War Paradise

Chapter 1056: Special role

Standing in front of the corner of Brookhaven Street, Lin Chi put down the sign, and when he stood up, a dull pain came from his right ankle.

The level 5 rotting plague on his body is eroding the legs of this body. Lin Chi knew that his role shouldn't last long. However, before he died, several players had already left.

Before he reached the intersection ahead, six players had already died.

As a small map, only 30 players participated in a game of Cruel Temple Church, that is to say, one-fifth of the people in this game have already gone.

As for the remaining twenty-four people, only cold death awaited them.

With the cool experience of being bombarded by a crossbow last time, Lin Chi did not go out immediately this time. Instead, he first peeked out his head and spied the road on his right. The figure trekking on the street.

A group of refugees wearing "sacks" were making unexplained whining sounds, staggering in the opposite direction of Lin Chi's location, stopping for a while after every few steps, their skinny bodies were already weakened to the extreme. The outline of the bones on the body is clearly visible, like a skeleton in rags.

They are dying.

Seeing the refugees who were infected with the plague as himself, were moving in the same direction, and after making sure that there were no ballistas or the like hidden nearby, Lin Chi also walked out of the street corner and followed.

——These refugees clearly know the structure of the city better than themselves. They are likely to be walking towards the temple, as long as they follow these guys. Should be able to...

However, just a few steps out, Lin Chi immediately hid into an alley on the side of the street, leaned against the wall, showing half of his face, and turned his gaze to where the refugees were.

A group of people in black arrived.


The bursting roar of the old-fashioned rifle when it fired, echoed continuously over the street. A refugee was blasted back and flew out, his upper body was short, and the scattered flesh and blood sprayed on the companions around him.

"Let's... pass!"

The refugees wailed in despair, and continued to move forward, trying to use their flesh and blood to break through the "bronze wall and iron wall" blocking the front. Unfortunately, the powerful shotgun would not listen to their shouts.

A group of "killers" dressed in black robes and top hats blocked the road in front of the refugees. They used a short-barreled gunpowder with one hand to slaughter refugees infected with the plague, while holding a serrated scimitar in their right hand. The appearance is somewhat similar to Lin Chi's Tiger Claw Hunting Knife.

Perhaps in order to avoid the plague, these people have gray cloth masks on their faces, with only alert eyes exposed under the brim of their hats, and the look of fighting with a knife in one hand and a gun in one hand, with a strange beauty.

The few refugees who were walking in the forefront were bombarded with flesh and blood. In the face of these unresistible enemies, the people in black robes rushed forward and used a scimitar to slit the throats of the refugees.

Even during the killing, their steps were still light, and they avoided the blood sprayed from the refugees with the keen movements of predators.

When the last refugee fell, less than a minute had passed since the start of the battle. Seeing that the black-robed men had finished, Lin Chi immediately hid in the depths of the alley, only to find a dead end behind him.

——These guys are soldiers responsible for cleaning up refugees? Or somebody else?

Standing in the shadow between the two houses, holding the bone "dagger" with the only left hand, Lin Chi heard the black robe man's footsteps approaching.

In order to avoid revealing his position, he also immediately lay on the ground, facing the shocking wound at the fracture of his right arm to the outside, and decisively disguised as a corpse.

The sound of Da Da, from far to near, sounded like a small metal part was added to the shoes. Lin Chi squinted his eyes and observed the conditions of the alley with a blurred vision. Only a few people passed by there, but But a figure stopped at the entrance of the alley.

——Did he see through the disguise?

The one-armed "corpse" lay motionless on the spot, pressed against the left hand under the body, tightly holding the bone weapon. Under Lin Chi's gaze, the black-robed man walked two steps toward the alley, then leaned against the wall, took out a pipe-like thing from his robe pocket, pulled the mask to reveal his unshaven vicissitudes of life, and took the pipe. Sucked on his mouth.

Realizing that he hadn't been discovered yet, Lin Chi was finally relieved.

After all, with his current body, even if there is only one enemy, it would be impossible to kill the black-robed man. Once the war starts, one can say that he is bound to die.


The black-robed man put down his pipe and opened his mouth, a thick gray smoke expelled from his mouth, which turned into a smoke ring and floated into the sky.

The guy didn't know what it was smoking. The smell smelled like tear gas. The pungent fine dust irritated Lin Chi's nasal cavity, causing his body to react.

"I said, don't do this..." He complained secretly in his heart.

If you use your own role, you can still control it. But this weak body infected with the plague couldn't suppress the urge to sneeze at all.

"A... sneeze!"

When the black-robed man put away his pipe and was about to leave, a loud sneeze suddenly sounded in the alley. The man who had just put on his mask again turned to look at the "corpse" lying down in the alley, his eyes slightly bent.


Seeing that the other party had walked over, Lin Chi also tensed the few muscles left in his legs and prepared for a sudden attack, but he soon realized that with his current physical state, let alone jump up and attack. Even normal people can't stand up.

The corrosive plague on his right foot began to worsen, and there was not much consciousness left. Lin slowly supported the wall to stand up. Just as he was about to lift his weak left arm, his throat suddenly became hot.


The black-robed man was still as silent as before. I don't know if he was dumb or didn't bother to speak at all. After cutting Lin Chi's throat, he turned around and walked toward the outside of the alley.

"Ha, here again..."

Lin Chi was thinking, his sight turned blood red again, and he was defeated and exited without any suspense.


After returning to the private housing area, Lin Chi touched his throat, which was in perfect condition. The feeling of being cut just now is still vivid.

I have to say that the map of the "Cruel Temple Church" is really too hard-core. This feeling of being unable to fight in the face of the enemy will only make the player feel a strong sense of aggrieved.

However, even after four deaths, Lin Chi did not slacken at all. He just sat on a large unopened magic box and began to sort out the information that can be determined at present:

There is a plague spreading in that city. There are two types of plagues that have already appeared. One is the "deadly plague" that causes the player's attributes to continue to decline and will die immediately when it drops to 1, and the other is the lethal plague. "Plague of Rotting" in which his body decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Residents living in nearby houses tried to escape the terrible plague by hiding in their houses. The refugees on the street are being mercilessly slaughtered by mysterious black-robed men. Those black-robed men carry scimitars and gunpowder guns. They fight very flexibly, and they don't seem to be infected with the plague.

In addition, the most valuable information currently available is the approximate location of the "temple".

The refugees just now should be moving to the north side of the map. If they also firmly believe that they can only get salvation when they reach the temple, the place they are going should be the temple.

So, the problem that needs to be solved now is clear at a glance:

How to drag a weak body infected with the plague, avoid the attack of the black-robed man, and arrive at the place where the temple is?

"It seems very difficult..."

Lin Chi hugged his arms and thought quickly.

The characters that players can randomly find on this map should be refugees. With their own plague bodies, there is no way to sneak in as usual. Even if it is disguised as a corpse, once it is found, it will end in death as before.

——If you can seize the costume of the black-robed man, you can easily sneak in, but the refugee character of the player does not even have the ability to fight the black-robed man, and will be cut off within a round.

Speaking of this, besides the black-robed man, I also encountered other NPCs in the first game...

"Those people in red robes, just pretend to be them." Lin Chi made a judgment in his mind.

The red-robed men encountered in the first game only came to burn the corpse, and did not show combat effectiveness. According to Lin Chi's observation at that time, the red-robed men did not seem to be carrying regular weapons, only torches and oil drums.

If you can find a chance to kill a man in a red robe and put on his robe, the next steps will be much easier. Since the people in the red robe are corpse burners, as long as they look for the nearby corpse pile, they might be able to find them.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi was about to enter the game again, but the phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

Seeing Bloodblade sent a voice message to himself, Lin Chi took out the phone and put it to his ear. The familiar hoarse female voice immediately floated out, with a smirk in her voice:

"Have fun? Little brother."

"It's okay, it's a good game experience." Lin Chi smiled.

"I'm very interested in the designer of that map, and I want to have a face-to-face chat with him." Bloodblade sneered and laughed: "Let the player become a slaughtered object without fighting back. This design is imaged in the brain. It’s quite unconventional in the game..."

"Have you not played the "Escape 7" that was just released last year? Lin Chi curled his lips: "You can't fight back but you can only escape. It's an old routine that often appears in horror games."

"But this is not a horror game, and that map is not terrible." Bloodblade snorted: "It is a miracle that the map of the Cruel Temple Church has not been complained."

"So do you have a simple strategy? I didn't find a strategy." Lin Chi went straight to the topic.

After four deaths, Lin Chi is already familiar with the style of this map. Since the goal this time was to investigate clues, he didn't intend to waste too much time in the Cruel Temple Church, but chose a way he hated before—following the strategies of others.

"Oh, Mr. Champion would actually ask me for a strategy?" Bloodblade's voice sounded a little surprised, and then immediately turned into a mockery: "Little brother, your sister, I don't have much time now..."

"I'm serious." Lin Chi frowned slightly.

Although his attitude is very serious, the bloodblade side obviously doesn't take this matter to heart. He just repeats the last statement: "This kind of map is interesting to experience by yourself. What is the fun of asking others?"

Realizing that the murderer couldn't help, Lin Chi interrupted the call and turned to look at the remaining magic boxes.

Due to the peculiarities of the Cruel Temple Church map, except for a few players with "special hobbies", few people will deliberately choose this map for the game. Those players who have experienced this map, in order to let the players who have not been in the queue also experience the "fun", the information on this place is also secretive, and there is no spoiler.

It seems that I can only rely on myself next.

However, this map is not completely impossible to master, at best it will only take some time.


Before starting the Cruel Temple Church game for the fifth time, Lin Chi bent down and squatted beside the smallest box, took apart the gray cloth on it, put his right hand on the silver shell, and opened the box casually.

He was going to try his luck before entering the game, but was surprised to find that an orange light flashed in the box.

"Could it be Legendary equipment?"

The moment he saw the color, Lin Chi suddenly became more energetic, staring at the contents of the box intently, and as the lid was fully opened, what appeared at the bottom of the box was--

A bag of oranges.

Food, consumables.

Item level: Normal.

"I'll buy some oranges, you are here, don't move around."

"Well, you won." Lin Chi shook his head, reached out and grabbed an orange, peeled off the skin and ate it directly, with the sour juice soaking into his mouth.

After eating oranges, his fifth game finally began.

As before, the "Birthplace" this time is still a dark alley. The "corpse" who fell on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and immediately opened the attribute bar, only to find that his situation this time seems to be the same as the previous four games. Not much the same:

Character name: "Long Knife" Tim.

Domination points: None.

Prestige: None.

Kills: 0.

Strength: 7 (10 for ordinary people).

Agility: 6 (10 for ordinary people).

Stamina: 8 (10 for ordinary people).

Lucky: 9 (10 for ordinary people).

——This time the character actually has a name?

Lin Chi looked down at a few rags on his body. Although the random character this time was still a refugee, this was the first time he had randomly found a character with his own name.

So, does this name have some special meaning?

Lin Chi thought about it, opened his skill bar, and found that this character even had a skill:

Cunning villain:

Your chances of persuading others increase.

"Yes, you are a hooligan."

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