Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 683: city ​​of illithids

In the hot cave, Raistlin and his party moved quickly.

The terrifying high temperature is like a sea of ​​fire, and everything is crimson red. Everyone is blessed with ice shields or blisters. Raistlin also blessed everyone with advanced flame resistance to resist the ubiquitous heat and heat. flame.

After a while, the temperature gradually dropped, and he was about to leave the cave.


The magma pool beside him suddenly churned, and a several-meter-long lava salamander washed ashore, opened its **** mouth, and spewed flames at Raistlin and the others.

A dark green ray shot from Raistlin's fingertips.

call out!

This legendary lava salamander, the rock-like solid and strong body seems to have been weathered, turning into large pieces of fiery red powder and floating away.

The team continued to move forward.

From the beginning to the end, Raistlin didn't give it a second look, and the timing of the casting was just right, as if it jumped out on purpose and collided with the dissociation technique.

This was not the first time that everyone had been attacked. Every time, Raistlin shot, and the method was the same, killing the enemy with a dissociation technique.

Even so, teammates marveled at Raislin's alertness.

As an archmage, Kuilu's knowledge of magic and eyesight are far higher than ordinary people, and he can even see how superb Raistlin's spellcasting skills are.

The dissociation technique originally only had six rings, but Raistlin not only raised it to eighth, but also compressed the casting speed to within three seconds. It was accurate and fast, predicting where the target would land, and its power was far beyond normal, almost reaching the eighth ring. The upper limit of the power of the spell, even if it is replaced by himself, it can't do better.

Every time I watch Raislin perform the dissociation technique, in Kuilu's eyes, the process is like art!

If she hadn't seen Ren with her own eyes, it would be hard for her to believe that Raistlin, who has such a superb spellcasting ability, is just a clone, and his body is a battle wizard!

Kuilu's mind fluctuated, and she frequently looked at the staff in Raistlin's hand.

She has already seen through the mithril layer on the surface of the staff and the red flame stone on the top of the staff is just a disguise, its true face must be a legendary staff!

Any legendary staff has a lot of background, and it is impossible to emerge out of thin air.

However, Kuilu has not yet recognized the origin of this staff, and is very curious, which is too attractive for an archmage.

Finally left the lava cave, surrounded by darkness.

Teammates breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how disgusting the oppressive environment of the Underdark is, it is more comfortable and less dangerous than the harsh heat of a lava cave that resembles the elemental plane of fire. Shortly after walking out of the cave, the temperature dropped rapidly and quickly became cryogenic.

This is the characteristic of the lower level of the Underdark, either extremely hot or extremely cold, switching between two extreme environments.

Raistlin, who has the key to the door, is very sensitive to spatial position.

Along the way, according to the rocky soil and temperature he was in, the straight-line distance from the lower layer of the dark area to the surface was more than a hundred miles. In his previous life, this was an incredible depth.

The lower level of the Underdark is the smallest and most dangerous.

There will be attacks every few miles. The subterranean creatures that attack the team are far more powerful than the middle and upper layers. Legendary level is not uncommon, and there are many strange creatures that everyone has never seen before. The other soul hunting team entered the lower level, and they would be wiped out if they couldn't go far.

The terrain on the lower level is also very complicated. Both Kuilu and Izt have been to Elaentor, but they have also lost their way many times.

After two detours, I finally found the right direction.


Kwai Lu's voice resounded in everyone's heart.

The Dancer of the Moon stopped and turned around and made a gesture to everyone. Almost at the same second, Raistlin also noticed the abnormality, and the Voice of Everything heard the movement in front of him.

ding ding dong...

This is the sound of metal and rock colliding, one after another drifting from the wind, mixed with rough scolding, and it is easy to recognize that it is a dwarf language.

"Grey dwarf slaves." Kuilu whispered, "I have never entered Elaine, but I have observed once from a distance. The city that was originally a grey dwarf was conquered by a group of illithids hundreds of years ago. The grey dwarves of the city are all their slaves."

Raistlin and the others nodded their understanding.

His Voice of All Things traced the source of the sound, and heard more gray dwarf voices. As expected, there was a gray dwarf mine in front of him.

It also means Elaine isn't far off.

After stopping in place for a while, Kuilu waved her hand: "Keep walking, but be careful."

Izzet was at the forefront.

His figure was almost separated into shadows, and the two war blades in his hands reflected a faint green glow, like two moving ghost fires.

Athena followed behind the Demon Hunter.

Then came Kwai Lu and Raistlin, with Barack and Dawnsos at the back of the line.

After walking for a long time, the voice of the gray dwarf miners was getting closer and closer, turning the corner of a tunnel, and suddenly, a huge mine appeared in front of him.

Hundreds of gray dwarves dug tunnels one by one on the rock wall. They laid railroad tracks in the tunnels. The tunnels are not known how deep. From time to time, mine carts are pushed along the railroad tracks, filled with ore, and pushed into the middle of the mine. into it next to a larger minecart.

Most of these gray dwarves only had a rag wrapped around their waists, their faces were numb, and their eyes were empty.

They work like walking dead.

Only when he pushed the minecart to the middle of the mine, there was a hint of vitality in his eyes, but it was an expression of fear.

The target of their fear is a humanoid creature floating next to a large minecart.


Raistlin and the others shrank their pupils, and the moment they saw this illithid monster, they immediately looked away. That startling glance had already left a deep impression on him.

This illithid is exactly the same as the one recorded in the "Strange Memorandum". It looks like a half-human with an octopus head. There is no hair on its head, its skin is smooth, and there are four snake-shaped tentacles around its mouthparts. .

It is about the same height as a human, wearing a black-purple magic robe, and its inherent levitating technique makes it levitate half a meter off the ground, and its long back sags down, covering its feet.

The faintly flowing air around his body made his robe flutter without wind, which was the fluctuation of the huge spiritual power.

Its perception is extremely acute.

Raistlin and the others glanced at it from a distance of hundreds of meters, and was immediately noticed by it. They turned to look back, but saw nothing.

It flashed and appeared in front of him, only a few dozen meters away from Raistlin and the others.

Mind jumping!

The illithid glanced around the corner, but still couldn't find it.

Its grey-white bubbling eyes flashed doubts, and the tentacles of its chin were also twitching unconsciously, and suddenly it raised its claw-like palm with four curved and sharp fingers, and released it towards the invisibility of Raistlin and the others. A note of exploration.

However, nothing has changed in the corners, nothing has been probed.

The illithid stared at it with cold eyes for a few seconds, finally letting go of doubts, and returned to the middle of the mine through a mind jump, continuing to supervise the work of the gray dwarf slaves.

At the location it had searched with exploration, there were six figures hidden under a transparent force field.

This is the invisible force field that Kuilu casts.

An archmage shot, by no means only the Legendary Beginning-level illithid can see through, the stone hanging in the hearts of the teammates fell to the ground. However, Kuilu still remained vigilant, did not act rashly, and communicated to everyone: "Don't move, just wait."

She maintains an invisible force field, neither moving nor teleporting away.

No one went to see that illithid.

There was only the sound of the gray dwarves digging in the mine, and it was business as usual. However, after a few minutes, the illithid suddenly disappeared again and jumped closer.

It's back!

One after another psychic spells fell in this area and kept searching, and also expanded the search range.

Raistlin's heart is awe-inspiring. The book of strange things records the character of illithids in detail. Almost every illithid is suspicious, cunning and cautious. Give up easily.

They are so with things, and so with their enemies.

Now I finally see it myself.

Fortunately, there is a huge gap between the strength of this illithid monster and Kuilu.

The second time I went back to search, it still didn't get any results, so I went back and continued to supervise the work.


Kuilu's voice resounded in the hearts of everyone, and there was an extremely obscure magical fluctuation, and there was an additional layer of soundproofing force field inside the invisible force field. Everyone felt their bodies floating and moving in the air involuntarily.

There was no sound when everyone moved, not even the air was disturbed.

The Dancer of the Moon controlled the entire team to avoid the illithids, crossed the mine near the edge, and entered a wide tunnel.

The whole process took a few minutes.

Shortly after entering the tunnel, Raistlin sensed that the illithid jumped again, appearing in the location where his group had previously hidden, and began to cast a spell to search, as if to search the entire mine.

"It still refuses to give up!" Raistlin sighed inwardly.

After leaving the mine, the sound of mining gradually became inaudible.

Kuilu confirmed that the illithid was not catching up, and that there were no magic traps or ambush enemies around, so she removed the spell.

"It's really troublesome, why not just kill it?" Barack muttered.

The Moon Dancer glanced at the Holy Lance Ranger and was about to speak, but Raistlin spoke first.

"All the individuals of an illithid community are connected to the master brain, and they have a collective consciousness, like every finger in the palm of your hand," Raistlin explained: "An illithid sees us, then every illithid The vampires saw us."

The teammates were stunned.

Kuilu looked at Raistlin with admiration and smiled: "You know so much about illithids, not many people in the Underdark know what the relationship between masterminds and illithids is."

"It's the first time I know about it." As if to confirm her words, Izt shook his head, "No wonder I only encountered one illithid in the past, and as soon as I approached the city, ten illithids came to chase and kill it. "

Raistlin replied, "I want to get the mastermind's demon soul, so of course I need to do some research first."

"Is Elaento coming?" Athena asked.


Izt pointed to the front of the tunnel, and said with lingering fear: "Go ahead for a while and you will see Elaento. I just glanced at it from a distance and ran away."

Kwai Lu casts a spell to make the entire team invisible, and then moves on.

It's a long and winding tunnel.

Every few hundred meters, there will be a fork in the road. There are two forks or three leading to different directions, some of which are upwards and some are downwards. Izt couldn't remember the route of the year, but it was not difficult for Kuilu. Through the footprints and magic fluctuations on the ground, it was easy to find the right direction.

After advancing in the tunnel for more than half an hour, there was a loud bang in front of me.

The further you go, the louder the sound.

Raistlin recognized that it was the sound of a large amount of water splashing down from a height, like a waterfall, but it was accompanied by loud explosions from time to time.

Gradually, the bright red light in front entered the tunnel.

When everyone came to the end of the tunnel, their vision was blocked by a large white mist, and a burst of air just blew their fingers, and the eyes suddenly opened up.

This is a huge rift with no end in sight.

The top of the head does not know how high, at least thousands of meters, like the real sky.

Countless cold rivers poured down from the top of the rift and fell into the lava lake at the bottom of the rift, forming a waterfall with a drop of nearly a thousand meters.

The river water collided with the lava, the cold and heat clashed, and the endless mist floated up, moisturizing the shimmering moss on the cliffs on both sides of the rift. When the energy accumulated to a certain level, the lava lake at the bottom of the rift exploded, and the rolling magma erupted into spectacular columns of fire.

A city is located on the cliffs of the rift valley. Hundreds of caves have been dug out of the black rock walls on both sides. They are connected with each other by tunnels and stairs. A rock bridge was constructed, and a three-dimensional city was constructed.

The exit of the tunnel where Raistlin's six were located was in a cave.

The location of the cave is lower than the middle level of the cliff, and in front of it is a wide platform, which is connected to a stone bridge leading to the opposite cliff.

They walked to the edge of the platform in stealth, and they were all shocked by this magnificent city.

"This is Elaine!"

Izt sighed in a low voice~www.readwn.com~ It was not the first time that he and Kuilu came here, but they were still shocked.

Raistlin quickly scanned the city built on the cliff, and soon discovered more information. Most of those caves were gray dwarves, as well as stone blinds and underground gnomes, and there were as many as 70,000 to 80,000 people. , they are all slaves of illithids, each performing their duties, and the whole city operates like a sophisticated machine.

However, the figure of the illithids is rare.

Occasionally, one or two illithids can be seen coming out of their hidden residences. They live in the upper floors of the city. When they travel, they all fly in the sky with levitation, or directly jump to their destination.

According to the introduction in the strange book, the higher the status in the illithid city, the higher the residence.

And the main brain must be in the core area of ​​the illithid city.

Raistlin looked up and found his target immediately!

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