Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 628: Golden Gate Hotel

The teleportation formation in Albert Bay was built on an island, less than twenty miles offshore.

Even at this distance, the city walls built along the coastline still look extremely tall in the eyes. The city walls are built on the top of the mountain, more than a mile above sea level, and a hundred meters wide. At the end, it seemed to hold up the entire sky, majestic and shocking.

The huge city wall was not completely closed, and there was a gap about two miles wide facing the direction of the island where the teleportation formation was located. It was the outlet strait of Albert Bay and the gateway to the city.

A red bridge is built above the strait, connecting the city walls on both sides, allowing people and carriages to pass.

This is the famous "Gordon Bridge".

Under the bridge, ships of various types pass in an orderly manner, with turbulent currents.

Raistlin's eyes crossed the bridge, and he could see a corner of the city behind the city wall. The scattered street scene was imprinted in his eyes. The streets were crowded with people, and the prosperity was no less than that of the big cities of the empire. Better than many provincial capitals, can be ranked second-tier.

Athena also looked a little ecstatic.

Not far from the teleportation hall is the pier, and someone shouted loudly: "If you want to get on the boat, you only need ten silver crowns to get to the 'Hunter's Point' pier."

"Go to 'Longwan Wharf' and set off immediately."

"Go to the 'Oaklan Pier', 15 silver crowns per person, and three more people to leave, and a map of the holy city is included, only seven days a month, save you the trouble of asking for directions, this is a great opportunity not to be missed... "

There were shouts on the pier one after another.

When they saw someone coming out of the teleportation hall, they immediately gathered around to solicit customers enthusiastically, reminding Raistlin of the black car driver outside the train station in his previous life, and he felt a bit cordial. TV debut@@@

"Two gentlemen and ladies, do you want to take a boat?" A middle-aged boat owner came up, pointed to a simple sailboat on the dock, and said with a smile on his face, without the cramps of ordinary people in front of the extraordinary, obviously long ago got used to.

"No need." Raistlin declined coldly.

"Yes, I am disturbing your Excellency."

The ship owner hurriedly backed away. When he saw Raistlin dressed as a wizard, he didn't have much hope at first, he just asked a tentative question.

"Wait." Athena stopped him. "Bring us a map of Albert Bay."

"Okay, noble lady." The middle-aged boat owner showed joy, quickly took out a printed map from the cloth bag around his waist, and quoted: "Three silver crowns."

If it was in the Empire, a map that might cost only a few copper plates was sold for three silver crowns, and would definitely be scolded as a black-hearted profiteer, but in Albert Bay, where there were many extraordinary people, almost no one would care.

Athena readily paid for the map and unfolded it in front of Raistlin and herself.

After only one look, she exclaimed: "Albey Bay is so big!"

"Yeah." Raistlin's expression also changed.

From the map, the entire bay of Albert Bay is almost completely surrounded by land, like sea water pouring into a deep valley, and the only exit is the narrow strait where Gordon Bridge is located. The bay embedded in the land is an irregular arc, long from north to south, narrow from east to west, with a maximum length of nearly 60 miles. The surrounding land is surrounded by continuous mountains, and there are several islands in the bay.

The climate inside the bay is pleasant. Most of the time of the year is sunny. Because it is close to the sea, it is not very hot in summer, and it is not too cold in winter for only half a month.

During the Third Era, the Gulf of Albert was the domain of the dwarves, and at that time it was the best natural harbor known in the world, maybe not one of them.

Later, when the abyss invaded and the dwarves and elves withdrew from the New World, the gods joined forces to launch a "Great Earthquake" to destroy the demon army, and most cities in the New World sank into the ground.

Albert Bay, on the west coast, was far from the epicenter and was fortunately only slightly affected.

More than a thousand years ago, humans re-landed the new continent.

The superhumans have spent decades clearing up the monsters and the tribe of Netifers occupying the Gulf of Albert, but the forces of the abyss have been peeping over this treasure.

For hundreds of years, there have been countless battles, the enemy and the enemy have seen back and forth, and the Gulf of Albert has changed hands more than a dozen times.

Eventually, humans decided to build walls on the surrounding mountains.

This huge city wall took more than 200 years from its proposal to its completion, and it became the tallest and longest city wall in the history of Ellenus. It completely surrounded Albert Bay, giving the extraordinary people a great advantage in the face of monsters. The Gulf of Albert has never been breached since then, and it has won space for people to develop.

The inhabitants of Albert Bay call it the "Great Wall", and it is still being expanded and strengthened to this day.

There are three cities within the Great Wall.

They are "San Fangigi", "José" and "Oakland".

They are built along the bay, San Fangieg is the most populous and most powerful, and controls the exit of the bay and the Gordon Bridge. Entering the Bay of Albert is the first step on the territory of the city of San Fanzig; Jose is located in the Gulf of Albert. The southern part of the city has the least population, but has developed trade, has a large number of clever alchemists and magic shops, and is a gathering place for aliens other than humans; Oakland is opposite to St. Fangig, occupying the entire coast of the bay and having the largest area. , the population is also very large, but the proportion of ordinary people in the residents is very high, so the overall strength is not as good as the other two cities.

Raistlin glanced at the map, and quickly memorized it by heart. The phone also copied the map to his personal library.

"We're going into town."

He opened a portal and the two walked in.

The landing point of the portal is on the Gordon Bridge. As soon as you come out, you can see the whole picture of Albert Bay. The magnificent city walls on both sides are like steep cliffs, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Beneath the huge wall, countless houses are built on the mountain. The hillside at the foot of the wall is getting lower and lower layer by layer, and the terrain gradually slows down. The flat urban area extends to the water of the bay. There are many ships and magic airships take off from time to time.

This is the city of St. Fangieg, one of the reasons why Albert Bay is called the "Holy City".

Looking across the bay, there is also a bustling city, Oakland.

"It's amazing!"

Athena couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Raistlin nodded. If he hadn't known in advance, who would have thought that such a prosperous city could be located in a crisis-ridden New World.

Neither of them were in a hurry to get into town, so they strolled across the Gordon Bridge.

There are extraordinary guards standing guard on the bridge, and every three minutes, a well-equipped cavalry team passes on the bridge. The hooves of the war horses stepped on the bridge and made a sonorous sound, and the bridge shook. The pedestrians on the bridge were accustomed to it and did not attract much attention.

Raistlin took a few glances, the strength of this cavalry team was quite impressive.

The captain is a high-level iron guard, everyone holds a trident, and the armor is also enchanted equipment. There is a white cloak on the back with a blue sea lion badge painted on it. The whole body exudes the breath of lightning and storms, and there is a high-level storm in the team. The priest accompanies.

After that, several teams of patrol cavalry passed by, with the same strength and equipment, led by high-level storm priests.

They are the "Sea Lion Guard" of St.Fanzig.

Raistlin looked at the retreating backs of the cavalry team and withdrew his gaze.

As we all know, the lord of the city of St. Fangjig, "Akerman Namor", is a devout follower of the Lord of the Ocean and Storms, a very powerful storm priest who has been promoted to the holy rank more than seven hundred years ago.

In the Church of Storms, the Holy Storm Priest has a special title called "Ocean Lord".

Akerman is a sea lord who is said to be close to level 30.

It is this powerful storm priest who has led people to develop new continents, sweep away monsters, and resist the forces of the abyss since more than a thousand years ago. With the current situation, the city owner of Akeman is the most important.

Among the three city lords of Albert Bay, Akerman has the highest qualifications, prestige and strength.

Even the Bay of Albert was named after him.

It is rumored that Akerman is a hybrid of some mysterious sea clan and human beings, with double blood, not only invincible on land, but also unfathomable in the sea, and has the ability to command the sea clan.

The Sea Lion Guard is nothing but an extraordinary army on the face of the sea lord.

At the same time, he also controlled a large sea area on the west coast of the New World. The area of ​​this sea area was comparable to several imperial provinces and penetrated into the endless sea. All ships passing by must pay taxes to him and get a pass, otherwise they will be shipwrecked within three days of sailing at sea.

Therefore, the inhabitants of the Gulf of Albert respected Akerman as the "Sea King".

Although the power of the other two city lords is not as good as that of Sea King Akeman, they are not within the reach of ordinary people.

The city lord of Oakland is a rare saint-level fighter, known as the "One Punch Martial Saint". It is rumored that no one can catch his full-strength punch head-on. Any enemy can be destroyed with just one punch; Jose On the surface, the city lord is a shepherd of the Holy Order, known as the "Green Prophet", but her true identity is an open secret. The female city lord is an ancient emerald dragon.

Three saint-level powerhouses joined forces to sit in Albert Bay, as well as the indestructible giant wall and tens of thousands of extraordinary legions, so that the abyss forces did not dare to attack, and this is the current prosperity.

After admiring the Gordon Bridge for a while and satisfying Athena's interest, Raistlin opened the portal again and entered the city.

This time, the landing point of the portal is very close, and you can see it on the bridge.

"Hunter's Point" in St. Fangieg is the closest pier to the exit of the bay. Hundreds of boats pass by this water every day. The voices are intertwined, and the scene is prosperous.

A portal opened on the side of the road in the dock, startling the people next to it.

Then, they saw a man and a woman come out.

The man was a young wizard, wearing a black robe and holding a silver staff, which was too common in the New World to attract much attention.

However, the woman's eyes lit up, and she was actually a splendid beauty.

The vast majority of people looked away reluctantly after taking two glances.

As long as you have been in the New World for a few years, you can understand some ways and gain insight into the world. These two extraordinary people are definitely not easy to mess with. The female warrior alone is at least a legendary powerhouse. She is not happy, and she is about to fall into bad luck.

But there were still people who couldn't help but wait and watch.

In fact, Athena didn't care about it, she followed Raistlin out of the dock while observing the unique features of the city.

The biggest feeling is that the proportion of extraordinary people is too high.

When she was in Modu, she often went out to play. She knew that human beings are not like storm giants. The proportion of people who can walk on the path of transcendence is actually very low. Modu is already one of the cities with the highest concentration of extraordinary power in the world, with an average of three There is only one extraordinary person out of 400 ordinary people.

But in St. Francis Xavier, superhumans are everywhere.

In the process of walking out of the pier, I roughly counted, and the extraordinary people accounted for nearly one-third, which was already unbelievable.

The resident population of the entire Albert Bay is about 600,000. According to this ratio, the number of extraordinary people is 200,000, and they are not ordinary extraordinary people. Those who dare to venture into the new continent are stronger than extraordinary people of the same level. Stronger, definitely elite.

This can be seen from the extraordinary people around.

There are many traces of battle on their weapons and armor. They are all fierce in temperament and sharp eyes. They are obviously strong people who have experienced hundreds of battles. Some people are even stained with solidified black blood. city.

Coming out of the bustling wharf, there is a broad avenue paved with stone slabs in front of you.

The wharf is always the most prosperous part of a port city.

Hundreds of meters away, a conspicuous hotel is located on the water's edge. The location is excellent. It occupies a large area of ​​land along the coast and is close to the pier street. It has seven floors in total. The scenery on the bay, admiring the sunset of Gordon Bridge, the guests coming in and out of the lobby on the ground floor, there are voices of changing cups and talking loudly.

Athena read out the name of the shop on the sign outside the wall: "Golden Gate Hotel..."

"Are we going to live here?"

"Yeah." Raistlin replied, "I made an agreement with people a few years ago. If you come to Albert Bay, you can go to the Golden Gate Hotel to find them. If they are there, you can familiarize yourself with the local situation."

"You even have friends in the New World!" Athena was a little surprised.

Raistlin smiled, "It should be considered a friend."

In fact, he was once their creditor.

Those two people were extraordinary people who sold their "Crystal Lizard" demon souls in Longshande's demon soul market. The ranger urgently needed to purchase the Feathered Snake Demon Soul to become an elemental shooter. He didn't have enough money. After selling the crystal lizard, he was still short of 500 gold shields.

Less than half a year later, they paid back the money.

However, Ren did not receive the five hundred gold shields in person. At that time, he had already left Longshand and went to Modu to take up the post of Earl of Glamorgan. The other party inquired about the news and sent the money to Longshande's house, which was handed over to him by his brother Brissett. On ~www.readwn.com~ I haven't seen each other since, and the other party didn't take the opportunity to get involved.

When borrowing money, the eye of the soul saw that these two were of good character and worthy of trust, and the repayment of the money later confirmed his judgment.

They are members of the Soul Hunter team and have lived in Albert Bay for a long time, so they should be able to provide themselves with some help.

I just don't know if these two are going out on an adventure now.

The Golden Gate Hotel is just as its name suggests. The wide and tall main entrance is engraved with gold lines, and it is beautiful. Raistlin and Athena entered the lobby, and a wave of heat and alcohol hit their faces. Then, the noisy lobby suddenly quieted down.

Hundreds of extraordinary people sitting at the table eating and drinking, most of them men, turned their heads one after another and cast their gazes at the two of them as if sharks smelled blood.

To be precise, it was Athena who caught their attention.

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