Warhammer Wizard

Chapter 357: Mind Blast

Under the acceleration of gravity, Ren's speed is getting faster and faster.

He crossed a sloping trajectory in the sky, and the wind whistled in his ears. Because the speed was too fast, the friction between the armor and the air began to gradually heat up.

The airship is getting closer and closer in view.

Ren took out a bottle of "Furious Beast Blood Potion" and drank it, his eyes were congested, and he entered a violent state. It has to be lighter, and it is more convenient to wave it.

Apart from that, he didn't bless himself with any spells, like a real orc warrior.

The airship was still flying, and when Renn fell within a kilometer, he was finally discovered.

Such a huge threat, it is impossible to hide from the legendary psionicist's induction.

A figure flashed onto the deck, and when he looked up, he saw the orcs approaching rapidly in the sky. His pupils shrank immediately, and he raised his hand to sound an alarm, which woke everyone on the airship.

Ren was also observing each other.

He looks very young, less than forty years old, with an ordinary appearance, wearing a luxurious enchanted robe, his eyes are calm, and even if he detects the enemy's attack, he does not panic. The eye of the soul shows that he is an eleventh-level legendary wizard, a full-time psionicist, and has also studied spells other than the mind department.

"Legendary psionicist Rokanan, one of the youngest students of the Duke of Redstone." Ren matched the information he knew.

The people on the airship responded quickly, and a group of Scarlet Flame Sword Guards rushed out.

There are five other wizards.

Ren saw Phyllis at a glance. She hasn't seen her for almost two years. She has not changed much. Her beautiful face, good posture, and curly red hair make her very conspicuous in the crowd.

Her strength has also increased from an eighth-level wizard to a ninth-level wizard.

Milton, a former teammate of the Exorcist team, closely followed Phyllis's side, and the relationship between the two was obviously unusual.

This convinced Ren without a doubt that when he was in Longshande the year before last, he failed to report the Heretic God believers because of the inner ghost Milton. The wizard of Pallas Floating City is really related to the evil **** "Fraudster" Rosie, secretly manipulating the conspiracy against the Duke of Silver Star.

While it's unclear if they were successful or what their ultimate goal was, many things are explained.

Ren's mind turned sharply.

A legendary psionicist, two high-level wizards and three middle-level wizards, and a team of ten Red Flame Sword Guards in total, these are all the enemies on the airship.

Today, no one returns to Pallas alive.

His descent was getting faster and faster, and it was only less than 500 meters in a blink of an eye. The wizards on the deck opened their shields one after another, waiting in full force.

Rokanan suddenly waved his staff, and an invisible force field spread.

This force field covered the entire airship, and after the light was distorted, the airship disappeared in the sky.

"Advanced Invisibility."

At the same time, the pilot of the airship was instructed by Rocanan to control the airship to change its flight direction. This is the best way to deal with it, to prevent the orcs from boarding the airship and causing damage. If the orcs do not have a way to buffer the fall damage, they may fall directly to the ground and die.

However, this had no effect on Rennes.

Under the will of truth, he can still clearly see the position of the airship, adjust his posture in mid-air, and slightly change the direction of falling.

Rocanan's field of vision was blocked by the airbag, and he failed to respond in time.

After a few seconds.

The airbag of the airship rapidly enlarged in front of Ren, and he was on top of his head, clenching the giant axe in both hands and swinging hard.


With a loud bang, the protective spell of the airbag was instantly smashed by the giant axe, and Ren's body penetrated directly, passed out from under the airbag, and smashed heavily on the top layer of the airship.

The huge falling momentum and the heavy body caused Ren to smash into the belly of the airship from the top layer, leaving a large hole several meters in diameter. The whole airship trembled and slowed down. The airbag was also leaking frantically, and the airship fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"You go and fix the airbag." Rokanan gave the order to the two high-ranking wizards.

Then, he opened an arbitrary door and walked in.

Ren stood up from a pile of airship fragments, shook his head and shook off the impact of the fall, and saw that the airship's magic furnace was a dozen meters away in front of him. It was barely running, and a lot of steam and energy leaked from the broken pipes. When I came out, it was hazy everywhere.

This is the power room of the airship. There were originally two mechanics taking care of it. One was smashed to death on the spot, and the other was knocked unconscious by the shock wave.

Just as he was about to throw an axe at the magic furnace, it was completely destroyed, and out of the corner of his eyes he noticed in advance that any door was about to open.

So without hesitation, he launched a charge.

Bang bang bang... Ren's every step made a crack on the wooden floor, the thousand-pound axe swung a terrible howl, and even the air was split in half.

The axe blade flashed past, in the middle of the wizard who had just come out of any door.

But the touch from the axe was very light, the wizard's figure dissipated like a foam, and what Renn cut was just a phantom.

"What a high level of vigilance!"

He couldn't help but sigh, the biggest advantage of psionicists in battle lies in telepathy, they can always detect danger half a step ahead and make correct judgments.

For other wizards, he might be hacked to death as soon as he stepped out of any door.

Ren also has telepathy, which is an ability attached to the will of truth, so he can always prevail in battle. This is the first time he has met an opponent who also has telepathy.

He wasn't in a hurry to hunt through any door. number five

Passing through the enemy's arbitrary door is the most dangerous thing, and it must not be done unless it is absolutely necessary.

He turned back and went straight to the magic furnace of the airship. The giant axe slashed on the tall furnace. With a bang, a large piece of sparks splashed out, and a huge crack was cut out of the furnace. The rune on it went out, the energy stopped flowing, and the airship lost power.

Ren jumped his legs, jumped out of the big hole above his head, and landed on the top deck of the airship.

As soon as he settled down, several Scarlet Flame Sword Guards had already surrounded him.

These extraordinary beings wearing enchanted armor and holding long swords, they were ordered by Rokanan to attack without fear of death.

Rocanan himself had blessed the flying technique and floated in the air outside the airship.


Ren roared excitedly.

He ignored the flaming long sword falling on him, and with a sweep of the giant axe, terror and power were like hot knives cutting butter, easily severing the two Scarlet Flame Sword Guards in front of him.

During the battle, a familiar light fell from overhead.


Ren failed to dodge in time, and the exile technique formed a translucent cage, trapping him in it and unable to continue attacking. Because he didn't wear the blood-colored cloak, and he didn't fully use the body of the real dragon to improve spell resistance, he couldn't resist the banishment spell, and he could only end the level banishment.

Even so, banishment with only four rings can only last for less than a second at most.

More Scarlet Flame Sword Guards took the opportunity to surround them.

Rokanan was also preparing for the next spell, and Ren observed the legendary psionicist up close.

This is a typical Netherite wizard. There are many spells, there are nearly forty secret spell elements, and the functions are different. The number of rings is not very high. Only a few spells have been raised to the upper limit of his wizard rank. That is six rings.

The Duke of Redstone has a close relationship with the master "Ogurevi", who is known as the strongest wizard. The wizards under his sect, including himself, have enhanced their strength according to the magic casting concept of the Netherite.

The wizards of the Netherite School have many and complex spells, and their spellcasting is changeable.

A second passed in a flash.

Rokanan was extremely precise about the timing of casting spells, and his spell arrived almost at the same moment when the banishment ended.

Mind blowing!

This is the famous spell of the psionicist, and each psionicist must increase the number of ranks as his ultimate move.

Rokanan's Mind Blast has reached the fifth ring, and the spell can be completed in one second. It can be seen that his talent is very high. I don't know how many enemies have been directly blown off by this spell.

Through the eye of the soul, Ren has long known the spell that the other party is going to cast.

He didn't dodge and let the mind blast hit him.

The spell with terrifying power went straight to his head, but it was a mud cow entering the sea, which did not produce any effect, and even his movements did not stop at all.

It was as if the spell had failed.

Rokanan, who had always remained calm, couldn't help being stunned. Even if this orc had psychic protection and was hit by his own five-ring psychic blast, this would not be the case.

This unexpected mistake brought disastrous consequences to the Scarlet Flame Sword Guard.

Ren held the giant axe in both hands and roared for a big loop.

A cold light flashed on the blade of the axe.

Destruction Crit!

In an instant, the giant axe slashed out a whirlwind of light, swept across the surrounding Red Flame Sword Guards, no matter whether it was chopped on the part protected by the enchanted armor or not, it could not stop it. The giant axe ruthlessly cut off all obstacles. things ahead.

The head flew up, the armor shattered, and the stump fell to the ground.

Several Scarlet Flame Sword Guards surrounding him were beheaded in one breath, and the scene was terrible.

Their dying attack left only a few white marks on Ren.

Warm blood splattered on Ren's hideous face. He stuck out his tongue and licked it. His eyes were full of violent and bloodthirsty desire, which seemed to be stimulated even more violently by the blood. With a roar, Ren jumped off the top of the airship and went straight to the few wizards and the remaining Scarlet Flame Sword Guards on the bottom deck.

The biggest threat is Rokanan. He flew in mid-air. As an orc warrior who lacked long-range attack methods, Ren ignored it for the time being.

Rokanan still couldn't believe it~www.readwn.com~ that his own mind blast would fail.


Ren's feet stepped out of the cobweb-like crack on the deck, and as soon as he landed, the spells of several wizards arrived.

Ring of Frost;

spider web

greasy technique;

arrow of heart fire

Milton is also among them. He is a wizard of all spirits. He summoned two sturdy giant wolves and a group of about a dozen ice devil bats. They spit out ice arrows at Rennes, and at the same time made a harsh sound. sound waves.

This sound wave can make the target dizzy, and can only rely on will to resist.

Ren is like a real legendary warrior, letting the spell fall on him, charging high with a huge axe, and shouting: "Rockta! Ogar!"

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