War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 529 The bloody referee (Part 2)

(This chapter is a tribute to the 19th century German literary work "The Bloody Judge")

"Master! Master! It's not good!" Bent Jung stumbled in.

"What's wrong? Didn't you see that I was talking to two adults?" Master Philpot naturally knew what was going on, and he was waiting for those big men to come over.

Anyway, now that he has the support of two Prussian government officials, he has nothing to fear. Maybe I can even get a compensation payment, and then I can reduce my salary and make a lot of money!

"Mr. Philpot, you don't have to worry about anything, leave everything to us." The forest officer and the gendarmerie captain looked at each other. They are all veterans and they know very well that in officialdom and shopping malls, friends help friends, and the other thing is not to fall into the wrong team.

Let them choose between a bunch of slackers who can't live any longer and a respectable local gentleman, and the result is self-evident.

Both of them called their thugs, and usually these ordinary people would wet their pants when they saw them.

However, when the two of them arrived at the door of Mr. Philpot's house, they found thousands of people gathered here. They looked at each other and quickly ordered their men to disperse the "unruly people" in front of the door.

The forest rangers and gendarmes, who were usually feared by everyone, turned into eggplants at this time. They only dared to curse at the weavers outside through the iron gate.

Some weavers tried to shake the iron gate. The thugs wanted to stop them, but they backed away when they saw the sticks in their hands.

At this time, the two officials could not sit still. They had to walk to the gate in person and use their majesty to scare each other.

"Do you know me?" Before Forester Will finished speaking, his face was covered with something. He reached out and touched it and found that it was a fresh pile of Xiang.

He immediately became furious and just about to open his mouth to curse, another lump of paste went directly into his mouth. The gendarmerie captain on the side was also covered in filth, and the two could only flee the scene in embarrassment.

"Mr. Philpot, these people are too barbaric, and there is nothing we can do about it! You'd better ask for your blessings!"

After saying that, the two of them prepared to escape under the escort of a group of thugs, but were stopped by Mr. Philpot.

"Think of another way and see if we can resolve it peacefully."

"Peaceful solution? Do you think this matter can be resolved peacefully? Some people in France have also thought so, but will Robespierre shake hands with others and make peace?

I tell you not to act rashly, or they will send you to the guillotine! "The captain of the military police snorted coldly.

"Then what should I do?" Mr. Philpot finally got scared and quickly grabbed his friend, forest officer Will Gang.

"How do I know? I am going to report to the government now that there is a riot here! Let the government send troops to solve it!"

At this moment, the gate of the manor was knocked open by the angry crowd, and the weavers instantly drowned the thugs of Mr. Philpot's family like a flood.

Looking at the surging crowd, Master Philpot pushed his friend Wilgon away, letting him fall behind and be swallowed up by the crowd.

"I am forest officer Welgun! You can't hit me! I'm a Prussian officer! Don't hit me!"

Will was just struggling when a young and clear voice asked.

"Forest officer Will Gang, right?"

"That's right! It's me, tell them who I am! What will happen if you hit me!"

Forester Will Gang shouted desperately as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

A young hand reached out to him, but what Will had just waited for was not a helping hand, but a sharpened wooden stick, thrust straight into his eye socket.

"Oh my god! What are you doing!" Will just instinctively pushed the girl away, and the latter quickly let go, and then kicked the girl again on the exposed wooden handle.

The wooden stick went straight into his brain. Will just stared at the other eye and twitched like a dead fish.

"You owe us this."

Without hesitation, Ruibi stamped her foot on the wooden stick that almost penetrated the forest officer's eyes, nailing it firmly to the ground.

Will Gang's vision gradually dimmed. He couldn't figure out who the girl in front of him was, and the "debt" he owed seemed to be too much.

After that, no one cared about the guy lying on the ground and stepped over his body.

People were frantically destroying and robbing everything in front of them. Mr. Philpot was so frightened that his face turned pale. He was dragged out from under the bed and hung on the beam of his mansion.

People demanded that the devil be burned to death. At this time, Master Philpot was crying and begging the weavers for forgiveness.

"Burn this vampire!"

"Burn him!"

"I heard that he only eats beef tenderloin, and feeds the rest to the dogs without sharing it with us!"

"Damn what a devil!"

"Burn him!"

"I didn't! Let me go! For the sake of the merciful Lord! I swear that I will double your salary in the future. Today's matter will be forgotten. I will also pay you wages for lost work, and I will not fire you casually in the future. Work! Please, I still have an eighty-year-old grandmother and a three-year-old son!"

"Are you telling the truth?!"

"I promise to God! If I lie, I will die a bad death and go to hell forever!"

Suddenly there was a strong wind and the clouds in the sky formed a whirlpool, as if they were going to swallow up the whole world. However, the weavers still chose to believe Master Philpott.

On the third day, the weavers gathered happily in front of Master Philpot's house, waiting for the payment of compensation.

However, what was waiting was not gold coins, but bullets.

Suddenly the siren sounded loudly, and along with the melodious military music, the Prussian soldiers appeared neatly in front of the weavers with drum beats.

These Prussian soldiers came by train, and their mission was to eliminate all "thugs." The weavers didn't understand why, and the leading officer didn't bother to explain. He directly ordered the shooting.

Rows of flames shot out from the black hole of the gun, and the bullets hit the weavers who were already very weak. Those who were shot fell into a pool of blood without even making much struggle.

Some people held their chests and turned around twice before falling to the ground without fear, while others slowly slid to the ground against the wall.

Of course, the soldiers couldn't see all this at this time. They were enveloped in the smoke after the shooting. At this time, the soldiers mechanically reloaded their ammunition, and then raised their guns against the weavers again.

Someone tried to fight back with stones, but it was in vain. Another row of gunfire rang out, and the crowd finally collapsed.

At this time, the leading officer gave the order.

"Mount bayonets and charge!"

There is no doubt that this was a great victory for the Prussian army. The weavers were beaten so hard that even the spies sent by the British had no time to react, and the meeting of the Polish Zionist Army had not yet ended.

Although the number of people in the Silesian uprising this time was ten times that in history, due to the Prussian government's strengthened local control capabilities, it was successfully suppressed in just five days.

Two men paid the weavers' fares and compensated several weavers for their losses. This allowed it to reach a certain degree of reconciliation with the weavers, so the Prussian government only sentenced the weavers to hard labor and whipping.

After the incident, Franz immediately intervened in the matter. He directly sent people to bribe the Prussian officials in charge of the matter.

The latter readily agreed. Anyway, he was serving hard labor, whether in Austria or Prussia.

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