Friedrich was naturally furious when he learned that his hometown had been stolen. You must know that not only was his fiancée on board, but also the important "personnel" Franz had entrusted to escort. He did not want to deal with those Japanese.

It's just that when Friedrich returned to his flagship "Prince Eugen", he was a little dumbfounded. That is, the "little one" actually killed thirteen people and captured a very strong native.

It's just that the native hasn't woken up yet. After all, he fell on a hard wooden board, not a soft rubber mat. If it were a concrete floor, he would be dead. After all, he has fully consumed almost all damage-increasing BUFFs. .

Princess Sneka was unharmed, but she looked a little haggard and a little shaken. Friedrich took off his cloak to her, and then told his men to take her to rest first.

After Princess Sneka left, Friedrich became furious because he couldn't believe that a dozen natives could storm his flagship and reach the captain's room.

A total of two crew members were killed, one was the sentry and the other was the boiler chief. Neither of them had any weapons or offered any resistance.

If it's not that the other party knows witchcraft, then there might be a mole on the ship.

Friedrich and Kagura had the same judgment, and there were not many suspects because there were only a few insiders with this power.

The deputy captain Giffaru, the captain of the sentry on duty, and the ship's doctor were in charge of staying behind. When the incident occurred, the deputy captain Giffaru had been huddled in the cabinet in his cabin and did not dare to come out. First of all, it can be ruled out that the captain of the sentry was too hungry. Always going to the toilet at the bow of the boat.

Only the ship's doctor from Baden was the most suspicious, because he was the one who called the sentries to the infirmary to wait for a physical examination, and then went out for about ten minutes without being seen.

The ship's doctor claimed that he went to the toilet, but the captain of the sentry who had been at the bow said that he had not seen the former.

"Who sent you?"

Friedrich was really a little angry. He didn't expect that someone would dare to do such a thing under his eyes.

"Grand Duke, please believe me, I have not done anything to harm the Austrian Empire."

However, before he could finish his words, Vice Captain Jifaru punched him and broke the bridge of his nose.

"Asshole! You damn guy obviously has such a high salary, why are you dissatisfied!"

The ship's doctor's salary is as high as 3,000 florins, which is higher than the salary of his deputy captain and rear admiral.

The ship's doctor continued to remain silent, and several of Friedrich's officers remained unmoved even after being punched and kicked. Some even pulled out their pistols, but it still had no effect.

"Master, professional matters should be left to professionals."

Kagura suggested, and Friedrich immediately understood. He remembered the group of priests sent by Franz. It was said that they had been to Asia and were quite good at interrogations and other things.

Friedrich ordered the ship's doctor to be handed over to the group of magicians for interrogation, and soon he got the answer he wanted. The French were the ones responsible.

The French consul spent 500 francs to buy the defense map from the ship's doctor, and bribed the latter to help remove the guards.

After the truth came to light, Friedrich announced the ship's doctor's crime in front of the entire army, and then hanged him in this picturesque place.

As for the French consul, he left it to the professionals.

The priests sent by Franz were specially used to deal with the aftermath. After all, to fundamentally disintegrate the Hawaiian Kingdom, it was necessary to destroy its ruling foundation.

In fact, the indigenous people may not really hate the Austrians and the Chinese who "steal jobs" with them, but the indigenous people have no say and can only be brainwashed by the nobles and landlords.

The mission of these priests is to do the opposite and reverse brainwash the indigenous people, making them think that Austria is here to save them, and that the local nobles and landowners are the devils who control and fool them.

In addition to delivering eggs and telling stories, the priests would also invite the natives to work on farms in Austria. The amount of money they made depends entirely on how many tasks they completed.

After all, nothing in this world is more convincing than personal experience, and soon the natives clearly recognized the faces of the chiefs.

In fact, Austria has an advantage that the indigenous chiefs do not have, that is, due to trade with Nanming, Franz can get cheap food and find an excellent market for goods on Hawaii Island.

At the same time, many of these priests have knowledge about agriculture and technology, and with the help of science and technology, they can create far more harvests than primitive agriculture.

However, in the eyes of the local indigenous people, these are completely realistic manifestations of miracles. The lush crops and abundant fruits are God's response to them.

In a sense, this was a two-way street. This virtuous cycle soon affected the entire Hawaiian Islands, and even the indigenous people took the initiative to ask for cooperation with the Austrian Empire.

In addition to growing sugar and coffee, Franz also planned the scientific and sustainable development of the Hawaiian Islands, such as the mining and planting of sandalwood.

Historically, it was due to the indiscriminate deforestation of Hawaiians that later generations could not find sandalwood in Honolulu.

This has to be said to be a very ironic thing, and many people who come here will find this problem.

Then there is the mining and cultivation of pearls. These may be too early for the indigenous people, but at least they must understand that they cannot exhaust their efforts.

In fact, the most attractive condition of the church for the local indigenous people was to treat their diseases. The medical conditions in Hawaii at that time were in a mess. Compared with the witchcraft of these indigenous people, bloodletting, mercury injection and amputation seemed less terrible.

The local native religion, the Kapu Church, buries people alive to absorb the essence of the earth. But in fact, many patients are often suffocated to death because they are buried too deeply because they cannot breathe.

Of course, some were drowned alive because the tide was too late to dig them out, and some were even bitten to death by sea snakes in the sand.

At this time, the Austrian church could be described as integrating Chinese and Western medicine. They could not only use the four diagnostic methods of herbal medicine to combine medicine with ginseng, but they could also directly give people sequinine and allicin.

In fact, because pharmacology could not keep up with the development of medicine at that time, these magicians often tried their luck with allicin, quinine and wicker juice (aspirin) after finding that conventional treatments were ineffective.

But generally speaking, Austrian medicine has made great progress due to Franz's intervention.

It's just that Franz in Vienna rarely had the opportunity to share his achievements and joy with others. What he did was a bit too high-level for his friends.

The family members are more concerned about their physical and psychological problems. After all, Franz always looks thoughtful, like a melancholy middle-aged man.

Adjani and Talia were relatively clear about what Franz was doing, but the clearer they became, the more awed they became.

As for Mrs. Sophie, under the influence of the archbishop, she completely felt that she had given birth to a "saint", and she preferred praying to teaching Franz.

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