War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 671 Some are happy and some are sad (Part 2)

In fact, a considerable number of American students studying abroad still want to return to the United States to carry out military reforms, because they see the gap and feel that the US military must change to keep up with the trend of the times.

However, what these people don't know is that most of their official careers have been terminated, and even if they return to the U.S. Army, it will be difficult for them to be reused.

This was of course not only because of Franz's obstruction and James Polk's suspicion, but also because the U.S. Army at this time was a place where seniority was hard to come by.

In short, if you want to get ahead, you must first have seniority. If this group of people study abroad, it will obviously result in a serious lack of seniority and naturally they will not be able to be high-ranking officials.

In fact, in addition to this group of American students, Belit and Ulrich Salis, two international students from the Swiss Orthodox Union, are also very worried. The longer they stay in Austria, the more they feel that their country's military is embarrassing and useless.

In fact, the Austrian Empire's military gave similar evaluations. They felt that these foreign students were embarrassing and did not think that these people had the potential to become excellent commanders.

But what these arrogant old Austrian professors don't know is that the Austrian Empire will fall into a general shortage in the future.

Historically, after the veteran generals of the Austrian Empire retired during the Napoleonic era, military talents quickly withered. In the later stages, only some military band officers could be used as generals.

This kind of behavior of rushing ducks to the shelves will naturally only encounter one big defeat after another.

In Franz's plan, if these people are really unusable, they can be sent back to the United States, which can at least help the Southern Army last for a while.

In fact, most of the American students Franz recruited were generals of the Southern Army. So this can be regarded as a double insurance. Even if the Austrian Empire cannot use it, it can still be put back to disgust the American Northern Army.

Some people are happy while others are worried. On the island of Great Britain at this time.

In Whitehall, Robert Peel's hair was turning gray. Letters of help from India and the rhetoric used by all parties to shirk responsibility.

In fact, Britain is still facing many challenges at this time. Russia is an old rival in the fight for world hegemony. I won’t go into detail here. The main reason is that I will talk about it often in the future. Moreover, Russia is in the swamp of the Chechen War at this time. The two are inseparable.

But the most immediate problem is hegemony in the Near East. The Russians have always been eyeing the Ottoman Empire, and the British cannot let the polar bears go to sea.

In addition, Britain's colonial hegemony has also been challenged. At this time, France is expanding crazily in the Americas and Asia, supporting its own power everywhere, and has a tendency to regain hegemony in North America.

France is the country that has the most direct conflicts with Britain in its colonies, including fictitious conflicts in Central America, West Africa, and Oceania.

Then to the tense situation in the Viceroyalty of La Plata and the crazy expansion in North America, they even directly bought the Serampore colony in the British Indian colony, plundered Vietnam, got involved in Far Eastern affairs, and also took on Spanish colonial affairs.

Facing this old opponent, Robert Peel already has a headache. If France successfully unites Spain in the future, the French Empire will come back to earth.

By that time, Britain will face greater challenges, but in the final analysis, the reason why the French can come back has to be blamed on the French themselves.

After all, the Treaty of Vienna had almost bound France, but in order to weaken the influence of the Holy Alliance, Britain acquiesced to France's expansion and at the same time attacked Austria's power.

The result is that France is now ungovernable, and the Austrian Empire is frantically consolidating its influence within its own circles.

At this time, the French were frantically building warships in an attempt to restore the glory of their colonial empire. For the foreseeable future, Britain and France would engage in colonial competition around the world.

This refers to vassal and enslaved kingdoms, or horse racing and enclosure, but in this era the great powers still did not have the ability to penetrate deep into the interior.

What annoyed Robert Peel the most was that Britain's economic hegemony was also being challenged, but it was more about technological hegemony than economic hegemony.

Due to technological advancement, the Austrian Empire had led the UK in some fields and began to export goods to the UK in reverse.

This made the British economy even worse. Although it was known as the world's factory and the most powerful country at this time, its industrial capacity was somewhat excessive compared to its market.

Economic crisis, yes, it is an economic crisis. In British history, an economic crisis has erupted almost every ten years.

In fact, this is mainly due to the liberalism pursued by the United Kingdom, which often leads to excessive concentration of capital. This not only causes a waste of resources, but also greatly increases the risk of financial crises.

The result is that profits for some goods and industries in the UK skyrocket or plummet in a short period of time, causing economic turmoil for the entire country.

Secondly, the UK’s own market is limited and it relies heavily on external markets. Franz has actually always avoided direct conflict with Britain, but in the latter's eyes, the former is already a major threat.

The British capitalists have demanded punishment of the Austrian Empire, and the easiest way to deal with it is to block the Adriatic Sea.

This is not difficult for the British Navy to do, but now the front they are fighting is too long, and wars and major events around the world are dragging their energy.

Especially the war between Uruguay and Brazil in South America. If Britain can take the opportunity to control Brazil, it can turn South America into its own backyard.

By then, Britain will be able to recreate an India from the Western Hemisphere, and two "Indias" will be enough to make the British Empire reach the top of the world.

At the same time, it will truly make up for the regret of losing the North American colonies.

Whether it is sending troops to southern Albania or giving up the Pacific Ocean port to the United States, it is all intended to weaken Austria's overseas competitiveness.

However, the above two attempts obviously failed. Instead of having any effect, they plunged themselves into the quagmire of Albania and at the same time gave the United States a chance to survive.

At this time, British capitalists asked Robert Peel to adopt a more direct and effective way to protect their interests.

The Prime Minister naturally knows what that means, but at this time India is in danger, and these people are still blaming each other and fighting for power.

Now Robert Peel doesn't want to care about those idiots who can only see immediate benefits, nor does he want to care about anything else. He just wants to preserve Britain's foundation in the South Asian subcontinent.

As a result, Robert Peel issued twelve orders, ordering all troops and regions that could support India to defend the brightest pearl of the British Empire at all costs.

In this era, in this world, only the British could project more than two hundred thousand troops from the sea in a "short term" (relatively).

Robert Peel's actions may seem crazy, but they actually have a reason. At this time, India was almost in the hands of the United Kingdom. Its contribution to the United Kingdom was not only raw materials, but also a relatively broad market.

At the same time, the Indian subcontinent is also the springboard for Britain to explore the Far East. It is no exaggeration to say that if India is lost, Britain will sooner or later become a second-rate country.

In order not to bet on Britain's future, Robert Peel had no choice but to bet on himself.

With Britain's national strength at this time, India can definitely be saved.

But the war in South America, the policy of blocking Russia, the plan to weaken Austria, and the deployment of slowing down the pace of French colonization may all have to give way to the war to defend India.

And it is still unclear what impact these six months of back and forth will have on the future of the world.

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