As the weakest link, we naturally broke through this link without any effort, but the strange thing is that according to what Kesha said, it should have the effect of amplifying the enemy's pride. Why didn't you feel it?

No matter so much, keep digging!

These shrimps, soldiers and crabs were like children under the full moon in front of us, letting us ravage us. Soon we reached the fifth ring. It was as difficult as Kesha said, even with Krieger's artillery. No regiment can cause damage to it. The high wall here is at least ten meters thick. Otherwise, Krieger's artillery offensive would have blown the high wall apart long ago.

I have no choice but to use macro cannons to carry out damage. Of course, they are not located on orbit. After suffering a loss, I no longer dare to bomb with macro cannons on orbit, but I don’t use macro cannons on orbit to bomb. But I can use the land-based macro cannon to deal with this high wall!

Although there is no land-based macro cannon in the battleship, the battleship's macro cannon can be removed and slightly modified to become a land-based macro cannon! This is also thanks to the female angel with silver-white hair. If the female angel named He Xi had not used her intelligence to propose removing the macro cannon from the battleship and then converting it into a land-based macro cannon, as for the battleship The holes above are replaced by other weapons, such as beam bombs, a light energy weapon that angels are very fond of. Its explosion radius is about half a light year. Although it is not very powerful, it can cause a large amount of flash to blind the enemy. , the high temperature generated at the same time can evaporate or kill many animals or enemies!

People in the legion love this kind of beam bomb very much, and this female angel named He Xi also created an energy light shield for us. According to her, this is the void shield from the battleship. Inspired by this, this energy shield is very small and can be installed on the left arm of a warrior. Through the hand button, an energy shield as high as a human can be released, which can withstand bolters or heavy bombs. Although the explosive bomb attack requires a certain amount of charging time, it is not a problem for the soldiers of our Second Legion. They just need to use it less frequently.

At the same time, Hexi also created for us a weapon with a powered stance similar to a power weapon. Although this weapon with a powered field is very similar to the powered sword in our hands, it does not require a switch or anything like that. The price is high, and the blade can be replaced randomly. At the same time, if the power field on it is not used, then this sword has another function, which is high-frequency vibration. After the high-frequency vibration is turned on, the entire blade of the sword will turn red. , as if burned red by flames, but its cutting ability is more powerful than that of a power sword after turning on the power field, but the damage to the blade and body is very terrible. A sword that turns on high-frequency vibration, It can only last for an hour at most before being scrapped, and the blade can also be replaced. This invention makes the Sword and Shield veterans in our legion very excited. After all, swordsmanship masters like them rarely find their favorite weapon. , let alone such a magical weapon!

The macro cannon removed from the battleship and converted into a land-based macro cannon has a larger caliber and a longer range than the ordinary land-based macro cannon. The ordinary land-based macro cannon has a range of about thirty to forty kilometers at most, and the macro cannon on the battleship The land-based macro cannon modified from the cannon has a range of 70 to 80 kilometers, but the caliber of the corresponding artillery shells is larger and the weight of the shells is heavier. The two modified land-based macro cannons require two to three hundred people just to load the ammunition. A gantry crane and manpower can be used to load a fifty-ton shell into the barrel. It takes another half an hour to adjust the angle. In the final firing stage, everyone has to hide behind a bunker or tie themselves with ropes to avoid When the cannon is fired, the air waves and recoil will be generated to suck them into the air or shock them into the air and then fall down hard. If they don't die, they will be disabled.

But, the effect is very gratifying. The two macro cannons fire at the same time. As Krieger's elite artillery unit, their artillery aiming skills are unquestionable. In just one day, they fired 24 cannons to attack the enemy. The high-explosive armor-piercing projectile caused a huge amount of damage to the high wall in front of us, directly leveling the entire ring area!

The powerful firepower made the enemy scared and evacuated the ring area. In order to protect the land-based macro artillery from being attacked by surprise, our progress began to slow down.

After a period of slow progress, we came to the sixth ring area. There were more enemies here and the defenses were stronger. Even though the Lu Jihong artillery bombarded for a whole day, they failed to break through the enemy's defenses. The enemy had not seen the city wall. You are so arrogant that you want to play with those female angels in front of us. How is this unreasonable? It is really unreasonable. Wow! I'm furious!

~Come here, tell the Krieg artillery to fire all the basilisk lizards in turn. Even if all the shells are fired, it doesn't matter. His grandma, I don't believe I can't break your turtle shell! No matter how hard your tortoise shell is, you are still afraid of a hammer~ I said very angrily!

The Lujihong Cannon has also begun to show its power. Although there are not many cannonballs, there are not enough cannonballs. Let’s add more power! The size of a macro cannon shell is about the same as a teaching building. I don't believe it. Even if such a large shell does not explode, it can kill a lot of people just by its size!

The power of artillery cannot be underestimated, but facing this thick wall, there is no way at all. Even the king of artillery, the land-based macro cannon, has no way at all. Can we only use cyclone torpedoes?

But this is their planet. They have lived here since they were young, and then slowly grew up. Their ancestors also lived here, then grew up and grew old.

So I found Kesha and the three of them, and I asked them: ~ Kesha, Liang Bing, and He Xi. Now I have some bad news to tell you three. The consumption of troops in my hands is really amazing. Every time People are dying every moment, but that high wall stands there high. If we want to reach the center, which is the palace of the quasi-demon prince Hua Ye, then please allow me to use the cyclone torpedo~

Liang Bing asked me curiously: ~That Leon, what is that cyclone torpedo you just mentioned? It sounds awesome~

When I was about to speak, the head of the think tank Sengoku slowly walked over and said to the three of them: ~ The cyclone torpedo is a torpedo weapon used by the empire to launch extermination orders on planetary orbits. It will destroy the planet. All life on the planet burned the planet's atmosphere and boiled the planet's oceans into steam in a huge fire, leaving only bare rocks in the end. ~

~The Extinction Order is used by our empire to destroy planets that have been occupied or devoured by Chaos, and the Extinction Order is the last resort. When a planet is occupied or devoured by Chaos and cannot be changed, then the Empire will do it for the planet. The planet brings the last mercy, which is the order of extinction~. Think tank chief Zhan Guo said

~What! You just said that cyclone torpedoes are used to destroy life on the entire planet! ~ Liang Bing said with some surprise

And I watched the expressions of the three of them changing constantly, and said with some unbearability: ~Then don’t use the cyclone torpedo, after all, for you, this planet is your home! ~

At this time, as the eldest sister among the three, Kesha seemed to have decided something. She took a step forward and knelt down in the direction of their home. Then she kowtowed three times respectfully, and then said to me: ~Lai Ang, I know that I am very reluctant to leave our homeland, but I know that you understand the danger of chaos better than we do. Although you have never said how dangerous chaos is, I have seen the danger of chaos in these days. It's terrible. During the period when Hua Ye was corrupted and enjoying himself, a seductive voice that was neither male nor female was often heard in my ears. Even now, that seductive voice that is neither male nor female is still whispering in my ears. Bian, so as the daughter of the royal family, I decided to authorize you to use cyclone torpedoes on our homeland, which is the extermination order he just mentioned! ~

I was a little surprised and said:~Have you really decided, Kesha! You must know that once a cyclone torpedo is launched, it cannot be terminated and cannot change its course. You must think clearly, Keisha! ~

Kesha's eyes were red, with tears still on both sides of her cheeks, then she shook her head and said: ~Now that I have decided, I will never regret it~

~Let's go, Sengoku, tell those boys to get back on the battleship, and then enjoy the few fireworks in the universe! ~I turned around and said to Sengoku

Soon, we returned to the battleship in the landing craft, accompanied by Kesha and the other three. I led them to the control panel located on the bow of the ship. There was a red button on the control panel, and the button had a logo on it. Looking at an image of two bones crossed with a skull on top, I said to Kesha: ~Did you see that button? When you press this button, the cyclone torpedo will be launched from the torpedo chamber, and you will even regret it. There is no chance. Are you sure you want to press it? ~

Kesha smiled at me, and then said: ~I am not even afraid of death. I am still afraid of this. Although I see my home disappearing in front of my eyes, I will definitely rebuild our new home. of! ~

Then he pressed the button that represented the extermination order without hesitation!

Then I saw a cyclone torpedo ejected from the torpedo launch chamber, smashing straight into the surface of the planet, causing friction and fire in the atmosphere and then crashing into the surface of the planet. As the digging drill on the top of the cyclone torpedo began to rotate rapidly, and then moved very quickly The speed disappeared on the surface of the earth, leaving only a small hole. Of course, this hole would only appear small when viewed from space. Then there was only a muffled sound, and cracks began to appear on the surface of the entire planet. In the cracks It erupted into red-hot magma, and then disintegrated in front of everyone!

This pressing seemed to consume all Kesha's strength, and she leaned on my hand (after all, the height of the original body reached 3 meters, and the average height of Kesha and the three of them was only 1.76 meters) and slowly fell asleep.

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