Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 676: moonlight church

When Izt sent the message, the flames on the time column in the city had been extinguished, and the underground city had entered into the night.

The four of Raistlin passed through the portal and appeared in a bright hall, surrounded by luxurious decorations that showed that this was a noble family.

Three elves stood in front of them, one was Izzet, and the other was also a male dark elves.

The last one with fair skin and blue hair turned out to be a wood elf.

"Tyberron has seen all the guests from the surface." The unfamiliar male Drow politely saluted Raistlin and the others.

He was wearing comfortable home clothes, but he couldn't hide his vigorous posture. His skin was dark and rough, and he was obviously battle-hardened. There was a hideous scar on his face, which extended from the left eye to the chin, which looked a little scary at first glance. , but there was not the slightest violence in those purple eyes, gentle and calm.

The soul's eye swept away and recognized that this was a legendary middle-rank drow warrior.

Raistlin looked at Izt, and found that the Demon Hunter's surface was normal, but his heart was extremely nervous. He had been paying attention to his own reaction, and it seemed that he would act if he disagreed.

He immediately understood what was going on, Izzet needed to distinguish himself from enemy and me.

It has been over a hundred years since Izzet escaped from Menzoberran.

For more than a hundred years, he spent most of his time wandering in the dark city, going back and forth between the surface, returning to his hometown every few years, and secretly connecting with those clansmen who were also eager to get out of the underground, even if he could not help them out of their predicament , will also solve some problems encountered.

However, Izzet started planning to be promoted to the Holy Rank twenty years ago, and after leaving for so long, he is not so clear about the changes in the situation of Menzobrai.

Those who used to like-minded clansmen are not sure whether they have turned their backs and fell back into the evil belief of the spider queen Rose.

Previously, Raistlin had assured him that there was a way to discern the attitude of friend and foe.

So when he found the legendary drow warrior in front of him, he immediately informed himself to come over and make an identification.

Raistlin said in secret, "He's fine."

It is very easy to tell whether a dark elf is good or evil, just by looking at the fire of faith in the other person.

This drow warrior called "Tyberron" does not worship the spider queen Rose. The fire of his faith is silver-white, like the faint moonlight sprinkled on a midsummer night, full of tranquility and peace, as well as some melancholy and sadness, and Kindness to good creatures.

Raistlin was not familiar with this fire of faith.

But he had read the relevant information in the mobile phone library. Among the elf gods, there is a "dark girl". His name is "Elise". Although she is the daughter of the spider queen Rose, her relationship with the devil is very different. The mother is completely different, but a very kind and kind.

The Maiden of Darkness has good relations with many gods, especially the Darkmoon and the Goddess of Magic.

Therefore, his divine power is not very strong among the gods, or even weaker, but few gods dare to oppose him, even the spider queen Luosi is very afraid of this daughter who hates herself.

The good races in the underground world, especially the dark elves who are eager to return to the surface, are almost all followers of the dark girl.

This is the case with Tiberium, his belief in the Dark Maiden is extremely devout.

When he first met Izt, Raistlin was surprised to find out that he was actually a follower of the Dark Moon Goddess, not a girl of darkness. However, there is also the second believer of the Dark Moon Goddess Eluna, who is the female wood elf next to her.

A wood elf appeared in Menzoberran, and Raistlin could guess what happened to her.

Unsurprisingly, she was a slave captured by the dark elves, and then she was lucky enough to meet Tyberon, sparking love between the two and becoming husband and wife.

Izzet let go of his dangling heart and removed his secret guard.

"I'll introduce you to you." He smiled. "This is my best friend in Menzoberran, Tyberon Tarkenduis, the second son of House Tarkenduis, A drow noble, now one of the three lieutenants of the Grey Lizards of Menzoberran."

Then he pointed to the wood elves and said, "This beautiful lady is Tariel, the wife of Tyberon."

The female elf greeted gracefully, "Taril has seen you all."

The peculiar elf couple watched the four of them curiously, and greeted them one by one whenever Izt introduced their names.

Tariel is a high-level ranger, and he can't exactly sense the strength of the four. He only feels very powerful. Guess it should be a legend.

As a legendary middle-rank drow warrior, Tyberon has experienced countless life-and-death battles for hundreds of years, and his eyesight is much better than that of his wife.

He became more and more shocked, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

"Izt..." Tiberium couldn't help but say.

The Demon Hunter knew what he was going to ask, and smiled: "You read that right, my friends are all legendary high-ranking powerhouses."

"Then you?" Taberron suddenly turned his head and stared at this old friend who he hadn't seen for more than 20 years, as if he had already got the answer he wanted.

"I'm already a saint." Izt replied indifferently.

"The dark moon is above!" The wood elves exclaimed.

Tiberium stepped back abruptly, his lips trembled a few times, and he cried with joy: "You finally succeeded! Izt, I've been waiting for this day for too long. When I first met you, I knew it. You must succeed, finally...finally..."

Tears of joy flowed from the eyes of the mighty drow warrior.

With tears flowing, he knelt down halfway toward the house and prayed silently.

Raistlin looked in that direction and found a secret room. Inside was a sculpture that was as high as ordinary people. It was a naked dark elf woman dancing in the moonlight with a silver sword in her hand. Her silver hair cascaded down to her ankles. , The posture is unrestrained and graceful, exuding infinite charm.

He recognized that this was the statue of the dark girl Elise.

Following Tiberium's prayer, the statue reacted slightly, as if it had come to life, and the shadows in the secret room were dancing.

When the prayer was over, the vision of the statue also disappeared.

When Tyberon stood up, his expression had recovered, and he asked Raistlin and the others to sit down and asked, "Izzt, you have successfully advanced to the Holy Rank, and you have returned to Menzoberran with your powerful surface friends. important things?"

In his expectant gaze, Izzy nodded lightly, "Yes."

The wood elves next to him also became nervous.

Izt said: "I have found a suitable place for the clansmen on the surface. When I come back this time, I want to inform everyone to prepare and take you out of the Underdark."

"Really?" Tariel couldn't sit still.

Tiberium had some guesses, but when he heard Izzet say it himself, the mood that had just calmed down became very excited again.

"Of course it's true." Izzet told the elf couple not to get too excited, "but not now, we need time to make a perfect evacuation plan."

"When? How long?"

Izzet glanced at Raistlin, and the two had discussed it before.

Escape from the Underworld is no easy task for the Dark Elves, and without teleportation spells, they must travel great distances in the Underdark.

This is a near-death for the drow below the legend.

However, the biggest danger is the pursuit and killing of the same clan. There is a prohibition in the teachings of the spider queen Rose, and the dark elves will never be allowed to return to the surface.

Any drow who dares to do this is a shameless betrayal of the spider queen. He must be arrested at all costs, imposed the harshest criminal law, tortured for at least seven days and seven nights and thrown into the magic spider pit, and the flesh and soul will be thrown into the cave of the spider. All sacrificed to the spider goddess.

In order to prevent the dark elves from escaping, each newborn will be marked with a "spider mark" by the priests of Rose.

The priests can grasp the approximate range of activities of all drow through the mark of the spider.

If it is found that a spider mark is far from the city, beyond the normal range, and it is not reported to the priests, it means fleeing.

The priests of the Spider Temple will send someone to hunt them down as soon as possible.

Few of the dark elves escaped pursuit, and to avoid being tortured, those desperate dark elves committed suicide before being captured. Even so, the priests would not spare the dead escapees, flogging their corpses and hanging them on the pillars in front of the temple as a warning.

Such a terrifying end made those drow who are eager to go to the surface not dare to make the slightest change.

Priests of the Dark Maiden can remove the Spider Mark.

However, at the same time that the seal was lifted, the priest of Rose would also be alarmed.

Usually at this time, the dark elves who want to escape are still in the city, and even if they are outside the city, they will not be too far away, and it is also difficult to escape the pursuit of the spider temple.

This has become a dilemma, facing a strong enemy no matter what.

Occasionally, a few lucky people or drows with great strength managed to escape from the underground world, but it was almost impossible to escape on a large scale.

So Izzet says a sound plan is needed.

"About half a year." Izzet replied, this was the time he had set after discussing with Raistlin, but he didn't explain much, and continued, "I need you to contact the people in Menzoberran, here we are. Let's leave together at the appointed time."

Tiberium frowned, "What about the spider mark?"

"The day we escaped." Izt thought about it many times, "You don't have to worry about the pursuit of the Spider Temple, it will be blocked by me and my friends."

The female elf Tariel looked at a few humans and said suspiciously: "There are at least four Holy Orders in Menzoberran, can only you be able to stop them? There are so many drows, grey lizard cavalry regiments and slaves. Great army, no matter how fast we can run, we can’t run faster than the Flying Felbat Knights in the sky…”

"You don't have to worry about that."

Izzet waved his hand, "You don't have to flee too far, as long as you leave Menzobrai for half a day's journey, you will be safe."

The elf couple's eyes lit up, and Tyberon said in surprise, "Teleportation Array?"

"That's right!"

Izt nodded with a smile, then his face returned to seriousness, and asked, "How many people in the city are willing to go to the surface now?"

"I can be sure that there are only more than 150 people left." Tyberon's face was full of a wry smile.

"Why are there so few?" Izzet was stunned.

He has wandered in the Underdark for more than a hundred years, and has been to most drow cities. Every time he goes, he will think of ways to contact the kind drow. There are more than a thousand people in total.

Menzoberran is the most populous drow city, inhabited by nearly 40,000 dark elves and more than 100,000 slaves. When he left last time, there were more than 300 known good drows. Cut in half!

Tiberium explained: "In the years you were away, the spider temple's persecution of the good drow has become more and more serious, and almost every day in the city is searched for Elise's followers. I became a member of the Grey Lizards. After the deputy head, there are too many people staring at the bottom, conspiring to take my place, so that I dare not take action to save people easily."

Izt nodded slowly, with uncontrollable pain in his expression.

Every good drow's loss hurts him.

"We can't wait any longer." Izzet stood up and said, "Tyberron, you go out and mark tonight, and gather Elise's followers to meet in three days and announce the good news to them."

"Okay!" Tiberium responded excitedly.

The corner of the Demon Hunter's mouth raised a hint of grimness, and said softly: "By the way, I want to clear the spies lurking in the Moonlight Church, so as not to reveal the wind."

The Moonlight Church is the church of the dark girl Elise.

His vocations are "Moonlight", "Dance" and "Swordsmanship", of which "Moonlight" is subordinate to "Moon", so the dark girl Elise is also the goddess of the dark moon goddess Eluna, and the two are closely related. Like sisters.

That night, Tiberium went out in the name of the Gray Lizard cavalry patrol, leaving secret signs in many parts of the city.

When Elise's followers see the code, they can understand its meaning.

Raistlin's five were hiding in Tyberron's house.

This legendary drow warrior is the highest-ranking believer of the Church of the Moonlight in the city of Menzoberran, and has been able to reach the highest ruling class, the ruling council of Menzoberran.

Menzobly is the most typical matriarchal society with strict hierarchy. The members of the ruling council are made up of the mistresses of the top eight powerful families in the city~www.readwn.com~ They are all women and spider queens Priest of Rose.

These eight houses hold most of the power in Menzobrai.

There are dozens of other families. Under the acquiescence of the spider queen Rose, or under his control, these nobles are intriguing with each other, planning conspiracies and killings every day to get rid of the top nobles. , make your family rank further.

There are also endless fights within the family, only power and plotting, and there is no kinship at all.

Izzet was fed up with the slaughter between his brothers and sisters, that's why he came up with the idea of ​​escaping from the Underdark.

The same is true of Taberyn.

Raistlin and the others stayed at his house for three days, except for Tariel, the wood elf, and never saw a single member of his family.

Three days later, when the pillar of fire went out, it was time for Elise's followers to gather.

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