Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 806: eye for eye

Ren never thought that the camera he invented would one day be used by the followers of the evil **** to spread fear and terrorize the people of the empire.

The impact of **** photos on the public is countless times greater than simple rumors!

This is also a naked provocation of the Empire by the Roche believers.

"Unforgivable!" Cecil scolded in a low voice.

The Justice Church hated the destruction of order the most. It could have played down the death of the consul, and waited until the Supreme Council made a decision to announce it to the people, so as to minimize the impact of the sacrificial ceremony on the situation of the empire, lest any people with weak will be affected by it. Evil God bewitched.

It is impossible to hide now.

Only blood debt and blood repayment can offset the negative consequences of sacrifice rituals.

Legendary wizards are also furious.

Cecil immediately ordered: "Send all the members of the Sword of Order, immediately notify the Ministry of Public Security, and let all the sheriffs in Northrael cooperate with us. The confiscated photos from one family to another will not be allowed to spread. If someone spreads it, Photo or resistance, behead on the spot!"

"Yes, Lord Arbitrator."

The legendary holy swordsman shouted, turned his head and ran out.

Heskett also ordered the Rick Guardsmen to send people to the streets to confiscate the photos.

Ren shook his head secretly.

The dissemination of photos is uncontrollable, and the more it is banned, the more curious people will be to peek. The believers of Roche have negatives in their hands and can develop countless photos. Now they have been confiscated, more photos will be spread at any time in the future.

Photos will appear in every city in the Empire, not just Northrael.

Only revenge can remove the panic created by the photo.

"Everyone, I have to inform Your Majesty about this." Cecil said, entering a room in the manor to send a message.

The Supreme Council is still discussing, in addition to the Holy Spirit wizards, the two popes of the Church of Justice and the Church of the Earth are also involved.

The legendary wizards returned to the manor hall and waited silently together.

No one spoke.

Ren's soul eye swept across everyone, and everyone's expressions were heavy, at least on the surface, but their inner emotions were different.

Young Alamanther and Andro were simply angry;

Kerana is very stable;

Sidney's heart was calm, with almost no mood swings;

Dove was angry at first, then felt bored, thinking that this matter had little to do with him, and was unwilling to participate too deeply;

Otiluk's mind was the most active, and he seemed to be thinking about many things.

The legendary wizard is keen on politics and has been preparing for the next consulship campaign since a few years ago. Like himself, he has no immediate intention to replace Gneuth. Moreover, Gneus was originally the candidate recommended by Master Tim Kennan, and he was his own.

However, in order to build momentum for himself, Otiluk also signed up for this election.

He had never thought of winning before, but just wanted to get familiar with the imperial congressmen and get in touch with the upper-level forces in the imperial capital in advance, paving the way for the election ten years later.

The sudden death of Geneus changes the situation.

Originally it was just to accompany the run, but now there seems to be a drama, and there is great hope!

In addition to Gneus, there are two candidates, Otiluk is one of them, and the other is a candidate introduced by the Nether faction, and it is also important to participate.

The person selected from the Floating City of Ain, the great sage of Congerard, is also a legendary wizard. His strength is not outstanding, and he is quite famous in the Alchemy Association. He won the title of "Alchemy Sage" many years ago. Election is also to mix seniority.

The deadline for applications to run for office is the end of June, four months have passed.

In other words, if the Supreme Council does not revise the rules, the next Archon will be born between Otiluk and the alchemy sage.

Otiluk feels he is stable!

The alchemy sage is not a big threat to him, and with the full support of the teacher, the position of the consul is none other than himself.

He became a consul ten years in advance, and it was almost picked up for nothing, which made him excited.

Others in the hall also thought of this, and frequently cast their eyes on Otiluk.

He tried his best to remain calm, knowing that he couldn't get carried away when Gneus had just died, before he had avenged his revenge.

Ren could clearly see Otiluk's thoughts.

He is also bound to win the throne of the consul.

The death of Gneus disrupted his plans, brought everything forward ten years, many things were not ready, very rushed, but not completely uncertain. If done properly, it may be a blessing in disguise and save ten years of time.

Vengeance on the Roheites for the Archon is imperative.

Whoever can avenge the blood revenge for Gneus will be able to master huge political capital, win the hearts and minds of the people, and pave the way for the election of a new consul.

However, Ren always felt that there was a conspiracy behind the cause of Gneus' death!

More than a month ago, he noticed the clues.

Gnieus was hesitant about his invitation. Although he finally attended the unveiling ceremony of the Statue of Magic, he was a little absent-minded at the ceremony. He didn't return to normal until he finally gave a speech, and left in a hurry after the end.

If it is really just the assassination of the Roche believers, Gneus can't be alert.

There must be other factors!

Ren immediately thought of a person, Kelston, Duke of Redstone.

Back then in Longshande, I discovered that Kelston had colluded with Rosie's followers. He was attacked by the King of Shadows when he traded the Floating City two years ago. Kelston was most likely also behind the scenes.

That King of Shadows is a clone of the Master of Trickster, which is why he was able to launch a suicide attack without risking his life.

All this proves that Kelston can instruct Roche believers, at least, he can make a trick master cooperate with him.

In the past two years, Lei Zhu Tianbing has been lurking in Urge City and has done a lot of things.

Assassinate important officials under Kelston, spread rumors of black material, destroy the tax system of the northern prairie, break into the interior of Pallas Floating City, make some troubles from time to time, and use various means to delay Pallas Floating City's Repair progress, let the floating city be in turmoil, and everyone is in danger.

However, Lei Zhu Tianbing did not dare to be exposed in front of Kelston, relying on his back to make small moves would only bring some trouble.

Kelston has always been in the control room of the floating city, not leaving one step away, giving no chance at all.

Three months ago, the floating city finally completed the restoration and took off again.

Now Kelston is free.

If it was Kelston who colluded with the Roche believers to kill Genius, then what was his motive?

Changing a person to be the consul, no matter which faction the person is from, will not change the status quo that the Modus faction controls half of the votes in the High Council.

Gneus is a balancingist.

Now that the balancing faction and the nether faction are teaming up against the modus faction, Kelston does this, and Master Tim Kennan will definitely not allow it. If Tim Kennan learned that it was Kelston's black hand, or that it was done by the hands of Roche believers, with his strong temper, he would never bear it.

It is possible to turn around on the spot.

The fragile alliance between the two factions is bound to collapse, and it is even more impossible to fight against the Mordu faction.

Unless, Kelston is sure that Tim Kennan will not realize that he is behind the scenes, or that he does not know that his relationship with the Roche followers has been exposed.

That's why he dared to unscrupulously collude with the Rohi believers, and repeatedly used the knife to kill people.

The more Ren thought about it, the more likely it was.

Kelston still doesn't know that he recognized him at the Silver Star Academy in Longshande, and he doesn't know that he has the eye of the soul to see that the King of Shadows is the clone of the master of trickery.

This is an information gap that can be put to good use!

The corner of Ren's eyes swept across Montallinn.

The most outstanding student of Kelston, the No. 2 figure in Pallas Floating City, is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

However, Montalin's mood was also dominated by surprise, and he was obviously unaware of Gnieus' death.

He didn't know anything about what Kelston did?

Or is it that Kelston's death has nothing to do with Gneus' death?

The Roche believers have colluded with Kelston, and they may not necessarily obey his orders completely. Killing the imperial consul and sacrificing the soul to Rosie is a huge blow to the believers of the empire and the goddess of magic. Rohi believers will never let such an opportunity pass, even Kelston can't stop it.

Ren thought about it for a long time, but couldn't come up with a conclusion.

until evening.

A low voice rang in the ears of everyone in the hall of the manor: "I am Tim Kennan, all the Imperial Councillors in Northrael, come to the Imperial Chamber within a quarter of an hour."

The Supreme Council has reached a conclusion.

The legendary wizards glanced at each other, opened the portal, and Hesktor and Cicero also entered.

The Imperial Council Hall is in the Temple of Truth, and the Temple of Truth is located in the Fauberden Castle. Its position is opposite to the Palace of the Netherlands, located on both sides of the square in front of the Rick Palace.

The entire space of Falberden Castle was sealed off.

The landing point of the portal was in front of the gate of the palace. As soon as Ren arrived, he saw the portals opened one by one nearby, and a member of the empire came out of it. Everyone's faces were heavy and serious. No one spoke when they saw other MPs nodding to each other.

Apparently, news of the Archon's death had spread in Northrael.

Ren passed through the gate guarded by the Rick Guard, stepped onto the square in front of the palace, walked for a while on the wide aisle in the middle, and then turned right.

A magnificent 100-meter-high statue of the goddess of magic stood in front of him.

It was the tallest goddess in the world for the past thousand years, until it was replaced by the Magi goddess on the Isle of Truth just over a month ago.

At the foot of the statue is the "Temple of Truth".

The members of the Imperial Council prayed silently as they passed the statue, then climbed the steps into the Temple of Truth, and walked into the widest hall in the temple, which was the meeting room where the Imperial Council was located.

The Imperial Chamber was solemn and solemn.

More than 300 seats are distributed in a fan shape. The rostrum is directly in front. The front row below the stage is the lowest, and then the rows are raised, from low to high, like a hillside, so that all the seated members can see the scene.

There is no fixed position for the Imperial Councillor, but it will change as the status increases.

Ren has attended several meetings in recent years, and his position has become more and more advanced. He walked to the first row and sat down, looking at the Holy Soul Wizards on the stage.

The twelve Holy Soul Wizards have all arrived.

However, only Tim Kennan, Duke of Grey Eagle, was present, and the other Holy Soul Wizards were all spell projections.

Tim Kennan's attire has never changed, wearing a thick black magic robe, the robe is fully supported by a tall and strong body, with a shaved head, a short chin, a calm eye, and a sturdy face that is not visible. A slight expression fluctuated.

He stood on the stage like a sculpture, watching the Imperial MPs come in.

An invisible storm was pressing on the hearts of the imperial parliamentarians, like the tranquility before the storm, making people feel suffocated.

Soon, a quarter of an hour is up.

Nearly half of the seats in the council hall were filled. There were 323 members of the Imperial Council this year, most of whom were scattered throughout the Empire. Usually, there were only a few dozen permanent members in Northrael.

Now, nearly half of the MPs are present, and many people arrived in the afternoon when they got the news.


The Duke of Gray Eagle raised his hand, and the door of the council chamber slammed shut, and the Rick Guards guarded the door, preventing the late Imperial MPs from entering the venue.


Tim Kennan didn't say anything nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Last night, the Archon Gneuth was assassinated by a believer of the evil **** and sacrificed to the deceiver Rosie."

His voice didn't fluctuate at all, as if he was stating a trivial matter.

However, this news is like a blockbuster. The members of the Imperial Council received the news, and most of them were still skeptical. Now that they heard the confirmation from the Duke of Gray Eagle, the members almost exploded, and the group was suddenly angry. Some people were shocked and speechless, while others were high Angrily.


Tim Kennan suppressed all the noise and continued: "The consul is the face of the empire, and the Supreme Council grants the right to govern the empire. Roche's followers assassinated the consul, still using such a cruel method, this is against the empire. , open war on the High Council, on the Goddess of Magic!"

"We will never tolerate the evil **** believers trampling the empire's reputation under their feet, allowing them to terrorize our people."

"We just have to fight."

"Blood debt must be paid in blood, only the blood of the enemy can wash away the shame, avenge the consul, and quell the anger of the people of the empire!"

The Imperial Councillors listened carefully to Duke Greyhawk's words.

"Here, I announce three things on behalf of the Supreme Council." Tim Kennan said with a serious look: "First, the administration of the empire cannot be paralyzed. Before the new consul takes office, I will temporarily act as the consul. ."

"Second, the Supreme Council has decided to reopen the application for the consul election. All imperial parliamentarians are eligible. The deadline is the last day of this month."

When Ren heard this, he turned his head slightly and glanced at Otiluk who was not far away.

Sure enough, his face showed confusion and loss.

"Thirdly, the empire will launch a revenge operation for the Rohi believers, blood for blood, and tooth for tooth. This operation will be led by me personally, dispatching the floating city and the imperial army, and there is no restriction on the participation of imperial parliamentarians, you can bring your own Let the troops go together."

Tim Kennan's voice fell.

There was an uproar among the imperial parliamentarians, and everyone was thoughtful.

The first thing is not surprising~www.readwn.com~ There is no consul, and the empire will continue to operate as usual, and it is expected that it will be hosted by the Holy Soul Wizard.

The latter two things need to be linked together.

The meaning of the Supreme Council is very clear, whoever makes credit in the revenge action is eligible to serve as the next consul.

Immediately, many ambitious congressmen were moved.

"Lord Duke."

After an imperial congressman raised his hand to get approval, he got up and asked, "Excuse me, who should we avenge? Where is our enemy?"

Tim Kennan replied indifferently: "The main murderer who assassinated the Archon was Locleon. At this moment, he is lurking in the city of Bambe in the Gupta Kingdom."

Ren, who looked calm, was shocked when he heard "Bambe City".

He couldn't help looking at the Duke of Silver Star on the stage.

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