War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 647 Hugo is coming (4) [Additional update]

On a train from Venice to Vienna, Hugo woke up leisurely. He subconsciously touched his nasal cavity, and there was no blood seeping out. It seemed that he had "succeeded".

But the conductor said impatiently: "Is this your first time taking a train?"

Hugo nodded.

"Next time, don't cover your mouth and nose when the train is moving. You will suffocate! At least don't drag so many people to bury you with you!"

After saying this, the conductor left angrily.

Later, Hugo found that nothing seemed to happen. He said to himself: "How magical!"

So Hugo left the fourth-class carriage after saying goodbye to the people he had just traveled with.

The third-class carriage was still very noisy, but it finally didn't smell like shit and there was no need to worry about being run over by a sheep.

And there is light here again. Although the windows are small, the scenery outside the windows is beautiful.

“What a beautiful country!”

Hugo sighed sincerely, but he soon discovered a problem, that is, the scenery outside seemed to be distorted.

Hugo had a bad premonition in his heart. He quickly found a window and stuck his head out, and suddenly found that the whole train was climbing up a hill.

"Oh my God! We're going to fall!"

Everyone around looked at Hugo with doubts, and the latter said eagerly.

"There is a cliff ahead, everyone get down quickly! Otherwise we will be thrown out of the car!"

After Hugo finished speaking, he was the first to lie down on the ground. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what the gentleman in front of them was going to do.

"Lying down can increase the force-bearing area, thus strengthening the friction with the ground. This is the only way to save everyone! Come and do it with me!"

Finally, a second person lay on the ground, and then the third and fourth people

When the conductor suddenly heard a scream while wandering in the middle of the carriage, he quickly went to the third-class carriage to check the situation.

As a result, he found everyone lying on the ground screaming, the sound almost piercing his eardrums.

"Damn it! What are you doing!"

At this time, he discovered the passenger in the first-class carriage who had previously caused a commotion in the fourth-class carriage.

"Mr. Hugo! Did you do something good again?"

Hugo did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Have we crossed the mountain?"

The conductor nodded and Hugo laughed and said proudly.

"We just avoided a disaster!"

"What disaster?"

"The disaster of being thrown over the ridge. It was precisely because we held down the carriages that we avoided the disaster of the entire train being thrown!"

The conductor was speechless and could only say, "Someone is calling you from behind."

Hugo turned around subconsciously and received a heavy blow on the back of his head.

In order to prevent Hugo from causing further commotion, the conductor had no choice but to let him sleep for a while. After all, there were several carriages ahead.

When Hugo woke up again, he was already in a temporary aid station in the train station. A dirty priest who looked like a baker dropped a piece of bread on the plate in front of him, and then poured it into a cup. Got a glass of bad red wine.

Hugo poked the bread with his finger for no apparent reason. It was a little hard, as if it had been heated too much. He turned to look at the glass of red wine. It was indeed fresh, but it had too many impurities and was probably worthless.

Everyone else in the rescue station looked at Hugo. After all, his clothes were completely inconsistent with the surrounding environment.

The other people who came to the rescue station all looked like they were tired from work. Most of them had dark complexions and wore rough but sturdy clothes. They had families with them, carried heavy luggage, behaved rudely, and had loud voices.

"Gentlemen from the city also come here to eat? This country is really hopeless!"

After the priest left, the people around him became eager to take action.

Hugo didn't notice the other party's tone. He just grasped the keyword "This country is hopeless."

"You said it very well, can you continue?"

Hugo's attitude made the other person a little confused for a moment, but then he became angry and slapped the former.

"With you bunch of bastards who want everything, this country won't be good! Oh~~~spit!"

A group of people took the opportunity to punch and kick Hugo. These migrant workers actually hated the local nobles very much.

Although Franz has been working hard to make Austria develop harmoniously, in fact due to the rapid development of society, the gap between the nobles who got on Franz's car and the common people has grown so wide that it seems like a gap between two species. The gap is gone.

When the dirty, fat priest came back with food and wine, he found Hugo lying on the ground holding his head and quickly helped him to the infirmary.

"Sir, have you lost your memory?"

the doctor asked seriously.

Hugo shook his head in confusion, but then he thought it might be cool to pretend to have amnesia, as he could get to know this country better.

So he said.

"Yes, I lost my memory."

Now both the doctor and the priest were confused.

"It seems he is very serious!"

"That's the only way to do it."


After a brief exchange, the two decided to start treatment for Hugo.

The priest first asked Hugo to lie down on a bed, and then began to tie his limbs with belts.

"What are you doing?!" Hugo panicked.

However, a scene that made him even more panicked appeared. The doctor slammed a bundle on the table. After unfolding it, there were needles of various lengths and thicknesses, as well as an alcohol lamp.

There is no doubt that these two people are planning to use acupuncture treatment on Hugo. However, in the latter's opinion, this is completely torture! O Inquisition!

Then Hugo began to struggle and started shouting.

However, the priest and the doctor did not pay attention and began to argue.

Doctor: "I think his face looks like crazy. It must be caused by wind evil multiplied by the blood and Qi, causing yin and yang to be inconsistent. The phases are separated, sometimes deficient and sometimes strong, and the blood and Qi are in chaos, causing the mind to be weak and forgetful! Look at me. Cure him with acupuncture!”

The priest opened Hugo's eyelids, pressed his Adam's apple and looked at the coating on his tongue.

"I think he has an empty marrow sea, which is caused by the depletion of the essence of the five internal organs. Just relying on the power of acupuncture and acupuncture is not enough, you also need to use my decoction!"

The two argued for a while and said in unison.

"Go together!"

"I don't have amnesia, and I'm not sick. Let me go, you guys!"

Hugo said, and the two of them spoke thoughtfully.

"It seems that more treatment is needed. This patient's condition is getting more and more serious."

The doctor took out a five centimeter long silver needle, walked slowly towards Hugo, and said slowly.

"Don't worry, as long as this is inserted into your Baihui and Yongquan, you can reconnect with the world and restore your memory."

"What are Baihui and Yongquan?"

The doctor held up Hugo's foot and inserted a needle into it, then twisted it a few times. Then he ordered the apprentices.

"Hold him down!"

Then he took out a silver needle and pierced Hugo's Baihui point.

However, Hugo's suffering was still not over. When he woke up, the dirty fat priest beside him was grinding medicine, herbs and ores.

"you're awake."

The dirty, fat priest casually threw a dried leech into the medicine grinder, and Hugo passed out again.

After a while, a bowl of steaming soup was ready, and Hugo shouted at the reddish-brown liquid in front of him.

But the other party didn't give him a chance to explain. After all, the decoction needs to be drunk while it's hot.

Two hours later.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Victor Hugo."

"What is your nationality?"

"I am French."

"What are you doing in Vienna?"


"Congratulations, Mr. Hugo! You finally recovered!"

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