Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 919: half an empire

After the inauguration of the Tower of Isengard, Ren and the guests teleported back to Gotham City, where a small banquet was held at the Highland Fort that night.

More than a dozen representatives of the various forces of the empire were present.

There are also a number of high-level figures in Gotham City, Kwai Lu, Livlin and Izzet, as well as the five kings of the dwarves and the three kings of the hill.

Although the scale of the banquet was small, the level was high, and Ren talked with each guest for a while. The reconstruction of Isengard signed a friendship treaty with the dwarves. After half a day of fermentation, the news has spread throughout the Orion Empire.

Everyone at the banquet was concerned about one thing, and that was the Archon's East Coast development plan!

When Ren talked to them, he revolved around this theme.

Now, he can openly and honestly tell everyone what he thinks. With the ten-ring spell of Weijiescui's magic torch light as a stronghold, he will recover the cities of the elf empire one by one, and bring the east coast of the new continent into the empire's territory. .

Everyone was shocked by the plan.

Every magic torchlight rune formation requires an Eola core as support, and the cost of an Eola core is 50 million gold shields!

If it wasn't for Isengard's own eyes, or someone else, everyone would only scoff at this plan.

But that's what Ryan came up with.

Ren is the consul of the empire, with the strongest legion in the world under his command; he is also the richest man in the empire. Today, he obtained 500 million gold shields of alchemy materials from the dwarves through the friendship treaty, and he definitely has the financial resources to realize this great plan.

Not to mention five or six Eola cores, even if there are more than ten, Ren can create them.

Past successes and achievements give people strong confidence in Rennes.

The development plan is sure to succeed!

Every guest and the forces behind him want to get involved and get a share of the feast of the era that opens up the new continent.

Some of them hinted to Ren, and some said it directly.

This is the purpose of Renn's banquet. He can conquer the entire East Coast, but it is useless to occupy the territory. There must be enough people to fill the land, rebuild the city, invent the economy, and create a prosperous country.

Therefore, all forces in the empire need to be involved.

At the same time, he has the greatest dominance, by which he can buy people's hearts and further bind them to his own boat through interests.

Come up, don't think about it.

Most of the guests invited this time are shareholder representatives of subcontinent trading companies, but there are differences in their relationship. Ren has to consider their loyalty and sincerity before making profit distribution, so he did not respond immediately at the dinner. .

But after the dinner, there were more personal meetings.

In the study room of the highland fortress, Renn was the first to meet with Kadegar.

As soon as he sat down, Kadegar, with white hair but a young face, immediately said: "Ren, the Great Speaker asked me to tell you that I hope Wezeland can have a city in the New World."


Ren agreed without hesitation and said with a smile, "Which city does the teacher want?"

Wei Zelan Floating City is of course different from others. The teacher may not have any ideas, but the wizards in the floating city are definitely not willing to give up such great interests. For the consideration of the people below, the teacher is embarrassed to speak to himself in person, so he asked Kade Jia relayed.

Moreover, he and the teacher secretly agreed that after becoming the emperor, he would give the teacher a duchy title.

This is an early promise.

Of course, we can't say it clearly now, we have to wait for Wezeland to build a city before it can be canonized.

Ren's so readily agreed made Kaigarde secretly relieved.

To be honest, he has worked very hard in recent years to be promoted to the 19th-level wizard, approaching the peak of legend, and a member of the Six-Person Council of Wezeland. He has strength and status, but in front of the current Ren, even Ren is still the same as before. He was so easy-going, as if he was still the junior wizard who had just arrived in Wezeland Floating Void City back then, but there was an inexplicable amount of pressure in his heart, as well as some kind of inexplicable emotion.

This feeling is stronger than when facing the Grand Chancellor.

Kaigarde was actually a bit hard to open his request for the benefit of Weizeland, and he had done a long psychological construction before entering the door.

After really speaking, the psychological burden was put down instead.

Kai Dejia didn't expect it to be this easy, he was stunned for a moment before shaking his head and said, "Any city is fine, the teacher said it's up to you to decide."

"Of course Wezeland wants the best." Ren chuckled.

He took out a map in his hand and spread it out on the desk. Kadegar saw at a glance that it was a map of the New World. There was a lot of information marked on it, most of which were concentrated on the east coast. Gotham City was the most conspicuous, and Isengard, Feili City, which has been renamed the City of Friendship, etc.

From Isengard to the south, cities are marked every few hundred miles.

Raleigh, Quint, Igo, Morando!

There is also a city to the northeast of Gotham City. It is Lopost that Renn mentioned at the inauguration ceremony. It used to be the magic research city of the Elf Empire. It has an excellent geographical location and is a seaside city. have a great reputation among them.

These cities have a torch icon and draw a circle with the torch as the center, with a radius of three hundred miles.

Seven torch circles, distributed on the eastern coast of the New World, are connected to each other, covering the entire 4,000-mile east coast!

Kadegar immediately understood.

This map is the development plan made by Rennes, which is invaluable. He may be the second person to see the map outside Rennes.

He focused his eyes and wanted to write down everything on the map.

Suddenly, Kai Dejia's eyes froze.

He saw other areas on the map, with three and four torches on the south coast and four on the west coast, but not circled so they weren't very noticeable. This is obviously Renn's next plan. The east, west, and south coasts of the new continent are all taken, and then they are advanced to the interior of the continent!

This information is too much.

Kadegar looked up, "You show me this map, are you not afraid that I will leak it out?"

"you will not."

Ren shrugged his shoulders with a smile, and said indifferently: "Even if the whole world knows about my plan, so what?"


Kaigarde sighed, "Only you can realize this plan. It's useless for others to know, and you can't even stop it."

Ren smiled confidently and put his finger on the map, "I suggest you choose Morando."

Kai Dejia looked seriously, and the place Ren was pointing to was a peninsula extending from the southeastern part of the New World. Although it is a peninsula, its area is very large, equivalent to a medium-sized province in the empire.

Morando is in the middle of the east coast of this peninsula, where a magic torch light array will be built, and the magic range will just cover the entire peninsula.

The climate on the peninsula is excellent, being warm even in the coldest winters.

Named the "Sunshine State" during the Elf Empire, there are many ruins of Elf cities on the peninsula, and Morando is the best and largest.

Owning Morando, waiting to own the Sunshine State.

Moreover, ships detouring from the west coast must pass through Morando, and its comprehensive value in all aspects ranks third on the east coast after Gotham and Isengard.

Kaijiade was overjoyed and immediately replied, "Okay!"

He couldn't help thinking that Ren really deserved to be a wizard from Wezeland, so generous, he took the initiative to give up the city with such good conditions.

"There is one thing, I want to make it clear in advance." Ren's expression became serious.

"Please say."

Ren said earnestly: "I appointed Morando to Wezeland, not to confer this city as a territory. I still have the sovereignty of Morando, but I just gave it to Wezeland to rebuild. After the city is built, Wezeland can recommend a city lord, who must be approved by me, and I have the right to replace it at any time."

"Same as the City of Friendship?" Kadegar understood.


Ren said: "My people have to participate in the development of taxation and urban management, and have half of the power and responsibility. Only Morando and the City of Friendship have these conditions. The other cities will be fully controlled by myself, and will only be allocated a few times. The interests of the highest level are given to the various forces of the empire."

"Of course." Kaigarde nodded. "After all, you have invested an Eola core for every city. Without you, none of this would be possible."

If Ren was more cruel, he could hold all the interests in his hands, and others had nothing to do.

Half a Morando is enough for Wezeland to eat.

"As long as you can understand." Ren laughed and swiped his finger on the map, "The east coast of the New World is so large, it can hold up to one-third of the empire, and it is all fertile land with rich resources. There are far more than seven cities that can be built, hundreds of cities can be accommodated, and it is very easy to feed 200 million people.”

"200 million people..."

Kai Dejia couldn't help shaking his head, "Ren, you are going to hollow out the empire!"

The total population of the Oriente Empire is difficult to calculate, and there is no accurate data. Many institutions estimate that it is about one billion.

Moving 200 million people to the New World can greatly ease the population pressure on the empire, but it is also a huge project that will take a generation to complete.

Of course, if the East Coast really develops to a population of 200 million, it is equivalent to creating half a new empire, and the benefits are unimaginable!

And Ren, as the creator of all this, has supreme authority.

Even though Kai Dejia is indifferent to fame and fortune, pursues the truth of magic wholeheartedly, and only works hard to be promoted to the Holy Soul Wizard, thinking of this can not help but give birth to infinite sighs and envy.

This is the real hero, the master of the times!

Kadegar left with satisfaction.

After Ren sent him off, he received several important guests.

Ottiluk of Flanes, Andro, student of the Duke of Silver Star, Alamanther, student and lover of the Storm Queen, a vice-president of Brewworth College, sent by the Great Sage of Congerald A sage of alchemy, Akland of the Mechanical Union, and a dozen imperial parliamentarians.

Ren promised each power representative some benefits and exchanged conditions.

Most of the dozen or so cities with the best locations on the east coast of the New World have partners, and they will start rebuilding as soon as the Magic Torchlight Formation is completed.

The big cake is over.

It was not until the next morning that Ren finished the meeting. He sent off the last guest and ate breakfast with Frankaska and his daughter.

"Ren, I have something to tell you." Livlin sent a magical message, "Come to my house."

Ren smiled knowingly.

He didn't reply, handed his daughter to the maid, opened a portal and went directly to Livlin's residence, only to see the blood elf sitting in the living room dressed neatly and his face very serious, not what he thought at all. .

"What's wrong?" Ren put his mind away.

"The Regent wants to see you." Livlynn replied.

"Prince Regent Asjonge..." Ren raised his eyebrows, and immediately guessed the intention of the blood elves, and couldn't help but smile: "Blood elves also want to participate in my development plan?"

There are a large number of blood elf residents in Gotham City, and there are also 3,000 blood elf holy spear knights under his command. Yesterday's news must have returned to Eversong City. Although the blood elves were born after the fall of the elf empire, they were still elves after all. The half-master of the new continent, of course, did not want to be left behind, watching the old land of their ancestors be divided up by humans.

Livlyn nodded slightly and said softly, "I have pledged my allegiance to you and am no longer a part of Eversong City, but I am still a blood elf, Ren..."

"I understand, you don't need to explain." Ren was not angry.

He thought about it seriously and said, "I don't object to the blood elves wanting to get involved, and I can even give some preferential conditions. After all, we are allies. But IMHO, the blood elves are not strong enough, and it is very difficult for them to even defend the island of revenge. , and still have the spare energy to develop new cities?"

There are only more than 200,000 blood elves on Vengeance Island. What can this population do?

Although the blood elves are extremely talented, far surpassing human beings, almost every blood elves possess extraordinary power, and there are several saint-level powerhouses, sword saints and archmages in Eternal Song City. , rebuild the city, and most importantly have a large population.

How much territory can 200,000 blood elves occupy?

Livlin also understood this and sighed: "The regent thinks so too, but he heard about the City of Friendship and hopes to get the same conditions as the dwarves."

"Which city did he see?" Ryan asked ~www.readwn.com~ Porost. "

Ren couldn't help snorting, blood elves really have a big appetite. During the Third Era, Borost was not only a famous magical research city, with many wizarding colleges and towers, but also a metropolis with a population of more than two million.

"The regent is a little bit greedy." He shook his head and said, "Even if I give Porost to the blood elves, will they be able to operate?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ren realized that Livlin's expression was wrong.

"Does the Regent of Asjongg have any other actions?"

"Yes." Livlyn nodded lightly, "He contacted Oroan."

Ren's face suddenly changed slightly. It turned out that it was not only blood elves, but also Oroan's elf kingdom behind the regent, so the nature was different.

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