Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 23: Wizarding School

   Renn heard the word free and almost got up and left.

   Is the free one the most expensive?

Thinking that he was so young and ignorant that he was fooled by how many games were advertised as "free". He jumped into big pits, with countless krypton gold, and lost his liver. In the end, he realized that he was just a rich second who spent money like the earth. The paid accompany of the generations becomes their gaming experience.

  Ryan thought of these painful experiences, but he forgot to reply immediately.

   Viola looked at his face changing, as if a little unhappy, wondering if he said something wrong, and didn't know what to say for a while, there was a strange silence in the room.


Rennes finally remembered that this is not a game. He gave a dry cough and said in a bit embarrassed manner: "Ms. Viola, I really haven't made careful consideration about the choice of extraordinary careers. Please Ms. Viola to tell me. "

The half-elf nodded slightly and said earnestly: "Mr. Lane just took a soul test and insisted on it for twenty-five minutes. This kind of talent is already extremely high. In our three colleges in Longshande, you may not find a few. A genius like Mr. Lane."

   Ryan waved his hand in a humble manner. In fact, he had long been secretly refreshed. He was very happy when he heard a big beautiful woman boasting about herself in person.

   "With your talent, the first choice for your career must be a wizard."

Viola raised a hand and smoothed a strand of blond hair behind her ears, revealing her pointed ears, and continued: "The empire is protected by the goddess and ruled by wizards, and wizards are the oldest and most powerful transcendental profession of mankind. There may not be one. No matter what you consider, you should be a wizard."

   Lane deeply agrees.

  Actually, in the Orioncer Empire, the most desired extraordinary profession is the wizard.

  The wizard is always the first choice of the extraordinary!

   Although other extraordinary professions are also very powerful, and even stronger than wizards in some aspects, as long as they are qualified to become wizards, few people give up such opportunities.

   Of course, wizards have very high requirements for aptitude. Among those who pass the soul-changing ceremony, only one-twentieth of those who have the opportunity to become a wizard may be the most talented.

   Therefore, almost all the most powerful figures in the empire are wizards.

   Wren didn't immediately agree to Roger and become a demon hunter. The main reason was that he was wondering if he had a chance to change to a wizard. If not, he would retreat and consider the demon hunter next.

   Viola said here, she didn't see any movement, a crow made of flame appeared out of nowhere.

   The fire crow has a wingspan of about half a meter and is vivid and vivid, just like a real bird of prey.

   It hovered around the room, then grabbed a cup of tea from the table and flew towards Renn, hanging steadily in front of Renn, without splashing a drop of the tea in his paws.

   "Please have tea." Viola made a please gesture.

   Ryan took the teacup, and the fire crow dissipated immediately, as if it had never appeared before.

   However, in the eyes of his soul, the fire crow decomposed into red energy, which flowed to Viola, sank into her forehead, in the illusory tower in the soul, and the demon soul of the fire crow reappeared in the bottom layer.

   Rain knew that Viola was a wizard, but he still pretended to be surprised.

   "Ms. Viola, you are a wizard!"

   Viola was very satisfied with Ren's reaction. She showed off her hand and asked, "Mr. Ren, do you know which schools of wizards have and which specialties?"

   "Three schools, eight specializations?" Reyn answered uncertainly.

   Wizards are an extraordinary profession that everyone yearns for, but wizards are aloof and very mysterious. People outside the extraordinary know very little about wizards.

   Teachers in the academy also often mention it, but the teachers are not wizards, they only know some terms, and they can’t always explain what is going on.

   Viola was a little surprised, "Mr. Lane is not ignorant of wizards."

"I heard from the teacher once in the academy and introduced some well-known wizarding professions, such as the Wizard of All Souls, but I don't know which schools and which specializations there are." Wren reacted after speaking. It was accidentally revealed that it was a student of the college.

   Viola had a smile in his eyes and said, "Your teacher is right. Wizards are indeed divided into three schools and eight specializations."

   Next, she told Renn about the professional knowledge of wizards in detail.

   The first extraordinary profession born among human beings was a wizard.

   In the beginning, the human sage was to imitate the magical ability of the wizard wizard. Later, with the inspiration and help of the magic goddess, he gradually improved the wizard system and became one of the most powerful extraordinary professions.

   There are eight schools of traditional wizards, which are divided according to the way the spells are cast and the effects of the spells. Wizards are divided into three schools based on differences in the method of soul fusion.

   are the Fayin school, the soul school and the combat school.

  The Dharma Seal School enhances soul power through the fusion of Dharma Seals.

  The essence of the seal is the element. The wizards stripped the secret magic elements from the devil soul, made the seal, incorporated it into their soul, and then used the soul power to drive the seal to cast spells.

  The Dharma Seal School has four specializations, namely "Elemental Envoy", "Arcane Master", "Psionicist" and "Dark Magician". These specializations are all advanced professions and require corresponding elemental affinity elements.

   Among the four specializations, the most common one is the elementary.

   More than half of the wizards are elemental users, and because of the differences in personal element affinity, the elementary wizards have different types of spells. Nearly ten elemental users can be subdivided, which is very complicated.

   Arcanists master the Arcane energy and have the highest talent requirements among the four specializations, which is very rare.

  The other two specializations, psionicists and dark magicians are rare, because these two types of seals are difficult to find and it is difficult to improve their strength, so few wizards choose these two specializations.

   is the Mihun school next, they drive demons to fight.

  The Soul Guardian ignites the fire of the soul through meditation, builds a "soul gathering tower" in the soul, and integrates the complete demonic soul into the soul gathering tower for growth.

   When needed, the magic soul in the tower can provide the wizard with combat power.

   There are three specializations in the    Soul Guardian School, which are "Various Wizards", "A Thousand Magic Wizards" and "All Souls Wizards".

   The three specializations represent three different ways of fighting.

   Variety wizards are also known as transforming wizards. They let the soul possess the ability to transform and cast spells through new forms. After multiple kinds of demonic possessions are superimposed, the melee and spellcasting abilities of the transforming wizard are far beyond the demonic soul itself. The fighting style is endless and versatile. It can adapt to almost all environments and is extremely difficult to kill.

   A thousand magic wizards, as the name suggests, is a wizard who masters one thousand spells.

   Of course, a thousand kinds of spells are exaggerated, but it also shows the characteristic of a thousand magic wizards, that is, they master a large number of spells.

   Thousand Magical Wizards also cultivate demons in the Soul Gathering Tower, but the demons they choose are mainly elemental creatures, spirits and strange monsters.

   These three types of demon souls are usually born with a variety of spells and possess some powerful and rare spell-casting skills.

   Thousand Magic Wizards cast spells through the possession of the demon soul, and can switch the possessed demon soul in an instant, so as to master all the spells of the demon soul in the tower and combine different spelling techniques to form an unexpected spell effect.

   In addition, when necessary, the Thousand Magic Wizards can also directly summon all the demons from the tower, and use them to cast spells together to bombard the enemy with spells.

  The last specialization in the school of souls is the wizard of all souls.

   Because of the popularity of the Wan Ling card, almost everyone knows the fame of the Wan Ling wizard. Even ordinary people, even if they don't know how to play cards, have heard of the extraordinary profession of the Wizard of Souls.

   There are even some people who don’t understand, thinking that all wizards are magical wizards.

   Actually, the Wizard of All Souls is only a branch of the Soul Guardian school, and perhaps the most powerful branch.

The spirit wizard is more like a summoner. They can also allow the demon soul to temporarily strengthen themselves, but the most reliant way of fighting is to summon the demon soul in the soul gathering tower and form the demon soul entity with soul power to drive it. They fight.

  The magical wizard pursues the number of demons and combines various demons to achieve different combat goals.

   In addition to the demonic souls contained in the soul gathering tower, the magic soul can also be made into soul crystals by the magic soul.

   Because the appearance of the soul crystal is like a card, it is also called a soul card.

  The magical wizard injects soul power into the soul card, and can also summon the magic soul.

   The devil soul raised in the Soul Gathering Tower is called the inner soul, and the one summoned by the soul card is the outer soul.

   The inner soul can be recalled at any time, and the remaining soul power that constitutes the soul body will also be recovered. Even if it is killed, it can be resurrected after being cultivated; if the outer soul is killed, it will disappear. UU read www.uukanshu. Com becomes a one-time consumable, and no matter whether the outer soul is killed or not, the soul power that constitutes the soul body will be gone forever.

   Even so, with the help of Soul Card, the Wizard of All Souls has become one of the most powerful wizard specializations.

   The known demons in the world are divided into sixteen major categories. Under each major category, they are subdivided into hundreds of sub-categories. Among them, there are countless demons with unique functions.

  Wanling Wizards are a group of experts who have the most thorough research on the types of devil souls. They cultivate and grow devil souls and summon them to form a unique combination of effects and apply them in different combat situations.

   As a result, there are also different genres among all spirit wizards, called soul card combinations.

  For example, the most popular "Park of Ten Thousand Beasts" that specialize in summoning monsters, the "legion" that summons humanoid demon souls, or the "swarm of insects" that summon the number to win, etc.

   Every soul card combination represents a genre of summoning.

   All spirit wizards are keen to collect soul cards. Many alchemy shops also specially produce various soul cards for this purpose. Sometimes they sell a complete set of mature soul cards at a higher price.

  The All Souls card is a card game that imitates the battle of the All Souls Wizard.

   It's just that people's cards can't summon demons.

   Ovira is a wizard of all souls, so the introduction is very detailed, and there is a faint pride in the words.

   Finally, Viola introduced the combat school.

   When she talked about the combat school, she looked quite amusing. The combat school is the smallest of the three schools and has only one specialization, which is called the combat wizard.

   Renn had never heard of the Battle Wizard before, and immediately aroused a lot of interest.

   "Battle Wizard!"

   "This profession sounds like a great job."

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