To be honest, the relationship between Hungarian senior officials and the Rothschild family is good, but the Hungarians don't know this, let alone the sentries who randomly set up checkpoints on the border.

Anselm's bodyguard, Boris Vincent, thought that he could scare him by mentioning the name of the Rothschild family.

It turned out that these sentries were all Great Hungarians who had been brainwashed by Kossuth. Not to mention Jewish financiers, even if the emperor of Austria was here, they would peel off their skins.

"Bah! How dare you order me, Jewish lackey?" The Hungarian sentry couldn't help but became furious after hearing Boris's introduction.

"I won't talk to you, so call your commander out. Can't I cure you?" Boris Vincent's bossy look would even make people suspect that he is Anselm Rothschild.

This is actually quite normal, a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, not to mention the bodyguard of "His Majesty the King's" son.

In fact, this Boris Vincent was very experienced, and he immediately pinched the opponent's pulse, because this level was privately set up. If this matter is really pursued, these sentinels will be miserable.

But he overlooked one problem, that is, this is not a city, but a wilderness. Even if there are pedestrians on the road, no one dares to care about the military affairs.

The leader of the sentry on the side put down half the sweet potato in his hand, picked up a stick and walked towards Boris Vincent.

"Who are you going to kill?" the sentry leader said angrily, and at the same time he picked up the stick in his hand and stabbed the bodyguard in the stomach. This time, he didn't hold back. If he was hit, he would have to break a few ribs.

How could someone who might be appreciated by the Rothschild family be a loser? I saw Boris giving in, grabbing, and twisting his backhand to subdue the arrogant sentry leader.

But before he could be proud, he was hit on the back of the head with a stick and blood started to flow.

Boris was beaten and staggered forward a few steps, then turned around and punched the sentry who sneaked up on him in the face. The latter flew backwards, and when he struggled to get up, he was stepped on by the former in the chest.

Boris took out a pistol from his body, pointed at the sentry at his feet and said.

"Get out of here, or I'll kill you now!"

Then a gunshot was heard, and the white village shirt under Boris's vest turned bright red.

The three sentries then stabbed the corpse dozens of times. The coachman and Anselm next to him were frightened. Murder was no stranger to them, but they couldn't help but feel a wave of anger when they saw the tragic death of someone they knew. Nausea.

The three sentries were originally just looking for money, and they were killed out of urgency. Even if you kill all the people in the car and take away the property, you can just run away.

But they were afraid of having a bad conscience, so they arrested Anselm and the coachman and sent them to the gendarmerie on charges of smuggling goods and committing murder with a gun.

These three people were not punished after they returned. Instead, they were rewarded. After all, no "fat sheep" had been turned in since the implementation of this law.

When Anselm saw the bodyguard being killed, he took it for granted that the matter was not that simple, but his ability to adapt to changes was really not very good.

In the end, he was sent to prison like a piece of wood. The coachman was beaten half to death because he lied about being a Magyar.

Originally, if the matter ended here, it would not cause any big problems. Just return Anselm and deal with some of the people who need to be dealt with, and that should be the end of it.

But by chance, Anselm met a great Magyarist, who was not afraid of the reputation of the Rothschild family.

On the contrary, he thought it was a good opportunity - a good opportunity to show the world the strength of the Magyar people.

So Anselm was tied to a cross and poked in the center of the road. A sign hung around his neck said - "You must pay taxes according to law when you pass the card. My name is Anselm Rothschild and I am a Jew. A lackey of the Austrians."

(Although Anselm Rothschild was Jewish, he had the status of an Austrian noble.)

The news soon spread to Buda and Pest. Although the Hungarian leaders wanted to send Anselm back, they were opposed by the Magyarists.

Because the latter felt that the local magistrate had done the right thing, and anyone who violated the law in Hungary needed to be dealt with in the Hungarian way, and neither Austrians nor Jews should be exceptions.

The former was forced to order commendations for the sentries and officials who arrested Anselm, which greatly stimulated the Magyarists.

A group of literati and historians under Kossuth told the old story again. The Magyars are the descendants of the Huns. Among the Huns, only slaves were engaged in production. The real warriors should rob and rape.

As a result, many ordinary people have been infected by this emotion and joined the army of "slaughtering fat sheep".

However, the three commended sentinels suddenly disappeared. This was not an assassination or conspiracy, but that these people felt danger.

Matthew and Dan were originally serfs of a certain landowner. When the "Horse Bandits" broke out in Hungary, the landlord "unfortunately" died.

Matthew, Dan and other serfs rushed into the master's house and burned all the contracts, documents and other paper items they could find.

But in the end they became someone else's serfs, and the new master was even more vicious. The two of them couldn't bear it and ran away to join the temporarily established Magyar People's Army.

The two of them never expected that the person they "randomly" caught would cause an uproar.

When Solomon Rothschild learned about this, his lungs almost exploded with anger. He was angry not because of the audacity of the Hungarians, but because of the stupidity and arrogance of his eldest son.

He knew that the land route from Hungary to Austria was difficult and unsafe because of the many checkpoints, but he insisted on going and only brought one bodyguard with him.

That Boris was also a fool and deserved to die in Hungary.

But this is a good thing for Solomon, after all, both Austria and Hungary are wooing him.

Anselm also went there to discuss business this time. Hungary wanted to develop its own industry, but it had neither technology nor money, and the Rothschild family happened to have both.

Moreover, because Solomon suffered repeated defeats on the Austrian side, he planned to "switch to another Ming emperor." So the two parties connected easily with the help of the broker.

From Anselm's experience, he knew that the negotiations must have broken down.

However, in Solomon's opinion, it would be good to exchange a useless life for a certificate of nomination to reconcile with Austria.

Solomon found Metternich as an old friend, who was shocked by the former's tired old age.

But the European Prime Minister is a European Prime Minister after all. He has seen too many people and things, and too many conspiracies and tricks. How can he be fooled by mere tricks.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, Anselm was captured by the Magyars and they insulted him. In order that my family will never suffer such humiliation in the future, I am willing to serve the empire."

Solomon spoke sincerely, but Metternich knew that he was talking about business. The latter did not like the former, but Austria did need money at this time.

"Don't worry, old friend. Anselm will be fine. We are doing our best to solve this matter. In addition, the royal family is planning to open a new batch of factories in Bohemia. I wonder if you are interested?"

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