Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 678: Howl of the Banshee

Almost at the same time that Raistlin and the mirror opened the portal together, an invisible wave of void came, blocking the space where the secret room was.

A drow mage cried out: "Space blockade!"

At least a legendary high-level spellcaster can master the space blockade. In Mosoburai City, there are only a handful of mages with such powerful strength, including those two archmages!

However, the portal that was opened in the secret room is still there, completely unaffected.


The drows were all stunned, especially the two mages. They didn't understand why the space blockade didn't work?

"Why don't you go quickly?"

Raistlin frowned and gave a low drink.

The all-seeing eye penetrated the ground to see outside, the whole brothel was surrounded by hundreds of drow warriors, led by a few legendary powerhouses, they silently blocked all the exits of the brothel, and the employees in the shop , clients and technicians are all under control.

In midair, a female drow in a gorgeous magic robe was invisible.

She is holding a black staff wrapped in cobwebs, the ruby ​​on the top of the staff is carved into a spider shape, and there is a subtle magical atmosphere on her body.

It was hard for others to see through her details, but Raistlin saw it at a glance.

This female drow is an archmage!

Menzobrai had two archmages, a man and a woman, of different family powers. Among them, the female archmage is the mistress of the Storitzer family, Maros Storizer. After being promoted to the archmage more than 300 years ago, she immediately killed her mother and became the new mistress.

Under the leadership of Mistress Malos, the Storitzer family rose step by step in the rankings.

Originally only ranked around 30, it has risen rapidly in the past few decades, ranking in the top eight, and Mistress Malos has also entered the ruling council of Menzoberran.

Up to now, the ranking of the Storitzer family has risen to third!

Raistlin judged through the eye of the soul that Mother Maros' mage level should be twenty-two. Facing an archmage, he had little chance of winning.

So he immediately chose to retreat.

"Does Candice know your identities?" Raistlin's mind turned sharply, and he quickly asked Tiberium. If the ruling council had taken possession of the membership of the Church of Moonlight from Candice, then even if they had escaped now, the good drow would not have escaped death in Menzobrai.

Tiberium responded immediately: "She doesn't know."

"That's good!"

Raistlin nodded, "Follow my mirror image to ensure your safety." For tonight's siege operation, the entire upper levels of Menzoberran may have been alerted. After Drow passed through the portal, There may also be danger.

The drow in the secret room woke up like a dream and recovered from their panic.

They have been able to survive in the sinister City of Menzoberran until now, and have not revealed their identities. Each of them is very smart, knowing that they cannot waste time, and entering the portal without hesitation.

There are a total of twelve portals, but there are fifteen drows in the secret room.

Some drows can only travel together and enter the same portal, Raistlin's mirror image follows, and the door closes immediately after entering.

In a blink of an eye, the drows walked cleanly, leaving only one portal.

"Nighthawk, you go back too," Raistlin said.

Tiberium asked anxiously, "How about you?"

Izt has already held two war blades, and said lightly: "Someone must hold the enemy back and buy time for everyone to escape safely. The next battle is too dangerous for you, and you will reveal your identity if you are not careful. Menzoberran's brothers and sisters will need your leadership in the future, and you must not take risks with us."


Tiberium was struggling in his heart. What Izt said made sense, but he was not willing to run away like this.

Izzet's face was full of confidence: "Don't worry, we will not fight to the death."

"Okay! Be careful!"

Tyberon did not drag any further, and quickly entered the portal and disappeared.

Immediately, only Raistlin and Izzt were left in the secret room, as well as the two mirror images of Raistlin. He was the one who deliberately stayed to meet the battle.

At the same time, Raistlin's mirror image appeared with one or two drows in various locations in Menzoberran. The location of the portal was randomly selected by him in an emergency. Some were hidden in shadowy corners, some were on the street, and some Zhuoer even had a home and were discovered as soon as they came out.

Raistlin's image cast a spell immediately, opening any door and leaving again.

When no one found it, he blessed his drow with the invisibility technique, and quickly walked away from the vicinity of any door, so as not to be tracked by the archmage through teleportation waves afterwards.

After the combination of teleportation and movement several times in a row, add another arcane interference to block the retrospect of light and shadow.

Raistlin's mirror image carried a dozen drow around the city of Menzoberran, and gradually the trail disappeared completely, sending the drow safely back to their lodgings. One of the mirrors took many legendary detours to send Tyberyn back to his home.

The three of Athena noticed something was wrong and hurriedly asked about the situation.

Mirroring keeps them out of the way.

At this time, the commercial district in the south of the city has broken out, and the light of magic is flickering.

But Raistlin's mirror image didn't rush back to help. Instead, he lurked near the drow's residence, waiting for the opportunity while ensuring their safety.

In the secret room, the moment the portal was closed, the floor at the entrance of the passage exploded.


Among the countless rubble and sawdust, a vigorous black figure rushed in, as fast as lightning, and slashed an arc several meters long with a sharp machete in his hand.

Raistlin had already locked on the other side.

This is a legendary high-level drow warrior, the nineteenth level is close to the peak, and he has been blessed with various spells by Mistress Malos, who came to take the lead.

In Menzobrai, there are not many opponents who can go head-to-head with him.

Just came across one today.

Izzet waved the green battle blade to meet him, and the power of fel energy erupted. With a clatter, the two blades rang out, and the drow warrior who rushed in flew out at a faster speed, with a long wound on his chest with a deep visible bone. , almost disemboweled him.

"Demon Hunter!"

"It's you, Izzet!"

The battered drow warrior screamed in shock, spitting blood, and fled as a shadow.

Izzet ran after him.

He didn't chase down the fleeing drow warriors, and ignored the drow in the courtyard. With a flash, he jumped into the air across a distance of 100 meters, his body soared to more than three meters high, and a pair of huge demons spread out behind him. Bat Wing, slashing the invisible Mistress Malos with two blades.


The tattoos of green flames on Izt's skin came out, and the huge fel energy shrouded, and the breath of the saint-level powerhouse made the souls of the drows tremble.

"Holy Demon Hunter..."

Amidst the screams, Izzet's double-edged blades fell into the air.

The figure of Mistress Malos appeared, dodging in a blink of an eye, and the space blockade she maintained was also interrupted.

She appeared 100 meters away, staring at Izzet surrounded by green flames with complicated eyes.

"Izt, it turned out to be your disobedient son..." The expression of Mother Marlos suddenly turned into indifference and hatred, "You have actually been promoted to the holy rank."

She spoke, but did not stop casting spells for half a second.

Izt didn't respond either. With a flutter of his wings, he flew behind Mother Maros at a speed unattainable to the naked eye. A beam of light erupted from the two blades, forming a net of sharp blades without dead ends, piercing her shield. Cut out ripples.

call out!

Mother Maros's staff tapped back, locked on Izt, and shot a jet-black ray.

Izzet dodged quickly.

The fierce battle broke out between the two saint-level powerhouses. The mother and son were like enemies of life and death, and their subordinates showed no mercy.

Raistlin left the secret room half a step later than Izt. Before leaving, he glanced at the place where the wax melting demon was trapped by the labyrinth technique.

There are fluctuations in the void, and the powerful wax melting demon is coming back.

The wax-melting demon who can become Rose's maid is at least a legendary high-level demon. The dissociation technique cannot kill it, and the maze technique only traps it for a few seconds.

Raistlin and the two mirror images opened any door, walked in together, and appeared on the street outside the brothel.

"Kill them!"

The drow warriors who surrounded the brothel noticed the abnormality behind them, and when they turned around, they saw three identical Raistlins, and immediately turned around and killed them.

A mirror image completed the prepared spell and opened up the magic field.

Eight Rings Arcane - Fictional Gravity Field!

With a mirror image of 70% of the body's strength, the range of the imaginary gravity field it exerts has been reduced to more than 300 meters in diameter, but it is enough to cover half of the commercial block. Immediately, the drow warrior who rushed up felt that his weight had soared by more than 30 times, and his running speed had plummeted.

The arrows shot by some drow rangers who responded very quickly fell halfway through the flight.

A few arrows hit Raistlin's shield, and they lost their accuracy and strength, and were easily bounced off by the vector shield, completely unable to interfere with their spellcasting.

The staff in the other mirror's hand slammed on the ground, and the flames bloomed.


A huge ring of flames erupted in the middle of the street, spreading like lightning, and the surrounding drow warriors fell into the sea of ​​flames, their bodies burned, and bursts of screams came out.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flames, Raistlin's hands lit up with red light, which quickly condensed into a mass of lava-like flames.


Raistlin threw Pyroblast through any door, which closed immediately.

In the secret room under the brothel, the wax melting demon just got out of the labyrinth technique. It just returned to the main material world and didn't have time to see where the enemy was, and a group of pyrotechnics was thrown on its face.

At this moment, five or six drow warriors, led by a legendary warrior, rushed into the secret room. They didn't know that the target of this siege had been teleported away. Seeing that Izt was fighting fiercely with Mother Lomas in the sky, they wanted to take the opportunity to break into the secret room to kill the enemy.

As soon as he rushed into the secret room, he saw the wax melting demon being thrown by a mass of lava-like flames.


The legendary samurai uttered just one syllable before being drowned in high-temperature flames.


A big explosion spread throughout Menzoberran City, and the deafening sound waves echoed in the cave, awakening hundreds of thousands of residents from their sleep, and they all cast their eyes in astonishment.

The dome of the cave was illuminated by the firelight from the sky, as if the pillar of time had been set on fire.

Like an earth dragon turning over, the courtyard where the secret room was located was bombed upside down, and the whole brothel and surrounding buildings collapsed, instantly turning into ruins. The drow warriors who were surrounded in the courtyard were unconscious and fell on the sides of a large pit. Most of them were seriously injured, and the closest drow was even shattered, and even the complete body could not be found.

With an eight-ring pyrotechnic, a small half of the enemy was eliminated.

These drows were all elites from the Storitzer family. Such heavy casualties made Mistress Malos, who was fighting against Izzet in the sky, plunged into extreme anger.

"Damn human, ah... I'm going to skin you!"

Endless darkness erupted from her body, wrapping the approaching Izt, temporarily trapped in it, and then flashed to distance, locking Raistlin to cast a spell.

Izt got rid of the dark **** in half a breath and chased after him.

Mistress Romas ignored his threat to herself, let the shield withstand the attack for two seconds, opened her mouth and pointed in Raistlin's direction and let out a high-pitched scream.

The sharp howl was indescribable.

It seemed like a terrifying sound from the bottomless abyss, ignoring all protective spells and unable to evade, covering a 100-meter radius where Raistlin was, from both ears to the brain, touching the soul.

Nine Spells - Howl of the Banshee!

It is an instant death spell similar to Finger of Death, but Finger of Death has only seven rings, while Banshee's Howl has nine. In addition, Banshee's Howl is a ranged spell, with no limit on the number of targets. It can ignore the protection spell and go directly to the depths of the enemy's soul, tearing the soul to pieces.

The screams only lasted for a second before falling.

In addition to Raistlin and the two mirror images, there are some drow warriors within the range of Banshee's Howl, and there are also many guests in the hotel opposite the brothel, desperately escaping.

clap clap clap...

The drow warriors who were struggling in the sea of ​​fire and the hotel guests who escaped died suddenly, their souls were torn apart, and their bodies became empty shells.

Raistlin and the two mirror images flashed out at the last minute, appearing in different directions.

However, they still heard screams of death.

The three figures trembled in unison, and the two mirror images turned into bubbles and dissipated. Raistlin's body stumbled, feeling that his soul had been severely slashed by a sword, the pain in his head was incomparable, and his face was very pale. become bloodless.

Fortunately, the will of truth still resisted the howl of the banshee, and this ninth-ring spell only caused minor trauma to the soul.

The body can hold it, but only the mirror image of the will of incomplete truth cannot.

Raistlin was frightened for a while, but he was still careless.

Like the Holy Soul Wizard, the Archmage is much stronger than the ordinary Saint-level Extraordinary. If he does not have the will of truth, he will go back to resurrect himself this time.

"This is impossible!"

Mistress Marros saw Raistlin not dead, as if she had seen a ghost. Below the legend, is there anyone who can withstand their own banshee's howl without dying?

Her face was in disbelief, and she was a little lost for a while.


There was a hint of contempt on Raistlin's pale face, and he sent a message to Izzet, who was trying to break the shield of Mistress Malos: "They are safe, we will also withdraw."

Before Mother Marros could cast the spell again, Raistlin disappeared.

He flashed several times in a row~www.readwn.com~ Each time the flash distance was very far, more than 300 meters, and it continued as if there was no gap between casting spells, and flashed to the distance in an instant.

Mother Maros was entangled by Izzet and failed to catch up immediately.

By the time she cast a spell to temporarily force Izt back, Raistlin had already completed a teleportation technique and disappeared completely. So she turned back decisively and was about to leave Izt, but after a few seconds, Izt's body lit up, and her figure quickly faded.

Mother Maros tried to stop it, but found that the other party's directional teleportation was extremely clever, and she could do nothing, and watched Izzet disappear with her eyes.

She looked at the vast ruins below.

There were a large number of dead family elites everywhere, including several legendary warriors and well-trained drow mages, and their beautiful faces were suddenly distorted.

"This pervert!" Mistress Malos was furious and uttered a vicious curse.

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