War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 696 Conquests in the North and South

Book continues above.

The so-called big plan of Dalit workers was to march south, and thousands of people began to attack the Ngoni Kingdom.

Although Ngoni is called a kingdom, it is actually an alliance composed of hundreds of tribes. Therefore, when Dalit workers launched an attack, it was difficult for one side to watch from all sides.

When the Dalit army invaded the territory of a certain tribe and started killing and looting everywhere, other Ngoni tribes were waiting for the attackers to leave so that they could grab something.

In this way, the Dalit army wiped out more than a dozen tribes in a row, leaving the northern border of the Ngoni Kingdom in a state of chaos. Only then did the Elders Council get the news.

At this time, disagreements occurred within the Presbyterian Church. Some people advocated the elimination of the invaders, some advocated giving up the northern territory, and some advocated seeking peace.

The chiefs of the Ngoni Council of Elders quarreled endlessly, and in the end they all clapped their heads and said they might as well do their own thing.

On one side, the remaining tribes in the north fled. On the other side, the hastily formed Ngoni army headed to the front line to prepare for a decisive battle with the Dalit invaders. There was also a group of people who took a boat to Bagamoyo to find peace with the Austrians.

In fact, due to the previous wars, almost all the chiefs of Ngoni did not feel that they could defeat the Austrian army. After all, the most powerful Kingdom of Weijin only lasted less than a week, or more precisely, three days.

But that was Friedrich's Marine Corps, which was considered elite even in Europe. Tanzania's colonial army, except for those from Austria, actually did not have very high combat effectiveness.

Also, by the way, the Ngoni Kingdom actually has a musketeer team. But the firearms level of this group of guys is far inferior to that of the Indians on the American continent next door.

Africans believe that guns are witchcraft, and whether they hit the target or not depends entirely on faith. As a result, the following scene occurred when the two parties encountered each other:

The two sides were five or six hundred meters away, and Ngoni's black soldiers began the first round of shooting. About two minutes later, the indigenous people started the second round of shooting, and another two minutes later, after the third round of shooting, the black indigenous people fled.

How many people did the Dalit army lose after three rounds of shooting of hundreds of people? The answer is almost none. Because whether it was the Dutch or the Austrians, the guns sold to the indigenous people were the oldest and most worn-out garbage.

Moreover, the black natives lack training, and what is even more frightening is that they do not aim at all. In addition, it is a miracle that they can hit from a distance of several hundred meters.

Most of the people in the Ngoni Kingdom who went to fight the Dalits were from the southern tribes, so they were not familiar with the situation in the north, and were often ambushed by the attacking Dalits.

In close combat, the advantages of the old-fashioned matchlock gun are not obvious, and sometimes they are not even as useful as a shovel.

As the war continued, the Dalits captured more and more firearms, which in turn gave them a firepower advantage over the Ngoni Kingdom's army.

Sanlan Port.

Benny Erbin pushed open a door, which was filled with bones left over from eating. From this, he was sure that the wanderers he had just wiped out were actually a cannibal tribe.

The villagers of Mzizima did not escape, but were "consumed".

But the problem arises again. This kind of terrifying cannibal tribe usually does not come to the seaside. Most of them live inland or in the rain forest.

What brought them to the territory of the Viceroyalty of Tanzania?

Benny Erbin suddenly had a bad premonition, either the southern Kingdom of Malawi was heading north again, or a tribe more terrifying than the white people had appeared in the interior.

Thinking of this, he decided to write a letter to Franz first, and then send more reinforcements from Bagamoyo. After all, if the Kingdom of Malawi was conducting the Northern Expedition, then Port Sanlan would be the front line.

Benny Urbing expressed great doubts about the combat effectiveness of the colonial army. He hoped that Archduke Friedrich could come again with his fleet.

No matter how powerful the army of the Kingdom of Malawi is, it will disappear in front of that "invincible" army.

In fact, Benny Erbin overestimated the Kingdom of Malawi. At this time, the Kingdom of Malawi was a shell, completely supported by the Portuguese, and their so-called royal family did not even have a talker.

Not to mention the Northern Expedition to Tanzania, they would be conquered by the British with a piece of paper in a few years.

However, a proud man did appear in the interior of East Africa. There was a chief who unified the savannah of the interior of East Africa through bloody conquests and called himself the "King of the Eastern Bantu People."

Idi Das, the genius of the grasslands, is preparing to start his hegemony to unify East Africa after the rainy season ends. At this time, his priests are frantically looking for sacrifices.

The refugees from the defeated tribes and the barbaric cannibal tribes that refused to surrender naturally became Idi Das's targets.

But Benny Erbin didn't know this. He was still studying the construction of Sanlan Port. After all, building a city was not that simple.

A port in this era may be built in 2-3 years, but a city needs at least ten years to start. Especially Franz's use of the word "most important" made Benny Erbin feel even more stressed.

Why were ports and cities built faster in the nineteenth century than in modern times? The answer is that the requirements are low. In this era, let alone super cargo ships of hundreds of thousands of tons, even ships with tens of thousands of tons cannot be found.

There are basically only warships with more than 3,000 tons. The remaining super large armed cargo ships can be remembered in history, such as the British (British freighter) and the Great Western (British freighter).

As for the definition of a city, it is extremely broad. However, as the capital of the future colony of Tanzania, Sanlan Port may not be fooled. After all, the governor at this time is personally served by Archduke Franz.

About a month later, Bagamoyo finally figured out that it was the Dalit workers who were attacking the Ngoni Kingdom.

As a result, Hendry van der Meer dispatched another 20,000 Dalit laborers and 3,000 colonial soldiers (by sea) to the Ngoni region.

There really wasn't much credibility between the colonizers and the natives in this era, especially when Hendry van der Meer discovered that Dalits were being transported continuously from the sea, which further fueled his ambitions.

In fact, in addition to the reputation of opening up new territories, there are also some economic factors here, that is, when you are strong enough, it is more convenient and cost-effective to grab ready-made land than to open up wasteland yourself.

In addition to Tanzania's colonial army, the Oman Empire also sent troops to support. Although they were under the guise of supporting their allies, in fact the targets of these Arabs were black slaves.

As for why Arabs don’t follow Austria’s example and go to India to “prostitute” Dalits for free? Because Americans do not recognize such short "black slaves", they think these black people are impure.

France, Spain, Brazil, and Argentina, the other major slave importing countries, also do not like these "defective products."

Therefore, Dalits who lacked commercial value avoided being sold all over the world by Arab businessmen, and in India they were not even qualified to be slaves of the British.

After all, the noble Kshatriya has his loyal Vaishyas and Shudras.

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