Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 641: Abyss Knight

"Can we save you?"

Izzet asked his teammates in a low voice, but everyone could see from his expression that the dark elves tended to save people.

Daunsos responded immediately, picked up the mace beside him, and said solemnly: "It is the duty of the followers of the mother goddess to destroy the evil and save the good."

Barack nodded in agreement.

The three looked at Raistlin and Athena, expecting their support. Athena's face was already eager to try, obviously inclined to save people, and said softly: "Raislin?"

Raistlin really doesn't matter, he can be saved or not.

Since the attitude of the teammates is so clear, it is useless to object, and it is not a bad thing to kill these abyss knights to charge themselves.

"Okay." He agreed quietly.

The team immediately took action, and after yesterday's battle, they had a tacit understanding.

The savage priest quickly flipped through the Tome of the Earth and blessed his teammates with divine spells. Barack also used the power of holy light. Raistlin waved his staff to quickly cast spells. Four 7th-level auxiliary spells fell on everyone. Improve combat effectiveness.

The light in the tent shone, and the blessing was completed in less than ten seconds, and the strength of the entire team skyrocketed.

Raistlin walked out of the shelter first and released an invisible force field. After all his teammates came out, Izzt put away the Leomon shelter as quickly as possible.


Raistlin floated up and quickly flew out of the woods.

The invisible force field followed him, and his teammates quickly followed and stayed within the force field, and soon reached the edge of the forest.

The group hid behind the low bushes and looked at the source of the chase.

On the dim horizon, a group of people fled in embarrassment, and the distance was still seven or eight miles away. Because of the lack of light and the obstruction of vegetation on the ground, it was not clear to see. But judging from their body shape, they must be human beings, about fifteen people, all of them riding cyan horses and running wildly.

After half a minute, the distance was even closer.

"I know them."

Daunsos couldn't hide the surprise on his face, and quickly said in a low voice: "They are the 'Fearless Fist', they belong to the Soul Hunting Team under the command of the Oakelan City Lord 'One Punch Martial Saint' Bruce, and their overall strength is extremely high. Strong, the members are at least high-level transcendents, and the professional configuration and weapons and equipment are the top in Albert Bay, only obeying the city lord, and their status is no less than that of the Knights of Raging Fist."

Raistlin nodded slightly.

In addition to having an extraordinary legion each, the three holy-rank city lords of Albert Bay have also created several relatively large-scale private armed forces, usually operating in the name of soul hunting teams or mercenary teams.

This kind of private armed forces is small in number and flexible in mobilization. Sometimes it is the personal guard of the city owner, sometimes it goes out of the city to clear monsters, and when necessary, it shoulders the heavy responsibility of defending the city.

Of course, they also often do some unsightly things for the city lord.

"It turned out to be them." The dark elves also recognized it, and said strangely: "Why did the people from the Fearless Fist come here?"

Others were also very puzzled.

It goes deep into the hinterland of the New World, more than 5,000 miles away from the Gulf of Albert.

The Soul Hunters generally only operate near the cities and strongholds of humans on the west coast. The farther they are, the more dangerous they are. They seldom climb over the Roqueches Mountains, even if the strength of the Fearless Fist is far beyond the ordinary Soul Hunters, running so far away from Albert Bay. Far away is too dangerous for them.

The facts at hand also bear this out.

Soon, the members of the Fearless Fist could see clearly, almost everyone was injured, mentally exhausted and desperate.

Their career configuration is complex, but also very complete.

Iron Guard, Great Swordsman, Berserker, Fighter, Warlock, Ranger, Gunslinger, Magic Swordsman, Priest, Shepherd, from melee to ranged, as well as spellcaster and healer, there are two to each extraordinary class. Three, enough for any combat situation.

And there are three legendary powerhouses in the team.

A legendary middle-level great swordsman, a legendary fighter, and a legendary magic swordsman.

The wind-scaled horses under them are also one of the best mounts, with fast speed, heavy load and long stamina. But at this moment, it is as exhausting as running for three days and three nights in a row, the mane is soaked with sweat, panting violently, He Neng has been consumed to the brink of collapse, no matter how the owner on the back urges the whipping, their speed is not fast. stand up.

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up..."

The superhumans on the wind scale horses screamed desperately, looking back from time to time, their faces terrified, as if there were terrifying monsters chasing and killing them.

In fact, the things chasing them are more intimidating than the monsters.

Raistlin looked into the distance. It was also a group of humans riding war horses, but their war horses were taller, stronger and faster. The knights on the horses were all wearing black and red rough armor, with a burly stature. , wild and cold, even from a few miles away, you can feel a monstrous evil breath blowing towards your face.

His pupils contracted slightly.

These are the "Abyss Knights" in Izt's mouth, and the breath on them is fel energy.

However, the power of fel energy, which is extremely deadly to ordinary humans, is the source of the power of these knights. The ubiquitous fel energy in the abyss wasteland makes their arrogance even higher.

Black flames billowed, and hoofs sounded like thunder.

More than 120 abyss knights ran, but the momentum was like galloping horses!

The team members were silent for a few seconds, their expressions a little dignified.

Abyss Knight!

Almost all Abyssal Knights are Netivites, one of the purest branches of humanity. Thousands of years ago, when Ellenus was still in the prehistoric era, a group of humans migrated from the old continent to the new continent and gradually developed their own civilization and kingdom.

This branch of humanity calls itself the Netiphers, which means Aboriginal.

In the early days of the Third Age, elves and dwarves discovered the New World and landed on the east and west coasts.

The Netiph people at that time were far inferior to the two clans in terms of strength and culture. They were quickly robbed of their place of existence, and their territory was eroded step by step.

In particular, Mrs. Neti on the east coast of the New World is regarded by arrogant elves as a ignorant and savage inferior race, similar to uncivilized trolls, not worthy of owning the precious land of the New World, so she launched a large-scale killing and expulsion of Mrs. Neti. .

The entire Third Age is a history of blood and tears of the Netiphers.

By the time of the Abyss invasion at the end of the era, the Netivites in the New World were less than 1% of their heydays, almost genocide, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of people were driven to a barren land east of the Chicross Mountains.

The abyss invasion gave the Netiphers the hope of revenge.

They plunged into the abyss without hesitation, offered their lives and beliefs to the ancient evil god, embraced fel energy in exchange for strength, and launched **** revenge against the elves.

The elven cities and lands fell so quickly, and it was the people of Netiph who were to blame.

The loyalty of the Netiphers was rewarded.

When the head of the four evil gods in the abyss, the Lord of Darkness "Yuk Thorne", cast a blood and soul curse on all human beings, and the people of Netiph were no exception. However, the curse of blood and soul not only did no harm to the Netifers who had become followers of the abyss, but it was a blessing.

In fact, the Netiphers refer to the curse of the blood and soul as the "blessing of the abyss."

Other human beings will go crazy when they hear the ravings of the Lord of Darkness, but in the ears of the Netif people, it is the revelation of the gods. People with outstanding talent can also comprehend the power essence of the abyss and evil energy from the ravings, and thus have great strength. rise.

Nor will their lifespans be shortened by the torment of the curse.

Instead, they lived longer and longer, and even the most mediocre Netiphers could live to be five hundred years old.

Their stature became stronger, their talent potential was completely stimulated by evil energy, and they were born with power comparable to the extraordinary, becoming one of the most powerful races in the world.

Of course, all this is not without cost.

Evil can make the characters of the Netiphers become bloodthirsty and ruthless like demons, and there is a tendency to destroy all things in the world hidden in the soul. They retain human intelligence and desire, and show it unabashedly, practicing the law of the jungle within the ethnic group, the weak eat the strong, and the strong dominate everything of the weak, including property, freedom and even life.

In addition, the bodies of the demonized Netiphers will also undergo varying degrees of distortion. The abyss evil gods they worship are different, and their variations are also different.

In the eyes of the intelligent races of the Old World, the Netiphers are no longer human, and they are called "demons".

But this did not affect the strength of the Netiph people in the slightest. They have practiced the mastery of fel energies from birth, deliberately inducing physical aberrations, and pride themselves on it.

Similar to humans in the Old World, the Netiphers have developed many extraordinary occupations.

The most common is the Abyss Knight, whose body is enhanced by fel energy.

They, purgatory mages and shadow priests, are all believers who worship the Lord of Darkness. In addition, there are death knights and necromancers under the lord of necromancy; warlocks and nightmare assassins who worship the lord of chaos; plague warlocks, polluters, pus-rider warriors who spread disease and kindness for the lord of plague, and so on.

In the abyss, the status of the Netivites has been equal to that of the demons, and they are even more favored by the four gods of the abyss than most demons.

Almost all of the Netiphers worship the Lord of Darkness, so the Knights of the Abyss are the most numerous.

Now the population of the Netiphs has recovered to its peak, even more than in its heyday, occupying 70% of the eastern plains of the New World.

According to the speculation of some senior adventurers, there are at least 30 million Netiph Demons in the New World.

No matter in terms of individual strength, population, or territory, the Netivites rank first among the four major groups in the abyss, and are stronger than the evil orcs, demonized elves and abyss dwarves combined.

The number of abyss knights alone may be three million!

If it weren't for the constant internal struggles of the Netif people, they were divided into dozens of powerful tribes, fighting against each other, fighting for power and profits, falling into endless internal friction, and there has never been a king who could lead the whole tribe. It is impossible for human beings to build in the New World Strongholds and cities.

If the Netiph people unite and hit the Old World, it will definitely be a disaster.

At this moment, it is a group of abyss knights who are chasing the "Fearless Fist".

The extraordinary occupation of this abyss force seems to be similar to that of the human iron guard. It is everywhere in the Netif people. Both of them have the same outstanding strength, solid defense, and mainly close-quarters attacks.

In fact, the strength of the Abyss Knight is several times stronger than that of the Iron Guard.

The four iron guards may all be able to beat an abyss knight of the same level.

In addition to their powerful strength and defense, the power of evil energy they master has various uses, bursting lethality, improving protection, resisting magic damage, restoring physical strength, and polluting the mind and soul of the enemy, with almost no weaknesses.

Moreover, the Abyss Knight can summon a "Hell Warhorse" from the abyss.

This kind of warhorse with black evil flames burning on its eyes, four hooves and mane is actually a special kind of demon. Their strength will grow with their master, and if they are killed, they will be resurrected in the abyss.

The strength of the **** warhorse itself is comparable to the extraordinary of the same level.

In battle, they communicate with their masters and connect with the nearby warhorses. The more they are, the stronger they are, like a whole.

With the rumbling of the horse's hoofs, the abyss knight approached little by little.

"They are not ordinary abyss knights." After a few glances, Izt couldn't help but change his face slightly, and lowered his voice to remind his teammates.

Needless to say, Raistlin saw it too.

These abyss knights are the worst and have high-level strength. There are five legends in the team, and the strongest leader is actually a legendary high-level abyss knight.

His mount is one meter higher than other **** war horses, and the horse's head is more than three meters high from the ground. The abyss knight shrouded in black flames is wearing dark armor, tall and wide, with a pair of huge spirals protruding from both sides of the helmet. Devil's Horn, holding a black iron giant sword like a door in his hand.

The eye of the soul saw the boundless blood red color in the soul of the abyss knight.

Raistlin's heart shuddered.

This abyss knight is a divine choice blessed by the Lord of Darkness, an abyss divine choice that makes countless people terrified!

He said lightly: "He is the divine choice of the abyss!"

The eyelids of the teammates all jumped, it turned out to be the abyss divine choice!

Every abyss **** player was stained with countless blood and caused unimaginable killings. Only then did they get the awards of the four gods of the abyss, and they sent blessings in person, so that they had terrifying strength that surpassed their peers.

The abyss knight led by the abyss divine election, it is no wonder that the Fearless Fist can be hunted down so miserably.

There is also a purgatory mage next to the terrifying abyss divine selection, which is at least a legendary middle-level. Purgatory mages are not as weak as human wizards and elf mages. They are strong, and their melee strength is no less than that of abyss knights, or even better.

The other three Legendary Elementary Abyss Knights are also much stronger than the average Legendary Transcendent.

There are far more than fifteen members of the Fearless Fist.

They obviously fought hard and suffered heavy casualties, with only a few escaping. Short of specialized teleportation spellcasters, these people will sooner or later be overtaken by the Abyss Knights and eventually wiped out.

The Netiphers are also aware of this, so they are not in a hurry.

Like a cat playing a mouse, they slowly approached the fleeing human beings. The despair revealed by the enemy when they looked back made them very happy, and they laughed playfully from time to time.

However, these abyss knights did not let up.

Raistlin and the others exchanged a few words in the mind link, and quickly made a decision.

Two waves of people fled and chased, getting closer and closer to the woods~www.readwn.com~ After half a minute, the Fearless Fist was less than three miles away from the hiding place of Raistlin and others, and suddenly changed the direction of escape, exhausting the last The force accelerated in the direction of the woods.

The abyss knight behind seemed to sense the clue, and immediately accelerated the speed of chasing.

The distance between the two sides shortened rapidly.

When the wind-scaled horse was only a few hundred meters away from the forest, the abyss knight behind him was closer to them. The horse under him was nearly exhausted, and the speed inevitably slowed down, making the eyes of the superhumans full of despair, ready to stop. Make a last-ditch resistance.


A crisp battle cry sounded in the woods.

Immediately, the transcendents saw a tall figure rising into the sky in the woods ahead, fast as lightning, leaping over their heads in an instant and falling to the abyss knight behind.

In an instant, they vaguely saw that it was a human female warrior holding a long sword and a round shield!

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