudly: "Have you ever thought that there are fifteen members of the Supreme Council now, seven of them own territories, and the two newly joined are about to get duchy territories. Together, these territories account for 30% of the total area of ​​the empire. A quarter, and they are the most elite territories of the empire. If you count the influence of the territory on the surrounding area, it is even more, almost half of the empire."

Tim Kennan had a bad premonition.

Not only him, but other Holy Soul wizards also realized what Ren was going to say.

"What's wrong with this?" asked the Duke of Silver Star.

"From the personal point of view of the holy souls, of course there is no problem, but from the overall situation of the empire, it is very unfavorable." Ren replied: "For the past thousand years, the empire has been trying to recover the nobles' territories and re-owning them. Under the direct jurisdiction of the center of the empire."

"The successive consuls have spared no effort to execute, suppressing local nobles, reducing their power and influence, and regard it as their own political achievements."

"This is the national policy set by the Supreme Council."

Ren's eyes swept over everyone, especially the oldest holy soul wizards, and continued: "In other words, this is a resolution passed at the Supreme Council, and you all voted in favor."

"And the status quo is that while the Supreme Council is asking the consul to take back the noble territories, the other side is conferring duke titles and territories."

"Isn't that contradicting?"

He paused for a moment, his eyes sharpened, and he said solemnly: "Or, the national policy of reducing the noble territory, the real purpose is to take back the territory, and then canonize it to ourselves?"

This is very serious, and the meaning behind it is that the Holy Soul Wizards use power for personal gain.

Everyone's expressions changed slightly.

In fact, they have all thought about this issue, and they are very clear about it, but as vested interests, no one has pointed it out. If you say this, you will offend other holy soul wizards, and they will not be happy whether they have duke titles and fiefs.

But Ren was fearless and continued:

"I don't know who initiated the proposal in the first place, and who voted in favor of it. It's good for you to know what you have in mind. I don't want to go through the minutes of the meeting more than a thousand years ago."

"I only list one fact."

"A thousand years ago, there were 345 nobles in the empire, and now there are only 62. The number of nobles has been greatly reduced, but all the fiefs combined, the area is larger than that of a thousand years, and it is nearly half the size. It's just the master."

"After all, a duchy can be worth at least five earls, twenty viscounts, or fifty barons."

"Why is this happening, I don't need to say more."

Ren's tone slowed down, "In the future, there will be more and more members of the Supreme Council, and each of them will be conferred the title of duke and fief. Sooner or later, the territory of the empire will not be enough..."

"how can that be?"

Tim Kennan couldn't help but retort, "Ren, don't forget that duke titles and territories cannot be hereditary. After I die, the territory will be taken back by the empire."

"Master Kenan, times have changed." Ren looked at him and shook his head: "In the past ten years, the Supreme Council has added three members, and I expect that in the next ten years, at least two new members will be added, and may even be added. There are three or four. The lifespan of the Holy Soul Wizard reaches 2,000 years, and most nobles cannot pass it on for so long. Once the duchy is conferred, it will not be taken back for at least a thousand years."

"So what?" Tim Kennan disagreed. "The territory was conferred to the Holy Soul Wizard, and it was still the territory of the empire, and it was not split off."

"It seems to me to be a split!"

Ren said righteously: "The duchy does not pay taxes to the empire. It has independent law enforcement and administrative powers. It has its own system and can absorb hidden populations. Every territory canonized is a weakening of the overall national strength of the empire."

"Now there are fewer duchies, everyone obeys the will of the Supreme Council, and can be unified within the empire's system."

"In the future, there will be more and more members of the Supreme Council, the factions will be complex, and there will be endless battles..."

Having said that, Ren's face was somewhat mocking.

The expressions of the Holy Soul Wizards are also somewhat unnatural. Since the first day of the establishment of the Supreme Council, the internal factional struggle has not stopped, and it has intensified.

Ren continued: "I don't want to see one day, the Supreme Council completely disintegrate due to irreconcilable contradictions, and the empire is also divided up by the Holy Soul Wizards and disintegrated into dozens of large and small principalities and kingdoms."

The Holy Soul Wizards were silent.

Kelston frowned, "This is just your imagination. Under the brilliance of the goddess, the empire will never disintegrate."

"Stupid." Ren smiled contemptuously.

"No one can predict most things before they happen, but that doesn't mean we don't do anything. Take a long-term view, don't just look at the immediate interests. I think this truth, I don't need to teach you Bar?"

Kelston's face was red and white, and every time he confronted Ren, it always made him unable to keep calm, and a few words would make him angry.

But Ren's words are somewhat reasonable, and they also occupy the moral commanding heights, and they keep saying that they are considering the overall situation of the empire.

The other holy soul wizards looked contemplative, apparently moved by Ren.

Kelston took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, "Then what do you want to do?"

He didn't believe that if Ren dared to touch the personal interests of the Holy Soul Wizards, even the members of the Modu faction would not support Ren.

"It's simple."

Ren's eyes moved away from Kelston, swept over the holy soul wizards sitting on both sides of the long bronze table, and said solemnly: "I propose that starting today, new members of the Supreme Council can still be canonized as Duke, but only a false title, no more territory!"

Before the words were finished, there was an uproar in the Supreme Palace, and the Holy Soul Wizard was about to speak out against it.


Ren let out a loud snort.

The fist slammed on the long bronze table, and with a bang, a huge sound echoed in the Supreme Palace, and the entire palace was shaking.

Even though it was just a projection clone~www.readwn.com~ Ren's terrifying aura still stunned everyone.

The Supreme Palace immediately quieted down, and the Holy Soul Wizards stared at Ren with displeased expressions on their faces, but Ren's face showed no timidity, and said solemnly, "Listen to me."

"New members will no longer be entrusted with the territory, but they can be compensated. When they enter the Supreme Council, they will get 10 million gold shields in cash, and then every ten years, they will get another 10 million gold shields. A total of 30 million gold shields will be received in three installments. This money All from the treasury."

"Sacred soul wizards who have given up their territories before can also receive this subsidy."

"Sacred soul wizards who already have territories can give up their territories and exchange 30 million gold shields from the empire."

"Everyone, please think about it."

After Ren finished speaking, looking at the Holy Soul Wizards who responded differently, some fell into contemplation, some were quite moved, and the corner of his mouth raised an imperceptible angle, and then sat down.

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