Andrei Uvarov's roar made the guards around the palace become nervous. Magid himself was even more frightened, but no one dared to act rashly.

In fact, the Russian mission was also very frightened. They were all Neserlov's old subordinates, and their usual work was basically to follow the script, and there was no need to make any mistakes in conveying the will of His Majesty the Tsar.

The young Duke did not follow the routine when he came up. His behavior could even be called a provocation. After all, this was Ottoman territory.

This roar on the other side made Magid sober up a lot. After being indulged in wine and sex all day long, he finally thought of this neighbor in the north who was eyeing him with eagerness.

Seeing that the Sultan was frightened and the surrounding guards were numb and unresponsive, a concubine pointed at the Russian envoy and wanted to say something.

But before she could say anything, she was slapped hard. The young concubine looked at Magid in disbelief and said aggrievedly.


Then she received another resounding slap in the face.

"Who asked you to speak? Get out!"

The two concubines could only bow with their hands crossed on their chests, and then exit the palace in silence.

Sudanese Mejid looked at Andrei Uvarov again, and the two young men began their second round of confrontation.

"Thank you for your visit, Mr. Prince. I hope that the friendly relations between Russia and Turkey will last forever, and that we will have a wonderful afternoon."

"Thank you very much for your warm hospitality. We also hope that the friendship between Russia and Turkey will last forever. At the same time, we also look forward to cooperating with you and your empire to promote closer economic, political, and security relations between the two countries. I hope you can Have a great afternoon.

But there are a few things I hope you learn, because it could ruin this harmonious relationship. "

Coming from a noble family, Andrei Uvarov is naturally no stranger to this kind of diplomatic rhetoric, and as a graduate of St. Petersburg State University and the Russian Imperial Military Academy, he is not someone who is easily fooled.

The other party's answer was neither humble nor arrogant, and he had already seen it clearly. Sultan Mejid knew he couldn't avoid it and said it.

"Oh? What is it? Why didn't I know there was such a thing?"

Magid's attitude was within the expectations of Andrei Uvarov, who explained calmly.

"Recently, a goat gnawed the cotton grown by our farmers near the Caucasus."

"Oh? What's this? Sheep eat grass and wolves eat meat. Isn't this normal?"

"But this goat belongs to your country"

Andrei Uvarov was interrupted by Magid before he finished speaking.

"It's just some cotton. I sympathize with the serf and I am willing to give him a hundred kilograms of high-quality cotton as a private gift. Are you satisfied with this solution?"

Magid wanted to cut through the mess quickly, but the other party obviously didn't want him to do so.

"Dear Sultan, you don't understand. It is your goats that eat the cotton grown by our farmers."

Magid interrupted Andrei Uvarov again.

"If you have any objection to compensating cotton, then I can also make the decision to compensate another hundred goats. Is your country satisfied this time?"

Faced with Magid's stupid answer, Andrei Uvarov was not angry, and just finished his words slowly.

"Dear Sultan, you don't understand. It was your goats that ate the cotton grown by our farmers, which was originally a gift to His Majesty the Tsar."

Magid frowned. He did not expect that the Russian envoy, who was always stupid, would be replaced, and he did not expect that this kind of cotton near the Black Sea could be related to the Tsar.

"Well, in addition to the previous compensation, I will also personally select a gift for His Majesty the Tsar to send to St. Petersburg. What do you think?"

Magid had already given the other party enough face, but he still kept a cautious eye. He did not say what the so-called gift was.

Although it is a big picture, generally speaking, diplomats from other countries can only choose to shut up at this time.

However, Andrei Uvarov was the Russian special envoy. He did not ask what the so-called gift was, but he did not intend to let the other party go.

"Dear Sultan, the great Tsar Nicholas I once said that he was a loving father to the 30 million peasants in Russia. The gift from a son to his father cannot be replaced by any treasure. I hope you can understand this. .”

Magid was almost speechless. He didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, so he had no choice but to say resignedly.

"What do you mean?"

“It’s not my intention, but His Majesty the Great Tsar proposed that if you cannot manage the sheep on your land, we in the Russian Empire are willing to do it for you.

His generous Tsar Majesty can help you manage the country, and after we take over the province of Kars, we will pay you taxes based on the average tax for the past ten years."

Andrei Uvarov spoke slowly, but Magid was sweating.

The so-called Kars Province, located near the Black Sea and bordering the Russian and Persian empires, was an important buffer zone on the Ottoman Empire's eastern frontier.

The Kars Province at that time actually included the modern Turkish provinces of Altay, Adarkhan, Kars, and the southwestern region of Georgia, with a total area of ​​approximately 21,000 square kilometers.

(Slightly smaller than the area of ​​23,000 square kilometers of the Lombardy Province in the Northern Italian region of the Austrian Empire)

Magid cannot accept this kind of thing. He does not want to cede land and pay compensation like his ancestors. What's more, Russia is a greedy beast with an endless appetite. A moment of weakness will only lead to endless bullying.

But Magid knew very well that his army of half a million people was simply unable to stop this powerful enemy. He needed allies. Although the British gave the Ottoman Empire a lot of help, they often asked for more. This approach was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Although the French have been showing goodwill to the Ottoman Empire, without the Turkish-Egyptian War, Magid's father would not have died, and the country would not have declined to this point, and the culprit of all this was the French.

The most important thing is that the French have never been soft when it comes to grabbing territory. A large area of ​​Algeria that once belonged to the Ottoman Empire is being ravaged by their iron hoof.

In fact, the French massacre of local Arabs and religions has aroused dissatisfaction on the Ottoman side, but they did not dare to express it due to national strength.

As for the Austrians, although they have little interest in the territory and market of the Ottoman Empire on the surface, they are allies of the Russians after all, and they cannot gain the trust of Megid.

Moreover, the Austrians attacked the Egyptian navy and captured Ottoman ships among the warships, but they refused to return them, even if the United Kingdom came forward.

Coupled with the fact that the Ottoman Empire besieged Vienna twice in history, the feud between the two sides had long been forged.

Although Magid could not think of a way for the time being, he would not directly agree to such a treaty that would be humiliating and humiliating the country. It's still the old method of "dragging". Magid feels that the great powers definitely don't want to see Russia dominate the Near East, and they will definitely intervene to mediate.

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