In fact, the British did start an attempt to explore the North Pole, but the outcome was not good, because Franz knew very well that humans did not conquer the North Pole until April 6, 1909, and the action at this time was doomed to fail.

However, Franz still expressed his respect for Sir Franklin and his expedition and provided a certain degree of help.

Funding was naturally impossible. Sir John Franklin himself was a member of the British Navy and even participated in the Battle of Trafalgar. Most of the members of his expedition were selected from the Royal Navy.

Sir John Franklin is a legend. He challenged the North Pole three times and served as Governor of Tasmania.

However, the genocide of the Tasmanians had nothing to do with him. After all, when Sir John Franklin arrived, the number of Tasmanians was less than 200, and they were all imprisoned on Flinders Island.

From 1819 to 1822, Franklin led 20 people on an overland expedition along the Copperman River in the Northwest Territories of Canada. As a result, 11 people died along the way, most of whom died of starvation. The remaining survivors were forced to eat lichens to survive, and even Trying to eat leather boots to satisfy his hunger.

He also earned the title of "Boot Eater", but this move won him great popularity, and British citizens and government officials spoke highly of him.

Therefore, under the great concern of the whole British people, the British Royal Navy gave Sir John Franklin sufficient financial support, including two of the latest steam-powered ships, the 372-ton "Ghost" and the 325-ton "Terror". Number".

But these names are really unlucky.

The so-called help does not have to be money. Franz did not know much about Arctic exploration, but he did know that Sir John Franklin and his men died of lead poisoning and scurvy.

So Franz proposed a deal to Sir John Franklin, that is, he could purchase regular Austrian cans.

This made the British very angry, but John Franklin still wanted to be foolproof and specially received Franz's envoy.

Alina Harrington is an outstanding graduate of the Royal Academy for Women in Vienna, but she was arrogant and did not intend to serve the royal family at first.

But Erina soon discovered a problem. No one would hire her except Franz. Whether she entered the government as a clerk or went to the Royal Academy of Sciences as a calculator, she could not do without the control of the royal family.

Franz is indeed short of people, but he is not short of people who are ambitious but unable to prove themselves.

After being hidden for a year, Alina received her first relatively formal job, going to Portsmouth to prove that the Austrian Empire's cans were better than those of Britain.

Relevant data, samples, and even technical expert Franz have been prepared, and the rest is just scheduling and negotiation.

Although Alina was very unconvinced, a year of monotonous life as a bookkeeper had dissipated a lot of her energy, and she cherished this opportunity very much.

After all, according to Ms. Talia, it was something she had managed to get back by selling her lust, and Alina secretly made up her mind to do this job well.

In fact, Thalia just asked Franz if he had done anything innocuous recently, and the latter told him about doing business with the British expedition.

Although Thalia is not a nationalist, she still feels unhappy about Franz trying to help the British.

However, the latter explanation is irrelevant. Not to mention that exploring the Arctic may not necessarily succeed. Even if it succeeds, it will not bring actual benefits to the UK like opening up a new shipping route.

This is not to say that exploring the Arctic is meaningless, but that due to the limitations of the times and technology, resources cannot be transformed into wealth.

Even today, human development of the Arctic is still a disaster, and so far, income and expenditure are still inversely proportional.

As for the huge reputation that the British may gain after fully exploring the Arctic, Franz doesn't care. After all, he also has his own adventure, and there is no need to be jealous about it.

The end result of wanting everything is often getting nothing in the end. Franz just wants to mind his own business.

Closer to home, Alina didn't know this. She thought this was an opportunity that the principal finally gave her back, so she cherished it even more.

Adequate preparations were made before heading to Portsmouth, and the British can indeed be as rubbish as the rumors say.

Alina gained Sir Franklin's trust after a brief exchange with him. One reason was because of the name of the former Austrian Empire Royal Development Company.

Another reason is that the latter has never seen a woman so confident, and in line with his gentlemanly demeanor, he cannot look suspicious.

So Sir Franklin took Alina into the "Ghost" warehouse despite the objections of the custodian. At the same time, the members of the expedition team also went there after learning about the incident.

In the end, the custodian had to take out two cans under the watchful eyes of everyone. After opening them, the aroma was so fragrant that everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Alina, you see, our British industry is number one in the world. It is impossible for us to produce substandard cans."



Everyone also echoed, and the custodian even snorted from his nose.

"Do you know how expensive this can is? Okay, you have also seen that it is all good beef. Let's go! Let's go!"

Elena blocked the way.

Custodian: "What? You still want to open all the eight thousand cans in this warehouse?"

"No sir, I want you to change the box and check it again."

Alina's tone was firm, but the custodian looked impatient. At this time, Sir Franklin still spoke in the noble gentlemanly manner.

"Let Miss Alina check it, and I will talk to General Biddeford personally."

John Biddeford was Lord of the Admiralty at this time.

Naturally, the custodian did not dare to disobey such a big shot, so he picked another box next to him. However, he was interrupted by Alina.

"Sir, I want the innermost box."

The custodian's face changed when he heard this, and then he said in an impatient tone.

"It's too far inside and can't be moved out."

The officer next to Sir Franklin was not very gentlemanly. He went up to grab the custodian's collar and just started talking.

"How do you talk? Do you know what you do? Just move if I ask you to!"

A person who can pass himself off as a warehouse keeper naturally has a background and temperament, but compared with someone like this who has been on the battlefield and dares to go to the North Pole to risk his life, he is really nothing. He was cowed just by looking at him.

"Let's move here..."

"Call sir!" The officer slapped him again. In fact, nobles from all over Europe were facing the same problem at this time.

That is the rise of the new bourgeoisie, which makes these old aristocrats look absurd and comical. He just couldn't bear to see a warehouse keeper dressed more decently than an aristocratic officer like him.

Soon the innermost box was lifted by a crane (wooden). After the box was opened, all the cans were intact, and the custodian breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when Sir Franklin opened the can with a knife, an unpleasant smell of sour gas rushed towards them, and everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses.

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